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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    y'all notice in crystal skull, sam is unconscious and jack carries her home...but she STILL manages to keep ahold of her doohickie

    now THAT'S dedication for ya
    lol! I hadn't noticed that.

    See, that's true on-screen ship: - Sam/doohickie ship. Perfect


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      poor david. he seems to be such a nice guy....too bad his poor character got dumped into a plot hole of bad writing
      I don't know why TPTB even thought about getting a new actor to play Sam's boyfriend ???????
      Why haven't they used Malcolm or Davis?????
      RE: OOOO 'cause they needed to give DDL a job


        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
        I think that one problem TPTB can have is that they take a short term view too often without looking ahead and they will sacrifice the characters to accomodate the plot if needs be.
        coop's fatal flaw as show runner. he does pay too much attention to the short term and totally ignores the long term

        and yes, constantly sacrifices the characters to facilitate the plot...whereas i kinda thought the plot was supposed to be written to accomodate the characters???

        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
        With Pete, the character could have been introduced slowly, shown to be dating Sam in his first episode before he found out about the SGC further down the line, by accident or through curiousity born out of concern for Sam. Instead, they went from what looked like the early stages of dating, to sleeping together, to Pete's tantrum and then investigating Sam within one episode.
        which was made worse by the comment in death knell that it'd been a month since grace, fall out and chimera all happened in a month

        ok, with the severity of sam's concussion in grace, she'd have been off work for a couple of works at the minimum, not to mention recovering from her booboo in evolution, then fallout had to take a couple of days at least and then we're up to death knell

        so in less than a MONTH sam met, fell for and fell into bed with pete????

        i don't think so

        yet another flaw in their writing. whomever wrote DK just tossed the reference in without thinking about the ramifications
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          very interesting, now i know it's just a coincidence

          'happy confident students do worse in math'

          kinda works with sam and our impressions about her past
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            CAPTIONARY !

            Janet: I really can't believe you did that.
            Sam: Well, I couldn't help it.
            Janet: What do you mean, you couldn't help it?
            Sam: I had to.
            Janet: You had to?
            Sam: Yes, it was either grab his doohickie or fall flat on my a&&
            Janet: Really...and I'm supposed to buy that's the only reason you grabbed his, ah doohickie?

            my fanfic


              we're doing ok, until she takes his doohickey fishing....then we're alllll in trouble (although i think sam might have a good time )
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                y'all notice in crystal skull, sam is unconscious and jack carries her home...but she STILL manages to keep ahold of her doohickie

                now THAT'S dedication for ya
                at first I was going to say something about this...really I was going to say that I never noticed that and that she never would want to loose it...cause that is her work...
                But then I read the next pages and couldn't stop laughing about it lol

       really have to watch out with what you say... But I had a laugh though

                As for Crystal Skull...I really liked that ep...had some nice moments in them...I really should rewatch that ep again...
                But isn't that the ep where O'Neils falls on the ground next to Teal'c?? And Teal'c says that Janet always has right?? if so i loved that little funny scene

                I also love the little interaction between Sam and Janet where Sam is working at the computer and suddenly shivers (sp?) and Janet immediatly gives her water to feel better...I love that...that just shows what a good friends tehy are!!!


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                  It has been said that a
                  love-interest is only
                  an intrusion upon a
                  [sci-fi] story...

                  But to the characters
                  involved, the [sci-fi]
                  interest might well
                  seem an irritating
                  intrusion upon
                  their love-story

                  - Dorothy L. Sayers, 1937
                  lol! And of course sci-fi writers don't usually make good romance writers (and vice-versa). A viewer looking for the love story in a sci-fi work isn't just looking in the wrong place (the love-story will be minimal), they're also looking for it from a writer whose not any good at it (with few exceptions). It is no coincidence, either, that romance writers are overwhelmingly female, and sci-fi writers are mostly male (though they don't dominate to the same extent).

                  Relationship fanfic is dominated by women too, whether it's het, slash or femslash. There are very few male fanfic writers who do it, and I've only come across one who does it really well, imo.

                  We have a fine example of how it usually pans out right here, with Sam in Stargate. To use your own term, sally, when TPTB wrote relationship stuff for Sam, it turned out "sucky".

