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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    Hi! *waves shyly* This is my first post here, because well, I have a short Sam fic that I hope you all like. It's my first Sam pov, and well, I felt I should share with Sam fans, because I agree: Sam is a great character.

    The Physicochemical Composition of Alcohol and Girl’s Night Out
    Welcome isabelqc! Thanks for sharing your fanfic with us..I know I'm gonna enjoy it too. *saves for later*

    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    They know it was her because of positioning and size and stuff. I was the wee nearly-4-pounder hiding around the back

    Anyway... my sister finally has me watching Bones I have read all the books but gave up on the first episode back when it started airing here on tv because I took in look at the hologram thing and said "oh noes, not more fake science!"

    Any way... I'm up to episode 4 and Tempe is wearing the shirt that Amanda Tapping wears in this interview!

    I stared at Tempe for a few seconds thinking "that looks familiar... oh! Amanda Tapping!"

    I think it was kinda nerdy to pick up on that.

    spoilers for random pic spam comparing tops

    Ok, so I didn't find a good cap of Tempe, but trust me it's the same top

    Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
    Grrrr, Eve just answered your question... bet me too it But yes, Alan was the first fireman to slide down the pole in the Fire Station in 'The Changeling' and yeah Amanda's mum was in Affinity she was wearing a red top and was in the playground behind them!

    You little sneak you bet me too it I was only 'round the corner! Heehee
    Ooh I'm gonna have to go back to these eps and look now hehe The split second they're in the scene and I actually don't blink and miss it will be the highlight of my day I, maybe.

    Happy Birthday General David Niemi! whee! Hope it was a good one!

    Originally posted by Melora View Post
    I found a very nice Sam fic today that I thought some of you might like. It is about Sam’s adjustment to her new command in Atlantis. It was particularly refreshing b/c it is obvious that the author is not happy with the cast changes but still managed to treat all of the characters realistically and with respect. I also really like the way Sam’s transition is presented in the story. I would be thrilled if TPTB depict it in a similar way on the show. Needless to say, there are spoilers for SGA seasons 3 and 4.

    Terms of Resolution by mannaplowsk
    *saves for later* Thank you for sharing this. I'm always looking for something new to read and this one is really quite different. Can't wait!

    Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
    I'm going i'm going i swear... Just wanted to post this up... just finished this support banner and... wanted to show off!
    awee..your soo good! Your banners are wonderful! I can do Photoshop a little but when I try to get all creative there I'm usually sucked in for hours cos I'm so slooww. I'm really amazed at how fast you are!


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      Yes Happy Birthday to our new resident streaker ah person who runs in out of the thread quickly
      I am the new resident streaker


        Some neat pic's at Scifi for SGA. I really like them but then I'm totally biased

        Forgive me if you have seen them already.


        Much credit to Replicatertje and Ann Sgc_Fan for their lovely sigs


          Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
          Some neat pic's at Scifi for SGA. I really like them but then I'm totally biased

          Forgive me if you have seen them already.


          DOCTOR LEE!!!!!!!!!!!


            Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post

            thank you!

            they're all lovely (especially sam's 'bed head' look ), and i couldn't get the season 4 episode thinger to work for me. so again, thanks.

            ~i'm REALLY glad they've let up on some of that de-blemishing stuff they were doing with the photos... made them all look like stepford atlantis ~


            ps - someone needs to make a sam-in-leather smiley



              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              ps - someone needs to make a sam-in-leather smiley


                i like the sam with her hair down one personally
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                  Some neat pic's at Scifi for SGA. I really like them but then I'm totally biased

                  Forgive me if you have seen them already.


                  At least they don't look like they've been airbrushed to hezmana and gone. Thanks!
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                    Hey everyone!!!

                    I just attempted to make a Support Carter banner, but its turned out really loz rez... so i'm just gonna re do it and with a higher rez... but here's what i gots so far...

                    Dodgy i know... the second one will be better!
                    Very nice, no its not dodgy its lovely

                    Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                    So very very pretty! Thanks for the link across...mmm.

                    Totally...Sam Carter back in 1997 was hot...Carter now is hot (and all the time in between too) but if you compare between then and now she is differently hot...if that makes sense...

                    Fantastic! Thanks those are great..

