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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post

    G'nite, have a good sleep. Here's a cute polar bear image to take you into dreamland. (I'll save my scary ones for later )
    See RoX this one is cute...Adorable even...for a polar bear that is eh...and you have even more scary ones there has to be something wrong down under

    Originally posted by wibbling View Post
    That's me too -- shipper, non-shipper, any-shipper; I think Amanda can make anything work. If I had to choose, I'd go for non-ship, just because Carter's smart and savvy, and doesn't need any validation. But hey, I don't mind if she wants some fun!

    (OT: how was your day in London RepliCartertje? Hope you enjoyed it!)
    Yeah exactly...I can see it all too I mean there is a reason why I can see it all too btw cause Amanda does it all so good. I mean she gives her 100% with everything so it works. But I must say I do like Sam/Jack a lot. But if I am honest I like Sam/Janet as much as Sam/Jack. Recently I also have discovered Sam/Teal'c, what if you ask me can work too.
    But she will NEVER be someone's girl. Sam is just Sam, even if she get shipped with someone she is still a strong and indepenedent woman!!!
    And of course Sam also needs a personal life with fun eh That is why we saw Pete. Cause we saw the other side of her... A great other side if you ask me

    As for London, check out my LJ entry:

    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
    And I tend to agree with Oober, RC didn't need to get into Sam's head because she already knew how Sam thought in order to deceive her in regards to the main deception. However, at the end when RC grabs Sam and pulls her back into her head and tells her the whole 'you play by the rules and deny yourself your own desires' speech, isn't she trying to work out how Sam is trying to stop her at that point and getting the information from Sam's mind?? Or am I remembering it wrong?
    I am not sure about that. I don't think so. I think in a way she wanted to do the same as she did with fifth, tell her how she kind of failed to stop her. I think that speach of RepliCarter was one of the better speaches. I mean it really showed how Sam was and gave an insight to who Sam but also who RepliCarter was. Even though RepliCarter IMO had one thing wrong. Sam wasn't scared of her own desires (something like that is said IIRC) but Sam just has ettics (sp?) what makes her think about what she does and doesn't do.
    That is why RepliCarter and Sam are so different...

    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    I understand the request and from a "tidy sock drawer" point of view I think it's very valid.

    My thing? I don't like going to four different places to discuss Sam/Helen/Amanda. I like ... well, I like ... Samanda. A one stop shop. I'm probably in the minority, but I find it difficult to keep up already some days and with 3+ threads? I don't go into the "Amanda" thread much as it is, because of that. I've never been to the "Helen" thread even once, didn't know it was there frankly. If it is at all possible to have (or create) a place that is "Samanda", where it all can be discussed, I would really be for that. It's not hard to find all those other threads, but I think there's a common thread that ties us all together anyhow. Maybe it's because I tend to be more social than analytical when it comes to my forum involvement. I can see how some might want to have those in-depth character discussions without interruption or side-tracking and I think that's fair. But a lot of the time, I just want to talk to 'everyone' (I'm a social trollop like that ). So I really don't have a solution to this - just a personal point of view, I guess.
    Ok I am going to give my go at this too Cause honestly I think it is important. (just know this is how I see it eh and it isn't a personal attack to anyone or so...) I LOVE coming to Samanda. It is always fun and all. And it is my first thread if I log on that I read cause well you gals, and guys too, are all so great and fun and always have something to say but - of course there is a but- Sometimes it gets to much OT and then I know if I have to work, I have to skip a lot...I mean sometimes 3 pages or so and i know then there are sometimes good post that get lost. I mean just cause I skip that much. And I find that sometimes sad
    Also sometimes I have the feeling if we discussing Sam in one of her eps some people have done it over and over again and don't want to talk about that again, and then it feels to me like I talk in thin air, and honestly I can understand that if you read something for the 10.000 time it gets bored. I mean I think that is normal.
    Yes I play in the other thread too cause I love to discuss and I feel that there is more place to do so... I mean I am not saying that here you can't discuss cause I had great discussions here but in the other thread we kind of start from scratch. I mean it is like everyone is discussing it for the first time. And to me that is fun
    If there was a change we could have these discussions back in Samanda that would be great but I also know, that a lot of the people would go away then, just cause to them everything already has been said. I mean some of us are new to the whole fandom, to the whole show and all. And I think these people would love to discuss what they see. That is one of the reason I joined this board, so I can discuss Sam and what she does and what I like about her but also what I have issues with. And that is what I now do on the other thread.


      *is now confused over whether or not I can put this here. I must admit I do like to buy my bread and milk at the same store. I like Samanda. GW is big, and I confuse easily.*

      Anyway I made an attempt at a Sanctuary video. I think my movie maker hates me. Today I'm like the Ron Weasley of vid making because bits of my clips kept getting stuck, and then I'd un-stick them, and then another one further down the track would get stuck. So, sorry if it, you know, sticks.



        Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
        *is now confused over whether or not I can put this here. I must admit I do like to buy my bread and milk at the same store. I like Samanda. GW is big, and I confuse easily.*

        Anyway I made an attempt at a Sanctuary video. I think my movie maker hates me. Today I'm like the Ron Weasley of vid making because bits of my clips kept getting stuck, and then I'd un-stick them, and then another one further down the track would get stuck. So, sorry if it, you know, sticks.

        Great vid MegYn...I loved it. Btw what is that font you used it is a very cool font

        As for the moviemaker issues...I have noticed that it sometimes is with the font you use in moviemaker I know if I use some kind of font (don't know the name anymore, but it is the font i used for KatG her vid) it also got stuck everywhere!!! annoyinge eh

        But besides that you made something amazing!!!


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          Guys, i do think that we need a little...tweaking?

          Ok, we have a helen thread in the general scifi stuff. Sally has started a 'amanda and her roles' thread which should cover all the other stuff amanda has done, and this thread is for Sam.

          i know we've never cared when things drift off topic before, but now that we have three distinct threads we might want to keep an eye on the topic now.

          If for no other reason than to keep these threads alive. If they are too similar, people will be wanting them merged, however if they are three distinct and separate entities, then they can all survive on their own.

          I'm not chasing anyone out or issuing an ultimatum, just making an observation.

          And from the POV of a person that can't/won't be able to see sanctuary, this is probably the only place left for me to discuss Sam/Amanda in where the whole conversation isn't hidden behind spoiler tags and unreadable.

          Just an idea and thought for folks to ponder. Not a mod request.
          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          I understand the request and from a "tidy sock drawer" point of view I think it's very valid.

          My thing? I don't like going to four different places to discuss Sam/Helen/Amanda. I like ... well, I like ... Samanda. A one stop shop. I'm probably in the minority, but I find it difficult to keep up already some days and with 3+ threads? I don't go into the "Amanda" thread much as it is, because of that. I've never been to the "Helen" thread even once, didn't know it was there frankly. If it is at all possible to have (or create) a place that is "Samanda", where it all can be discussed, I would really be for that. It's not hard to find all those other threads, but I think there's a common thread that ties us all together anyhow. Maybe it's because I tend to be more social than analytical when it comes to my forum involvement. I can see how some might want to have those in-depth character discussions without interruption or side-tracking and I think that's fair. But a lot of the time, I just want to talk to 'everyone' (I'm a social trollop like that ). So I really don't have a solution to this - just a personal point of view, I guess.

          My own view on this is that I'm perfectly happy for one thread where there is equal amounts of Sam/Amanda (with sanctuary falling into the Amanda side); my own frustration is that I don't find this thread particularly balanced at present. I have rarely posted here for a few weeks because when I visit it always seems like the discussion is about Amanda than Sam (Sam being the topic I would prefer to discuss). It's also my perception that when someone does post on Sam, it seems to be quickly skipped over/ignored by what seems to be the regulars on the thread to get back to Amanda discussion or personal chit-chat.

