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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    Well whaddya know, GW must have heard my grumblings on FB and decided to come back for when I got home

    *huggles Nik and seconds what the ever-wise Jumble says*

    I'll believe it when I see it Mind you I did manage to completely miss all the good weather last year by cleverly going somewhere where it was winter

    *huggles* for the logistical problem but yay for a pool! So, pool party at yours this summer then?

    How very exciting!

    I have a squashy chair fold-out-into-a-bed thing. Not sure whether it fits into my car boot but I'll give it a go and bring it if I can. I should be able to bring a duvet & pillows too, just as long as I can leave room for Jumble and Oma and our bags in there too

    Only 2 and a half weeks to go!!! *bounces*
    Just make sure you leave a space for the cool box with the desserts in it
    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    Is GW truly with us again?
    Where've you been? Don't you know Joe is still waiting patiently for that massage????

    Originally posted by Treknik View Post
    Oh, I forgot. What kind of car is that, Jumble? I have never seen that before.
    It's a Renault Modus Just a smaller version of the Grand Scenic that I have at the moment.

    EDIT - I just noticed that each post has its own post count now. Didn't it just show your total posts before?

    EDIT2 - Nevermind, it just updated mine.
    It does that if you make two posts in quick succession

    I know what you mean about the labels But hopefully they'll find that his only problem is his shyness, which is what it sounds like, and maybe find a way to give him more confidence in the school environment


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Just make sure you leave a space for the cool box with the desserts in it
      Oh but of course! That's even more important than sleeping things!
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        *snatches Martin from Jann's evil clutches*

        *pouts* Oh well...he was fun....even for that short period of time!

        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
        Hey GW is back. We were having such a nice conversation on Jumble's FB page.
        *sob* and I missed it!


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Just make sure you leave a space for the cool box with the desserts in it
          Where've you been? Don't you know Joe is still waiting patiently for that massage????
          I was just saying to APA last night...! You know me way too well, Jumble! *waggles eyebrows* And how do you know I haven't been off giving said massage?


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            I was just saying to APA last night...! You know me way too well, Jumble! *waggles eyebrows* And how do you know I haven't been off giving said massage?
            Because I've checked his blog and he hasn't mentioned it........ yet


              Originally posted by Treknik View Post
              Okay, had that nice chat with my son's teacher. Took 45 minutes to tell me my son has social problems. They want him to see a social skills worker (since when do they have those in school?) and if that doesn't work, he needs to be presented to the SST (don't know what that stands for) Committee for suggestions to the teacher and if that doesn't work, he needs to be tested for social disorders. One disorder may be Aspergers, but I don't see it. The boy is shy and doesn't like to talk in groups. He is a very talkative boy at home and with family. The teacher was amazed by the difference in him when she spoke to him in the hallway, with me by his side. He had no problem answering her questions. He doesn't have any problems learning, so what is the big deal?
              My therapist was trying to tell my dad the same thing. (I so don't! Just because I'm shy and smart doesn't mean I have a dissorder!) Saying that I need more social interaction with other kids. Trying to tell him I need to go to a public school. I don't want to. Not at all.
              It would mean less time with my family, my computer and you guys, bullies I would have to deal with, and it's not like being around people would make me any less shy.
              I've decided I don't like her. My normal therapist is better.
              *Hopes he gets home from vacation soon*
              *Huggles woohoos*

              Sorry for my rant guys.


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Cags - "Throws broccoli and Jann" - I'd love to hear Jann's response to that

                Ooops. freudian slip!

                On the pool issue, can't you just return the new pool for a smaller one? Is that a dense question?!
                Not really. It was very very cheap because it was in a clearance sale and, for some reason it's nigh on impossible to get the rigid frame ones in 10 foot size. If we did take it back, we'd pay three times the price for a smaller one even if we could find one. I could always go back to the inflatable ring one and murder any cats that come near it.

                The new car is looking gorgeous Jumble, love the darker colour even more I think!! Been looking for myself this morning, I think perhaps after the summer a loan and a Golf TDI might be in order .
                Oh *sigh* I love Golf TDIs. I was lucky enough to have one as my company car for a few years. Absolutely a joy to drive. Although if I'd kept it much longer I would have had points on my license since I'd be happily crusing along the motorway, glance down and I'd be doing 110mph.
                Definitely go for it.

                EDIT: I can totally help you with not calling him Woody I promise. But not wearing THE shirt ! I mean, you have to think selflessly here, what about the rest of us that wood like to ogle appreciate THE shirt!

                Dear Mr Wood.

                I understand you plan on being part of the cast/crew delegation for the Sanctuary Experience Convention in Vancouver in 128 days.
                I feel it only necessary to pre-warn you that there are a number of attendees booked to go to the convention who, shall we say, have been smoking a tad too much broccoli. One in particular, I would be very wary of. You will recognise her; she will be the one with her mouth open and drool puddling at the floor beneath her. At least I think it's drool.
                I've been asked to remind you NOT to wear the white shirt. You know the one? The one that makes women everywhere smile and, er, well, we'll just leave it at smile shall we. In fact you might do well to wear that delicious little paisley blue number which, I believe, will have a negating effect on your overall charm and gorgeousness and hence go a long way to preventing major injury for passers by slipping on the puddly mess of woohooness that will almost certainly be all that's left of formerly sentient persons.
                Anyway, I'm just asking you nicely. No white shirt please. It would really help, for the sake of all woohoos. After all, we're going to have a hard enough time gluing said woohoo back together after she's shattered into a bazillion pieces of blissfulness on just being on the same continent as you as it is. The white shirt would simply cause a global catastrophe.