                    I once TA'd for a primary school class which had, one set of identical triplets, one pair of identical twins, and one pair of none identical the same classroom with 11 other kids....and their parents thought it was cute to dress them in the same outfits every day. *headdesk*
                    that must have been different. I only know one set of twins and their identical and cool, but i dont think people realise how different they are.

                    Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                    Hey everybody, time for me to run for the evening.... Got things to do places to be, ya know all that fun and games! Have a good time while i'm gone, heehee... back in the early morning! Cya... oh before i leave... i fixed it...

                    Bye, tootles... *huggles for whoever wants them*
                    Yay i get a huggle i love huggles <3

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    Hi! *waves shyly* This is my first post here, because well, I have a short Sam fic that I hope you all like. It's my first Sam pov, and well, I felt I should share with Sam fans, because I agree: Sam is a great character.

                    The Physicochemical Composition of Alcohol and Girl’s Night Out
                    Hey welcome to this crazy place we like to call Samanda.....Or Sams a great Character thread what ever you prefer

                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    They know it was her because of positioning and size and stuff. I was the wee nearly-4-pounder hiding around the back

                    Anyway... my sister finally has me watching Bones I have read all the books but gave up on the first episode back when it started airing here on tv because I took in look at the hologram thing and said "oh noes, not more fake science!"

                    Any way... I'm up to episode 4 and Tempe is wearing the shirt that Amanda Tapping wears in this interview!


                    I stared at Tempe for a few seconds thinking "that looks familiar... oh! Amanda Tapping!"

                    I think it was kinda nerdy to pick up on that.

                    spoilers for random pic spam comparing tops


                    Ok, so I didn't find a good cap of Tempe, but trust me it's the same top
                    Oh my gosh it does look like it hehe



                      Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                      That worked! Great vid! Well cut and matched with the lyrics.

                      Thanks for the link.

                      Kay aka Mumsey
                      No problamo

                      Originally posted by SmileyGidget View Post
                      I'm going i'm going i swear... Just wanted to post this up... just finished this support banner and... wanted to show off!

                      very nice.

                      Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                      Some neat pic's at Scifi for SGA. I really like them but then I'm totally biased

                      Forgive me if you have seen them already.


                      i havent seen them. There brilliant

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      thank you!

                      they're all lovely (especially sam's 'bed head' look ), and i couldn't get the season 4 episode thinger to work for me. so again, thanks.

                      ~i'm REALLY glad they've let up on some of that de-blemishing stuff they were doing with the photos... made them all look like stepford atlantis ~


                      ps - someone needs to make a sam-in-leather smiley
                      I second, i mean third that.

                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i like the sam with her hair down one personally
                      Yeah me too

                      Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                      At least they don't look like they've been airbrushed to hezmana and gone. Thanks!
                      LOL, true.

                      Happy birthday General David Niemi
                      Last edited by Amanda_Tapping_Fan; 22 September 2007, 06:51 PM.



                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        all i can remember amanda saying about her twin (chris, right?) is that they had a special 'twin language' that they shared when they were very little. i'd love to ask amanda about that, actually, if she remembers words or phrases of that language.

                        Hehe... my sister and I used to leave key words out of sentences and still understand each other so we sort of had a twin language too. We also had a kind of slang/words that only we understood. Mum used to worry that we would never learn to talk to other people

                        The thing is, it's still a bit like that. I guess we just know how each other thinks... none of the weird supernatural crap that people think twins have... we just kind of think on the same wave length I guess. So we can leave key words and ideas out because we know the other one is already thinking it, so why state it? Then when we come to the same conclusion or whatever, people around us are left going "woah!"

                        So none of this weird twin ESP stuff that people talk about, we just think along similar lines.

                        For an extreme example... (spoilers for off topic)
                        We were rehearsing for a show at high school once, and my sister was wearing an elastic bandage brace thingy on her knee and her white school sock pulled right up to it covering her lower leg. Which she definitely has. A bully looked at it and said something stupid like "do you have a fake leg?"

                        Marian looked a bit hurt and replied, "yes. I lost it in a car accident when I was 6. It's not something you should comment about like that."

                        This girl wasn't quite sure not to make of that, so she came over to me and asked (in the same horrible way) "Eileen, does your sister have a fake leg?"

