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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    how do you want it to happen?

    have folks nominate names that we'll then vote on?

    if so, should the nominatinos be public, as in here in teh thread, or private, such as a pm to you or me?

    what kind of a timeline are you thinking of? week? weeks? a month?
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
      Hi Everyone,

      Happy Boxing Day (to everyone celebrating)

      Are we telling what we got for Christmas? I got some great presents, I got The Void DVD (Amanda is great in it of course ) I got the brain training game for my Nintendo DS, an ipod touch (my Mum is sending it home with my Granddad, Mum lives in Boston, US) I can't wait to get it after New Year

      But the present I wanted to tell you all about was this, I got a penguin (Squeeee!) with a label attached saying "Shining Stars official product of the international star registry" Basically I get to name a star! So I wanted, if its OK, to give the star to Samanda I thought we could choose a name together, something that represents us as a group and as fans of Amanda! So what does everyone think? Is it OK to do this together as a Samanda project?

      EDIT: Welcome to Samanda coffeerox Couldn't agree more with what you said Amanda too

      Why not name it Samanda?
      Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
      William Shakespeare

      Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        Hi Everyone,

        Happy Boxing Day (to everyone celebrating)

        Are we telling what we got for Christmas? I got some great presents, I got The Void DVD (Amanda is great in it of course ) I got the brain training game for my Nintendo DS, an ipod touch (my Mum is sending it home with my Granddad, Mum lives in Boston, US) I can't wait to get it after New Year

        But the present I wanted to tell you all about was this, I got a penguin (Squeeee!) with a label attached saying "Shining Stars official product of the international star registry" Basically I get to name a star! So I wanted, if its OK, to give the star to Samanda I thought we could choose a name together, something that represents us as a group and as fans of Amanda! So what does everyone think? Is it OK to do this together as a Samanda project?

        EDIT: Welcome to Samanda coffeerox Couldn't agree more with what you said Amanda too

        Ooh how exciting!

        I think it's great Julia. Whatever you decide I'll be happy to participate


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          how do you want it to happen?

          have folks nominate names that we'll then vote on?

          if so, should the nominatinos be public, as in here in teh thread, or private, such as a pm to you or me?

          what kind of a timeline are you thinking of? week? weeks? a month?
          Well, nominate and vote would be the fairest way I think.
          And probably timeline of a month, with folks being away for Christmas and New Year, what do you think?

          As to public or private, which do you think?

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            What a cool gift Julia!! And a cool Samanda project too!

            I personally don't see a reason to not do the nominating in the thread.

            As for the voting, it might be best to make that not-anonymous too, so it can be checked that not random people vote. I know we had that problem with the SJ shippy ep a week discussion polls (not that that was a big deal, but there were people voting who had nothing to do with it, so I made them not-anonymous too).

            But well, just my 2 cents. Harry Potter is on in 30 minutes, the 3th movie, after first and second last 2 days. Nice way to spend the evening


              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              Why not name it Samanda?
              That was my first thought too.

              I would suggest open nominations in the thread, limiting it to a manageable list of choices and voting by PM.

              Samcarterrules, what a generous gesture. How kind of you to think of us.

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hi Everyone,

                Happy Boxing Day (to everyone celebrating)

                Are we telling what we got for Christmas? I got some great presents, I got The Void DVD (Amanda is great in it of course ) I got the brain training game for my Nintendo DS, an ipod touch (my Mum is sending it home with my Granddad, Mum lives in Boston, US) I can't wait to get it after New Year

                But the present I wanted to tell you all about was this, I got a penguin (Squeeee!) with a label attached saying "Shining Stars official product of the international star registry" Basically I get to name a star! So I wanted, if its OK, to give the star to Samanda I thought we could choose a name together, something that represents us as a group and as fans of Amanda! So what does everyone think? Is it OK to do this together as a Samanda project?

                EDIT: Welcome to Samanda coffeerox Couldn't agree more with what you said Amanda too

                All your pressies sound fantastic Julia, but giving your star gift to us is! What an unselfish gesture on your part.

                I'd love to take part in any way possible and if you need any help with the organization just give me a nudge. whee! Can't wait for the voting to start!

