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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    Yeah, GW has been really slow for me, too...glad it's on this end, though, and not mine...I don't know how much more I could have taken.

    Hi all new people, in case I forget to say hi...

    Someone give me an episode prompt--I want to try and write up a 'post-scene' email between some people about it. Just for fun.
    This may not meet your needs but I planned to post about it anyway. I rewatched Coup d'Etat yesterday to escape the news . That is one of my favorite Sparky eps because they just work almost as one so perfectly. To my way of thinking it is one of the Sparkiest ep of all, especially that last scene which even caused a comment on the commentary about them being "all over each other". Heh.

    In this one we also got:
    --the hot yellow glasses
    --tied up John
    --the cute prison cell scene with John/Lorne
    --worried Elizabeth
    --lots of lip licking
    --Rodney was not annoying
    --sweet Carson saving people
    --Lt. Col errand boy
    --desk sitting
    --Teyla looked pretty
    --Spanky on a mission
    --wanted posters

    and lots more.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      This may not meet your needs but I planned to post about it anyway. I rewatched Coup d'Etat yesterday to escape the news . That is one of my favorite Sparky eps because they just work almost as one so perfectly. To my way of thinking it is one of the Sparkiest ep of all, especially that last scene which even caused a comment on the commentary about them being "all over each other". Heh.

      In this one we also got:
      --the hot yellow glasses
      --tied up John
      --the cute prison cell scene with John/Lorne
      --worried Elizabeth
      --lots of lip licking
      --Rodney was not annoying
      --sweet Carson saving people
      --Lt. Col errand boy
      --desk sitting
      --Teyla looked pretty
      --Spanky on a mission
      --wanted posters

      and lots more.
      I was just thinking what to watch today! I might watch Coup, maybe that brings my inspiration back.

      Among my favorites are Intruder and Critical Mass - there's action, humor, ensemble, good writing and oh so obvious Sparky. Also, guys, I can't wait for "The Return" convo - I tried writing a Return based fic and couldn't. Apart from some pretty scenes that ep somehow doesn't work for me.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
        I was just thinking what to watch today! I might watch Coup, maybe that brings my inspiration back.

        Among my favorites are Intruder and Critical Mass - there's action, humor, ensemble, good writing and oh so obvious Sparky. Also, guys, I can't wait for "The Return" convo - I tried writing a Return based fic and couldn't. Apart from some pretty scenes that ep somehow doesn't work for me.
        Thanks, SR, for the prompt! I'll see if I can come up with something funny.

        "The Return" is one that I'm not a fan of, despite some good moments. I think it's because it felt like they were purposefully distancing Elizabeth and John during the goodbyes and the actual return. I was really irritated 1) that John didn't actually say 'goodbye' to her 2) that despite the fact that she didn't call or talk to anyone, when Rodney mentions that fact to John, he seemed to be less-than-perturbed that she hadn't kept in touch. Rodney's more bothered by it than John, and it's Carson who shows up at her apartment. My sense was--after TRW and CG, there would have been a little more J/E something--so it felt to me like the writers sort of went 'uh, oh, I think we've been shipping a little too much--let's pretend like they completely don't care about each other at all.'

        And where exactly were they having dinner, anyway? My presumption was that Elizabeth was in DC, John in Colorado, Rodney in NM (he flew in to see John) and Carson in DC.

        So did Elizabeth pay for a plane ticket out to Colorado? *headdesk*
        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
          Thanks, SR, for the prompt! I'll see if I can come up with something funny.

          "The Return" is one that I'm not a fan of, despite some good moments. I think it's because it felt like they were purposefully distancing Elizabeth and John during the goodbyes and the actual return. I was really irritated 1) that John didn't actually say 'goodbye' to her 2) that despite the fact that she didn't call or talk to anyone, when Rodney mentions that fact to John, he seemed to be less-than-perturbed that she hadn't kept in touch. Rodney's more bothered by it than John, and it's Carson who shows up at her apartment.

          And where exactly were they having dinner, anyway? My presumption was that Elizabeth was in DC, John in Colorado, Rodney in NM (he flew in to see John) and Carson in DC.

