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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    The second side of Ben Hur didn't play well. So I don't know how it ended. What I saw was good though. I only knew there was an exciting chariot race.
    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Oh, I guess everyone here is out of the loop on this one. We're not moving. We've always wanted to stay here and when we recently got a very good offer to buy our land in NC, we accepted it. So, we're staying right here. I'm very excited because I love my house here and never wanted to move even though I had resigned myself to it and was moderately excited about building a new house. Now, we're going to fix up this one, which will be a nightmare while it's happening but worth it in the end.
      Aw, and I had already had some tips ready for the moving part... ...which I, myself, am not doing again any time soon.

      Originally posted by Morgania View Post
      The second side of Ben Hur didn't play well. So I don't know how it ended. What I saw was good though. I only knew there was an exciting chariot race.
      Wait, you've never seen Ben Hur before?

      Here's how it ends:

      During the chariot race, Messala drives a chariot with blades on the hubs to tear apart competing vehicles; he attempts to destroy Ben-Hur's chariot but destroys his own instead. Messala is fatally injured, while Ben-Hur wins the race. Before dying, Messala tells Ben-Hur that "the race is not over" and that he can find his family "in the Valley of the Lepers, if you can recognize them." Ben-Hur visits the nearby leper colony, where (hidden from their view) he sees his mother and sister.

      Blaming Roman rule for his family's fate, Ben-Hur rejects his patrimony and Roman citizenship. Learning that Tirzah is dying, Ben-Hur and Esther take her and Miriam to see Jesus, but the trial of Jesus before Pontius Pilate has begun. Ben-Hur witnesses the crucifixion of Jesus, and Miriam and Tirzah are miraculously healed during the rainstorm following the crucifixion. Ben-Hur declares, "And I felt his [Jesus's] voice take the sword out of my hand."
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday!

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Oh, I guess everyone here is out of the loop on this one. We're not moving. We've always wanted to stay here and when we recently got a very good offer to buy our land in NC, we accepted it. So, we're staying right here. I'm very excited because I love my house here and never wanted to move even though I had resigned myself to it and was moderately excited about building a new house. Now, we're going to fix up this one, which will be a nightmare while it's happening but worth it in the end.
        Oh wow! Isn't it funny how things manage to work out? Glad to know you'll get to stay where you love!

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Happy belated birthday. I think I may have missed it due to inattention on my part.
        Heh! Thanks for the birthday wishes, and no worries, last week was CRAZY.
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            We kicked Israel's butt with 3 goals to 1, which means Belgium is now number 1 on the FIFA ranking list of soccer countries. We are the best (for a month or so, and then it'll change again).
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              We kicked Israel's butt with 3 goals to 1, which means Belgium is now number 1 on the FIFA ranking list of soccer countries. We are the best (for a month or so, and then it'll change again).
              Soccer and Hockey go on forever. I think that's part of the attraction to me of Football. In college they only play around 11 games and if they're lucky, some sort of "championship" game. It only goes on for a few months.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                In Belgium the soccer competition starts in September and ends in ... err... april (I think). I don't follow any teams, just the national team. Besides almost all the players of our national team play in the English competition.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Screw the Angst Wednesday!

                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  We kicked Israel's butt with 3 goals to 1, which means Belgium is now number 1 on the FIFA ranking list of soccer countries. We are the best (for a month or so, and then it'll change again).
                  Whoohoo! Congratulations!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Soccer and Hockey go on forever. I think that's part of the attraction to me of Football. In college they only play around 11 games and if they're lucky, some sort of "championship" game. It only goes on for a few months.
                  Yeah, I feel much the same way. Football gets a noticeable break in the action, whereas with soccer, between the amateur/Olympic-level and the pros, it seems like it never ends. Ah well, more power (and play time!) to 'em.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Wow. Impressive. It's pretty unusual for teams to become Number 1 in the FIFA World Rankings without already being World or European Champions.
                    Last edited by Infinite-Possibilities; 14 October 2015, 03:15 PM.
                    "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                    *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                    "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                      Yeah... it's a one-time thing.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                        Early morning start for me; we're off to the mainland for a raiding party/shopping trip and meeting with the architect. Try not to burn down the internet while I'm gone, LOL!
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                          Early morning start for me; we're off to the mainland for a raiding party/shopping trip and meeting with the architect. Try not to burn down the internet while I'm gone, LOL!
                          Have fun storming the mainland. Meanwhile, I have been manipulated guilted talked into volunteering for a kids' after school program. They need an experienced teacher to help handle 50 kids age 4-11. What could possibly go wrong? Details to follow. *snort*

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Yes, what could possibly go wrong?

                            *glues piece of internet she just broke back to the greater whole*
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday!

                              The raiding party was a smashing success! Got everything we needed, the meeting with the architect went very well, and as a bonus, it was dark when we came back, so we got to see the sparkling lights of the houses all the way up the sound as we approached on the ferry. Absolutely gorgeous!

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Have fun storming the mainland. Meanwhile, I have been manipulated guilted talked into volunteering for a kids' after school program. They need an experienced teacher to help handle 50 kids age 4-11. What could possibly go wrong? Details to follow. *snort*
                              Oh dear. What could go wrong, indeed.

                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Yes, what could possibly go wrong?

                              *glues piece of internet she just broke back to the greater whole*
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Sparky!Family and College Football Saturday! Good luck to everyone's teams!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