                Though I'm not celebrating Boxing Day or anything of the like, I've had the entire day off to do whatever I liked. Chatted with some friends, texted others some silly things (yay angie!) and basically been having a mini-marathon of sg-1 and playing Neverwinter Nights 2. Yay for "Lazy Day"!


                  ok, so folks that want to suggest names, please quote/copy this post, adding your suggestion to the bottom

                  right now we have

                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I think i should say, since this is julia's gift, if a name is suggested that she just feels is not appropriate, she should have a right of refusal. In other words, she is being gracious enough to share her gift with all of us, but she should have the ability to make it a gift she's comfortable and happy with. If someone suggests a name she really doesn't like, i think she should have the right to say 'aah, no, let's let that one go please' and we respect that.
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I think i should say, since this is julia's gift, if a name is suggested that she just feels is not appropriate, she should have a right of refusal. In other words, she is being gracious enough to share her gift with all of us, but she should have the ability to make it a gift she's comfortable and happy with. If someone suggests a name she really doesn't like, i think she should have the right to say 'aah, no, let's let that one go please' and we respect that.
                      Absolutely. Doesn't that go without saying?

                      There are some things in life people should have complete control of. I put naming your star in that category.

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        That was my first thought too.

                        I would suggest open nominations in the thread, limiting it to a manageable list of choices and voting by PM.

                        Samcarterrules, what a generous gesture. How kind of you to think of us.
                        I second both of those points. I think PM so that we have one vote per person and that they be Samandans. I kind of like Samanda or Amanda as the name...

                        I've finally seen "Stuck." I have to say AT did a great job.
                        Except for looking maybe a bit too healthy and beautiful (but she can hardly help her natural good looks ), she was very believable.


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          ok, so folks that want to suggest names, please quote/copy this post, adding your suggestion to the bottom

                          right now we have



                            You guys are so sweet thank you!

                            I like both names, I did have an idea though how about we make a list of say 5 to 10 possible names for the star on the thread, then folks vote for one of those by PM'ing say, me and the name we get the most PMs for is what we call the star?

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                              It's called "Back to work you lazy so-and-sos" here.


                              My brother gave me the new CSI game-which he knew wouldn't play on my computer because of the outdated vid card. So, he's also getting me a new vid card. Yay!
                              well done brother! that is very cool

                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              Hi Everyone,

                              Happy Boxing Day (to everyone celebrating)

                              Are we telling what we got for Christmas? I got some great presents, I got The Void DVD (Amanda is great in it of course ) I got the brain training game for my Nintendo DS, an ipod touch (my Mum is sending it home with my Granddad, Mum lives in Boston, US) I can't wait to get it after New Year

                              But the present I wanted to tell you all about was this, I got a penguin (Squeeee!) with a label attached saying "Shining Stars official product of the international star registry" Basically I get to name a star! So I wanted, if its OK, to give the star to Samanda I thought we could choose a name together, something that represents us as a group and as fans of Amanda! So what does everyone think? Is it OK to do this together as a Samanda project?

                              EDIT: Welcome to Samanda coffeerox Couldn't agree more with what you said Amanda too

                              Wicked!!! I think the voting suggestions souond great! I'm going to ponder what names I think would be good. You're so generous for sharing your christmas present with!
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Onto Sam/Amanda Tapping, I think that she is wonderful fitting into Stargate Atlantis and probably is the most desired cast member from SG-1 that I wanted to continue seeing. She looks so amazingly hot with her new hairstyle and I'm glad that they let her keep it on Atlantis AND the upcoming movies if anybody's keeping track. I just read the Carmen Argenziano interview and learned a little more about Amanda. I watched the SG-1 behind the scenes, read interviews and such and I from that I thought she was kind, down-to-earth intelligent woman and that little piece I read earlier today reaffirmed what I believed. That to me makes her even hotter in my eyes

                                and yeah I know her hair isnt the right color, initially I just wanted to create what qualities my dream girl would have, but I couldnt think of a good name that wasnt already taken so I chose my favorite Stargate character. Come Wrath of the Lich King I will change her hairstyle and color to match the real Sam.
                                Wow, that's a really great thing to say about Amanda and Sam. When I bought the SG1 series set, like you I also watched the SG1 behind the scenes, watched and read interviews, listen to the DVD commentaries and watch cool videos of her on Youtube, and other places. As for the DVD commentaries, I was glad to hear some of the great and nice things the directors, crew and other cast members said about her (Really positive stuff). But the episodes with Amanda's commentary were the best. they were so funny and awesome.

                                What's so great about Amanda is that (most people here can back me up on this) Amanda either gains a lot of fans by being herself, or by Carter. People either become attracted to Amanda, and start watching her on SG1, or they find Carter on SG1, and started finding out more things about Amanda. Either way, they are both very awesome women, and that's why we love them so much.