          So did Elizabeth pay for a plane ticket out to Colorado? *headdesk*
          That ep needs to be rewritten. Okay, time for my beauty sleep. I feel exhausted today. It was a long day at work.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Eri, here's an episode prompt: Critical Mass. Or even better, Return. And feel free to tweak it to your will so it would make sense.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
              Thanks, SR, for the prompt! I'll see if I can come up with something funny.

              "The Return" is one that I'm not a fan of, despite some good moments. I think it's because it felt like they were purposefully distancing Elizabeth and John during the goodbyes and the actual return. I was really irritated 1) that John didn't actually say 'goodbye' to her 2) that despite the fact that she didn't call or talk to anyone, when Rodney mentions that fact to John, he seemed to be less-than-perturbed that she hadn't kept in touch. Rodney's more bothered by it than John, and it's Carson who shows up at her apartment. My sense was--after TRW and CG, there would have been a little more J/E something--so it felt to me like the writers sort of went 'uh, oh, I think we've been shipping a little too much--let's pretend like they completely don't care about each other at all.'

              And where exactly were they having dinner, anyway? My presumption was that Elizabeth was in DC, John in Colorado, Rodney in NM (he flew in to see John) and Carson in DC.

              So did Elizabeth pay for a plane ticket out to Colorado? *headdesk*
              ITA on The Return. It was annoying in the extreme, and just badwritingbadwritingbadwriting as usual. But they do that with everything including the other ships. Yet on the other hand, unlike most of you, the reason I can keep watching this show is that every episode is like a new pilot. LOL I watch for John as you know. I love the action, the banter and the humor. Somehow in my feeble mind I am able to compartmentalize the plot and usually ignore the stupidity. Now that Sparky is done. I can live in the past on that angle and enjoy the pretty. Yes I know I'm weird. You don't know the half of it. lol

              Now I'm going to eat lunch and watch a cooking show to escape a lot of stupidity that is going on right now in my country.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                ITA on The Return. It was annoying in the extreme, and just badwritingbadwritingbadwriting as usual. But they do that with everything including the other ships. Yet on the other hand, unlike most of you, the reason I can keep watching this show is that every episode is like a new pilot. LOL I watch for John as you know. I love the action, the banter and the humor. Somehow in my feeble mind I am able to compartmentalize the plot and usually ignore the stupidity. Now that Sparky is done. I can live in the past on that angle and enjoy the pretty. Yes I know I'm weird. You don't know the half of it. lol

                Now I'm going to eat lunch and watch a cooking show to escape a lot of stupidity that is going on right now in my country.
                Yeah, I'm not as resilient as you. "The Return" felt like they were slapping groups of people on purpose (they did the same with J/T in a way by John not showing any concern about leaving anyone. Jeez. Have the boy be a little depressed!). Whereas Rodney, Carson and Zelenka got an emotional moment! It was a blip in what I would have otherwise considered a banner year for character relationships. Barring what happened to particular characters, of course.

                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Eri, here's an episode prompt: Critical Mass. Or even better, Return. And feel free to tweak it to your will so it would make sense.
                Thanks! I shall work on email-style fan ficlets for one of those two. The posts will be sporadic, so having fun! And enjoy your rest, Anuna. I don't get to rest these days, so I'm jealous.
                Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  I was just thinking what to watch today! I might watch Coup, maybe that brings my inspiration back.

                  Among my favorites are Intruder and Critical Mass - there's action, humor, ensemble, good writing and oh so obvious Sparky. Also, guys, I can't wait for "The Return" convo - I tried writing a Return based fic and couldn't. Apart from some pretty scenes that ep somehow doesn't work for me.
                  I know that feeling

                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  Eri, here's an episode prompt: Critical Mass. Or even better, Return. And feel free to tweak it to your will so it would make sense.
                  I don't know it that's such a good idea (from your POV). Rewriting Return in a way that makes sense would break Sparky up for good


                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    Thanks! I shall work on email-style fan ficlets for one of those two. The posts will be sporadic, so having fun! And enjoy your rest, Anuna. I don't get to rest these days, so I'm jealous.
                    Me too. Got about 20 hours of sleep in the last seven days


                      What I liked about The Return:

                      -> Carson/Teyla
                      -> Elizabeth with Bill Lee was funny
                      -> Lizzie looking pretty

                      Erm. That's all?