                        For some reason I knew that for her to be asking like that, she had to have been fed a story by Marian so I said the first thing that popped into my frond... "yes. She was in a car accident when she was 6. You haven't said anything to her have you? She's really sensitive about it."

                        I don't know if this horrible girl was more freaked out by the idea of a fake leg or when she finally clicked that we had both come up with the same story on the spot.

                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                          These are great. You might want to think about posting them here: Support Carter banners thread
                          Oh coolies, thanks! I saw there was a thread somewhere, but i couldn't remember where i found it silly me! I shall go over there and post them shortly, computers being a pain at the moment though... grr! Meh, workling on another banner though

                          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                          Very very nice, an excellent job!

                          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                          Wow, that looks so cool... heehee *is thinking 'I'm meeting Joe, i'm meeting Joe'* thats great but!

                          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                          awee..your soo good! Your banners are wonderful! I can do Photoshop a little but when I try to get all creative there I'm usually sucked in for hours cos I'm so slooww. I'm really amazed at how fast you are!
                          *blushes* Awww, thanks, glad you like them! I can get sucked in for hours and hours as well, but depending on how my computers running and hoe inspired i am i can make more than one or two things If my inpiration is running wild, it's nromally a LOT more, especially if i'm making avatars!

                          Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
                          Woohoo, more pic of Amanda in Atlantis i can use in banners... heehee, thanks for posting they look awesome!

                          Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                          Very nice, no its not dodgy its lovely
                          Yay i get a huggle i love huggles <3
                          I just meant it was dodgy coz of the resolution of the pics... the second one was the best rez and loosk soo much clearer! But thanks glad you like! I've been told that my things tend to get too bright sometimes

                          And i huggle everyone, i used to be a member of the 'SGC-Network' and when we had the closing down awards, i got the most huggable one! Twas cool!

                          Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                          very nice.
                          Heehee, thanks

                          Oh and Happy Birthday GeneralDavid Niemi!! Hope you have, had a GREAT day!!


                            Samandans of a certain age ... remember how we mentioned the fact that the old hit series of Cagney and Lacey in the 1980s had two female heroes who set the right tone for portraying women realistically?

                            A bit OT, but bear with me ... I just went onto to order the S10 Stargate Illustrated Companion and, lo and behold, found myself also ordering the S1 DVD Set of Cagney and Lacey, along with a newly published book by the producer of the show, Barney Rosenzweig (who married Cagney/Sharon Gless).

                            Now, here's the connection to AT/Sam Carter and Stargate productions:

                            First of all, if you go to the link I'm sharing,, you'll see an early headshot of Sharon Gless and I think she really resembled Amanda in that photo. This actress has also championed women's causes and appeared in The Vagina Monologues too.

                            Secondly, when you start to read the blogs (especially Barney's), you see that there's obviously quite a fan base from the old show and they are excited to finally get a release of the series. This reminds me of SG1 fans.

                            You will also see that there may not be further releases of the remaining seven award-winning seasons because the younger generation at MGM really have no history with the series and initial sales at are coming up flat according to the boys in charge of marketing. I just find it funny that MGM is causing the problem in not giving loyal fans what they really want because of that ominous "bottom line". Sound familiar?

                            The fans (including UK fans) have begun a marketing campaign of their own to spread the word about the release of S1 and hoping to get more people interested in buying the product through

                            So, if you are a past fan of Cagney and Lacey or just interested in discovering some well-done television (with a cast every bit as down-to-earth as the original Stargate SG1) ... go on over to the blog link or and check out the DVD info.

                            Barney Rosenzweig was one of the first producers to promote a TV show which allowed women to be strong and feisty and smart and spunky - you know, all those qualities we love in Sam Carter!

                            I hope MGM gets the message that shows which pioneered strong women leads are definitely worth recycling years later!

                            Just sayin'.
                            Last edited by ChopinGal; 22 September 2007, 07:10 PM.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              i like the sam with her hair down one personally
                              If you are talking about the Atlantis one, then I definately concur....
                              Sorry I just got home from the rollercoaster park and shopping at the mall(yay I got my brown wig, so I can do the Magnus thing ) and was about to try and play catch up, but I tried in the Sam/Jack ship thread, and my head hurts a bit from it....
                              awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo



                                I just saw the new ATLANTIS PICS there awsome i love the one where she has her hair down she suits it down and im loven that leather outfit very yay!
                                (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen

