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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
    I found a "Which Stargate SG-1 character are you?" quiz...

    and I think the results may be a bit dodgy

    Me????? A Samantha Carter?????? - see results

    It's fun - give it a go
    No big surprise here. I'm a Daniel. Although coming in second is Thor which I'm still trying to wrap my brain around.


      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      Oh my goodness!
      I've finally been let into my flat! I was supposed to move back on Boxing Day (or 2. Weihnachtstag as we call it in our house - my family is German) but I received a phone call on Christmas day to tell me that the block of flats had been flooded.
      I didn't worry too much, because I live on the 2nd floor (as in ground, first, second - I know it varies internationally). But, unfortunately, a lot of my friends have been flooded out. I got a panicked call this morning asking if there's any way I could get into Lizzie's flat because my Christmas present is in there and they are afraid that "it" has drowned. "It" is called Summer. I'm both worried and intrigued.
      Anyway... the upside is that despite all the damage and so on, I came home to find some lovely bits and pieces, including a package from the Blue Jello Fairy. I have no idea who the BJF is, but I know that they are in the UK (postmark) and they get their Jello from Canada (bilingual packaging).
      So whoever my BJF is, a HUUUUUUGE thank you goes out to you. And just in case you've forgotten just how much I adore the blue, there was a picture from Gabit where I was CRYING at the fact that I had blue jello. And I can tell you now, I'm crying again.
      I love you Samandans.
      (((TJ)))...if you ever need any blue jelly/jello...just give me a buzz...we got plenty over family is german that where you are now??
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      You can't mess it up. Even if you don't want to deal with the plot, add a paragraph of description or how someone feels or what the room looks like.
      If no one wants to do it on thier own, pair up with another writer. I personally love it when i can find someone to bounce ideas off of.
      In fact, if anyone wants to pair up, i'll co-write with you. you can sketch out your idea, i'll work with you to pretty it up and you can send it to Kamil
      What counts, at the end of the day, isn't always your personal skill but the thought you put into it.
      No pressure, if someone really doesn't want to participate, that's perfectly fine. But there's plenty of help out there if someone wishes to come play.
      More the Merrier
      Ok...I might regret this later but...I may actually be interested in doing this...I might get my daughter Niki to help basically we read the stream and continue on the story from the last that right??...If that's the case then...I'll give it a go....never written a fic in my life but this sounds like fun!
      Originally posted by deepspace View Post
      Farewell folks, I believe it may be some time before I can return
      Love to everyone!
      bye for now
      ...where you going deepspace...don't stay away too long!
      Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

      Auld Lang Syne

      Another year has come and gone
      Around this thread of Samanda talk
      New Samandans joined the old
      We doubled our posts if truth be told

      Amanda did herself appear at several cons
      And delighted many Samandans among the throngs
      Sam Carter came back stronger in S10
      She'll be in SA not sure just how and when

      As we get ready to bid the old year adieu
      We will be bidding SG1 a fond farewell too
      There will be no S11 and Sam Carter will hang up her boots
      We'll watch her in the movies as we remember our Samanda roots

      Let's not be too sad at what will come
      We have had and will have yet more Samandan fun
      Until they shut the lights and push us out
      GW/Samanda cheer and kindness will sprout!

      Oh wow...that was awesome...woohoo...well done CG!!
      Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
      This is totally OT so I'll put it in a spoiler for those of you who do not wish to read it. Last night as the clock struck midnight, my sister and I began to make a list for our New Year's Resolution. As usual it was filled with highly unlikely goals and dreams. You know the ones...find a husband(sister's), get over my fear of flying, learn to speak a new language, finally get into a size 6 dress, end world hunger. I'm sure many of you understand what I'm talking about. Anyway, after much laughter and erasing, I think I've finally acquired a much more attainable list.

      My New Year’s Resolution
      10. Make at least one new friend

      9. Learn a new skill/take up a new hobby

      8. Try to give up at least one vice by the end of the year( not Samanda!)

      7. Drink more water

      6. Exercise ( play Dance Dance Revolution with my daughter )

      5. Read at least one new book a month.

      4. Try to do more to make the world a better place.
      ....Donating Money
      ....Donating Blood – because the life I save may one day be my own.

      3. Spend more quality time with my family

      2. Get outside and breathe fresh air.
      ....Note to self - summer in Texas is not a healthy time to be outside or to breathe the air.

      1. Remember to smile
      Links to sites I've found that I hope will help me to achieve my goals this year.

      Make a Difference
      Volunteer Solutions
      Network for Good
      Doctor's Without Borders
      Donors Choose
      Delta Society
      Little Brothers
      Second Harvest
      Blood Saves
      Donate a Phone
      Used cell phones are reprogrammed with emergency numbers and then distributed to domestic violence victims. "We give them out left and right," says Officer Ed O'Carroll of the Fairfax County, Virginia Police Department.
      Call: 1-888-901-7233 to donate a used cell phone.

      I wish you all a Happy New Year and even if you don't make your own resolutions this year, I hope everyone can at least obtain #1 on my list.
      Just think of Amanda and it shouldn't be too difficult, right? list foreversg1...I didn't make any new years resolutions this year but I think I will definitely try to spend more quality time with my family...that includes my brothers and parents...and that is gonna be a huge challenge on it's for making new friends...I have made so many new friends here in 2006...I'm looking forward to meeting more here in GW and at the cons I hope to attend this year!
      And the smiling ...I make it a thing to make sure I smile everyday...coz once I start I generally don't stop...and sometimes all I gotta do is think about some of the posts here in Samanda and in the ship thread...or about a conversation I've had on msn with someone from the otherside of the world...or I simply think about my husband and kids...that's usually enough...except when hubby refuses to talk about AT3...I soo want to go but I think I've got a better chance at getting to AT4...D'oH!
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      wheee, baby emu's
      You people do realise that these birds are not very all!! Cute...but mean
      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      I found a "Which Stargate SG-1 character are you?" quiz...
      and I think the results may be a bit dodgy
      Me????? A Samantha Carter?????? - see results
      It's fun - give it a go
      I did that ages ago...I'm Daniel...ewwww...I was hoping to be a Sam but Daniel is what I am...oh well...he's got nice fingers...and a nice tooshi!

      YeeHaa...well...I skipped every second page to get to the end...I have too many things to do...still!!
      I would like to wish everyone here a very happy belated new year!!
      We were meant to go to the carnival and celebrate on the beach but Niki got sick that afternoon so it was toned down quite considerably...we did eventually get to the forshore and watched all the fireworks...and then mother nature put a show on...we had some spectacular lightning happening...the rain didn't come for about another 2 hours.
      Good night all...take care, be safe and be happy...(((Samandans)))...hope all is well whereever you are!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        I found a "Which Stargate SG-1 character are you?" quiz...

        and I think the results may be a bit dodgy

        Me????? A Samantha Carter?????? - see results

        It's fun - give it a go
        My results.

        Samantha Carter - 95%
        Daniel Jackson - 79%
        Thor - 57%
        Jack O'Neill - 56%
        General Hammond - 55%
        Dr. Frasier - 50%
        Teal'c - 47%
        A Goa'uld - 10%

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
          (((TJ)))...if you ever need any blue jelly/jello...just give me a buzz...we got plenty over family is german that where you are now??

          Ok...I might regret this later but...I may actually be interested in doing this...I might get my daughter Niki to help basically we read the stream and continue on the story from the last that right??...If that's the case then...I'll give it a go....never written a fic in my life but this sounds like fun!

          ...where you going deepspace...don't stay away too long!

          Oh wow...that was awesome...woohoo...well done CG!!

 list foreversg1...I didn't make any new years resolutions this year but I think I will definitely try to spend more quality time with my family...that includes my brothers and parents...and that is gonna be a huge challenge on it's for making new friends...I have made so many new friends here in 2006...I'm looking forward to meeting more here in GW and at the cons I hope to attend this year!
          And the smiling ...I make it a thing to make sure I smile everyday...coz once I start I generally don't stop...and sometimes all I gotta do is think about some of the posts here in Samanda and in the ship thread...or about a conversation I've had on msn with someone from the otherside of the world...or I simply think about my husband and kids...that's usually enough...except when hubby refuses to talk about AT3...I soo want to go but I think I've got a better chance at getting to AT4...D'oH!

          You people do realise that these birds are not very all!! Cute...but mean

          I can vouch for this. I had a emu bite me at a Wildlife Safari Reservation when I was a child. He grabbed my finger and wouldn't let go.

          I did that ages ago...I'm Daniel...ewwww...I was hoping to be a Sam but Daniel is what I am...oh well...he's got nice fingers...and a nice tooshi!

