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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Night Jumble....hope you have some awesome dreams.


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      When we went down to Oma's last August I was devastated to find, halfway there, that I'd forgotten to put Michael's ring back on my finger after my shower. I couldn't believe that I'd gone several hours without even realising it wasn't there. My first instinct was to turn the car around and go back for it. I felt..... guilty.... as if I'd forgotten him, left him behind But I hadn't. He was still there in my heart, and the ring was still there when I got home. Physical things are nice to have, nice to hold onto, but it's the love in our hearts and our memories of our loved ones that really matter. We can never leave those behind, and no-one can ever take them from us

      Oh so very true.

      Who'd have thought, after all that has happened, you'd be the one telling me this. Life can be so peculiar sometimes.

      Woodnight Jumble. I too am going to sleep off the Merlot.

      *squishy huggles woohoos everywhere*

      Woodnight. xx


        And goodnight to you Cags....I think getting that car for a weekend is very expensive and you deserve it both do. Every once in while you just have to let loose and do something out of your norm. You need it. We all need things like this.

        YEAH CAGS!


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          We're quite a way apart, about 5 hours, and it seems the snow has completely missed the Southwest

          Cags has only had a smattering too. So yes, it seems there's a little pocket in the middle of England that has missed it altogether. I've got over a foot of the stuff and it's set to freeze tonight.

          Anyone for ice-skating?
          ME! Do I have to know how?


            Time for work. Bleh.


              *huggles Cags*

              G'night Jumble, even though you are probably asleep already!

              *huggles LJ for work*


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                I know. I'm just fed up with it now. It gets me at such random moments. I'm feeling a bit pathetic. You know I still haven't thrown his toothbrush out? Yeah. How daft am I? He's been dead over a month and it's not like he got much use out of it with half of his teeth being bloody false and the other half filled to within an inch of their lives. What a completely random thing to not be able to let go of.

                But never mind me and my little pity party. Please continue with the awesome picspam. If nothing else I can snurch some for the SS pressies I have yet to make.
                Cags...that is not a "pity party". Your emotions are still raw and will be that way for a long time. Don't try to deal with it or suppress it. Let it happen. As time goes by there will be more time in between these events. But to be honest, it will never totally go away. He was and will always be a part of your life. You don't want to cut it out or forget him. Just be grateful you had him in your life and because of that you had a wonderful child. Cherish that thought! And remember, we are always here to give you a *special huggle* when you need one. That's what we Woohoos do!


                  Well, I am going to open a bottle of wine (which I blame totally on Jumble since I quit drinking wine about 20 years ago and now I am making up for lost time) , then heat up the Chinese food I brought home and find those podcasts!


                    morning, woohoos Just got in from morning Christmas carolling in the city I get the BEST jobs sometimes

                    You ladies make me giggle much too much!!! Mars Bars? 1 1/2 inches? Oh good grief! So much giggletum! I suppose it's fitting that it NEVER snows here? hehehe....

                    Epic win for Cags's car! I think that's a great idea!

                    *huggles Cags*

                    *huggles Joe*

                    Oooh, I bought the copy of sanctuary season 2 that my bro and I are giving each other for Christmas! So excited I can finally catch up!!! (I also bought season 1 of Secret Diary of a Call girl, mostly because I am suffering from Doctor Who/Billie Piper withdrawals...must get my hands on David Tennant's Casinova...although...that might be a bad idea )

                    Anyway - must listen to podcast...will it be extra-ordinarily confusing if I've seen neither season 2 nor 3?

                    *huggles everyone*



                      Leave for a few hours and missed a whole interesting discussion.

                      *giant squishy huggles Cags*

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

                        Leave for a few hours and missed a whole interesting discussion.

                        *giant squishy huggles Cags*
                        You did! Buuuuuuuuut I missed it too! Although I got blamed for it


                          *points* Jann's fault!


                            It's so quiet on the thread....and my neighbor was over until about 30 mins ago and brought with her 2 bottles of wine to try. I had to help and I am feeling no pain. You can't tell it by this email, but it took me ten minutes to type it!

                            Oops...this isn't and email....this whatever the hell it is ! oh yeah this POST!!!


                              Hey, hello Jumble and are you both doing?


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Night Jumble....hope you have some awesome dreams.
                                As it happens........ can you believe I dreamt I was directing the podcommentary for Bank Job? How do you direct three overgrown kids who refuse to do as they're told? With great difficulty

                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                Oh so very true.

                                Who'd have thought, after all that has happened, you'd be the one telling me this. Life can be so peculiar sometimes.
                                Just handing back some of your good advice

                                Woodnight Jumble. I too am going to sleep off the Merlot.

                                *squishy huggles woohoos everywhere*

                                Woodnight. xx
                                Hope you slept well

                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                ME! Do I have to know how?
                                I guess it might help, but since I've never done it either we could just lean on each other

                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Well, I am going to open a bottle of wine (which I blame totally on Jumble since I quit drinking wine about 20 years ago and now I am making up for lost time) , then heat up the Chinese food I brought home and find those podcasts!
                                At what point are you going to stop 'blaming' me and start thanking me for re-introducing you to something that you so obviously enjoy?

                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                morning, woohoos Just got in from morning Christmas carolling in the city I get the BEST jobs sometimes

                                You ladies make me giggle much too much!!! Mars Bars? 1 1/2 inches? Oh good grief! So much giggletum! I suppose it's fitting that it NEVER snows here? hehehe....
                                Giggletum? Love it

                                Epic win for Cags's car! I think that's a great idea!

                                *huggles Cags*

                                *huggles Joe*

                                Oooh, I bought the copy of sanctuary season 2 that my bro and I are giving each other for Christmas! So excited I can finally catch up!!! (I also bought season 1 of Secret Diary of a Call girl, mostly because I am suffering from Doctor Who/Billie Piper withdrawals...must get my hands on David Tennant's Casinova...although...that might be a bad idea )

                                Anyway - must listen to podcast...will it be extra-ordinarily confusing if I've seen neither season 2 nor 3?

                                *huggles everyone*
                                No, because they're not actually saying much about the ep, just joking around mostly

                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                It's so quiet on the thread....and my neighbor was over until about 30 mins ago and brought with her 2 bottles of wine to try. I had to help and I am feeling no pain. You can't tell it by this email, but it took me ten minutes to type it!

                                Oops...this isn't and email....this whatever the hell it is ! oh yeah this POST!!!
                                Now I see why you forgot to attach the ...... attachment to the email

                                Edit: You sent it to yourself? CLASSIC!!!!