                Yours faithfully;

                The Woohoos.

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Sadly not

                Didn't Cags say she was bringing one? Or two?

                Should I bring my sleeping bag?
                I have two double air beds. I can bring both if there's room for both. I don't have a single I'm afraid.

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                It huuuuuuuurts....and you know that Cags is the one who is supposed to pick me up from the she gonna throw me there too?

                And how can she throw me? All those kilos...
                I was intending to kick you all the way from the airport to my house.

                *hugs Amanda* for being bullied...makes me feel bad since I've always been the bully
                Huggles from me too, Amanda. Kids don't realise the long term damage bullying can do and it really should be up to the responsible adults around them to make sure people don't behave like that.

                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                *huggles* for the logistical problem but yay for a pool! So, pool party at yours this summer then?
                Actually, funny you should mention that because we're having a big cocktail party for Charles' 60th birthday. I am hoping the weather is nice and we'll still have the pool up because that would be so much more fun. I've already started planning recipes and putting away the odd bottle for nearer the time.

                Plus there's all that nekkid mighnight swimming we can do again.

                Only 2 and a half weeks to go!!! *bounces*

                Oh my lordy is it really? OK I need to get directions to Sarai's to get a route planned and get someone to feed the cats etc.

                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                Is GW truly with us again?
                Apparently. *shrugs*


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                  Dear Mr Wood.

                  I understand you plan on being part of the cast/crew delegation for the Sanctuary Experience Convention in Vancouver in 128 days.
                  I feel it only necessary to pre-warn you that there are a number of attendees booked to go to the convention who, shall we say, have been smoking a tad too much broccoli. One in particular, I would be very wary of. You will recognise her; she will be the one with her mouth open and drool puddling at the floor beneath her. At least I think it's drool.
                  I've been asked to remind you NOT to wear the white shirt. You know the one? The one that makes women everywhere smile and, er, well, we'll just leave it at smile shall we. In fact you might do well to wear that delicious little paisley blue number which, I believe, will have a negating effect on your overall charm and gorgeousness and hence go a long way to preventing major injury for passers by slipping on the puddly mess of woohooness that will almost certainly be all that's left of formerly sentient persons.
                  Anyway, I'm just asking you nicely. No white shirt please. It would really help, for the sake of all woohoos. After all, we're going to have a hard enough time gluing said woohoo back together after she's shattered into a bazillion pieces of blissfulness on just being on the same continent as you as it is. The white shirt would simply cause a global catastrophe.

                  Yours faithfully;

                  The Woohoos.

                  You just have no faith in me do you? I shall be totally calm, very well-behaved, quietly attentive to every word he says, and absolutely drool-free

                  Unless he wears THE SHIRT or a WHITE SHIRT, in which case Sarai will have one heck of a mess to shovel back onto the plane

                  The Paisley shirt wood definitely go a looooong way to help me stay calm............. as long as I keep my eyes fixed on the shirt and ignore his eyes........... and stuff cotton wool in my ears so I can't hear his voice............

                  Oh dear

                  I have two double air beds. I can bring both if there's room for both. I don't have a single I'm afraid.
                  I'm sure doubles will do just fine, certainly better than the floor

                  Actually, funny you should mention that because we're having a big cocktail party for Charles' 60th birthday. I am hoping the weather is nice and we'll still have the pool up because that would be so much more fun. I've already started planning recipes and putting away the odd bottle for nearer the time.

                  Plus there's all that nekkid mighnight swimming we can do again.
                  So we're all invited then?

                  Oh my lordy is it really? OK I need to get directions to Sarai's to get a route planned and get someone to feed the cats etc.

                  Apparently. *shrugs*
                  Do you have SatNav? That wood be the easiest way to find her


                    and I so wish these two weeks wood be over...I really really *dislike* exams and reports. Need to learn 782 words for German next week...learned 300 so far(trying to learn between 200/300 a day ) and my teacher is insane with wanting our report done before friday...I don't I'm going to get any sleep tonight since we have our last lecture with the teacher tomorrow and we need to show her as much as possible!

                    so if you got a brain spare...please hand it to me

                    Thank you

                    *sniffs on Martins T-shirt and learns further8


                      *passes Jann the German language part of her brain*
                      I've done my degree, don't need it any more
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Oh, here we go, no alerts again

                        Jann, just think! When these two weeks are over you'll be on your way to the Shipmeet!!!

                        Please don't snivel on Martin's shirt

                        Unless of course it's the paisley one, in which case feel free


                          'T is a way of life. *nods*
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            I so can't offer to massage Joe's hand! I'd really get a restraining order then!

                            I'm sorry, Nad. What were you saying about randomness?


                              Y'all better be bringing a webcam to the ship meet! I want to be able to see you all because ya know...I can't go over and meet you. *glares at large pond*

                              Randomness I hearts it.

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                I so can't offer to massage Joe's hand! I'd really get a restraining order then!

                                I'm sorry, Nad. What were you saying about randomness?
                                I don't remember.

                                Massaging Joe's hand?
                                You could offer... And entertain us by telling what happened.

                                EDIT: Jumble, I like Really Not Woody. It's a groovy little thing.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

