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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Wooooot! Hey guys, I am so glad to be the thread's shrink. (Just don't let me shrink you. Ooops. that didn't come out right).

    Anyway, considering that you've granted me the honor of being a thread shrink, I think it's time I prescribe us with some fun. I really really mis us doing picspams, and pic - caps and all thats tuff and I suggest (prescribe) a game of all sparky moments! Meaning, along with thsi awesome conversation and discussion, let's post our little hearts out with sparky prettyness - everythign we can find, all big and small, overt and latent sparky moments, even those "ghost - Elizabeth" moemnts when we saw John thinking of her with sadness on his face. What say ya'all?

    (note though that manips are not allowed! Let's play it according to teh rules, you guys!)

    A .gif I found on tumblr, persumably made by someone under a name of lightandwaves. I have ambigous feelings about this episode and the very picture makes me feel sad, but observe them - how they mirror each others looks and expressions. That's shared emotion, right there. I love how in sync they are, even if this is supposed to be clone!Elizabeth. It just shows how strong their connection is (and obviously not even cloning could erase that! lol) Other than that, the famous, and never quite matched Joe and Torri on screen chemistry in its finest is to be seen right here. Flawless acting from both. Wow, did Torri help him shine in all of their shared scenes. I love that.
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Didn't Anuna just hit that analysis out of the ballpark? Her professional training certainly comes in handy around here. The thread "shrink". LOL

      And, oh yeah, John just never thought he could repay Elizabeth for all she did for him. She just got him on a basic level that made words unnecessary. He knew he could never fool her. We saw that time and time again. I wish I had time to find pics to back up that statement, but it's in canon and can't be denied. One scene I remember, that I think was mentioned earlier, is the "king" scene at the end of The Tower.

      He started out with a simple report to her on how they left things and then before he could stop himself, it got personal and he proudly proclaimed that he "got the girl". But, not missing a beat, Elizabeth got that teasing look on her face and called him on it. And he backed off immediately. Now what would the average guy have done, puffed out his chest and repeated that the girl was hot for his jeans genes. But what did John do? He made light of it and began to twitch a bit and look at her nervously while doing that shy look thing he does and saying that he turned her down. He wanted her to know the girl meant nothing to him. Why? I'll let you decide.

      And she understood right away that it was a joke because instead of teasing him further, she went right back to what they were talking about and asked him another question. And then she smiled and asked him about being king, knowing that he wouldn't accept such a thing. Complete and utter understanding of each other. That's what we have there. Makes me wonder how that episode would have gone had John and anybody else been reversed in their roles. Rodney? LOL Ronon? even better

      Oh, and:

      Yes, THIS!!! It's one of the reasons, I believe, why everything worked out the way it did. She picked up, correctly, that he is uncomfortable when speaking and overtly showing what he feels, but she was also aware how important it is to him, that someone takes his intentions, motivation and emotions into account. She always did. She did criticize his actions when it was called for (Hot Zone), but she did it in a way that didn't hurt him. She never said "you are a faliure", not in lietral or symbolic way (his father might have said it literally, and well, military did its job well in symbolic telling him just where they think he belonged). I think what Elizabeth had given him is something that all good leaders know how to do - "Come on, be better, do better than that. i know you can, I BELIEVE in you." And she kept doing it, until John finally spread his wings.

      I think Elizabeth's unwavering influence is something he continously missed since she was gone, and it's not just the guilt that he's carrying everywhere, every moment with him. What she did is an equivalent of a soldier taking a bullet for his fellow soldier, simply by choosing it's gonna be her who falls down, not him, not any one of them. Ever since that loss, nobody really offered John that kind of support. I fully intend to restore that in Gravity.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Didn't Anuna just hit that analysis out of the ballpark? Her professional training certainly comes in handy around here. The thread "shrink". LOL
        Yup, always good to have a real professional in the field to consult with, rather than trying to make up stuff on our own. But then, 'Nuna thinks we're all right on the money, so it's all good. Thanks, 'Nuna!

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        And, oh yeah, John just never thought he could repay Elizabeth for all she did for him. She just got him on a basic level that made words unnecessary. He knew he could never fool her. We saw that time and time again. I wish I had time to find pics to back up that statement, but it's in canon and can't be denied. One scene I remember, that I think was mentioned earlier, is the "king" scene at the end of The Tower.

        He started out with a simple report to her on how they left things and then before he could stop himself, it got personal and he proudly proclaimed that he "got the girl". But, not missing a beat, Elizabeth got that teasing look on her face and called him on it. And he backed off immediately. Now what would the average guy have done, puffed out his chest and repeated that the girl was hot for his jeans genes. But what did John do? He made light of it and began to twitch a bit and look at her nervously while doing that shy look thing he does and saying that he turned her down. He wanted her to know the girl meant nothing to him. Why? I'll let you decide.

