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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Is this it?

    Title: When Night Falls
    Authors: Wayside
    Rating: PG
    Summary: A lot can be learned by the way a person sleeps, as John Sheppard is fast discovering. . .

    {When Night Falls}


      Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
      Is this it?

      Title: When Night Falls
      Authors: Wayside
      Rating: PG
      Summary: A lot can be learned by the way a person sleeps, as John Sheppard is fast discovering. . .

      {When Night Falls}
      YES!!!! YESYESYES!!!!!

      I love you right now. In a platonic way of course!
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
        does someone in here wants to do me a Beta?
        i'm sooo poo in english that someone with grammar skills would be nice ...
        I'm up. I'm up. And I'd be glad to beta, but I'm leaving for 2 days. I can do it on Saturday. Sorry if you need it before.

        And another thought on The Eye. I think John must have been worried that Elizabeth would now look at him completely differently. That hesitant look he gave her when he rescued her. "Are you okay?" was more than just a question about her welfare. He could see that physically she was fine. He knows he probably scared the poo out of her, and when he grabbed her hand and said "you will be", he meant he intended to make it up to her for having to show his dark side. We know from 38 Minutes that what she thinks of him means a great deal, but he has to be under extreme duress to risk showing his true feelings.

        *joins Anuna in kicking TPTB*

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Let's kick them hard!!! Nice insight SR... I'm writing something along those lines just now!!!
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            I'm up. I'm up. And I'd be glad to beta, but I'm leaving for 2 days. I can do it on Saturday. Sorry if you need it before
            awww brilliant

            dont worry about time, i dont mind if you take 2 weeks as long a someone does it for me, i'm happy i'll send it to you... could you maybe pm me your mail addy?

            thankieeeeeees *kisses and cuddels SR*


              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
              You're no longer allowed to argue that you're not as eloquent as anyone else. Your answers are awesome!
              LOL - that's because all I had to do was answer questions. I do much better with that than I do with watching an episode and coming up with all the insight all by myself.
              Signature by Erin87


                Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
                Is this it?

                Title: When Night Falls
                Authors: Wayside
                Rating: PG
                Summary: A lot can be learned by the way a person sleeps, as John Sheppard is fast discovering. . .

                {When Night Falls}

                Aww, that's a nice one!

                Hey, Anuna, you're moving! Getting your own place is exciting for about a week. *g*

                Sparky Shipper. Genetically predisposed to being stubborn... really pesky.


                  Afternoon sparkies.

                  What have I missed this week?

                  Btw question 'don't laugh' how does one place a header picture on LJ? I've worked out the links.

                  I was going to use this pic.

                  Unless anyone has another.
                  BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                    Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                    Afternoon sparkies.

                    What have I missed this week?

                    Btw question 'don't laugh' how does one place a header picture on LJ? I've worked out the links.

                    I was going to use this pic.

                    Unless anyone has another.

                    heya hun!

                    hm.. what about one of those (made by me - ages ago) ...




                      Originally posted by Torri012 View Post
                      is this a new game here or just a discussion about all the things we do not know?
                      Just a general discussion about each of the SGA episodes, in order, one by one. We take one or two days to discuss one. Stuff we know, stuff we don't know, fics, photos/graphics based off the eppy, anything and everything related to it. Mostly Sparky, but we've gotten into individual character discussion too.

                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      And another thought on The Eye. I think John must have been worried that Elizabeth would now look at him completely differently. That hesitant look he gave her when he rescued her. "Are you okay?" was more than just a question about her welfare. He could see that physically she was fine. He knows he probably scared the poo out of her, and when he grabbed her hand and said "you will be", he meant he intended to make it up to her for having to show his dark side. We know from 38 Minutes that what she thinks of him means a great deal, but he has to be under extreme duress to risk showing his true feelings.

                      *joins Anuna in kicking TPTB*
                      Ooo, I hadn't thought of that before and that's great! Of course, the moment he snaps out of it he'd be worried everyone might treat him differently.

                      That's probably another reason why he's so content and happy at the end, when they're all joking again.

                      Through here, despite everything, it feels a little like status quo; and then here:

                      Back to normal. The people of Atlantis are so strong they can survive anything; Elizabeth is right back to being leader, negotiator, and still in possession of her quirky sense of humor even hours after coming inches from harm. John's gotta love that. *end music, closing credits for "The Eye" discussion*

                      Wormhole, considering our 'evil John' discussion that picture is both perfect and creepy. XD

                      Onto an episode that I at first had a hard time watching after "The Storm/The Eye", but it grew on me because of the McKay/Sheppard moments.