          However, I'm a big girl and if everyone else likes discussing Amanda then I'm not about to rain on everyone's parade. I do what I've been doing; checking back occasionally and when I do see a Sam/SG related post then I respond if I have something to say or if I have something Sam-related I want to post, I post. And I admit I'm as guilty as the next person in joining in with chit-chat every so often.

          I have to say that as I had thought we'd all agreed to live in harmony the last time this came up, I was surprised by the new thread and it seems bizarrely to me from my one brief visit to the Amanda thread (RL gets in the way of my browsing time so I tend to stick to S/J and here) that a lot of the discussion there is about Sam. So colour me confused about where I go to discuss Sam.

          I guess my point is this: if this thread starts to discuss Sam more than they have recently then I would be thrilled, and if everyone wants to keep talking about Amanda here rather than going to the new thread than I personally can live with it.

          And Sky, while I know you weren't asking as a mod, I'm guessing at some point GW has to make a decision though about whether three threads or, at least, this thread and the Amanda thread, should stay as separate entities and topics enforced a little more or re-merged into one joint thread...
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
            Sadly, I have to agree with Mini.
            Originally posted by minigeek View Post

            I gladly agree with mini I don't really see me going to the other threads to discuss different aspects of her career. I like how we can talk about and learn about things she has done and things she will do. I wouldn't have known about Stuck, if it wasn't for this thread and when Sanctuary begins, we can always go to the Sactuary thread to discuss the episodes, but just to say "Wow Amanda looked great in that episode" I'd rather say it here And then we always do manage to come back to Sam's character, and when Atlantis S4 starts I'm sure we wil be discussing Sam even more. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

            ((Hugs)) to all my fellow Samadans

            my fanfic


              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

              I have to say that as I had thought we'd all agreed to live in harmony the last time this came up, I was surprised by the new thread and it seems bizarrely to me from my one brief visit to the Amanda thread (RL gets in the way of my browsing time so I tend to stick to S/J and here) that a lot of the discussion there is about Sam. So colour me confused about where I go to discuss Sam.
              That was exactly what I thought too!

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                Especially the cutsie-wootsie random pictures that accompany many of those posts.

                *taps mic and tries again*

                Especially the cutsie-wootsie random pictures that accompany many of those posts.

                *sits back and waits to see if my less than subtle hint is taken*

                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  That was exactly what I thought too!
                  Yes it is a lot about Sam, I have to agree on that one...But like I said in my earlier post, I don't feel like posting it here has the same effect as it got there. I mean here a lot of the 'older' members have discussed it over and over again and I can understand they don't feel like reading it again and discussing it again. But some of us 'newber' members still want to discuss the eps. If you can garantuee (sp?) that we can have the same discussions here. I would love that. But as I see it, we will not have it. I mean that is why I like the other thread cause I can just say how I feel and how I see things and there is a discussion going on. And sometimes people reply and you think about what they say and think different about something.

                  And would I want to have that in Samanda: I WOULD LOVE IT.
                  Do I want one thread: YES PLEASE
                  Are the people here great: LOVE YOU ALL
                  But do I see it happening: sadly no


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                    Especially the cutsie-wootsie random pictures that accompany many of those posts.

                    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                      My own view on this is that I'm perfectly happy for one thread where there is equal amounts of Sam/Amanda (with sanctuary falling into the Amanda side); my own frustration is that I don't find this thread particularly balanced at present. I have rarely posted here for a few weeks because when I visit it always seems like the discussion is about Amanda than Sam (Sam being the topic I would prefer to discuss). It's also my perception that when someone does post on Sam, it seems to be quickly skipped over/ignored by what seems to be the regulars on the thread to get back to Amanda discussion or personal chit-chat.