          YeeHaa...well...I skipped every second page to get to the end...I have too many things to do...still!!
          I would like to wish everyone here a very happy belated new year!!
          We were meant to go to the carnival and celebrate on the beach but Niki got sick that afternoon so it was toned down quite considerably...we did eventually get to the forshore and watched all the fireworks...and then mother nature put a show on...we had some spectacular lightning happening...the rain didn't come for about another 2 hours.
          Good night all...take care, be safe and be happy...(((Samandans)))...hope all is well whereever you are!!


            Originally posted by KatG View Post
            No big surprise here. I'm a Daniel. Although coming in second is Thor which I'm still trying to wrap my brain around.
            I ended up with quite a nice list - I came in as Jack O'Neill, then had Sam Carter to follow, mmmmm!

            Perhaps I haven't worded that in the best way, but whatever...!



              Originally posted by chelle db View Post

              Ok...I might regret this later but...I may actually be interested in doing this...I might get my daughter Niki to help basically we read the stream and continue on the story from the last that right??...If that's the case then...I'll give it a go....never written a fic in my life but this sounds like fun!
              adds chelle to the list.

              as to 'over' how far over are we talking? I know mine was 1059 or something like that. a wee bit over. i think the main reason for the 1000 word limit is to keep one person from basically hijacking the whole thing
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                updated 1-3-07

                oobs - writing
                scifi thinker
                tracy jane
                shimmering star
                Samcarterrules - replicartje
                NZBG - annsgc-fan
                tsazlady - may need to swap if her real life interfers
                gategirl422- mandy aka megyn&mandy
                Dancer of Spaz
                La Doyle



                da 'rules' and a link

                1. One part/fork cannot exceed 1000 words.
                2. No foul language, of course, and no nc17 stuff.
                3. The story *has to* revolve around Samantha Carter from its beginning
                to the end.
                4. Have fun.

                You can reach the Story Stram pages at this address:
                Last edited by Skydiver; 03 January 2007, 04:56 AM.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  updated 1-3-07

                  oobs - writing
                  scifi thinker
                  tracy jane
                  shimmering star
                  Samcarterrules - replicartje
                  NZBG - annsgc-fan
                  tsazlady - may need to swap if her real life interfers
                  gategirl422- mandy aka megyn&mandy
                  Dancer of Spaz



                  da 'rules' and a link

                  1. One part/fork cannot exceed 1000 words.
                  2. No foul language, of course, and no nc17 stuff.
                  3. The story *has to* revolve around Samantha Carter from its beginning
                  to the end.
                  4. Have fun.

                  You can reach the Story Stram pages at this address:
                  You left me off, Sky. You trying to tell me something?


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    You left me off, Sky. You trying to tell me something?

                    fixed now

                    that's what i get for going too far back in the thread to find it to c/p it
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                      I'd be happy to assist, m'dear. I just don't promise to catch all spelling mistakes.
                      mini, count on me too as backup for Strix ... I always liked spelling bees!


                        Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                        My videos are playing upside down and I can't work out how I did it, let alone fix it. Quadruplets? Although, I'm already a twin so that would be quints?
                        Isn't that what happens when you live down under? ::blinks innocently::

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                          I found a "Which Stargate SG-1 character are you?" quiz...

                          and I think the results may be a bit dodgy

                          Me????? A Samantha Carter?????? - see results

                          It's fun - give it a go
                          THOR for me! at 72% next was Jack O'Neill at 47%

                          Mumsey (wishing she was a slim as Thor.....)
                          For details of AT10 go to


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            (((TJ)))...if you ever need any blue jelly/jello...just give me a buzz...we got plenty over family is german that where you are now??
                            Thanks, that's really sweet. But I just got hit by the Blue Jello Fairy, so I'm good. I'm also absolutely STUMPED as to who the Blue Jello Fairy is. I didn't think anyone on Samanda (bar one) had my address! So I'm shocked. Or just careless with my personal details. That is also a possibility.

                            As for Germany, no. I used to live over there, a year or two back. But since I moved back to the UK, I've only visited once. Long story to be honest.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              Isn't that what happens when you live down under? ::blinks innocently::

                              *sics attack wombats on suse*

                              Meanwhile, back on topic

                              I just caught up with reading the story so far and it's great!! Well done everyone.


                                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                                THOR for me! at 72% next was Jack O'Neill at 47%

                                Mumsey (wishing she was a slim as Thor.....)
                                I'm Sam 82%
                                Jack 65%

                                And trust me, I'm not much of a leader unless no one else is taking charge. Or they are leading in a way that isn't getting the job done.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

