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    But I rock to the nth degree so blah


      Originally posted by The Great Lord Baal View Post
      But I rock to the nth degree so blah
      Well I rock to the twenty-seventh so meh.




          Originally posted by The Great Lord Baal View Post



            I'm a new on this forum so I think that it's time that you meet me. I found your forum by only typing on Google. I love so much Stargate SG-1, it's my best series. I started watching Stargate SG-1 at the age of 10 years old or around it. I was watching TV on the TQS channel and I wanted to know what it is so I watched one episode. I fell in love of this series. I watched the complete seasons 4, 5 and 6. I watched some episodes in the seasons 2, 3 and 4 but not these complete seasons. So it was hard because I was always missing the episodes because I don't like to watch series on TV (you know, you always have to think about and sometimes you miss some episodes because you forgot this night) so I stopped watching Stargate SG-1 during two years. After two years, I decided to continue watching this series on Ztélé because of the... I don't know how you say it in English... time? It was at 23H00 PM and it doesn't disturb me to watch TV at this time o'clock.

            Now, I bought the complete season 1 on DVD and I watched it completely. I wanted to buy the season 2 but in North America I can't find it in French so I'm obligated to buy it in France. Now I'm still waiting for my order. I bought a multizones DVD Player.

            As you can see, my first language is French. I'm living in Quebec (NOT THE CITY!), Canada. I'm not bilingual so that's why sometimes it's hard to explain something for me in English.

            Now I'm going to eat so goodbye!


              Originally posted by YanBrassard View Post

              I'm a new on this forum so I think that it's time that you meet me. I found your forum by only typing on Google. I love so much Stargate SG-1, it's my best series. I started watching Stargate SG-1 at the age of 10 years old or around it. I was watching TV on the TQS channel and I wanted to know what it is so I watched one episode. I fell in love of this series. I watched the complete seasons 4, 5 and 6. I watched some episodes in the seasons 2, 3 and 4 but not these complete seasons. So it was hard because I was always missing the episodes because I don't like to watch series on TV (you know, you always have to think about and sometimes you miss some episodes because you forgot this night) so I stopped watching Stargate SG-1 during two years. After two years, I decided to continue watching this series on Ztélé because of the... I don't know how you say it in English... time? It was at 23H00 PM and it doesn't disturb me to watch TV at this time o'clock.

              Now, I bought the complete season 1 on DVD and I watched it completely. I wanted to buy the season 2 but in North America I can't find it in French so I'm obligated to buy it in France. Now I'm still waiting for my order. I bought a multizones DVD Player.

              As you can see, my first language is French. I'm living in Quebec (NOT THE CITY!), Canada. I'm not bilingual so that's why sometimes it's hard to explain something for me in English.

              Now I'm going to eat so goodbye!


                I'm looking for new MSN contacts. If you want to add me, this is my MSN adress:

                [email protected]


                  Originally posted by YanBrassard View Post
                  I'm looking for new MSN contacts. If you want to add me, this is my MSN adress:

                  [email protected]
                  Okey Dokey.

                  Edit: Done and done.


                    Hey hi guys I just Joined today.

                    I'm in Australia and we're right about near the middle or end of the final
                    season of the show. Not sure how to feel about the ending when it
                    comes though.

                    Well I found these forums while searching for spoilers so thought I'd

                    So hello from "down under"
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                      Hey hi guys I just Joined today.

                      I'm in Australia and we're right about near the middle or end of the final
                      season of the show. Not sure how to feel about the ending when it
                      comes though.

                      Well I found these forums while searching for spoilers so thought I'd

                      So hello from "down under"
                      Welcome, hope you enjoy the site


                        Originally posted by wolfax View Post
                        Welcome, hope you enjoy the site

                        I'm pretty sure I will..... So far it's been fun wandering around in the
                        various forums and such.

                        Have to ask a question though. Why do some people have banners
                        saying that they support various actors and characters? Is there
                        some kind of voting thing going on?
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                          I'm pretty sure I will..... So far it's been fun wandering around in the
                          various forums and such.

                          Have to ask a question though. Why do some people have banners
                          saying that they support various actors and characters? Is there
                          some kind of voting thing going on?
                          No, it is just to show their support.


                            Hi everyone, I joined a couple of months back, after lurking for years.

                            I love both shows and I am looking forward to the movies & season 4 of SGA.
                            sig made by me


                              Hello everyone
                              I just joined yesterday and it took me till now to get up the nerve to properly introduce myself. I am a fan of both SG1 and SGA and I am really looking forward to seeing season 4.


                                Originally posted by foggygirl View Post
                                Hello everyone
                                I just joined yesterday and it took me till now to get up the nerve to properly introduce myself. I am a fan of both SG1 and SGA and I am really looking forward to seeing season 4.
                                Welcome to you.