                        VOTE FOR SPARKY:

                        Only 3 votes to get on the primary qualifier -- GO VOTE!!


                          Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                          VOTE FOR SPARKY:

                          Only 3 votes to get on the primary qualifier -- GO VOTE!!
                          voted, not sure if correctly though


                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            Thanks, SR, for the prompt! I'll see if I can come up with something funny.

                            "The Return" is one that I'm not a fan of, despite some good moments. I think it's because it felt like they were purposefully distancing Elizabeth and John during the goodbyes and the actual return. I was really irritated 1) that John didn't actually say 'goodbye' to her 2) that despite the fact that she didn't call or talk to anyone, when Rodney mentions that fact to John, he seemed to be less-than-perturbed that she hadn't kept in touch. Rodney's more bothered by it than John, and it's Carson who shows up at her apartment. My sense was--after TRW and CG, there would have been a little more J/E something--so it felt to me like the writers sort of went 'uh, oh, I think we've been shipping a little too much--let's pretend like they completely don't care about each other at all.'

                            And where exactly were they having dinner, anyway? My presumption was that Elizabeth was in DC, John in Colorado, Rodney in NM (he flew in to see John) and Carson in DC.

                            So did Elizabeth pay for a plane ticket out to Colorado? *headdesk*
                            During the Carson/Elizabeth scene, you can tell where everyone is. Elizabeth asks if Carson is settling in at the SGC, so he's in CO. Later he says she doesn't need to be here (meaning CO) in order to do her job for the SGC. You've got John and Rodney's locales correct.

                            So actually John and Elizabeth were in the same town, except John was probably off world most of the time with his team. I do think he tried to call her based on his conversation with Rodney. Still, we could have had a scene with them, except the writers got skittish. After the awesome moments in TRW they probably thought they better back off for a bit.
                            sig by SueKay

                            My Team:


                              Okay, just for fun! Emails on "The Return" ficlets.


                              TO: Elizabeth Weir, HOE, Atlantis
                              FROM: Dr. Bill Lee, PH.D,
                              CC: Dr. Rodney McKay, CSO, Atlantis
                              RE: Identity?

                              Doctor Weir (Elizabeth):

                              I am not certain if this is the proper channel for this, but I was wondering if you would like an assistance with regards to a certain Earth-based program that I'm guessing is pretty hard to maintain now that you're back on Atlantis.

                              Having been unable to reach you since your return, I figure you've been pretty busy, but I know that as a fellow participant in certain 'worldly' endeavors, you won't want to see certain personalities perish due to job constraints.

                              I would be more than happy to assist you in any way I can. I can assure you my experience is quite vast in this particular area and I would treat everything that is yours with the utmost dignity and respect. It is only deserving considering the level you're at.

                              If you need help, you can reach me anytime. You can also find me in the Inn in Grovaria. If, you know, you really don't need

                              CC'ing Rodney in case he has any input.


                              TO: Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, USAF, CO Atlantis Division
                              FROM: General Jack O'Neill, USAF, SGC
                              RE: Personal Issue


                              Regarding that 'personal issue' you had about that little incident you saw in the control room after the defeat of the replicators--that was a spontaneously congratulatory hug because she was excited about the decision to put her back in charge.

                              Next time you assume something how about you ask me directly instead of asking around? You have any idea how much crap I've had to hear from the SGC about that because a couple of loudmouthed politicians--especially Woolsey, who demonstrated to us exactly how much he can't keep his mouth shut--decided to question the integrity of the leadership in the program!

                              Next time you have a personal issue with Weir I suggest you take it up with her. If that's a problem, take it up with someone else. Hell, you can take it up with the Wraith if you want--just don't mention it to anyone else in command!

                              If you're wondering why I'm going easy on you, it's only because Lieutenant Colonel Carter didn't hear about it. You think traipsing juniors through jungles on M4M-756 was bad? Antarctica? Try a reassignment to the dungeon ward of Mopsl and then we'll see who opens their mouth.

                              Otherwise, have a nice day.
                              Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                                Hee @ the emails!

                                And yup, Torri, ye voted just fine. I'm following the format of the other All Time Game, see how that turns out/

