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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by General David Niemi View Post
    Yippy!!! Not everyone is lost on the end of Stargate SG1!

    In the show Mckay will be happy


      More photos on Gateworld from upcoming Atlantis eps :
      Adrift (no Sam)
      Lifeline (two with Sam in them)


        Originally posted by parsifal View Post

        very nice, thanks for posting
        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
        These are amazing but am I the only one who really don't like the new uniform of SGA??
        And it looks like they cut and pasted them together? or am I the only one who thinks that?

        I volunteer I'll bug, I'll bug you like crazy Cause your drawings are amazing so

        the group shots are very poorly done manips. notice the floor...the gate reflects but they don't? if they were really there, they'd break up the reflection

        not to mention them looking distinctly flat

        whomever the photoshop person is at mgm, skiffy, they have no talents what so ever.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by parsifal View Post

          Originally posted by prion View Post
          Is it my imagination, or has Rodney shrunk???? Hmm.... and will there now be Teyla/Carter fanfic in the future?? *cough* looking at hand on arm *cough*
          The person(s) who did the photoshopping this time did shrink him a little too much. It's a great concept what they did in the middle two pix to keep the circle design going on with the placement of the actors, but they shrunk David a bit too much, and...... the real tip off they were manipped in the middle two pix - shadows. No way the gate has a shiny reflection the whole way up to the photographer with a gaggle of actors standing that close - the shiny reflection wouldn't have existed and the actor's shadows would have actually existed and been heavier/darker. Still... nice concept.

          RE: The faux leather get up Amanda as Sam is wearing. Jacket is nice. Could see that as a jacket that the character of Sam'd choose to wear at Atlantis given her biking background and that they probably do allow more leeway in clothes. (Although on the flip side, to ensure uniformity and discipline of the soldiers, you'd think the military personnel there would be in something that looked more soldier than biker - part of whole uniforms and uniformity thing....)

          But those combo semi-leather chaps and material pants---uuhhhhhh... hummmmm.... well....... It would almost look like a horse riding suit, except the pads would've been on the inner thighs. The pants wouldn't make sense from a durability point of view either (even if all Sam did was sit) - the material would wear out very quickly where the seams were with the differences in the weight and weaves of the fabrics/materials... So it's gotta be a pure *coughs* style issue on the part of TPTB....

          LOL, with the faux knee pads it almost looks like she's going gardening.... or will be doing other things that keep her on her knees....
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


            Again, the circular flow of the promo design is great, but looking at the pix one final time from a critique POV before I wander away...

            Interesting taking a last squint at Sam's costume.... IMOHO would definitely have to be a style thang or 'weekend wear'. A soldier during work hours would never wear something that limited mobility of the knees and elbows like that would in comparison to plain old material. Wouldn't be able to run as fast or bend the elbows as quickly with all that stiffer leather/PVC and when you need every second to count....

            And lastly, very interesting that only Ronan and Shep carry weaponry. The geeky male scientist and the two women - both capable warriors in their own right - have not a weapon in sight. Yes, so one could argue it's Atlantis and they're not militaristic yadda yadda yadda, but still... interesting who's 'packing' and who ain't... (Guess I got too use to SG-1 and all the team, including Daniel, being shown as a military unit in full gear, huh?)

            Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. They're just promo pix. And it's a different show than SG-1. But... just some food for thought.

            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              In a rather bizarre fit of mindlessness I'm crawling out of my hole here in lurkdom to agree with Strix, AGateFan, and whoever else is down on Sam's new "Atlantis" look. Never one to mince words, I think she looks borderline ridiculous. Amanda Tapping's interminable warnings that Atlantis!Sam is like playing a completely different character already have me dreading what is to come, and seeing her here with all airs of authority, military experience, and rank conspicuously absent leaves me with only more doubts and fears for what is ahead for my favorite astrophysicist.

              I've never liked the way Joe Mallozzi writes Sam. Alan McCollough has managed to do a rather fair bit of damage to her character in a relatively small amount of time. Martin Gero views all characters and things from Rodney's point of view. If the Sam Carter I know and love makes it through this upcoming season without being tattered and rent beyond all repair, I'll consider myself lucky.

              /crawls back into hole grumbling curmudgeonly
              Last edited by golfbooy; 11 September 2007, 06:20 PM.


                I'm not too keen on the outfit, though it doesn't make or break the series for me or anything. It's a bit distracting (and the kneepads are a joke), but whatevs... I do wonder why SciFi/Bridge thought it was necessary to go that route with the wardrobe, though I guess it may have been their attempt to further distinguish the series as "intergalactic."

                Great pics, though! I'm glad they finally released them all.

                Here's a question. Without elaborating with links or locations, could someone please confirm or deny the allegation that Adrift and Lifeline have been leaked the internet?


                  From Joe's blog RE Trio:

         on the date of his blog entry today and see a cute video (sadly the audio's out of sync).

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
                    In a rather bizarre fit of mindlessness I'm crawling out of my hole here in lurkdom to agree with Strix, AGateFan, and whoever else is down on Sam's new "Atlantis" look. Never one to mince words, I think she looks borderline ridiculous. Amanda Tapping's interminable warnings that Atlantis!Sam is like playing a completely different character already have me dreading what is to come, and seeing her here with all airs of authority, military experience, and rank conspicuously absent leave me with only more doubts and fears for what is ahead for my favorite astrophysicist.

