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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by meezergater View Post
    Reiko, that fanfic rec list would be very welcome her too)
    can you please pm it to me?
    *raises hand*
    Me too, please.

    Happy birthday leighanners

    I hope you have a lovely day.

    cshawzye, I love the first pic you posted.

    you mean a text from all of us together? Well, I am not your wo-man, I lack ..what-would-you-call-it...skills in writing?

    "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


      Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
      *raises hand*
      Me too, please.
      .: Of course

      .: Cake looks yummy. I love it's shape


        Originally posted by Reiko View Post

        .: Can I type it or write and take a nice picture of it and then you print it out?
        Hmm... it's up to you as long as it's got the right size. I PM you my e-mail-address so you can send me what you created^^
        Fainne you mean a text from all of us together? Well, I am not your wo-man, I lack ..what-would-you-call-it...skills in writing?
        no, I just thought that it would be cool too if the ones who want can write him something. But didn't regard that some would want but don't have these "skills-of-writing" . Sorry for that. I just want to utilize the available space. But what would you say if - instead of writing something - you send me a photo of you and I add it to the booklet? would be very cool to show Paul who we are and where the the CD comes from. And oh... of course can everyone do both - writing and adding a photo. I also could add the particular ensign so he can see how multi-cultural we are.

        The cake looks REALLY tasty.. can I have a piece please?


          I love the idea to show him who we are!


            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            Hmm... it's up to you as long as it's got the right size. I PM you my e-mail-address so you can send me what you created^^

            no, I just thought that it would be cool too if the ones who want can write him something. But didn't regard that some would want but don't have these "skills-of-writing" . Sorry for that. I just want to utilize the available space. But what would you say if - instead of writing something - you send me a photo of you and I add it to the booklet? would be very cool to show Paul who we are and where the the CD comes from. And oh... of course can everyone do both - writing and adding a photo. I also could add the particular ensign so he can see how multi-cultural we are.

            The cake looks REALLY tasty.. can I have a piece please?
            Reiko, Fainne: Leighanners is the one to ask for a piece of cake.

            Fainne About I could write something or try at least. I hope it doesn't sound too "used". How much time do we have to send you the pictures and what we've written?

            "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


              Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
              Reiko, Fainne: Leighanners is the one to ask for a piece of cake.

              Fainne About I could write something or try at least. I hope it doesn't sound too "used". How much time do we have to send you the pictures and what we've written?

              would 2 weeks be ok? so deadline would be 13 April you can send me anything you want:
              - texts
              (I'll add the ensigns of the countries where we all are from so Paul can see who we are )
              the ones who want I'll add with the real name - just tell me in a mail. (example "Fainne a.k.a. Katrin")
              Last edited by Fainne; 29 March 2008, 02:11 PM.


                Originally posted by meezergater View Post
                Reiko, that fanfic rec list would be very welcome her too)
                can you please pm it to me?
                Me too if you can.

                Happy Birthday leighanners!!

                Carson is here for the party


                  Thanks Reiko for the PM and thanks Twinny for recommending the fics in the first place.

                  Where is everybody today? The chat room is empty, I can hear my own echo there...
                  "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                    Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                    Thanks Reiko for the PM and thanks Twinny for recommending the fics in the first place.

                    Where is everybody today? The chat room is empty, I can hear my own echo there...
                    I had to work all day but I am home now.


                      Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                      Where is everybody today? The chat room is empty, I can hear my own echo there...
                      .: It seems GW has gone dormant since S4 ended ... It'll awake for S5 with lots of new people, if that's what you mean.


                        Originally posted by Fainne View Post

                        this would be the CD label layout:
                        I love the layout


                          Thanks for the list Reiko)


                            Dropping off some more new caps - I now have The Return parts 1 and 2 Carson-capped and uploaded to the site. If anyone else wants to add images to the gallery, please do!

                            Spoiled for size:



                              I love your caps Jetflair.
                              My heart just skipped a beat!



                                Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                                What a great pic! Good stuff.

                                jeflair, love the caps! So thunkworthy!

                                Happy Birthday, leighanners!!
                                Hope you're having a great day!

                                How about some dirt to celebrate right? *grins*


                                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness

