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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    I wish I could say that I didn't see the writing on the wall a year ago!

    That is truly sad how SCI-FI used the show like this in order to get that stupid title. I wish I could be shocked or disappointed by the news, but its something I've seen coming for a very long time now. And while I do feel really badly for the actors and Stargate crew, I really wish they had just ended the series with season 8.

    I wish they'd stayed true to the 8-year tapestry and characters that they'd created - and then built on that - instead of tearing it apart and rebuilding around completely new characters and new arcs. Change and grow, yes, but not into a New Show that didn't truly respect the previous 8 years.

    I mourn for the Season 9 and 10 (and more) That Could Have Been.
    Originally posted by minigeek
    D'oh! And now I just read that the scuttlebut's been confirmed and all. SG-1 is cancelled. Well, I can't help but think a lot of us already saw the writing on the wall for that one. But be that as it may, I know we all wish the cast and crew and everyone involved continued successes in the future - it'll really be a new chapter for some of their lives, and I think (if I may be so bold as to say so) some of them are probably more than ready for a new chapter to begin, anyway. I'll line up with the rest of ya'll in missing my very favorite action science fiction heroine of alll time once she's off the air, though ... we'll all have to get together and drink to Samantha Carter. ANd for ten fantabulous years...
    Originally posted by Bucky
    OH, me too!!

    I'm sorry if my response came off harshly. I didn't mean it to--I don't think petitions will help, and, as I said, I'd have a hard time justifying keeping the current show.

    But, yeah. Already miss Jack. Now I'll miss Sam, too.

    I've been missing SG-1 for over a year now - and I don't blame the departure of RDA. The show had legs and could still have run well, if it had honored its past (both the characters and the story arcs -and the details). I too mourn the passing of SG-1, but I'm not sad to see The New Show go away.
    Originally posted by minigeek
    D'oh! And now I just read that the scuttlebut's been confirmed and all. SG-1 is cancelled. Well, I can't help but think a lot of us already saw the writing on the wall for that one. But be that as it may, I know we all wish the cast and crew and everyone involved continued successes in the future - it'll really be a new chapter for some of their lives, and I think (if I may be so bold as to say so) some of them are probably more than ready for a new chapter to begin, anyway. I'll line up with the rest of ya'll in missing my very favorite action science fiction heroine of alll time once she's off the air, though ... we'll all have to get together and drink to Samantha Carter. ANd for ten fantabulous years...
    Here's to Sam Carter and AT!
    Originally posted by scarimor
    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    Three cheers for Amanda!! Hip, Hip....
    ... Hoooooooo-RAY!
    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    I know it is not really over yet, but I think we all should be realistic about it and it will be the last year of Samantha Carter en Stargate Sg1. Maybe we will see Samantha again in Atlantis season 4, that would be great.
    Somehow I am really sad about the fact that I will not see Amanda's portrayal of Sam again after season 10. She did such a great job with it. She really made the show for me. I only was a little kid of 12 years old when I started to watch the show and from the first moment, I was looking up to Samantha Carter. She was the kind of person I wanted to become. She really was great IMO. She was everything a girl wants to be. She was so much more than just a woman. The first season they really made her a teammember, a scientist, a friend, a collegue,... She had her flaws but that just made her human. She was not 'the hero', none of the original SG1 characters where heroes. They all did great and heroic thing but they were not heroes. They were just humans like any of us.

    And I really can say that I will miss Amanda, and everything she did to me (and I don't think only to me). She really made me appreciate little things in life. Not only as Samantha did she do that but also just as being Amanda. She really is a great person to look up to. I hope that after it is over, she will find another thing that she can enjoy, like she did enjoy stargate sg1.

    I know that this sounds not really optimistic but I am really sad about the fact that it is over with SG1, I know that the last couple of season where not the greatest but still... The cast and crew really did not deserve such an ending!

    I do hope that GW and Samanda will not end here cause I really feel at home here! I love reading all the posts!!
    I also do hope that I get the change to meet Amanda in RL but now with cancelling the show I know that change is really small.

    So to end this rather long post I made something:
    Wonderful post, RC. Tried to rep you, but was locked out of the jello fridge.
    Originally posted by jckfan55
    The end of SG1 will not end my appreciation and support for Amanda Tapping. I hope to see her in as many things as she wants to do. Thank You Amanda for service above and beyond the call of duty.