        And she understood right away that it was a joke because instead of teasing him further, she went right back to what they were talking about and asked him another question. And then she smiled and asked him about being king, knowing that he wouldn't accept such a thing. Complete and utter understanding of each other. That's what we have there. Makes me wonder how that episode would have gone had John and anybody else been reversed in their roles. Rodney? LOL Ronon? even better
        *snerks* I'll bet Elizabeth wanted to pull him out of his jeans, all right.

        Oh wait, we were having a serious discussion.

        If we're going to talk teasing, well, we can't forget the biggest classic of all:


        SHEPPARD: Just out of political curiosity, how much trouble is it gonna cause you if I knock this Woolsey guy in the head?

        WEIR: May I ask why you'd like to do that?

        SHEPPARD: It's just an impulse I had, really, one I suspect I'm gonna have again next time I see him. He may not even have to say anything.

        (Elizabeth looks up at him, amused.)

        WEIR: I've never seen you like this. What did Woolsey say to you?

        SHEPPARD: Besides judging every damned decision you've ever made?

        WEIR: John Sheppard, are you defending my honour?!

        In the immortal words of Guy Fieri, "winner winner chicken dinner."

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        And we're not going anywhere!
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Yup, always good to have a real professional in the field to consult with, rather than trying to make up stuff on our own. But then, 'Nuna thinks we're all right on the money, so it's all good. Thanks, 'Nuna!

          *snerks* I'll bet Elizabeth wanted to pull him out of his jeans, all right.

          Oh wait, we were having a serious discussion.

          If we're going to talk teasing, well, we can't forget the biggest classic of all:


          SHEPPARD: Just out of political curiosity, how much trouble is it gonna cause you if I knock this Woolsey guy in the head?

          WEIR: May I ask why you'd like to do that?

          SHEPPARD: It's just an impulse I had, really, one I suspect I'm gonna have again next time I see him. He may not even have to say anything.

          (Elizabeth looks up at him, amused.)

          WEIR: I've never seen you like this. What did Woolsey say to you?

          SHEPPARD: Besides judging every damned decision you've ever made?

          WEIR: John Sheppard, are you defending my honour?!

          In the immortal words of Guy Fieri, "winner winner chicken dinner."

          And we're not going anywhere!
          Awww, it's quite easy when most of my bunch are very smart, educated ladies *hugs you all*

          Oh and that moment is so CLASSIC! *swoon* I love how he's all puffing his chest and basically saying "Whoever questions your decisions INSULTS me!"

          And just because I can:

          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Awww, it's quite easy when most of my bunch are very smart, educated ladies *hugs you all*

            Oh and that moment is so CLASSIC! *swoon* I love how he's all puffing his chest and basically saying "Whoever questions your decisions INSULTS me!"

            And just because I can:

            *hugs you back* The Sparky Thread: Where the smart kids hang out.

            And ZOMG, that pic! SQUEE! You know, we keep saying how Joe is so good with facial expressions, but we never really talk about Torri's ability. And she's darn good, too!
            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


              Morning Sparkys sitting here drinking some Teavana tea, you should try it it's good, Lizzie and Teyla would definitely approve. Anway hope you are having a good morning so far.
              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                *hugs you back* The Sparky Thread: Where the smart kids hang out.

                And ZOMG, that pic! SQUEE! You know, we keep saying how Joe is so good with facial expressions, but we never really talk about Torri's ability. And she's darn good, too!
                Torri Higginson is a goddess of the TV screen. Why the TPTW had to cut her out? Is beyond me. I mean she has a long range of emotions is good.
                The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                  Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                  *hugs you back* The Sparky Thread: Where the smart kids hang out.

                  And ZOMG, that pic! SQUEE! You know, we keep saying how Joe is so good with facial expressions, but we never really talk about Torri's ability. And she's darn good, too!
                  this calls for an Elizabeth!spam!

                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    PS I forgot to add Torri should have won an Emmy for The Real World
                    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Wooooot! Hey guys, I am so glad to be the thread's shrink. (Just don't let me shrink you. Ooops. that didn't come out right).

                      Anyway, considering that you've granted me the honor of being a thread shrink, I think it's time I prescribe us with some fun. I really really mis us doing picspams, and pic - caps and all thats tuff and I suggest (prescribe) a game of all sparky moments! Meaning, along with thsi awesome conversation and discussion, let's post our little hearts out with sparky prettyness - everythign we can find, all big and small, overt and latent sparky moments, even those "ghost - Elizabeth" moemnts when we saw John thinking of her with sadness on his face. What say ya'all?

