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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I want Martin's shorts.


    *looks around*

    Did I just say that out loud?

    *runz away*


      I've decided that when left alone to my own vises, I talk too much!

      I'm thing I'll go eat a brownie or something!

      Then everything will be happy and full of pretty colors!


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Hmmmm! wonders what goes on here behind the scenes to get so many guests interested in watching!

        Ah Jumble, if it weren't that simple. I was "my fault" that Mom didn't go up for Xmas on her last one....I was healing from some surgery and had a complication....I told her to go but she wanted to be with me just in case. So she never got to see her Grandson.

        Although it hasn't officially been brought up, it has been skirted around the edges a little always making me feel like a #@%@$@# for not pushing her to go up there. She never got to see him again. My brother flew down after I told him she was a lot worse than he thought, but my s-i-l was a little ill and my nephew was in the middle of the police academy and it would be about anohter 3 weeks before he could get away. She never made it that long. So taking off anything just brings up hard feelings, something I can do without. Maybe I should move to another country and then I wouldn't have to deal with this.....I really don't enjoy Xmas very much anymore!
        As for visiting at other times......not so much!
        That was not your fault! You told her to go, she chose not to. That was her decision and you can't keep blaming yourself for it The past is the past, and you have to let it go. If other people have hard feelings about it, that's really their problem, and you mustn't allow them to make it feel like it's yours. By spending every Christmas in a situation you don't enjoy you are being unfair and untrue to yourself. It's hard, I know that, but you really owe it to yourself to stop allowing other people to put you into a situation that makes you unhappy.

        *squishy huggles*


          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          I want Martin's shorts.


          *looks around*

          Did I just say that out loud?

          *runz away*

          At least I only stole his shirt........

          Originally posted by llp View Post
          I've decided that when left alone to my own vises, I talk too much!

          I'm thing I'll go eat a brownie or something!

          Then everything will be happy and full of pretty colors!
          Whatever works for you..........


            *squishy hugs 9 guests*

            *squishy hugs Woohoos*

            *squishy hugs Joe*


              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              I call this series...The Martin...

              *steals Martin*

              Aaaaaaaaaah! The eyes........ the beard............


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              *squishy hugs 9 guests*

              *squishy hugs Woohoos*

              *squishy hugs Joe*
              Something tells me LJ has been at the broccoli...........

              Edit: 10 minutes to Sanctuary!!!!!!


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                At least I only stole his shirt........

                Whatever works for you..........
                Now wait a second, he was bought and paid for.... ah I mean his shirt. Opps! His shirt....we won that on a bid....honest!

                (wonders if we could bid on his shorts at TSE #2)

                NOW GO WATCH EPISODE 310! QUICKLY....scoote!



                  Originally posted by llp View Post

                  Now wait a second, he was bought and paid for.... ah I mean his shirt. Opps! His shirt....we won that on a bid....honest!
                  I know, and you then so generously gave it to me

                  (wonders if we could bid on his shorts at TSE #2)
                  See, I thought that was a bit of an omission on your part............ he did take his shorts off, so you could have asked for those instead of the shirt

                  NOW GO WATCH EPISODE 310! QUICKLY....scoote!

                  I'm going, I'm GOING!!!!!


                    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Tesla!!!!

                    *runz away*


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tesla!!!!

                      *runz away*


                        Here is some snacks to keep you between the damn commercials as you wait to see......(I won't tell)!


                        A little holiday faire!

                        In honor of the "Shoe Contest" that we are (still) waiting the results for.

                        Some party drinks

                        In reference.....oh your find out soon enough!

                        So enjoy the food....while I go get me some! And enjoy #310!


                          *huggles Laurie*

                          *adores Sarai's The Martin* (even if I can only see The Hands and The Tools )


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            I want Martin's shorts.


                            *looks around*

                            Did I just say that out loud?

                            *runz away*
                            Yes, yes you did.

                            *comforts Joe*


                              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                              Yes, yes you did.

                              *comforts Joe*
                              *feelz terrible*

                              But...I want ALL of Joe, not just his clothing!



                              *runz away again*


                                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                                *huggles Laurie*

                                *adores Sarai's The Martin* (even if I can only see The Hands and The Tools )
                                How come? And thanks

