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    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
    *hugs for insomnia*
    I have to opposite problem. I sleep too much. (But can't right now because I'm overly busy, and it shows on my face. I have dark circles under my eyes. Ahhh! I'm tired, where is my bed?!)

    That dress is beautiful! It's been so long since I bought any clothes. Hmmm... I need some new winter-y stuff. I realized last week I had only one glove instead of a pair. Really. How did I do that?
    *hugs you back*
    I flit between the two extremes and I too sport attractive dark circles

    You couldn't be anaemic(sp?) could you?

    *encourages you to buy new clothes*

    I bought some shorts the other day too Don't ask me what I was thinking buying shorts in November You need to get gloves that clip together so you never lose one I have about five pairs of gloves I've no idea how I acquired them either because they're not all mine
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      Love the dress and the color. Great pick.

      And I have insomnia right now too. I feel asleep for about and 1 1/2 hours early last night and now I can't seem to get back to sleep. Not fair....and I never remember my dreams anymore. I'm told everyone has them, but I'll be damned if I can remember any of them. Maybe once a year I'll remember one....maybe!


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Love the dress and the color. Great pick.

        And I have insomnia right now too. I feel asleep for about and 1 1/2 hours early last night and now I can't seem to get back to sleep. Not fair....and I never remember my dreams anymore. I'm told everyone has them, but I'll be damned if I can remember any of them. Maybe once a year I'll remember one....maybe!
        Thanks Oh... and sort of on this topic... does anyone know an online store for pretty shoes (UK)?

        Heck, there's an insomnia outbreak *hugs you* Maybe it's something to do with November

        Re: dreaming - I'm pretty sure if you're only getting an hour or so sleep you don't even enter R.E.M sleep (which is the dreaming bit)... so maybe when you're sleeping improves you'll get some dreams/remember them?
        ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Love the dress and the color. Great pick.

          And I have insomnia right now too. I feel asleep for about and 1 1/2 hours early last night and now I can't seem to get back to sleep. Not fair....and I never remember my dreams anymore. I'm told everyone has them, but I'll be damned if I can remember any of them. Maybe once a year I'll remember one....maybe!
          Thanks Oh... and sort of on this topic... does anyone know an online store for pretty shoes (UK)?

          Heck, there's an insomnia outbreak *hugs you* Maybe it's something to do with November

          Re: dreaming - I'm pretty sure if you're only getting an hour or so sleep you don't even enter R.E.M sleep (which is the dreaming bit)... so maybe when you're sleeping improves you'll get some dreams/remember them?
          ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


            Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
            Thanks Oh... and sort of on this topic... does anyone know an online store for pretty shoes (UK)?

            Heck, there's an insomnia outbreak *hugs you* Maybe it's something to do with November

            Re: dreaming - I'm pretty sure if you're only getting an hour or so sleep you don't even enter R.E.M sleep (which is the dreaming bit)... so maybe when you're sleeping improves you'll get some dreams/remember them?
            You repeated yourself! I don't always get just an hour or so. Many nights I sleep for 6 to 7 hours although I do get up at least once every night to go to the lu.....but there should still be enough sleep in there for a dream or two. I can always tell if it will be a good night. If I fall asleep within about 15 to 20 minutes, I'll sleep straight through...but if I'm still awake after being in bed for over an hour....going to be a bad night. Never use to be that way....maybe part of aging, I really don't know.


              Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
              You couldn't be anaemic(sp?) could you?
              Hm I don't think so.
              But then again, I never go to the Doctor, so who knows?

              *encourages you to buy new clothes*

              I bought some shorts the other day too Don't ask me what I was thinking buying shorts in November You need to get gloves that clip together so you never lose one I have about five pairs of gloves I've no idea how I acquired them either because they're not all mine
              Shorts? Really? And I'm afraid if I get gloves like that, I'll end up losing them both.

