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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Jumble, you've been hiding his razor again? hahaha
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Thanks jumble!

      (I don't care which look it is, though. I LOVE it )
      Me too

      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

      Jumble, you've been hiding his razor again? hahaha
      Yep! He's not getting it back until I see a properly bearded Martin on the S3 DVD special features

      And maybe not even then.............

      Time I went to bed. WoodNight WooHoos *hugs*


        On my phone, so can't multiquote, and I'm sure I missed much, but Oma come to the dark side! We have cookies and can always use more amazing women! And you live in a country where midwifery is a mainstream profession! Here in the US, we are still fighting to find our footing in an extraordinarily paternalistic medical culture.

        I'm meeting Andi for dinner (Thai, nom!) and then we are seeing KT Tunstall at Terminal 5. Yay! I'm sure we will do an obligatory self-portrait.

        *big woohoo huggles*

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          *runs around nekkid*

          No time to chat/catch up or anything...busy busy busy!

          *runs out*


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Well that's good that she'll make some extra cash, and nice that you get to work together, huh?

            No news about the other job?
            No news yet. The first interview she went on was over a month ago but it's for a security company so he said the wait wood be long since they are doing extensive background checks on all interviewee's. The second interview was only about a week ago and since it's a government job the wheels turn slowly.
            She has another interview tomorrow.
            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            *hugs Bree for work woes*

            Yes I am at home at last exactly 3 hours later than we set off but hey go .

            Thanks so much LJ !! Hmm I wonder what possible inspiration I could find for day 23?!
            Thanks and hugs back.
            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            *runs in*
            I'm so fed up of being cold! It's not good to be this fed up so early in the winter, but I really really am. And we don't even have any snow here so I feel bad complaining when I know so many of the other UK Woohoos are suffering with that, but I HATE BEING COLD I just get that it's all I can think of

            *huggles everyone*
            Glad LJ is feeling better but poobags for unhelpful doctors for Bekki (and fingers crossed for your blood tests) and yay for MOB little namesake and yay for Jann's apartment and hugs for Bree and Char being so busy and hugs for Sarai being stuck and for Jumble being snowed in and hope I haven't missed anyone
            *Hugs Josi for cold*

            this last half hour is the slowest of the day.


              Have a good sleep Jumble.


                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                No news yet. The first interview she went on was over a month ago but it's for a security company so he said the wait wood be long since they are doing extensive background checks on all interviewee's. The second interview was only about a week ago and since it's a government job the wheels turn slowly.
                She has another interview tomorrow.
                Because they can, they take their sweet time about it these days!


                  Morning Woohoos

                  ...actually, it's afternoon, and no, I didn't just wake up...

                  I had the weirdest dream last night, it was great fun!...I'll spoiler it because it's Doctor Who related, and it might not make sense to our non Whovian woohoos

                  I was Amy Pond, but at the same time, I was Rose Tyler. (Oh, should I mentioned that I watched Amy's Choice before going to bed last night?) I was pregnant with the baby from Amy's Choice, but I was being chased by some lady who wanted to steal my baby. I ended up having the wee one, it was a boy. I named him John (after John Smith) but he had special powers. He could talk straight away. But I was still being chased so I had to take John away and hide. For some reason I could fly. I think it's because of the Bad Wolf...thus the me being Rose Tyler and Amy Pond. Well, The Doctor (11) and I hid from the lady who wanted to steal John, and then when she left we were safe. Then Metacrisis Doctor was there too, and I had to choose between the two of them...well, I had to choose whether I was Amy and ohn was Rory's baby and I was travelling with the doctor, or whether I was Rose Tyler, the baby was Meta10's and I was travelling with him. I chose the second one, kissed 11 good bye and ....kiseed Meta10 hello...

                  and then I woke up...

                  the message of this more Doctor Who before bed.

                  I'm going to go sing with my brothers now because we are all in the same house for the first time in AAAAGES and my bro is skillfully playing the piano in the next room....tataaa



                    Just got back from AMAZING KT Tunstall. Wow. Srsly, if you get the chance to see her live GO! That woman can rock.

                    Me (and my big mouth) and Andi at the concert:

                    Waiting for my turn in the shower before turning in. (((WooHoos)))

                    PS- Morning to you Bekki!

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends



                      Got two texts at 7am to tell me the snow is worse everywhere, all the schools are now closed so no children for me today.......... next thing I knew it was 11.15am

                      I hear GW was down again? Wasn't me!

                      Bekki, that's one of the strangest WooHoo dreams so far


                        Posting for Bekki, because I'm sure she must be asleep by now......


                          thanks Jumblie! Only just got home from work actually :-) And I'm off to work again in 8 hours, so I'd best get to sleep

                          Woodnight Woohoos xoxoxoxoxo


                            WoodNight Bekki, sweet dreams


                              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                              On my phone, so can't multiquote, and I'm sure I missed much, but Oma come to the dark side! We have cookies and can always use more amazing women! And you live in a country where midwifery is a mainstream profession! Here in the US, we are still fighting to find our footing in an extraordinarily paternalistic medical culture.

                              I'm meeting Andi for dinner (Thai, nom!) and then we are seeing KT Tunstall at Terminal 5. Yay! I'm sure we will do an obligatory self-portrait.

                              *big woohoo huggles*
                              It's in my 10 year plan

                              Glad you had fun at the concert!

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post

                              Got two texts at 7am to tell me the snow is worse everywhere, all the schools are now closed so no children for me today.......... next thing I knew it was 11.15am

                              I hear GW was down again? Wasn't me!
                              There goes Jumble again, denying all responsibility

                              Bekki, that's one of the strangest WooHoo dreams so far
                              I thought it'd make a pretty good ep actually.....then I realised it's the strange eps that are the most interesting

                              *g'night huggles Bekki*


                                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                                It's in my 10 year plan

                                Glad you had fun at the concert!
                                You'd make a brilliant midwife Oma

                                There goes Jumble again, denying all responsibility

                                I refuse to take responsibility for anything that happens whilst I am asleep

                                Got any snow down your way yet?

