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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Yeah, I just couldn't be serious about Irresponsible. And I've been a bit perturbed since I found out that Joe grew up on a ranch that they never got him on a horse. I know we would all have paid to see that. I know he said he wants to do a western so there's always hope.
    I didn't know this. I like it. I'm having visions of him showing up on Firefly as Mal's brother...

    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    I can ride a horse, but let me tell you it isn't the most comfortable experience in the world. Less so if there are two of you on the horse. And bareback - *shudders*
    Originally posted by yunadax View Post
    I disagree - it most certainly depends on the horse (coming from someone who owns 3 and rides competitively as often as she can squeeze it in).

    I think the mental image of a muscular bloke on a horse is a damned sexy image! :: drools some more::
    Or you could be like me. The last time I was on a horse, I hadn't ridden in quite a few years. OMG I don't think I could walk for a week.

    Yunadax, I'm jealous. Some days I'd rather be with a horse than some people.

    Gateraid, I'm not touching your last comment on this subject.

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Somehow I can't get past the idea of John on a horse bareback. Oh mean without a saddle? That's different. *snicker*

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Just popping back in with this tidbit from JM's blog. The answer to a burning question in some threads about Enemy At The Gate.

    Planet_tv writes: “In Enemy at the Gate was Teyla’s son with her on Atlantis or in the Pegasus Galaxy with his father because I don’t thing she would up and leave her son especially with what she said at the end of The Prodigal (If the answer to this is in the movie can you say the answer will be in the movie or something like that)?”

    Answer: Although we didn’t see them, Kanaan and Torren made the trip back to Earth with Teyla.

    And I guess that settles that.
    Finally. Does anyone else find it odd that he's been fairly forthcoming with information lately. Kinda makes you wonder...

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Indeed. For all TPTW's protests that they killed Carson, Elizabeth and Kate to make things more 'realistic,' they failed to follow through on it and show a realistic aftermath to those deaths.
    Or how about in EatG

    Why didn't they leave Ronon dead? Now that would have been realistic given it was supposed to be this epic battle for Earth. If you were going to have casualties, I would think this would be the time. And not that I wanted him dead, but it was fairly well done and fit the character and yes, I was sad when it happened. But not too sad because even though I hadn't read the spoilers, I was sure he wouldn't die. No guts, PTB.

    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    Sulu, ahead warp factor 5. WTH, this script just has Kirk's name instead of mine. And they crossed out Star Trek and wrote StarGate. With crayon
    This one's my favorite; love the crayon. LOL

    Regarding Irresponsible, I seem to remember even JM admitting that episode didn't play out on screen like they envisioned. They had intended to pay tribute to the old spaghetti westerns by having Shep and Kolya shooting it out at the end. Actually, it WAS kind of like spaghetti. LIMP.
    sig by SueKay

    My Team:


      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
      Hey you guys, I'm here just awfully busy. And since mom will have to to to surgery today (nothing serious) I'm a little nervous, so, just keep on distracting me. Thanks.
      *hugs you*
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        I didn't know this. I like it. I'm having visions of him showing up on Firefly as Mal's brother...

        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        Finally. Does anyone else find it odd that he's been fairly forthcoming with information lately. Kinda makes you wonder...
        Wonder what? That the Apocalypse is at hand? LOL!

        Seriously, though... it is rather interesting, isn't it? Just what is his real agenda?

        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        Or how about in EatG

        Why didn't they leave Ronon dead? Now that would have been realistic given it was supposed to be this epic battle for Earth. If you were going to have casualties, I would think this would be the time. And not that I wanted him dead, but it was fairly well done and fit the character and yes, I was sad when it happened. But not too sad because even though I hadn't read the spoilers, I was sure he wouldn't die. No guts, PTB.
        OMG, YES.
        I mean, yeah, it would've sucked for Ronon to die, but... yeah. That would've been a great way for him to go, and it would've been 'realistic,' just like TPTW said they wanted.

        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
        Regarding Irresponsible, I seem to remember even JM admitting that episode didn't play out on screen like they envisioned. They had intended to pay tribute to the old spaghetti westerns by having Shep and Kolya shooting it out at the end. Actually, it WAS kind of like spaghetti. LIMP.
        And stale, too. Cheap generic sauce out of a jar and rubber cheese.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          Hey you guys, I'm here just awfully busy. And since mom will have to to to surgery today (nothing serious) I'm a little nervous, so, just keep on distracting me. Thanks.
          ((hugs)) Hopefully it is all over now

          Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
          Or you could be like me. The last time I was on a horse, I hadn't ridden in quite a few years. OMG I don't think I could walk for a week.
          My sister's horse was great. Our washing line was out in the paddock, so I'd walk out with a basket of washing (yes, guys do washing too), then jump on the horse and ride out to the washing line. It was only about 100m or so but really convenient. Except if I didn't pat her then the sadistic creature would slober on my clothes.

          Yunadax, I'm jealous. Some days I'd rather be with a horse than some people.
          Animals are great sometimes And really tasty too

          Gateraid, I'm not touching your last comment on this subject.
          Too much?

          Finally. Does anyone else find it odd that he's been fairly forthcoming with information lately. Kinda makes you wonder...
          ..... what his game is? Yes, considering he has generally been antagonistic towards fans in general.

          Or how about in EatG

          Why didn't they leave Ronon dead? Now that would have been realistic given it was supposed to be this epic battle for Earth. If you were going to have casualties, I would think this would be the time. And not that I wanted him dead, but it was fairly well done and fit the character and yes, I was sad when it happened. But not too sad because even though I hadn't read the spoilers, I was sure he wouldn't die. No guts, PTB.
          I must be the only one who thought that death scene was lame. Not Teyla and Rodney's reactions, but the death itself. Couldn't they find a bigger knife? Knives are really cheap


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Hey you guys, I'm here just awfully busy. And since mom will have to to to surgery today (nothing serious) I'm a little nervous, so, just keep on distracting me. Thanks.

            Here you go.

            And since you like to point out body language, I thought I'd respond in kind

            Look at what she's aimed her knee at. It's like one of those markers the sports guys have to highlight what they want. Am i taking a bit of a leap there nuna or is that about right?

            I gather everyone likes this one. I'm not sure why

            Last edited by gateraid; 16 February 2009, 10:00 PM.


              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
              Sulu, ahead warp factor 5. WTH, this script just has Kirk's name instead of mine. And they crossed out Star Trek and wrote StarGate. With crayon

              Colonel Carter must have a lot of faith in my ability. Elizabeth would have never let me go somewhere without backup. What could possibly go wrong. Oh, crap

              I guess this is my punishment for Sheppard getting captured. I wish the earth would open up and swallow me. Oh, crap!

              One of the side effects of screencaps (from Trio)


              Look at AT's face. Whoops!

              I'm telling you, you stupid machine, you've messed up the programming somehow. I just know Sheppard and I are doing it. Sex sex sex, every position, every location imaginable.
              *dies laughing*
              I really just burst out laughing and my colleagues are giving me weird looks now
              Ah, who cares? *bursts out laughing again*

              Sig by me


                Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                Here you go.





                And since you like to point out body language, I thought I'd respond in kind


                Look at what she's aimed her knee at. It's like one of those markers the sports guys have to highlight what they want. Am i taking a bit of a leap there nuna or is that about right?

                I gather everyone likes this one. I'm not sure why

                I don't need a distraction, but yeah... this is distracting me too

                Anuna, hope your mom is ok. Keep us up to date.

                Sig by me


                  Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                  Hee. And JF would make a good cowboy.
                  Why yes he would.


                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    The last two pages of pictures, caps and discussion of bareback riding is why I loves you people.

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    *nods* In SGA (with rare exceptions), the characters are written like they're cardboard cutouts instead of actual people, despite TPTW's claims that they've tried to make things more 'realistic' by killing off characters. As Reiko pointed out, it's the actors who really make the characters human.
                    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                    Yep, not too long. Though I would have personally prefered that he would be replaced in the next episode, so that would put Sunday right before First Strike. It irks me to know that he's forgotten that easily, or it might just be a result of SGA's episodic nature. Or, whatever, but death shouldn't be treated that lightly? I dunno. I liked the Submersion episode but it pissed me off. Same with the episode after Lifeline.

                    It seems that things only last for one episode ... or, rather the last five minutes since no one dies at the start of an episode.

                    Erm, and didn't Ford get better after Siege III?

                    Unlike what others think I think SGA would have been better if they kept the main cast intact unless an actor wanted to leave or things really weren't working out with the character (Ford -- ignore the fact that the new storyline that would be great for his character was quickly forgotten). It's a show with a good dynamic and if you edit just one part of it you can lose that dynamic really quickly.

                    Hee. And JF would make a good cowboy.
                    Yay. I would have never once believed that Teyla would leave her family behind.
                    Realistic? P-shaw. There is nothing realistic about killing off Elizabeth, Carson, and Kate, when, as we've mentioned quite a bit, they're not the off-world team! If you wanted to be realistic, John, Rodney, Ronon or Teyla should have been a casualty, because they're more directly in the line of fire, have been kidnapped more, and have generally been the ones facing danger. In terms of story, one of them should have died to be 'realistic' before people who spend most of their time in Atlantis.

                    Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                    I didn't know this. I like it. I'm having visions of him showing up on Firefly as Mal's brother...

                    Or you could be like me. The last time I was on a horse, I hadn't ridden in quite a few years. OMG I don't think I could walk for a week.

                    Yunadax, I'm jealous. Some days I'd rather be with a horse than some people.

                    Gateraid, I'm not touching your last comment on this subject.

                    Finally. Does anyone else find it odd that he's been fairly forthcoming with information lately. Kinda makes you wonder...

                    Or how about in EatG

                    Why didn't they leave Ronon dead? Now that would have been realistic given it was supposed to be this epic battle for Earth. If you were going to have casualties, I would think this would be the time. And not that I wanted him dead, but it was fairly well done and fit the character and yes, I was sad when it happened. But not too sad because even though I hadn't read the spoilers, I was sure he wouldn't die. No guts, PTB.

                    This one's my favorite; love the crayon. LOL

                    Regarding Irresponsible, I seem to remember even JM admitting that episode didn't play out on screen like they envisioned. They had intended to pay tribute to the old spaghetti westerns by having Shep and Kolya shooting it out at the end. Actually, it WAS kind of like spaghetti. LIMP.
                    THAT WAS FUNNY.

                    As to JM, yes, he's been sharing a bit more. Maybe he's mellowing a little.

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    Here you go.

                    And since you like to point out body language, I thought I'd respond in kind

                    Look at what she's aimed her knee at. It's like one of those markers the sports guys have to highlight what they want. Am i taking a bit of a leap there nuna or is that about right?

                    I gather everyone likes this one. I'm not sure why
                    You are a funny, funny guy and that's why we luffs you.
                    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      Haha!! Ya godda love a man who wears worn out jeans to an official event
                      And this really does prove he'd make an excellent cowboy

                      Sig by me


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Definitely agree with that. Audiences in general connect with consistency, and playing musical chairs with the cast every year keeps things too uncertain for an audience to feel comfortable tuning into a show that's going to throw everything overboard at the drop of a hat.
                        Amen to that! Why get invested in the characters and how they connect with each other when those characters (and connections) are going to get torpedoed for the sake of "reality." FCOL - it's scifi people! I don't watch scifi for huge doses of reality......

                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                        This is why SGA especially fails with the 'episodic' format. You can't be episodic if you're throwing Main Character Death everywhere and playing musical chairs. It throws everyone off. And like you said, it makes the audience uncertain.
                        Agree 100%.

                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        Sulu, ahead warp factor 5. WTH, this script just has Kirk's name instead of mine. And they crossed out Star Trek and wrote StarGate. With crayon

                        Colonel Carter must have a lot of faith in my ability. Elizabeth would have never let me go somewhere without backup. What could possibly go wrong. Oh, crap

                        I guess this is my punishment for Sheppard getting captured. I wish the earth would open up and swallow me. Oh, crap!

                        One of the side effects of screencaps (from Trio)


                        Look at AT's face. Whoops!

                        I'm telling you, you stupid machine, you've messed up the programming somehow. I just know Sheppard and I are doing it. Sex sex sex, every position, every location imaginable.
                        Points Up That, right there, is the reason I've just voted you Caption King. You got mad cappin skillz.....

                        Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                        I didn't know this. I like it.
                        Regarding Irresponsible, I seem to remember even JM admitting that episode didn't play out on screen like they envisioned. They had intended to pay tribute to the old spaghetti westerns by having Shep and Kolya shooting it out at the end. Actually, it WAS kind of like spaghetti. LIMP.
                        That was so spot on, I can't even come up with a witty comment to support it. Perfect analogy.

                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        Here you go.

                        I gather everyone likes this one. I'm not sure why

                        Oh, we likey likey alright.....

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        To quote Rachel Ray - YUMM-OH!

                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Realistic? P-shaw. There is nothing realistic about killing off Elizabeth, Carson, and Kate, when, as we've mentioned quite a bit, they're not the off-world team! If you wanted to be realistic, John, Rodney, Ronon or Teyla should have been a casualty, because they're more directly in the line of fire, have been kidnapped more, and have generally been the ones facing danger. In terms of story, one of them should have died to be 'realistic' before people who spend most of their time in Atlantis.
                        Pshaw indeed. Right on the money with that one, Eri.
                        Signature by Erin87


                          *sneaks in*


                          *runs away*


                            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                            *sneaks in*



                            *runs away*
                            OH SWEET LORD - that is GORGEOUS!

                            I'm so snurching this. Thank you, Luciana - you are amazing!

                            Points below.... See how pretty it looks? Sigh......
                            Signature by Erin87


                              Oh. Looks very pretty. And thanks.
                              Wanted to use those pics for so long now.


                                Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                                *sneaks in*



                                *runs away*
                                So beautiful! Love it.
                                sig made by me