                  Of course it did! They're not romance writers. They haven't a clue how to write a female character re. a relationship scenario. I don't want to see it in the show because I know they're not any good at it. Let them stick to what they're good at - they've been having enough trouble getting some of that right recently, too.


                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    CAPTIONARY !

                    Sam: "Nope. You won't win me over with those sweet puppy eyes. I'm not giving you my last blueberry donut!"


                      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                      CAPTIONARY !


                      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                      Sam: "Nope. You won't win me over with those sweet puppy eyes. I'm not giving you my last blueberry donut sharing JACK!"


                        Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                        We have a fine example of how it usually pans out right here, with Sam in Stargate. To use your own term, sally, when TPTB wrote relationship stuff for Sam, it turned out "sucky".

                        Of course it did! They're not romance writers. They haven't a clue how to write a female character re. a relationship scenario. I don't want to see it in the show because I know they're not any good at it. Let them stick to what they're good at - they've been having enough trouble getting some of that right recently, too.
                        i keep thinking it's because they don't know how to write a woman. not how she would normally act/think/feel, cause they're not women

                        instead they seem stuck on writing the woman the way they'd want her to be...which comes across as very submissive to many of us. sam the doormat instead of sam the soldier
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
                          Sam: "Nope. You won't win me over with those sweet puppy eyes. I'm not giving you my last blueberry donut sharing JACK!"
                          She already has in the fic I write


                            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post

                            On that subject, do any Samandans like Pete? If so, are you brave enough to admit it? I'm really curious. If you don't want to post it on the forum, please PM me. I would really like to hear a positive view on Pete. I didn't like him, but surely someone did, right?
                            I didn't mind Pete at all. I must say I groaned during the ep as I really didn't want to see any ship on the show really - especially with Sam. The only thing which was annoying was his little strop in the morning - hardly adult - but then no one is perfect. I thought he was quite sweet overall. Lets face it we never saw enough of him to get a rounded opinion.

                            I didn't blame him at all for being curious about Sam's work. After all he could have been worried she was into something which he really wouldn't approve of (she could have walked for Simmonds or something). They really didn't know each other enough to trust one another - IMO - getting to know and trust someone takes quite some time. Falling in lust - no time at all . Following her to the stake out was a little excessive though - though he came through to help when she came under fire!!!

                            I'm afraid I was more miffed at the sudden change in Sam in that episode - she was a completley different person. But then that's a whole different discussion and I'd be in the minority!

                            a happy belated birthday to Agent Dark!!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              i keep thinking it's because they don't know how to write a woman. not how she would normally act/think/feel, cause they're not women
                              That is one major reason (though not the only one) why men rarely make good romance writers. Bear in mind that most romance is written for women too - so that's something that has to be got right from the get-go. Not being able to write women well is a cause of the dearth of good male romance writers (not the only one, but a very significant one). And though it's true that female writers don't always get the writing of men right either (at least not from a man's perspective) this is less of a problem if the audience is predominently female. In other words, there aren't the male readers/viewers of the genre around to notice.

                              Hoping for good writing for a female character in relationship situations from this kind of format is a triumph of optimism over realistic expectation. It would be unusual if it did turn out well, not the other way round.

                              The best Jack/Sam moments in the show, imo, are those which are not written to be shippy: close scenes like those in Solitudes and Death Knell, for example. And that there moment in Crustal Skull in the pics of recent squeedom when Jack hauls an uncscious Sam and her doohickey onto his shoulders. Read them as shippy - no problem! They work because the writers weren't trying. Don't read them as shippy - again they're good moments.

                              Ask for a portrayal of a romance or relationshipfor a female main character that will satisfy female viewers, and you're on a hiding to nothing.


                                In regards to the writing I think that is what I liked so much about the Jack character. TPTB seemed to be able to write him or RDA had such a strong concept of his character. Whatever it was, the interaction and relationship that ALL the characters had with Jack was the strongest.

                                I have never really understood the comments made such as not wanting Sam to end up "Jack's girl" or that Sam was solely defined by her relationship with jack. To me, when Sam was in situations with Jack she came across as strong, loyal, competent, smart, caring,etc. It was her so called relationships with others that weakened her character, Martouf, Orlin, Joe, Narim, Pete. They were more infatuation, distrustful or just plain creepy. I can't think of one instance where Jack didn't show confidence and respect towards Sam.