                      (note though that manips are not allowed! Let's play it according to teh rules, you guys!)


                      A .gif I found on tumblr, persumably made by someone under a name of lightandwaves. I have ambigous feelings about this episode and the very picture makes me feel sad, but observe them - how they mirror each others looks and expressions. That's shared emotion, right there. I love how in sync they are, even if this is supposed to be clone!Elizabeth. It just shows how strong their connection is (and obviously not even cloning could erase that! lol) Other than that, the famous, and never quite matched Joe and Torri on screen chemistry in its finest is to be seen right here. Flawless acting from both. Wow, did Torri help him shine in all of their shared scenes. I love that.
                      Oh, I love that .gif. They really did complement each other didn't they. "Sublime", like Martin Firrell said. And remembering what Joe told us at the con about where that chemistry came from in part makes me smile all over again.

                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Yes, THIS!!! It's one of the reasons, I believe, why everything worked out the way it did. She picked up, correctly, that he is uncomfortable when speaking and overtly showing what he feels, but she was also aware how important it is to him, that someone takes his intentions, motivation and emotions into account. She always did. She did criticize his actions when it was called for (Hot Zone), but she did it in a way that didn't hurt him. She never said "you are a faliure", not in lietral or symbolic way (his father might have said it literally, and well, military did its job well in symbolic telling him just where they think he belonged). I think what Elizabeth had given him is something that all good leaders know how to do - "Come on, be better, do better than that. i know you can, I BELIEVE in you." And she kept doing it, until John finally spread his wings.

                      I think Elizabeth's unwavering influence is something he continously missed since she was gone, and it's not just the guilt that he's carrying everywhere, every moment with him. What she did is an equivalent of a soldier taking a bullet for his fellow soldier, simply by choosing it's gonna be her who falls down, not him, not any one of them. Ever since that loss, nobody really offered John that kind of support. I fully intend to restore that in Gravity.
                      And she never tried to force him to talk about his feelings or put words in his mouth. That lovely moment in LFP when she asked him if he wanted to make a recording and then let him get away with a no comment just showed how even that early in their relationship, they understood each other so well. He knew she wouldn't nag at him and she knew why he didn't want to talk.

                      Oh and another great Sparky moment.


                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Elizabeth is so checking out John's behind in that last pic. I'm just sayin'.

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Oh, I love that .gif. They really did complement each other didn't they. "Sublime", like Martin Firrell said. And remembering what Joe told us at the con about where that chemistry came from in part makes me smile all over again.

                        And she never tried to force him to talk about his feelings or put words in his mouth. That lovely moment in LFP when she asked him if he wanted to make a recording and then let him get away with a no comment just showed how even that early in their relationship, they understood each other so well. He knew she wouldn't nag at him and she knew why he didn't want to talk.
                        *melts at the "sublime" chemistry all over again*

                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Oh and another great Sparky moment.

                        Speaking of checking each other out... John, we know exactly where your eyes are straying!
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          Passing on the word: Joe's cracktastic movie "Ferocious Planet" is going to be rerun tonight on SyFy at 7pm. Make sure you've got plenty of whiskey on hand!
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            And she never tried to force him to talk about his feelings or put words in his mouth. That lovely moment in LFP when she asked him if he wanted to make a recording and then let him get away with a no comment just showed how even that early in their relationship, they understood each other so well. He knew she wouldn't nag at him and she knew why he didn't want to talk.
                            About that moment in LFP. I always thought it was interesting that she asks John to tape a message for Sumner's family. I think she knew it would help him, help his emotional state.


                              One small little moment I always enjoy is the jumper bay scene in Tao of Rodney. When Rodney's explaining how he thinks his mental powers saved everyone, John keeps looking at Elizabeth. He tended to look her way a good bit of the time, though.


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                Passing on the word: Joe's cracktastic movie "Ferocious Planet" is going to be rerun tonight on SyFy at 7pm. Make sure you've got plenty of whiskey on hand!
                                Ha. He was such a great character in that. Did you hear the story about him watching it with his boys and 3 nephews? That must have been a hoot. And then the next day they all argued over who was going to be "Daddy" when they played Ferocious Planet. So cute.

                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                About that moment in LFP. I always thought it was interesting that she asks John to tape a message for Sumner's family. I think she knew it would help him, help his emotional state.
                                She understood exactly how he felt about what he had done.

                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                One small little moment I always enjoy is the jumper bay scene in Tao of Rodney. When Rodney's explaining how he thinks his mental powers saved everyone, John keeps looking at Elizabeth. He tended to look her way a good bit of the time, though.

                                When she was around he had trouble looking anyplace else. LOL

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