              *hugs Laurie* I hope you can sleep again soon.
              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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                Originally posted by llp View Post
                You repeated yourself! I don't always get just an hour or so. Many nights I sleep for 6 to 7 hours although I do get up at least once every night to go to the lu.....but there should still be enough sleep in there for a dream or two. I can always tell if it will be a good night. If I fall asleep within about 15 to 20 minutes, I'll sleep straight through...but if I'm still awake after being in bed for over an hour....going to be a bad night. Never use to be that way....maybe part of aging, I really don't know.
                I only posted once but it appeared twice was hoping it was only me that could see that
                Hmmm yeah plenty enough sleep for dreaming if you get 6/7hrs *ponders*
                Do you try getting up and doing something then going back to bed again? Although, I don't know why I'm offering this as advice it's never worked for me hopefully it's just a bad spell

                I don't think it's age related... at least I hope not or I'm gonna be majorly $crewed when I'm older
                ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                  *huggles all insomniacs*

                  I have issues with sleeping as well...already since I was a small I'll deal with it. I know when I was in the hospital in February I didn't get a proper night of sleep at all. Almost no R.E.M sleep.

                  For me it also has to do with the time I go to bed. Surprisingly if I go to bed around midnight/1 AM I sleep perfectly...if I go earlier I lay awake the entire night.

                  And the color under my eyes...well...I don't know any better. Make-up helps a lot

                  Oh and for me the best way to fall asleep is to think, step by step, how my day was...I never make it to the end of the day... Counting sheep and thinking of nothing never worked for me

                  Amy that is a gorgeous dress! I love it!


                    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                    Hm I don't think so.
                    But then again, I never go to the Doctor, so who knows?

                    Shorts? Really? And I'm afraid if I get gloves like that, I'll end up losing them both.

                    *hugs Laurie* I hope you can sleep again soon.
                    I'd suggest going to your doc. and getting your iron levels checked. Just a quick blood test

                    Yup. Shorts. In fairness though I don't really leave the house and I wear them with 300 denier tights (because that makes shorts in winter okay??)

                    Hmmm maybe I could send you one of my many pairs of gloves
                    OOoo or you could get those ones you had to wear as a kid with the string that winds up your sleeves and round the back of your coat??

                    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      *huggles all insomniacs*

                      I have issues with sleeping as well...already since I was a small I'll deal with it. I know when I was in the hospital in February I didn't get a proper night of sleep at all. Almost no R.E.M sleep.

                      For me it also has to do with the time I go to bed. Surprisingly if I go to bed around midnight/1 AM I sleep perfectly...if I go earlier I lay awake the entire night.

                      And the color under my eyes...well...I don't know any better. Make-up helps a lot

                      Oh and for me the best way to fall asleep is to think, step by step, how my day was...I never make it to the end of the day... Counting sheep and thinking of nothing never worked for me

                      Amy that is a gorgeous dress! I love it!
                      hospitals plus sleeping = never gonna happen! I hope it was nothing serious you were in for?

                      Hmm, I should prob wear more make-up I can just never be bothered with it

                      And thanks re: dress
                      ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                        Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                        hospitals plus sleeping = never gonna happen! I hope it was nothing serious you were in for?
                        Errr started out with appendicitis ended up with a abcess that had to be removed (went in there twice because of freak accident after first surgery). But I'm okay now!

                        Hmm, I should prob wear more make-up I can just never be bothered with it
                        I can be sometimes...depends on what time I get up and if I have time in general


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          Errr started out with appendicitis ended up with a abcess that had to be removed (went in there twice because of freak accident after first surgery). But I'm okay now!
                          Well I understand about appendicitis, but unlucky ending up with an abcess too did the surgeon mess up? I had keyhole for my appendix out which I assume's less risky then being opened up?
                          ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                            Beautiful dress, Amy.

                            Add me to the insomniacs. Though mine doesn't count as true insomnia. Just working nights throws off my body clock. I'm like a vampire. Or a Lion.

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                              Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                              Well I understand about appendicitis, but unlucky ending up with an abcess too did the surgeon mess up? I had keyhole for my appendix out which I assume's less risky then being opened up?
                              It was the less invasive surgery they did(no cutting me open...but something went wrong...long story short, not a mistake from the surgeon. Just a freak accident.
                              But it ended with opening me up entirely and all... If you go back to February's posts in here I told the gory details


                                Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                                hospitals plus sleeping = never gonna happen! I hope it was nothing serious you were in for?

                                Hmm, I should prob wear more make-up I can just never be bothered with it

                                And thanks re: dress
                                Actually, the last time I was in the hospital --- no make that the time before last --- I slept really well. But then they had me on so many drugs, it was harder to stay awake.