                      However, I'm a big girl and if everyone else likes discussing Amanda then I'm not about to rain on everyone's parade. I do what I've been doing; checking back occasionally and when I do see a Sam/SG related post then I respond if I have something to say or if I have something Sam-related I want to post, I post. And I admit I'm as guilty as the next person in joining in with chit-chat every so often.

                      I have to say that as I had thought we'd all agreed to live in harmony the last time this came up, I was surprised by the new thread and it seems bizarrely to me from my one brief visit to the Amanda thread (RL gets in the way of my browsing time so I tend to stick to S/J and here) that a lot of the discussion there is about Sam. So colour me confused about where I go to discuss Sam.

                      I guess my point is this: if this thread starts to discuss Sam more than they have recently then I would be thrilled, and if everyone wants to keep talking about Amanda here rather than going to the new thread than I personally can live with it.

                      And Sky, while I know you weren't asking as a mod, I'm guessing at some point GW has to make a decision though about whether three threads or, at least, this thread and the Amanda thread, should stay as separate entities and topics enforced a little more or re-merged into one joint thread...
                      Rachel, if you find that no one has been talking about Sam, just make a post about a topic you want to discuss Since we aren't on line constantly, it may take a while for an response, but I'm sure you will get one And you know captionary always helps to get things rolling

                      Daniel: Really Cam.
                      Sam: Come on Cam you'll have to do better than that, after all Daniel's already done the naked thing.
                      Teal'c: Indeed

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post

                        *taps mic and tries again*

                        Especially the cutsie-wootsie random pictures that accompany many of those posts.

                        *sits back and waits to see if my less than subtle hint is taken*

                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post

                        Ooh see Oooober, it looks like mini is easy....oops that didn't come out right

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Yes it is a lot about Sam, I have to agree on that one...But like I said in my earlier post, I don't feel like posting it here has the same effect as it got there. I mean here a lot of the 'older' members have discussed it over and over again and I can understand they don't feel like reading it again and discussing it again. But some of us 'newber' members still want to discuss the eps. If you can garantuee (sp?) that we can have the same discussions here. I would love that. But as I see it, we will not have it. I mean that is why I like the other thread cause I can just say how I feel and how I see things and there is a discussion going on. And sometimes people reply and you think about what they say and think different about something.

                          And would I want to have that in Samanda: I WOULD LOVE IT.
                          Do I want one thread: YES PLEASE
                          Are the people here great: LOVE YOU ALL
                          But do I see it happening: sadly no
                          What? Who the heck said we didn't want to discuss Sam in Samanda?! Maybe there are topics that have been discussed before... it IS a big thread after all. But new voices and new people, plus time and perspective bring different aspects into a discussion. Okay, you might have to mitigate an argument with "I know we've discussed this before..." but given that the people in the Amanda thread are most likely the same people as here in Samanda, what's the difference?

                          If you want different threads and you want to keep them separate (Which I really don't, to be honest), then you can't decide to have Sam conversations in the Amanda thread, you know? You have to make distinct differences or they merge and are obselete duplicate threads.

                          It's not just "newer" people who want to discuss Sam. If we didn't want to have discussions about the character, we wouldn't be in this thread. Having said that, as a group we are both interested in the actress and the character and I see no reason for multiple threads.

                          In some cases, multiple threads work. But I think we already have a developed community atmosphere and "reworking" the rules would be detrimental to that. In Gateworld history, these forced changes have never seemed to work. Just look at the Torri threads, for example.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            Yes it is a lot about Sam, I have to agree on that one...But like I said in my earlier post, I don't feel like posting it here has the same effect as it got there. I mean here a lot of the 'older' members have discussed it over and over again and I can understand they don't feel like reading it again and discussing it again. But some of us 'newber' members still want to discuss the eps. If you can garantuee (sp?) that we can have the same discussions here. I would love that. But as I see it, we will not have it. I mean that is why I like the other thread cause I can just say how I feel and how I see things and there is a discussion going on. And sometimes people reply and you think about what they say and think different about something.

                            And would I want to have that in Samanda: I WOULD LOVE IT.
                            Do I want one thread: YES PLEASE
                            Are the people here great: LOVE YOU ALL
                            But do I see it happening: sadly no
                            While I completely understand what you and Rachel500 are saying, the problem I also see with these statements is the fact that you can not please everyone. I suppose I am one of those 'older' people who have been here for quite some time and you are correct in your assumption that I probably wouldn't join in a great deal of new discussions about Sam. As I'm definitely a been there done that kind of person, but I would never try to prevent anyone else from discussing her either. At the very least, I would simply peruse the discussion and respond to the topics I had opinions about. The only topic regarding Sam I really don't have an interest in discussing is ship, and that's only because in more cases than not it typically becomes more like a bunch of friendly jabs and sarcastic remarks than a true discussion.

                            As for the Amanda thread, I have no issues with people going over to that thread and discussing whatever they choose, but it just seems to me that Sally basically created an all-in-one thread that most of us had once considered this thread to be. The Amanda thread is a appreciation of Amanda and *all* of the her characters she's portrayed. Which is exactly what this thread has been for me in the past. If people want this thread to be only about Sam, that's cool. Perhaps the title could be changed to Sam is a Great Character( Appreciation and Discussion ), and loose the spoilers for all seasons remark because I've always felt it was very odd to have that comment in the title and then be forced to put my remarks in spoilers so as not to upset anyone.

                            Then perhaps the Amanda thread can be changed to something like -An appreciation and discussion for all things involving Amanda Tapping, that way the rest of us can go fangurl the actress without upsetting anyone else, but as it stands, I don't post in the Amanda thread, because it just appears to be another Sam discussion thread to me.

                            My biggest fear is people will become frustrated in deciding where to post and that the discussion in all three threads will eventually widdle down to nothing and be lost in the sea of barely viewed threads and the social community that has grown over the last few years will be gone forever.
                            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 03 April 2007, 08:34 AM.


                              I see both TJ and Kat her POV, and while I actually do agree with the both of you. It would be great to be able to discuss Amanda/Sam in this thread but as of lately, it seemed a lot of OT and not a lot on topic about Amanda or Sam. And while most of the time I think there is a nice balance between it, lately I must say it hasn't.
                              Also I am not blaming it to anyone, cause I know I also join in most of the time. Because I agree it is fun. But sometimes I also want to discuss.

                              And then post something between all the OTness is for me a hard thing to do. I don't have the courage for it if I may say so. I also am not a person who will start talking about a subject on myself cause I don't have the courage to do so. Now and then I do so and then I feel very insecure about it. But maybe I should try to do it and stop thinking I guess.

                              the fact is I didn't feel at ease to start discussing here cause I know how frustrating it must be to discuss something over and over again. I mean I was on another board for a Dutch show and I just left cause everything got repeated.

                              But the other thread I felt at easy to start discussing cause it felt like everyone wanted to discuss. What for me makes it easier.

                              The fact is also sometimes it you try to start a discussion you talk in thin air. And sometimes that gets to me and sometimes it doesn't... And that is in a way why I also stoped trying. And just joined in in joking, while I rather would love to discuss...

                              I know I have a strange way of thinking... but that being said. Maybe we should try discussing something Cause I mean i don't want to go on and on about this. I want to change it if that is possible. Try to discuss here. Try to make Samanda a thread where everything about Sam/Amanda is possible

                              So how about we restart with what CG posted before she left for her family...
                              The many faces of Sam: I mean everyone must enjoy something different about her. What do you like the most and maybe what is your favourite pic of Sam or what is the thing that you will remind of Sam for a long time...


                                I like this thread, it doesn't bother me that there are mutiple topics being discussed... I just do what most of you guys do, read the posts and answer when ever I feel the need to. I'm easy going... I love all of you guys
                                As long as the topic is Amanda related I'm happy
                                : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                                Geeky : Oh brother...
                                : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                                Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis

