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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
    Well, I've survived another Monday. There's that. I really need to win Powerball (lottery) so I can retire.

    I'm thinking more of the left brain/right brain dynamics where left brained people are more mathematical and logical and also right handed. The right brained/left handed people are typically more creative.

    I was a math major in college, and I can't write for crap with my left hand. My dad was a drafter with a similar brain as mine and after he had a stroke he lost the use of his right hand. They tried to get him to write with his left but he was as bad at it as I am.

    However, I can't create art for the life of me. I can't write up awesome analysis like Eri does, or write great fiction. There's all kinds of intelligence. I was simply referring to Jeannie being a math/science person and also being left-handed.
    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Sorry for your RL troubles. Sometimes it looks like just when you think things are on the road to smooth sailing, something comes out of left field to screw things up again.

    I'm right-handed too and not creative in any way. I can write, but I'm not a naturally good writer, so it's agony for me. I'm a good cook because I've been practicing since I was about 12, but I don't make up my own recipes. However, I have 2 friends who are sisters and both right-handed who are terrific artists, so the theory doesn't always hold up. It has a lot to do with how your brain is wired.

    I don't think that's the kind of thing anybody around here is interested in....oh wait....we love it. Thanks so much.
    I'm right handed, and I used to think I was left-brained, because I am very strong in logic--I even managed a law degree, though I wasn't top of the class for that. Numbers, however, are my bane. I look at mathematics problems and my brain tunes out, like it's tired and doesn't even want to try.

    I enjoy writing, and doing artwork, but I'm not a natural artist. I love putting words together, but is that more 'right-brained' or 'left-brained?' There is a logical process to how things are put together. I'm good at brainstorming and coming up with creative ideas, storyboarding, etc, but execution, if I want it done exactly as I imagine it, typically has to be left to more talented tradesmen.

    So I don't know. Here's hoping that I am not one of those persons qualified to do both--aren't they either geniuses or psychopaths?
    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

      *hugs ShipperWriter* Sorry to hear RL is being a bear right now. *more hugs*

      Thanks for the pic hlndncr! We'll never say no to that kiss...even though Caldwell was right about the paperwork being a nightmare, LOL!

      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      I'm right handed, and I used to think I was left-brained, because I am very strong in logic--I even managed a law degree, though I wasn't top of the class for that. Numbers, however, are my bane. I look at mathematics problems and my brain tunes out, like it's tired and doesn't even want to try.

      I enjoy writing, and doing artwork, but I'm not a natural artist. I love putting words together, but is that more 'right-brained' or 'left-brained?' There is a logical process to how things are put together. I'm good at brainstorming and coming up with creative ideas, storyboarding, etc, but execution, if I want it done exactly as I imagine it, typically has to be left to more talented tradesmen.
      Hmm, I'm very similar; right-handed, logical-minded though math makes me want to cry, but with some artistic talent. I also like brainstorming/creative ideas, and my favorite parts of working on SGA Rising and my original novel thus far have been the worldbuilding phases in both projects.

      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      So I don't know. Here's hoping that I am not one of those persons qualified to do both--aren't they either geniuses or psychopaths?
      Oh dear...
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        my husband is completely center-brained. I'm left-brained. He has an advantage as a designer - he's also terrific at engineering so he understands the math and what needs to be done for load bearing and so forth as well as being a gifted designer.


          Originally posted by Varda View Post
          Meanwhile I say you hello from Shanghai!

          This city is so fracking amazing and impressed me even more than Beijing. I'll stay there for the next two days.
          And this is the best my trip so far. And photos... oh, I do have to buy a new memory card for my camera, as the previous 4 Gb one is already full.
          I’m glad to hear that you’re having a great vacation, and I sympathize with the camera trouble, that happens to me when I travel as well.

          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          I'm thinking more of the left brain/right brain dynamics where left brained people are more mathematical and logical and also right handed. The right brained/left handed people are typically more creative.

          I was a math major in college, and I can't write for crap with my left hand. My dad was a drafter with a similar brain as mine and after he had a stroke he lost the use of his right hand. They tried to get him to write with his left but he was as bad at it as I am.

          However, I can't create art for the life of me. I can't write up awesome analysis like Eri does, or write great fiction. There's all kinds of intelligence. I was simply referring to Jeannie being a math/science person and also being left-handed.
          That’s interesting and you’re right about there being so many different kind of intelligence (which is always a good thing), personally I’m right handed and in some cases I’m more towards the creative side, maybe not in writing but I did study art and I do love to paint.

          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
          Numbers, however, are my bane. I look at mathematics problems and my brain tunes out, like it's tired and doesn't even want to try.
          That has always been my problem as well, for me math is just one of those things that comes in through one ear and goes out the other.


            Originally posted by Brie View Post

            That has always been my problem as well, for me math is just one of those things that comes in through one ear and goes out the other.
            Math doesn't even come in one of my ears, it just falls to the floor and flails around until it dies. *shudders* I have always had trouble with those tests of spatial relationships too. But lately I've been doing jig saw puzzles on my iPad and find that I'm doing them much faster. Mr. SR used to make me so mad when he'd just glance at my puzzle and fit several pieces that I couldn't find to save my life. So practice does help train your brain. I could try that with math, I suppose...nah.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              What is the "Casualties of War" SGA book like, in terms of whether it is Sparky friendly or not?
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Math doesn't even come in one of my ears, it just falls to the floor and flails around until it dies. *shudders* I have always had trouble with those tests of spatial relationships too. But lately I've been doing jig saw puzzles on my iPad and find that I'm doing them much faster. Mr. SR used to make me so mad when he'd just glance at my puzzle and fit several pieces that I couldn't find to save my life. So practice does help train your brain. I could try that with math, I suppose...nah.
                Haha, yeah, that’s the big problem with math, to actually sit down and practice it. When I was younger and had some math homework to do I used to sit and stare at it for a few minutes before I found something else that I felt at the time that I just had to do, like the dishes or even clean my room…my room was never as clean as when I should have been doing math.


                  Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                  One of the really intriguing storylines of S1, and I doubt the tptw intended this, was John learning about command. I can’t remember the episode, but somewhere along the way Liz says both O’Neill and Sumner warned her John wasn’t ready. She gets that, but she also sees what he could be, and she sticks with him, fights for him when necessary (the plan to replace John with Caldwell in the second season opener or thereabouts).
                  Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                  Elizabeth definitely taught John the importance of discipline, and in addition, I think John also influenced Elizabeth with his propensity to act upon instinct. The episode you mentioned was "Hot Zone," and that scene of them in the end demonstrated how they were two different leaders with diverging approaches to a given situation. This is also another reason why the two of them make a strong pair: they learn from one another, they balance each other out, and they compensate for each other's weaknesses.
                  Both John and Elizabeth learned how to be leaders as of Hot Zone. They showed on this episode that they were not yet good leaders. I truly believe that this episode, was where they really learned how to be leaders, and in John’s case, I believe he learned first how to follow, to then be able to lead.

                  Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                  I think they accidentally made her the right kind of tough girl, and it’s too bad they didn’t recognize what they’d stumbled into. Granted, I don’t think they cared whether or not women were fans, especially after the m&m boys took over.
                  Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                  I think, what you said about Elizabeth being a "tough girl." She was a strong, independent woman from the very beginning, and John admired how she was steadfast in her own beliefs and not easily swayed by others.
                  Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
                  as a watcher of Stargate since the very beginning I am completely if the opinion that there is no stronger and more compelling female character in the franchise than Elizabeth Weir. She was incredibly intelligent, stood up for what she believed was right, was not intimidated by powerful figures, including the military, had common sense as well as heart and she was a civilian - she was one of us.
                  Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                  but with Elizabeth, there simply was no stereotype to define her. She was unquestionably the decision-maker of the expedition, but she wore her hair curly, and she smiled and flirted and was friendly and feminine, but was also smart, experienced and tough when she needed to be. She was, for what Stargate was, an amazingly complex character.
                  Elizabeth is sort of an atypical female lead. She is a strong person, who holds firmly on what she believes in and doesn't back down. She is incredibly smart, complicated, caring, a tough lady with a feminine edge and competent as a leader, but at the same time, emotional and vulnerable as a human being, because she is able to show us, not only her strength but also her weaknesses. And that’s why I love Elizabeth so much!

                  Of all the female characters of Stargate, I believe Elizabeth is the best, and the strongest too. She might not be a fighter, but she is strong because of the way she uses words as her weapon. She is really incredible!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  The last thing screenwriters are looking for is "different." In fact, there is a formula they use, and if you look closely at most TV shows and movies, you will see it. When did a show truly surprise you?
                  Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
                  The ironic part is that SG-1 and Atlantis did take some chances, did do some original stuff, Elizabeth as a true tough girl being one example. SR said they panicked as soon as they stumbled across something original. Possibly. Actually I think they didn’t recognize their own originality, which is really funny when you think about it. Or they didn’t have enough self-confidence to break away from the formula when they did get original.
                  TV these days lacks the “different” ingredient. These days it is very rare for me, to actually like a TV show, because honestly, one way or another, all shows are the same, and in a certain way Stargate Atlantis was different, and in a way that’s what made me like it so much.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Sparky was never even a blip on their radar, but we are here to keep it alive and show them they were wrong.
                  Yes we are!!!!

                  Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
                  John and Elizabeth was not the most obvious couple, it took me a few episodes to really see what was there but I knew straightaway that I didn't want John with Teyla. It was just boring and cliche.
                  Same here.
                  sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                    Shipperwriter: I hope things work out. I'm sending good vibes to you.

                    Now, this whole left hand/right hand/left brain/right brain. I must be the exception to the rule. As I said before I am left-handed and my right hand is pretty useless, I might carry shopping bags with it, but even then, my left arm can take more weight than the right. I have not got a creative bone in my body. I have to draw diagrams for things I describe at work and they are dreadful, I tell you. But then I am not so minded either. I need to count on my fingers to do maths these days and even then, I can get it wrong. But when I was a teenager, I used to love algebra and solving equations. Two plus three can be a challenge for me now. But then, if my husband ever loses anything, he tells me the general area he lost it and I can usually find it. So maybe I do have some logic in this brain. I do write as well, I suppose. Maybe I have a little of both - not a lot, though.

                    As for the Elizabeth conversation we have been having, I have a had my feminist hat on a lot the last month or so. I watched Skyfall and took issue with that from my feminist viewpoint. I think my husband (who loved the movie by the way) was disappointed by my criticisms but couldn't argue them - my favourite bit was when they were leaving London. They drove down New Cross Road, which is near where I grew up, went to college and live now.

                    It's a part of myself that grew doing A-Level then degree level Sociology. I think sci-fi is one of the most interesting areas you can analyse in relation to feminism. It' been great to get that part of my brain working again - it remained dormant for so long - thanks.


                      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                      What is the "Casualties of War" SGA book like, in terms of whether it is Sparky friendly or not?
                      It's a good book. It was the first SGA novel I bought and I enjoyed it. It's not overly Sparky but it is definitely there. And deliberately too.

                      P.S. I am typing, honest!


                        Originally posted by Annelantis View Post
                        It's a good book. It was the first SGA novel I bought and I enjoyed it. It's not overly Sparky but it is definitely there. And deliberately too.

                        P.S. I am typing, honest!
                        Excellent! I will get to it then!

                        I know you're typing as fast as you can. Hopefully, within a week, I'll update TWGO!
                        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
               Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                          Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                          Excellent! I will get to it then!

                          I know you're typing as fast as you can. Hopefully, within a week, I'll update TWGO!
                          Still, it would help if I were s speed typist. Which I'm not. Stupid left brain!


                            I'm an okay typist.
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                              I'm an okay typist.
                              Wish I was.

                              Stopping for tonight. Getting there. You should have it by tomorrow night.

                              Night-night, all


                                All of you people saying how math eludes or frustrates you is making this math girl weep big tears.