                    I've never liked the way Joe Mallozzi writes Sam. Alan McCollough has managed to do a rather fair bit of damage to her character in a relatively small amount of time. Martin Gero views all characters and things from Rodney's point of view. If the Sam Carter I know and love makes it through this upcoming season without being tattered and rent beyond all repair, I'll consider myself lucky.

                    /crawls back into hole grumbling curmudgeonly
                    Not to dispute your issues with Alan McCollough et al as I share many of them...I don't think that those pictures constitute a deconstruction of her character at all.

                    The uniforms on Atlantis are much different than those of the SGC so it's only right and proper that her new uniform fit the new decor. I recall The Return, when John was assigned to an SG team and it looked odd (yet hot) to see him in the standard BDUs but that was what was appropriate for that venue. As for Carter, I've always loved the new leather jacket and I'm even getting used to the pants. But for me, it's not the clothing that affects her characterization...or at least to the extent that you're perceiving.

                    I guess just don't see what you're seeing. I don't see her lacking authority, military experience and rank, etc. from those pictures or from the previews. Now should the season start and her characterization is such that she's used as a tool to move the story along and they obliterate who she is, then I'll take issue.

                    But from what I've seen and heard, from what Amanda has said about her being a new Carter and such, I think that simply means that she'll hold new responsibilities with new people and therefore she can't help but be different. Exploring new sides to her character and personality can't help but change what we see. And as long as they can carry that off while maintaining the integrity and cannon of who she is...then I think it's a win.

                    Whether that's the case or not...well only time will tell.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by Melora View Post
                      I'm sure you're not the only one. A lot of people around here love Sam in leather. Right AD?

                      I have to admit the pants do annoy me. Having said that, there are things I like about them. I like that they are black. I like the fabric. But there's something about the leather patches that bother me. I think if the pants were just made of fabric, I wouldn't have a problem. Then again, if they were just made out of leather... I think that would look very nice too.

                      But having both seems a little too busy for me and the leather patches mirror the patterns on the jacket too closely. It looks like something that might come down the runway at an edgy fashion show - not something that would be practical on a scientific/military base.

                      I do like the jacket quite a lot and I think AT looks beautiful in the pics.
                      Maybe the leather knee pads come in handy for laying carpet when they remodel Atlantis.
                      AT always looks great.
                      I think the photoshopper got people's heights a bit off though in that group picture.


                        Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
                        In a rather bizarre fit of mindlessness I'm crawling out of my hole here in lurkdom to agree with Strix, AGateFan, and whoever else is down on Sam's new "Atlantis" look. Never one to mince words, I think she looks borderline ridiculous. Amanda Tapping's interminable warnings that Atlantis!Sam is like playing a completely different character already have me dreading what is to come, and seeing her here with all airs of authority, military experience, and rank conspicuously absent leave me with only more doubts and fears for what is ahead for my favorite astrophysicist.

                        I've never liked the way Joe Mallozzi writes Sam. Alan McCollough has managed to do a rather fair bit of damage to her character in a relatively small amount of time. Martin Gero views all characters and things from Rodney's point of view. If the Sam Carter I know and love makes it through this upcoming season without being tattered and rent beyond all repair, I'll consider myself lucky.

                        /crawls back into hole grumbling curmudgeonly
                        *hugs the lurking mindless curmudgeon*

                        Since the season hasn't started yet (soon though!) and I haven't seen exactly how they've chosen to write/film/present Sam, I'm still trying to be upbeat. But I do understand totally where you're coming from. I still have this sneaking feeling that her role will be very minimized, similar to Hammond's on SG-1 because even though an actress being contractually obligated to appear in 14 of 20 eps sounds all wonderful, it just might not equate to decent arcs for that character, especially not on an ensemble show with other equally deserving characters who are (in the writer's and producer's minds) competing for story arcs and time on screen. But hopefully the stories they choose to tell this season will show us the strong, competent, and compassionate Sam we've come to know and love, and not a parody and shadow of that character.


                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by Über View Post
                          From Joe's blog RE Trio:

                 on the date of his blog entry today and see a cute video (sadly the audio's out of sync).

                          I thought it was out of sync at first too. Then I realized that the woman talking at the beginning of the vid is standing behind the camera and that's why her voice is so loud. She also happens to sound a lot like Amanda which is what confused me at first. Amanda starts talking a little bit later when she looks into the camera. You have to turn the volume up quite a bit to actually hear what she is saying.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Maybe the leather knee pads come in handy for laying carpet when they remodel Atlantis.
                            I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              very nice, thanks for posting

                              the group shots are very poorly done manips. notice the floor...the gate reflects but they don't? if they were really there, they'd break up the reflection

                              not to mention them looking distinctly flat

                              whomever the photoshop person is at mgm, skiffy, they have no talents what so ever.
                              OMG--they've become Vampires!

                              As for the Janeway pose, heliosphere: but she isn't doing the patented Janeway hands on hips pose.


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Hey Sally, just for you

                                From Joe's blog, spoilers for S4
                                Anonymous #4 writes: “Will we get any evil or whumped Carter in Atlantis this season?”

                                Answer: Whumped Carter? Oh, yes.

                                *waits for the high pitched loud squee*
                                I'm not Sally, but can I get excited too?
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                the group shots are very poorly done manips. notice the floor...the gate reflects but they don't? if they were really there, they'd break up the reflection

                                not to mention them looking distinctly flat

                                whomever the photoshop person is at mgm, skiffy, they have no talents what so ever.
                                Yes...I noticed the flat thing... The are okay. Nice looking, but not very practical. Perhaps we won't see them as much in the show as we will in the promotions. Gotta look snazzy for those pics!