                      The Defiant One

                      I kinda like this episode for the McKay/Sheppard interaction, but it has some good Weir moments, too, and my favorite is this one:

                      FORD: They’re not even overdue yet.
                      WEIR: It doesn’t matter. Call it intuition, paranoia, or we can just call it a drill. Either way I want you to go now.
                      TEYLA: We can always be called back, but if they are in trouble ...
                      WEIR: ... every moment counts, exactly.

                      Not only because she already knows, in her heart, something is wrong--how well does she know her boys at this point?--but we get to see a little female intuition/bonding at work here with Teyla being on the same level.

                      I enjoy Teyla's character, but I do agree with some critics that she just hasn't been given much to do. I did enjoy the friendship angle they tried to build with her and Elizabeth, but no one ever fleshed it out, and that I 100% blame on all the writers being men. You can't stick two women together once every 7 episodes, have them have a slightly off-topic convo, and expect your female audience to believe they're BFFs.

                      This episode also introduces a bit of the "boys will be boys" banter, including the great moment at the beginning where they're trying to convince Elizabeth to let them explore the ruins, and she calls them on sacrificing safety for exploring a rusty ol' spaceship.

                      Some anti-Weir's thought she acted too much like "Momma Weir" in Season 3; the truth is that dynamic was established WAYYY back here. It was funny, and I like it, because it fits John and Rodney's duo dynamic and, being a part of Elizabeth's persona, makes her a multi-layered character. We still get all of the dramatic, tender, friendly and Sparky moments throughout SGA--none of which were tempered because of episodes like these, where John and Rodney behaved like children from time to time and Elizabeth treated them as such. It's all part and parcel of the entire characterization, and I enjoy it all. Plus, it shows they really are like a family, not just cardboard cut-outs of what a sci-fi cast should be.

                      Last edited by Eri13; 27 March 2008, 06:57 AM.
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                        Just a general discussion about each of the SGA episodes, in order, one by one. We take one or two days to discuss one. Stuff we know, stuff we don't know, fics, photos/graphics based off the eppy, anything and everything related to it. Mostly Sparky, but we've gotten into individual character discussion too.
                        ahh right now i got it (i was too lazy to read all the posts rofl)

                        well, the only thing that jumps into my head is that the one guy, who did in the hive ship, played already once in another episode of SG-1.. but dont ask me which one, i cant remember *LOL*


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          Just a general discussion about each of the SGA episodes, in order, one by one. We take one or two days to discuss one. Stuff we know, stuff we don't know, fics, photos/graphics based off the eppy, anything and everything related to it. Mostly Sparky, but we've gotten into individual character discussion too.

                          Ooo, I hadn't thought of that before and that's great! Of course, the moment he snaps out of it he'd be worried everyone might treat him differently.

                          That's probably another reason why he's so content and happy at the end, when they're all joking again.


                          Through here, despite everything, it feels a little like status quo; and then here:

                          Back to normal. The people of Atlantis are so strong they can survive anything; Elizabeth is right back to being leader, negotiator, and still in possession of her quirky sense of humor even hours after coming inches from harm. John's gotta love that. *end music, closing credits for "The Eye" discussion*

                          Wormhole, considering our 'evil John' discussion that picture is both perfect and creepy. XD

                          Onto an episode that I at first had a hard time watching after "The Storm/The Eye", but it grew on me because of the McKay/Sheppard moments.

                          The Defiant One

                          I kinda like this episode for the McKay/Sheppard interaction, but it has some good Weir moments, too, and my favorite is this one:




                          FORD: They’re not even overdue yet.
                          WEIR: It doesn’t matter. Call it intuition, paranoia, or we can just call it a drill. Either way I want you to go now.
                          TEYLA: We can always be called back, but if they are in trouble ...
                          WEIR: ... every moment counts, exactly.

                          Not only because she already knows, in her heart, something is wrong--how well does she know her boys at this point?--but we get to see a little female intuition/bonding at work here with Teyla being on the same level.


                          I enjoy Teyla's character, but I do agree with some critics that she just hasn't been given much to do. I did enjoy the friendship angle they tried to build with her and Elizabeth, but no one ever fleshed it out, and that I 100% blame on all the writers being men. You can't stick two women together once every 7 episodes, have them have a slightly off-topic convo, and expect your female audience to believe they're BFFs.

                          This episode also introduces a bit of the "boys will be boys" banter, including the great moment at the beginning where they're trying to convince


                          Some anti-Weir's thought she acted too much like "Momma Weir" in Season 3; the truth is that dynamic was established WAYYY back here. It was funny, and I like it, because it fits John and Rodney's duo dynamic and, being a part of Elizabeth's persona, makes her a multi-layered character. We still get all of the dramatic, tender, friendly and Sparky moments throughout SGA--none of which were tempered because of episodes like these, where John and Rodney behaved like children from time to time and Elizabeth treated them as such. It's all part and parcel of the entire characterization, and I enjoy it all.

                          Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I said I was leaving, but my husband decided that since we can't check into our hotel until 3pm that there's no hurry to leave. Which means I can discuss my favorite S1 episode for a bit. Yes, I know that makes me shallow but John in this one just slays me every time. I don't even remember the other 3 guys. And the Sparky banter was there from the start. All the guys knew John would be the one to convince her. She couldn't say no to him even then and they knew it. Ford also knew how worried she was, and Teyla probably told her in private not to worry they would bring him back. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

                          Another bit about The Eye. In that last scene John very obviously sticks his chest out in an alpha male I am proud of myself for saving my woman sort of way. He is reasserting his domination and position. Just like a rooster after he's chased the fox out of the henhouse. See pic above. Sorry if I messed up the pics.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Yesterday the 6 eleven year olds and I ended up watching 'echoes'. They all went 'awww' when John carried her to the infirmary They than insisted (after bowling) that we watch 'TLG' cause I promised them there was a kiss lol.
                            A new group sparkies is born

                            Discovered this song yestereday, it's from Gavin Degraw, 'In love with a girl'

                            I think it would make a great musicvid, maybe when I find the time..

                            I really love these lines:
                            I'm in love with a girl who knows me better,
                            Fell for the women just when i met her,
                            Took my sweet time when i was bitter,
                            Someone understands,
                            And she knows how to treat a fella right,
                            Give me that feeling every night,
                            Wants to make love when i wanna fight,
                            Now someone understand me,
                            I'm in love with a girl

                            So many people gonna say that they want you,
                            To try to get you thinking they really care,
                            But there's nothing like the warmth of the one who has put in the time and you know he's gonna be there,
                            Back your border when she knows someone crossed it,
                            Don't let nobody put you down, who your with
                            Take the pain of protecting your name, from the crutch to the cane to the highwire

                            I'm in love with a girl who knows me better,
                            Fell for the women just when i met her,
                            Took my sweet time when i was bitter,
                            Someone understands,
                            And she knows how to treat a fella right,
                            Give me that feeling every night,
                            Wants to make love when i wanna fight,
                            Now someone understand me,
                            I'm in love with a girl(I'm in love with)(x2)

                            Out the many broken backdoors and windows,
                            Through the valley of the love of the lost,
                            Is a hole that is cut through the souls falling down from the thrones without leaving any windows,
                            But you drown in a piece for the moment,
                            The moment was over in time,
                            Then its gone the hit and run the tactless one has a short life

                            I'm in love with a girl who knows me better,
                            Fell for the women just when i met her,

                            Took my sweet time when i was bitter,
                            Someone understands,
                            And she knows how to treat a fella right,
                            Give me that feeling every night,
                            Wants to make love when i wanna fight,
                            Now someone understand me,
                            I'm in love with a girl(I'm in love with)(x2)

                            Gonna tell you what you do to think you practice what you preach,
                            Now i know there's nothing we cant preach,
                            'cause the heart can't erase once it finds a place to be warm and welcome,
                            To be held in shelter

                            I'm in love with a girl who knows me better,
                            Fell for the women just when i met her
                            Took my sweet time when i was bitter
                            Someone understands,
                            And she knows how to treat a fella right
                            Give me that feeling every night
                            Wants to make love when i wanna fight
                            Now someone understands me
                            I'm in love with a girl(I'm in love with)(x3)
                            Who knows me better
                            Wants to make love when i wanna fight
                            now someone understand me


                              I watched TS / TE with a friend today (she's already a sparky because I indoctrinated her right from the start).

                              We did notice something funny. John is wearing striped boxers. Now I wish I could upload the pic, because it's hilarious. but I can't because my bloody computer decided to go bananas.

                              I agree on alpha male chest sticking out gesture; it's plain and obvious flirting.

                              And every time I re watch The Storm and The Eye I head straight to this fic.

                              Reaffirm life It's a great follow up written by irony rocks.... and it's M rated, but so very worth reading. and re reading. Anyway best piece of smut I know.
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                I bring the piccie from Anuna.

                                sig made by me

