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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
    ''Tapping Brad Wright''
    Oh, nad.i did not need that visual.and jeez u guys are the time it took me 2 make one post like 6 more showed up.


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Which you have now had, so it's time for that test
      I've actually only had one so far. It was only 3:30pm. Will likely have another nip later. It's good stuff.

      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

      I saw that pic of the house guest gift...
      Yeah, and no one wants to hear me sing Karaoke in my current watery state. Or maybe they do... I dunno!

      The fic I just finished is huge for a one-shot. And very pr0ny. Back to the beta and hopefully ready for publication in a couple of days.

      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


        It's nearly 2a.m here in S.A and I need to be up in 4 hrs,so Woodnite woohoos.


          Evening Woohoos.

          *huggles MOB some more. I'd be very surprised if you weren't a lot upset at the loss of your lovely puss. he was gorgeous.
          I've seen that Rainbow Bridge poem set to music in a video. You can see it here (hankie warning):

          *squishy huggles*

          Oh I do so love my family. Or rather Charles' family who, as of this moment, I am tempted to disown. Well one of them anyway. The rest are great. One though... well one needs a good slap and to wake up and smell the bed of roses her cushy little life is made out of.
          Families eh!

          Stay safe and warm all, especially those experiencing rotten weather.

          *huggles Woohoos*


            *walks into the thread*

            Wood Morning, woohoos *huggles everyone*

            *spies karaoke* I'm with MoB...definitely need a drink or two before attempting 10am too early to have a drink? It's past 12 somewhere in the world, right?

            Meanwhile, is it actually raining everywhere in the world?

            And does my sekrit santa love me?


              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              *walks into the thread*

              Wood Morning, woohoos *huggles everyone*

              *spies karaoke* I'm with MoB...definitely need a drink or two before attempting 10am too early to have a drink? It's past 12 somewhere in the world, right?

              Meanwhile, is it actually raining everywhere in the world?
              No rain here, can't even complain that it's too cold anymore

              And does my sekrit santa love me?
              More to the point, do you love your Sekrit Santa?


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Evening Woohoos.

                1. *huggles MOB some more. I'd be very surprised if you weren't a lot upset at the loss of your lovely puss. he was gorgeous.
                I've seen that Rainbow Bridge poem set to music in a video. You can see it here (hankie warning):

                *squishy huggles*

                2. Oh I do so love my family. Or rather Charles' family who, as of this moment, I am tempted to disown. Well one of them anyway. The rest are great. One though... well one needs a good slap and to wake up and smell the bed of roses her cushy little life is made out of.
                Families eh!

                3. Stay safe and warm all, especially those experiencing rotten weather.

                *huggles Woohoos*
                1. Thanks Cags. I'm going to have to wait on the rainbow bridge song for a few days.

                2. Families. Yeah. Love 'em, hate 'em. We're stuck with them!

                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                1. *spies karaoke* I'm with MoB...definitely need a drink or two before attempting 10am too early to have a drink? 2. It's past 12 somewhere in the world, right?
                Must be a singer thing. and re #2 Andi and I were saying 'it's gotta be after 5 somewhere' Is noon an Aussie thing or a Woohoo thing?

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Hmm, good question...maybe it's a Bekki can't be a woohoo thing, because it's every time somewhere on the thread It's morning here...nearly it...night in US land? Wee hours of the morning in UK land?

                  Hahah, there is a flood warning for everywhere in my state...yaaaaay!!!

                  And I do love my sekrit santa, I do, I do!


                    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                    Hmm, good question...maybe it's a Bekki can't be a woohoo thing, because it's every time somewhere on the thread It's morning here...nearly it...night in US land? Wee hours of the morning in UK land?

                    Hahah, there is a flood warning for everywhere in my state...yaaaaay!!!

                    And I do love my sekrit santa, I do, I do!
                    It's almost 9pm here in NYC, and still snowing like crazy.

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      My neighbour's new boyfriend came round the other evening, handed me a Christmas card and stood around chatting about nothing in particular for 5 minutes or so........... it was obvious he wanted to say something, so in the end I gave him my 'I know you're after something' look, and he said they were having trouble with their internet connection and they wanted to use the Xbox, but blah blah blah......... so I cut him off with "Wood you like me to give you the code for mine?" Yep, that's what he was after
                      ROFL I don't quite see myself doing that. The neighbors aren't *that* close so I don't think the internet will get any better with a password. buuuuuuut that all doesn't matter now, since I got my internet back! Woohoo!

                      Had a good day without though; enjoyed the snow, went to the shooting range, we made lasagna and in the evening played one of the new Wii games B's husband got!


                        Ok,I have a newbie question.How in the world do I set an avatar?I've tried the 'Edit Avatar' option in my controls but I keep getting the message that I do not have access to that option.At first I thought I just needed to give it time but I've seen other probies with avatars and sigs.Please help oh wizened woohoos.


                          Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
                          Ok,I have a newbie question.How in the world do I set an avatar?I've tried the 'Edit Avatar' option in my controls but I keep getting the message that I do not have access to that option.At first I thought I just needed to give it time but I've seen other probies with avatars and sigs.Please help oh wizened woohoos.
                          You can't have an avatar or sig while you're on probie status and your posts are moderated (not to be confused with the Probie rank that you have under your name). After you've spend enough time posting and proving that you're not a spammer the system will let you off the hook and you can post freely, add avis & sigs, edit your posts etc. Check more about it here



                              Biggie in an apron *gigglesnorts and dies*
                              Last edited by jasminaGo; 27 December 2010, 02:01 AM.


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Well yes, but she's only been here for a few days....... we have yet to ascertain whether she's really genuine or (shock horror ) a PTB in disguise She'll only become an official WooHoo when she's got through all the trick questions

                                We do seem to get a lot of extra guests during our little celebrations don't we? Can't think why, it's not like we're all getting drunk and handing out cupcakes....... or anything..........

                                ''The Sekrit Pages'' I don't think I''ve been told that yet and I've been posting for a long time!

