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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    In an attempt to make the thread more “green”, I’m recycling these.



      First of all....

      Happy Birthday Jester!

      I'm afraid this isn't solely a birthday post, though. I've just been watching Ascension again to try and get the floorplan of Sam's house in my head. Now, I've Got the whole left hand side of the house... the hallway, office, dining area, living room and kitchen. I've also got where the stairs go down to the basement and I've got the opening that leads off to the right hand side (the long bit) of the house.

      Now I'm having problems. Whereabouts in this section is the bedroom? Bringing windows etc into consideration, I'm having difficulty placing the bedroom. There also seems to be at least one unknown room in there. There seems to be too much space for the rooms that we know of.

      Anyway, firstly I'd like to ask if anyone can tell me whereabouts Sam's bedroom and bathroom are.

      Secondly, I'd like to Put this question to you for a bit of fun: There are at least two "secret" rooms in Sam's house; one in the basement and one just past the entrance on the right hand side. What do you think Sam keeps in these rooms?
      Yepp, it's blank down here.




          JESTER !!

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            [QUOTE=the dancer of spaz;6444423]

            I have to say that it's very clear that an effort was made to make this episode really count. There was a little something for everybody (I think, one particular group notwithstanding), and it's great that they tried to encompass all of the different facets that fans from all over the spectrum could enjoy. For that, I am very grateful.

            I'm surprised at how much of Sam's perspective was shown throughout the episode. I expected quite a bit to be about her technobabbling and all that jazz. And while the story was all of theirs, and it was very much a team episode, for some reason there seemed to be a lot of Sam. So... Take from that what you will. I'm not sure why they made that decision, but I enjoyed it.

            Amanda has this way of acting that's quite subtle. Like I said, it seems that she was a major player in this episode, yet it wasn't shoved down your throat. She did her thing, deferred to the other actors in the process, and still managed to shine through in many scenes without it seeming forced. For instance, I'd started to get kinda worried about the cello business, but it worked.

            And her as an old woman? Bang on. I found myself rewatching those scenes just because I was so impressed with her handling of Sam - from the tone of her voice, to the inflection and volume, to the mannerisms... I totally believed she was pushing 90.

            By the way, their prosthetics were out of control - in a good way. I think someone deserves an award.

            Sam seemed so incredibly devastated in many ways, and the guilt was obvious. They also played on that, without going over the top. I liked that they showed the rest of the team upset that she hadn't found a way to fix it as soon as they hoped, because it was honest frustration. It also probably added to the guilt she already had.

            The relationship aspects of this episode - from both a romantic and platonic standpoint - will probably have fanfic writers drooling for years to come. There were many different ways one could take it, whether you dig Daniel/Vala, Vala/Teal'c, Sam/Cam, Sam/Teal'c, Cam/Teal'c, etc... They had bits of it all in this episode, while still showing a passage of time.

            I was even pleasantly surprised to see Sam and Daniel in a scene alone.

            I would not be surprised if Sam/Cam fans dig it on multiple levels. I saw their friendship there, just as I've seen it throughout S10. It was more subtle than the way it was addressed in S9, so as a result, I felt like Ben Browder and Amanda Tapping did most of the work - not the writers. Always a plus.

            As a Sam/Teal'c fan, I dug it (more on that later). Daniel/Vala... Well, all I'll say is... I'm not surprised it happened (RCC lurves him some Vaniel action). I understand why some S/J fans might be upset, but I think the scene was done pretty well. At least it shows that the writers know how to handle ship and team. While I'd rather see Daniel/Vala in fanfic, and while I hope they don't explore it any more in the films, I think it could've been much worse. And of course MS and CB worked that bedroom scene like nobody's business. Best line between those two: "I'm gonna go crazy... and I'm taking you with me."

            One thing that kinda surprised me right out of the scene was the fact that Sam was the one by Landry's side when he died. Because of how far TPTB went to show how close Landry and Cameron were, I would've thought that he would be a natural choice to say goodbye to Landry. And it's not like we've gotten many moments over the past two years that really show off how close Landry and Sam are, even though there were inklings of that earlier in the episode. Still, the scene was well done.

            And of course... the Sam/Teal'c Squishy Hug! I'm only half joking when I say that that and Teal'c's little "Good things come to those who wait" and "Indeed" to Sam at the end suggest that Sam and Teal'c got together on the ship.

            One final thought: I kinda feel bad for Ben Browder this year. I really got to like his character this season, because they pulled the reins in on his character almost to the point of forgetting about him sometimes. Yet it was obvious that he worked his tail off to make Cameron an integral member of the team. Unfortunately, as Unending proved, Cameron is really quite impotent and unnecessary. Even Vala had an opportunity to try to help Sam out with the tech, because of her experience with Quetesh. I like Cam for the humor. I enjoy his scenes with all of the other characters. But Cameron really serves no tactical purpose.

            And so help me, if they try to hint at some kind of Sam/Cam romance in the films so as to give him one, heads will roll...

            ETA: Joel Goldsmith is the reason why I had tears in my eyes at the end of the episode.

            My thoughts on *your* Unending thoughts:
            Love your thoughts on the episode. Although Cam didn't seem to do much during the episode besides complain about being stuck on the ship, he did have the idea for using the Ori weapons fire to power the time reversal. They really made this a team episode - lots of great interaction with the characters one on one and everyone had a hand least in some small part. Vala is the one that had the idea for reversing just took Sam a LONG time to figure out how to do it.

            As for Sam being by Landry's side when he died - I wonder if at first there wasn't some distance between Landry and Cam because Cam was so adamant about doing something and getting off the ship and Landry kept shooting him down. Along those lines, the quiet acceptance that Landry had for Sam and all that she was trying to do to get them out of their predicament was AWESOME. Sam explains how she put them in a time dilation bubble. Everyone is stunned, but Landry is the first to recover with a "it'll take as long as it takes" attitude. Even though we didn't really get to see any bonding scenes between Landry and Sam, it seems obvious to me that he completely respects and trusts her and totally supports her. Sam was feeling SO guilty (and some of Cam's comments couldn't have helped, though I don't think they were really directed at Sam, he was just pissed), but I got no sense that Landry blamed Sam for what happened at all.
            Last edited by meredithchandler73; 15 March 2007, 11:45 AM.
            Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


              Happy Birthday Chopin Gal!!


                Happy Birthday ChopinGal!

                but you better hurry, your party guests are waiing for you


                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post


                  I actually thought the same with the Sam/Teal'c beats - her producing the tretonin for him, the hug and the 'indeed' in particular all suggested to me that they were subtly indicating Sam/Teal'c not Sam/Cam. And despite being a Sam/Jack shipper, I could buy that somewhere in 50 years, Sam and Teal'c, as long term friends, had turned to each other for love and comfort.

                  Poor Cam. If Sam did get together with Teal'c, with Daniel and Vala remaining a couple, who can blame him for going completely stir crazy when he's stuck with Landry?
                  LOL about Cameron!

                  I agree - Even as a Sam/Jack supporter, I could totally buy that something deeper had become of Sam and Teal'c's relationship, even if on a purely spiritual level. Fifty years is a long time, and I'm sure he's gained a unique bit of insight into each of them.

                  I forgot to mention that CJ also has a very subtle way of handling his moments with each of the characters. I love Teal'c/Vala - and the fridge room, or whatever it was, reminded me of the Teal'c/Jonas dynamic in the beginning of S6. The fact that Cameron could unleash his frustrations on Teal'c without censure, and that Sam could grieve with him, shows that he's the natural support. People have called Daniel the soul of the team, or Jack the core of the team, but I think Teal'c has always been the rock.

                  Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                  My thoughts on *your* Unending thoughts:
                  Love your thoughts on the episode. Although Cam didn't seem to do much during the episode besides complain about being stuck on the ship, he did have the idea for using the Ori weapons fire to power the time reversal. They really made this a team episode - lots of great interaction with the characters one on one and everyone had a hand least in some small part. Vala is the one that had the idea for reversing just took Sam a LONG time to figure out how to do it.

                  As for Sam being by Landry's side when he died - I wonder if at first there wasn't some distance between Landry and Cam because Cam was so adamant about doing something and getting off the ship and Landry kept shooting him down. Along those lines, the quiet acceptance that Landry had for Sam and all that she was trying to do to get them out of their predicament was AWESOME. Sam explains how she put them in a time dilation bubble. Everyone is stunned, but Landry is the first to recover with a "it'll take as long as it takes" attitude. Even though we didn't really get to see any bonding scenes between Landry and Sam, it seems obvious to me that he completely respects and trusts her and totally supports her. Sam was feeling SO guilty (and some of Cam's comments couldn't have helped, though I I don't think they were really directed at Sam, he was just pissed), but I got no sense that Landry blamed Sam for what happened at all.
                  Those are really good points, meredith!

                  You're right about Cameron. Though he did spend a good amount of the episode either jogging or complaining, he did think of something that's quite obvious when the other relative geniuses hadn't. He does think a bit differently than the rest, which has helped them in the past.

                  As for Landry and Cameron, that's really true, too. That moment when Landry said, "I'm not having this conversation again" was probably the beginning of a turning point in their relationship. It was probably the only thing they never talked about together. And I agree about Landry and Sam as well. Right from the beginning, he demonstrates an unwavering amount of faith in her abilities, even when her friends aren't quite ready to understand.

                  While I always wondered if Landry even *liked* Sam, I don't think he's a very outwardly nurturing guy, which might account for the more professional relationship they had prior to the latter half of S10. Still, there was a paternal feel to him while they were all trapped on the ship that gave me a different outlook on his character towards the end. For me, it made him more likeable.


                    Happy Birthday, ChopinGal!

                    Hope you have a jester-ful day!


                      Happy Birthday, CG!

                      My LJ


                        Originally posted by hastiekido View Post
                        made caps from the ep unending...

                        my one of favorite caps from Sam:


                        more caps can be found here:
                        (still edditing the last caps)
                        Thank you Hastie for the caps I love them

                        CG I hope you have a great day!!!!


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Happy Birthday ChopinGal!

                          but you better hurry, your party guests are waiing for you


                          Of course, Mandy didn't want to miss out on any of the celebrations herself.




                            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                            Of course, Mandy didn't want to miss out on any of the celebrations herself.

                            Oh, that is one of the funniest things ever.

                            And, thanks to Hasty's beautiful cap,a WP and Icon I made for Unending. Sums up how I feel about the episode from Sam's POV. Warning to polar bears, I'll Always be a penguin:


                              Here's a real-life young Sam:

                              It makes me want to cheer.

                              My LJ


                                I'm cross posting a bit here but I wanted to encourage you all to take a look at the newest addition to

                                I think it's fair to say that Myrth and I are still flying from the experience...and we hope you enjoy listening to and reading it as much as we enjoyed doing it.

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

