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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Oh and Jumble while making those sigs I was listening to my S/J music videos Which I have over 4 hours worth of...and I came across a song and it made me think of you and Martin lol I'll have to find out which one it was in the morning hehe

    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
      Welcome! Really glad you like them!

      What's it like 6 in the morning over there? It's 1 am my time...I guess I better get to bed Night woohoos! *snarches Martin from Jumble and heads off to bed*
      Yes, and I've been awake since 5am. Thanks Martin

      WoodNight, see you later

      Edit: Oh let me know what it was, I'm looking for inspiration for a new vid


        Seen Joe's blog today? Captions are brilliant!

        Oh and..

        Hey, saw Martin Wood on the News Hour today. Seems it was about 41 degrees on their “India” set and only 28 degrees in the real place
        Didn't we always say he was hot?


          New sig

          Last edited by Jumble; 31 July 2009, 01:20 AM.


            Awesome sigs, Amanda and Jumble!!

            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            D'oh! I knew I shouldn't have listened to Jack....

            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Wood Morning Nad

              Oh, I forgot to tell you my dream

              Martin and I were sitting in a room chatting, when he suddenly jumped up and said “We’ve got to get out of here! Run!” So off we ran down these wide corridors with Martin running ahead opening huge doors for us. I’ve no idea where we were, in some kind of facility a bit like the SGC with black and yellow chevron stripes along the walls.

              It was really hot, and I was dripping wet. I was running along, when I saw this other guy holding a little dog () He said to me “Why is he making you run like that? Doesn’t he realise you’re dripping wet?” Martin must have heard him, because he came running back to me, took my shirt off me (), used it to dry me off a bit, and then took off his shirt and put it on me. It was this white shirt

              and that left him just in his black t-shirt (and shorts of course ). Then he grabbed my hand and we started running again.

              I asked him if we could slow down a bit, but he said “No! They’ll catch us if we do!” I have no idea who ‘they’ were, or why they wanted to catch us. Way to make me breathless, Martin

              Some of the doors were split horizontally and had to be opened by sliding them apart, up and down. Others were normal double doors, sliding sideways. I remember thinking how strong he must be to be able to open them one-handed (since he was dragging me along with the other hand), and I was just starting to wonder just how much further we needed to go when I woke up to find my pillows on the floor and the duvet bundled up in a heap around me! That was at around 3am. I wrote this down so I wood remember it later. I needn’t have bothered

              I went back to sleep, and immediately I was running down the endless corridors again, with Martin still pulling me along as before. I was starting to feel panicky, because I didn’t know how much longer I could keep on running (seriously, I’m not that fit ), so it was quite a relief when I woke up again around 3.45am.

              I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up at 5am with this whole dream still frighteningly clear in my head.

              So, any Freuds out there want to try to make sense of that?

              What I find weird is that I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, I remember them in startling detail

              Edit: Oh, and the deal is, you only tease me when the 'Wednesday' sig shows up


                Congrats on 8000 posts Nad!!!! Woohood!!!!!!

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Wood Morning Nad

                Oh, I forgot to tell you my dream

                It was really hot, and I was dripping wet. I was running along, when I saw this other guy holding a little dog () He said to me “Why is he making you run like that? Doesn’t he realise you’re dripping wet?” Martin must have heard him, because he came running back to me, took my shirt off me (), used it to dry me off a bit, and then took off his shirt and put it on me. It was this white shirt

                It's not 'the sig' so I can't tease you, instead I'll just look pointedly at the bold line.



                  ...Did you even put the ''Wednesday sig'' on rotation, jumble?

                  And wow, action packed dream...

                  Hm. You were running away from invisible enemies and Martin was the one to provide you comfort and pull you away from your situation.
                  Closed doors might mean that there's something stopping you from moving on and that someone needs to open them for you, means that you're not planning on changing things yourself anytime soon.

                  ...The nekkidness was a bonus

                  ...Ok. I did fail psychology.
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                    Congrats on 8000 posts Nad!!!! Woohood!!!!!!
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      Congrats on 8000 posts Nad!!!! Woohood!!!!!!

                      It's not 'the sig' so I can't tease you, instead I'll just look pointedly at the bold line.

                      Yes. And don't think I'm not disappointed that you're scenario wasn't the one I dreamed

                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      ...Did you even put the ''Wednesday sig'' on rotation, jumble?
                      Yes I did, and earlier on it was appearing every time I posted

                      And wow, action packed dream...

                      Hm. You were running away from invisible enemies and Martin was the one to provide you comfort and pull you away from your situation.
                      Closed doors might mean that there's something stopping you from moving on and that someone needs to open them for you, means that you're not planning on changing things yourself anytime soon.
                      That's amazingly accurate! But then, you do know that I'm having trouble opening the door to the future with Michael

                      And if Martin wants to help me open that door, who am I to complain?

                      ...The nekkidness was a bonus

                      ...Ok. I did fail psychology.
                      Nekkideness? I don't remember telling you we were nekkid mentioning any nekkideness I know he took my shirt off, but I don't think I was nekkid at any point, and he still had his t-shirt on....... sadly


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Yes. And don't think I'm not disappointed that you're scenario wasn't the one I dreamed

                        Yes I did, and earlier on it was appearing every time I posted

                        That's amazingly accurate! But then, you do know that I'm having trouble opening the door to the future with Michael

                        And if Martin wants to help me open that door, who am I to complain?
                        Hm, yeah.

                        on both counts.

                        Nekkideness? I don't remember telling you we were nekkid mentioning any nekkideness I know he took my shirt off, but I don't think I was nekkid at any point, and he still had his t-shirt on....... sadly
                        See, when I read ''take shirt off'' coming from you...
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          I... no...
                          I need my disclaimer smiley, but it ran away!


                          Welcome, welcome!
                          *lights the broccoli*
                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Yep, you've got the right idea there.


                          Brilliantly!!!! I can see you're going to fit right in.

                          Thanks Jasmina
                          Thanks everyone!
                          That's why I've been absent this evening, I've been busy with Martin.....

                          Pics! Pics of Martin...


                          Oh btw Julia, if you were expecting to come here and join in with in depth discussions about Martin's tools and assets amazing directing skills, you'll have to wait a while. We only do that about once a month, by appointent, when we're all sober and have been off the brocolli for at least two days.......... the rest of the time we just have fun with OBPTB

                          Oh, OBPTB = Our Beloved Powers That Be.
                          Oh the bolded part: You wish!
                          *hides brocolli* I'm always sober. Physically Martin doesn't do it for me (don't hit me) what can I say he's a guy...but his accent turns me to goo *sighs*
                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Yes, you do that, keep us on tenderhooks all night, why not?
                          How about you make us a nice piece of Martinart? Use all your newfound skills with Gimp to create a wp of such incredible beauty that we'll all faint at the sight of it?

                          And you can't answer that until you've made something worthy of an 8000th post

                          Or........ one of your brilliant PTB letters, only send it just to Martin?

                          That covers inspiration....... Talent you aready have in bucketloads..........


                          Have everything you need now?

                          I'm sure you'll come up with something fabulous by tomorrow

                          Hahaha! I love that! WoodNight! Hehe!
                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Wood Morning Nad

                          Oh, I forgot to tell you my dream.
                          Martin and I were sitting in a room chatting, when he suddenly jumped up and said “We’ve got to get out of here! Run!” So off we ran down these wide corridors with Martin running ahead opening huge doors for us. I’ve no idea where we were, in some kind of facility a bit like the SGC with black and yellow chevron stripes along the walls.

                          It was really hot, and I was dripping wet. I was running along, when I saw this other guy holding a little dog () He said to me “Why is he making you run like that? Doesn’t he realise you’re dripping wet?” Martin must have heard him, because he came running back to me, took my shirt off me (), used it to dry me off a bit, and then took off his shirt and put it on me. It was this white shirt

                          and that left him just in his black t-shirt (and shorts of course ). Then he grabbed my hand and we started running again.

                          I asked him if we could slow down a bit, but he said “No! They’ll catch us if we do!” I have no idea who ‘they’ were, or why they wanted to catch us. Way to make me breathless, Martin

                          Some of the doors were split horizontally and had to be opened by sliding them apart, up and down. Others were normal double doors, sliding sideways. I remember thinking how strong he must be to be able to open them one-handed (since he was dragging me along with the other hand), and I was just starting to wonder just how much further we needed to go when I woke up to find my pillows on the floor and the duvet bundled up in a heap around me! That was at around 3am. I wrote this down so I wood remember it later. I needn’t have bothered

                          I went back to sleep, and immediately I was running down the endless corridors again, with Martin still pulling me along as before. I was starting to feel panicky, because I didn’t know how much longer I could keep on running (seriously, I’m not that fit ), so it was quite a relief when I woke up again around 3.45am.

                          I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up at 5am with this whole dream still frighteningly clear in my head.

                          So, any Freuds out there want to try to make sense of that?

                          What I find weird is that I rarely remember my dreams, but when I do, I remember them in startling detail

                          Edit: Oh, and the deal is, you only tease me when the 'Wednesday' sig shows up
                          Wow jumble I so want your dreams!!

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Yes, and I've been awake since 5am. Thanks Martin

                            WoodNight, see you later

                            Edit: Oh let me know what it was, I'm looking for inspiration for a new vid
                            How about Hungry Eyes (from Dirty Dancing)? I know you like his eyes and I couldn't find any songs about shorts or big lenses or yellow slickers...


                            (actually, that dance scene at the start of that video is impossibly hot for some reason. )

                            As for the dream, sorry, not a scooby what that's about but I might advise you lay off the broccoli before bed.

                            Dreams often represent your mind trying to work out and through things your concious mind can't quite cope with. Often, if they do mean something then you have an inkling of what that is. I once had a freaky deaky dream that was so bloody "The Message... HERE'S THE MESSAGE, CAGS" that it wasn't even funny. I woke up knowing exactly what that was about.
                            Then again I once dreamt (obliquely) that my twin brother had died and I woke up ina blind panic absolutely convinced somethign had happened to him. it hadn't; it was just a dumb dream.

                            Dreams of Martin though... you could do a lot worse.


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                              Hm, yeah.

                              on both counts.

                              See, when I read ''take shirt off'' coming from you...
                              Well if I was nekkid without my shirt he obviously wasn't impressed, because he got his shirt on me pretty darn quick

                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              Thanks everyone!

                              Oh the bolded part: You wish!
                              *hides brocolli* I'm always sober. Physically Martin doesn't do it for me (don't hit me) what can I say he's a guy...but his accent turns me to goo *sighs*
                              Oh yeah, he had me with the first commentary I listened to when he said "Hi! I'm Martin Wood" I'm actually hoping he doesn't speak directly to me next year, because I'll probably just dissolve into a puddle of jello at his feet

                              Hahaha! I love that! WoodNight! Hehe!
                              Oh didn't we tell you? You also have to learn Woodspeak, otherwise you won't understand half what goes on here

                              Wow jumble I so want your dreams!!
                              I do have some interesting ones........ but never the one I really want . I once dreamt I woke up to find him sitting on my bed......... and I told him off for mussing up the duvet

                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                              How about Hungry Eyes (from Dirty Dancing)? I know you like his eyes and I couldn't find any songs about shorts or big lenses or yellow slickers...


                              (actually, that dance scene at the start of that video is impossibly hot for some reason. )
                              Oh that one I've thought of already, but I haven't plucked up the courage to do it yet

                              Come to think of it, the reason I didn't was because I thought it too blatant... but since you forced me to do Sex Bomb I guess there's no point in me worrying about that anymore

                              As for the dream, sorry, not a scooby what that's about but I might advise you lay off the broccoli before bed.

                              Dreams often represent your mind trying to work out and through things your concious mind can't quite cope with. Often, if they do mean something then you have an inkling of what that is. I once had a freaky deaky dream that was so bloody "The Message... HERE'S THE MESSAGE, CAGS" that it wasn't even funny. I woke up knowing exactly what that was about.
                              Then again I once dreamt (obliquely) that my twin brother had died and I woke up ina blind panic absolutely convinced somethign had happened to him. it hadn't; it was just a dumb dream.

                              Dreams of Martin though... you could do a lot worse.
                              Nah, I think that dream is very easy to interpret. I just want to put on Martin's shirt and run away with him


                                *waves* Hey Woohoos!

                                Jumble, I always love your Martin dreams

                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                                Hey everyone,

                                I hear this is the place to show your love/enthusiasm for the wonderful Martin Wood!

                                So I'm to confess I think he's completely awesome and the best director ever!!

                                Can I join you all?

                                Welcome!!! Looks like you're fitting right in straight away
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

