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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
    Oh, oh! Ohohoh! I was thinking about those Stargate movies and I figured that they could always combine SG-1 and SGA. That way, I can go and ship Sam with everyone!
    Sam/Major Wood, Sam/Jack and yes, my favorite in SGA...

    *happy dances*
    That could be fun....not all the shipping but a SG1/SGA trying to get Atlantis back to their original planet or something. And the "General" (RDA) can come along for the ride and to be with Sam (AT) who is officially in charge of returning the "ship" to its home then she and SG1 can return back to Earth.....that is unless another movie is made and they have an adventure on their way back!
    Oooooh sounds like a cool movie or two!


      Ah-ha, we're back So, seeing as GW pooped all over the actual Woohoo birthday, I will now say


      It's also my nephew's one month birthday today And tomorrow I have the luxury of a day off work and I'm going to go and visit him

      *huggles for Bree and Char* Really sorry to hear about Char's job, but everyone is right, far better that you had your holiday first. Better to have those fabulous memories And I really hope Char can find something else soon!

      *huggles for everyone else*
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Uh oh! You better run! Grannys can run really fast sometimes if it's really important to them.

        Hmmms is Martin important?
        Is Martin important?

        Nah! He's only a director

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        TeeHee. Officially, jumble is also almost the same age as my mom, who also is her mom and well... WooHoo family relationships are complex...
        Oh please! Like I need any more confusion in my life right now


          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          Ah-ha, we're back So, seeing as GW pooped all over the actual Woohoo birthday, I will now say


          It's also my nephew's one month birthday today And tomorrow I have the luxury of a day off work and I'm going to go and visit him
          Ooooh! Give him lots of WooHoo huggles from us all


            Originally posted by jumble;11978862

            Oh, ok. *reluctantly passes The Quilt back to [B

            We are so going to have to have another TSE to get you your own quilt.

            LISTEN UP EVERYONE.....THIS IS A QUEST! The next TSE (whenever it is) we are going to have to see that Jumble get her very own "QUILT" first worn by Martin (OF COURSE!). She will slowly perish if this doesn't happen (or at least drive me nuts!

            So we must do everything in our powers to (1) have another TSE; (2) see that Jumble goes to it & (3) makes sure she wins the final bid (and the hug, of course) on the "QUILT"!!!


              Originally posted by llp View Post
              We are so going to have to have another TSE to get you your own quilt.

              LISTEN UP EVERYONE.....THIS IS A QUEST! The next TSE (whenever it is) we are going to have to see that Jumble get her very own "QUILT" first worn by Martin (OF COURSE!). She will slowly perish if this doesn't happen (or at least drive me nuts!

              So we must do everything in our powers to (1) have another TSE; (2) see that Jumble goes to it & (3) makes sure she wins the final bid (and the hug, of course) on the "QUILT"!!!

              1. There is definitely going to be another SE

              2. I will definitey be there

              3. Hm. Well I guess if I give up eating and drinking and then sell my soul, I might just about raise enough to bid on that Quilt

              The Hug? I think I might just get that for free

              Although some might say I've already had more than my fair share.....


              Last edited by Jumble; 13 October 2010, 12:32 PM.


                *hugs Josi*

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                *slaps Nad*

                How many times do I have to tell you?

                Treaths of violence.

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                OMG YES I love Sam/Shep. OTP!!!

                Remember the artwork I made for them *sigh* Happy times!
                Happy Times indeed!
                Methinks we need new SamShepShip Artwork...

                Originally posted by llp View Post
                That could be fun....not all the shipping but a SG1/SGA trying to get Atlantis back to their original planet or something. And the "General" (RDA) can come along for the ride and to be with Sam (AT) who is officially in charge of returning the "ship" to its home then she and SG1 can return back to Earth.....that is unless another movie is made and they have an adventure on their way back!
                Oooooh sounds like a cool movie or two!
                Yes it wood!
                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post

                  1. There is definitely going to be another SE

                  2. I will definitey be there

                  3. Hm. Well I guess if I give up eating and drinking and then sell my soul, I might just about raise enough to bid on that Quilt

                  The Hug? I think I might just get that for free

                  Although some might say I've already had more than my fair share.....
                  I so (hopefully) agree with 1 and 2. As for 3, well eating and drinking a "little" less is okay....but you hold on to your are not going to sell it for that or anything. You will need it one day.

                  As for The Hug? and you think you might just get that for free - that's always good!

                  But, my friend, as for "already getting more than your fair share".....absolutely NOT! That is a misconcept put out there by those that have had a lot and don't want to share! Happiness is out there for EVERYONE. You can offer to share, but you can never have too much!

                  This is a QUEST we shall go on together, invite along anyone who wants to join us (even from a far) and we will prevail! It is ours to lose and I don't feel like being a loser, do you? I THINK NOT!


                    *huggles Josi*

                    *runs around nekkid*

                    *has a roommate that looks weird at her now*


                    *flops down on couch*



                      *runz in*
                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      No need to duck. This is probably the only thread on GW where we can still dare to say what we think without being bludgeoned to death by those that disagree

                      *hidez Siler's wrench*

                      *whistles innocently*


                      ...and because I'm luvn this guy much more than that guy right now ^^^^^ (at least this week...)



                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        But......... I wasn't threatening violence, either physically or verbally, nor even in jest!

                        I was simply saying....

                        That's not a threat, it's simply an order a request from 'The Jumbly one who has been hugged by Martin'

                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        I so (hopefully) agree with 1 and 2. As for 3, well eating and drinking a "little" less is okay....but you hold on to your are not going to sell it for that or anything. You will need it one day.

                        As for The Hug? and you think you might just get that for free - that's always good!

                        But, my friend, as for "already getting more than your fair share".....absolutely NOT! That is a misconcept put out there by those that have had a lot and don't want to share! Happiness is out there for EVERYONE. You can offer to share, but you can never have too much!
                        I feel blessed to have had as many hugs as I have, but I'd definitely not say no to a few more

                        This is a QUEST we shall go on together, invite along anyone who wants to join us (even from a far) and we will prevail! It is ours to lose and I don't feel like being a loser, do you? I THINK NOT!
                        Nope, I don't feel like being a loser either! So yes, we'll take on that Quest and see where it takes us

                        I can't believe how tired I am I'm going to have to bail and take myself off to bed before I fall asleep on my keyboard

                        WoodNight *huggles WooHoos*

                        *huggles Martin*


                        I wish!


                          *whistles happily*

                          Did I mention that I thought last night's ep of SGU was brilliantly written?

                          By guess who?

                          That's right. By Joe!

                          Go Joe! Go Joe! It's your birthday (in a few days)! Go Joe! *does a "I love Joe happy dance*



                            Originally posted by jumble
                            WoodNight *huggles WooHoos*
                            Woodnight to you too Jumble....SWEET DREAMS! and a *huggle* just for you!


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              *whistles happily*

                              Did I mention that I thought last night's ep of SGU was brilliantly written?

                              That's right. By Joe!

                              Go Joe! Go Joe! It's your birthday (in a few days)! Go Joe! *does a "I love Joe happy dance*

                              I agree, it was a very well written and interesting story.

                              And now we have lost another character....or have we? Hmmmm
                              Last edited by llp; 13 October 2010, 01:23 PM.


                                *cough* IMG tags *cough*

                                And spoilers, please, for our sweet friends who haven't seen the ep yet, and may want to.

