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    Hello all those who are new!

    Welcome to GateWorld, and have fun posting!
    Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
    Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


      Hey, newbie here!
      I hang out at the scifi bboard so some of you might know me.
      Let's see...I'm a 19 year old female college student...haven't decided my major yet. I've been watching SG-1 for about a year. I'm a big Daniel fan (who isn't?) and I'm also a Jack/Daniel slasher. Uh...can't think of anything else at the moment, so I guess that's it.
      Co-President of F.O.R.D. My SG-1 Slashfiction MyLiveJournal


        Welcome, wraith816!

        Hope you have a fun time over here!
        Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
        Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


          i've been here for a while watching and finally decided to join.
          quite frankly, i was surprised that both this username, and sg-1 where not
          taken but coincidentally, it was used today.

          i live in toronto canada and am 15. I started watching stargate only about a year and a half ago and have seen all but 26 SG1 episodes(the twenty s8 and then 6 s1-s7) and all of atlantis.


            Welcome Wraith816 and Stargate! Nice to have you here!


              Hey i'm new, i live in Melbourne, Australia and have been watching stargate every since it started here so it's been about 5 years or so but only over the last have i come completely obsessed buying the box sets
              Oneil: You ended the sentence in a preposition, you ba$tard!


                Hey furling! Nice to have you here.


                  Hi everyone.
                  I seem to spend so much time here lurking that I thought I might as well jump in. I live in Scotland and adore all sci-fi, Stargate being my favourite but very impressed with the new Battlestar Galactica. I'm a mum of two, so you'd think I'd grow up and get my head out of the clouds, 'fraid not. ..maybe one day?
                  Last edited by Egeria; 09 February 2005, 01:04 AM. Reason: spelling


                    Hiya Guys and Gal's,

                    Hope everyone is well.

                    yes i am a newbie and thought i should say Hi to you all.
                    well my names debs and i'm a big fan of SG1 and Atlantis, i first go into SCFI/FANTASY through BUFFY ...
                    i was hooked from the pilot then i also got hooked on Angel, Roswell, Dark Angel, Alias, SG1, Atlantis .

                    Couldnt get into enterprise :-(

                    so now im completley hooked on SG1 and Atlantis, went to london film and comic con and met some of the actors from atlantis .
                    met Joe Flanigan and kind of messed that up, ive met loads of actors but when i went up to him i just went bright red and started drooling "litrally" i just couldnt get any words out and i think he hought i was weird
                    - Rachel Luttrell was so nice and sweet she made time to talk to everyone on a personal level out of all my conventions i'd say she is one of the best people ive met along side Andy Hallet from Angel .

                    Well im from UK and im 24 soon to be that scary

                    love to you all

                    Last edited by OMA1980; 09 February 2005, 02:43 AM. Reason: just checking
                    giles singing...

                    Willow , anya, tara: "ohhh"
                    xander: "can we go back to the haunted house because this is creeping me out"
                    tara: "does he do this alot"
                    xander: "sure everyday the earth rotates backward and the sky's turn orange"

                    willow: "now i remeber why i used to to have such a crush on him"
                    any: "his voice is pleasent"
                    willow : "cum on it is kind of sexy"
                    xander: "i'm fighting total mental breakdown here.. no more fuel in the fire please"


                      Originally posted by Egeria
                      I'm a mum of two, so you'd think I'd grow up and get my head out of the clouds, 'fraid not. ..maybe one day?
                      well, you know, more than one of the mods here has kids....
                      welcome aboard!!
                      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                        And hi to Oma1980 too!
                        welcome aboard!
                        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                          Okay. I've lurked long enough!

                          I've been into Stargate for, oh...gosh - ages. I honestly can't remember now which episode it was that got me hooked (remembering things isn't my strongest point). Whatever it was, I've never looked back - unless it's when I'm watching one of my DVDs, of course.

                          Now all I have to do is decide on a signature...


                            Originally posted by Chaka's_Mum
                            Okay. I've lurked long enough!

                            I've been into Stargate for, oh...gosh - ages. I honestly can't remember now which episode it was that got me hooked (remembering things isn't my strongest point). Whatever it was, I've never looked back - unless it's when I'm watching one of my DVDs, of course.

                            Now all I have to do is decide on a signature...
                            Welcome to the Forum Chaka's Mum. Nice to have you here.


                              Hey all. I'm Zahra (means "flower" in's the name of my friend's cat >_<; lol) and I'm a relativly new Stargate fan. I've been watching reruns on Sci Fi for a while, so I've caught a spotty bunch of eppisodes, mostly from season 5 (as well as a few early Atlantis epps), until recently when my boss/friend lent me his DVD's. I've currently seen nearly all of season 2 and various other epps. too.

                              As you'd find if you read my info...I'm a big Daniel fan. What can I say? I have a thing for geeks! lol Of course, I have yet to set up a background on my computer featuring him...but I'm sure I'll cave soon enough.

                              Outside of my newly found love of Stargate, I'm a big Firefly fan and I have a history of ocasional anime obsessions...but recently I've been turning my interests more towards Sci Fi instead. As for non-sci fi-related things, I'm very interested in technology and am a student member of my school's technology department (althouhg more of my time spent in the tech office involves my boss and me chatting about Stargate...). I'm also very interested in acting and am in the Advanced Acting class and the school play this year. I plan to study computer sciences and acting in college.



                                Newbie here of course. I’ve been watching…for a very long time (finished my 1st degree at the Uni while watching!). Caught most of it in syndication 'cause we didn't have cable. I’ve seen almost all the episodes except some from season 6, which was an abomination to me I’m just kidding
                                I'm a student in U.S. and thank you for the welcome.