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
      Gotta go to bed, but I spotted this on my way out and wanted to share it. It's a statement Sci Fi issued this evening. It indicates that they will be allowed to complete the season...but we still need to write, e-mail, etc.:

      "Ten seasons and 215 episodes is an astounding, Guinness World Record-setting accomplishment. Stargate is a worldwide phenomenon. Having achieved so much over the course of the past 10 years, SCI FI believes that the time is right to make this season their last on the channel. SCI FI is honored to have been part of the Stargate legacy for five years, and we look forward to continuing to explore the Stargate universe with our partners at MGM through a new season of Stargate Atlantis."

      If they're making 215, that would finish out the season, right? Or since 200 was 10-06, does that mean we'll get 21 eps this season?

      Y'all figure it out. I'll check back in tomorrow.

      And before I go, if she's checking in tonight:

      Thank you,
      Amanda Tapping,
      for 10 years of a wonderful character!
      Come on down to the U.S. There's a prime time show
      waiting for you here! I'm sure of it!

      Good night, Samanda!
      I think what they may have meant (MOHO) is that at the time that was written 215 eps had been filmed. 20 eps are still expected. Spoilers are up at GW for 17 of them. (

      Anyone know how far they got in filming the final eps? Wonder if they're rewriting in anticipation of the 'future franchise' or will have to refilm any of it. Oh well... they're not airing #11 forward until March... that'll give them plenty of time to make revisions/film new scenes....
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
        I think what they may have meant (MOHO) is that at the time that was written 215 eps had been filmed. 20 eps are still expected. Spoilers are up at GW for 17 of them. (

        Anyone know how far they got in filming the final eps? Wonder if they're rewriting in anticipation of the 'future franchise' or will have to refilm any of it. Oh well... they're not airing #11 forward until March... that'll give them plenty of time to make revisions/film new scenes....
        oh, you mean up to episode 15 of season 10? But wouldn't have they said 10x15 rather than 215 episodes? Episode 200 was the 6th episode of season 10 (10x06) which would make 215 episodes the 21st episode of s10 (10x21).


          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
          Anyone know how far they got in filming the final eps? Wonder if they're rewriting in anticipation of the 'future franchise' or will have to refilm any of it. Oh well... they're not airing #11 forward until March... that'll give them plenty of time to make revisions/film new scenes....
          don't know how far they are, but they left the last 3 eps open on purpose. whether they'll give us a cliffhanger is to be seen. i doubt they'll refilm given one of the reasons for cancellation was money.

          Kat and DEM, i'm working on it, promise.
          "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
          Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            What does this mean for Sam? Well, she's already made a few appearances on Atlantis (tied in more than anyone else), so I could easily see TPTB getting Amanda in for a few guest appearances now and then. There's also the movie/mini-series which I'd say is an almost certainty. And Amanda has mentioned just recently that she had 'something else' lined up, so no doubt she's going to be busy.

            I'm not surprised or dissapointed by this. I mean sure, no more regular Sam/Amanda , but at the end of the day SG1 had to end sometime and I guess now is the time.

            Long live Sam/Amanda!
            Yep. Long Live Sam! And the bestest of wishes for Amanda!

            RE: the miniseries, that's where my money's at AD. Much as I love SG-1, I'm not sure there's enough casual viewer interest to justify a big budget film. But a miniseries.... I can see that. Would be wonderful if they got their act together and started work on that in the spring when they'd have usually started filming a new season. I wonder too about those contracts they signed. If no S11, is there a clause about availability during '07 for those future projects?

            And AD... dancer, tsax, sky and others can confirm this too... Amanda was sooooo ready to share her plans for the future at Shore Leave in early July when SG was on a filming hiatus, but she didn't. (Couldn't. ) Wonder when she'll start to release word of those plans now...
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
              <snip> And AD... dancer, tsax, sky and others can confirm this too... Amanda was sooooo ready to share her plans for the future at Shore Leave in early July when SG was on a filming hiatus, but she didn't. (Couldn't. ) Wonder when she'll start to release word of those plans now...
              That was one of my first thoughts when this news broke. I'm so glad she has plans.

              I will greatly miss sharing my Friday nights with the wonderful adventures of Sam Carter and SG-1, but all good things must come to an end. May they live long in fanfiction.

              And many, many heartfelt thanks to Amanda Tapping for devoting ten years of her life to such a wonderful show and such a great character!

              My LJ


                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                ...And AD... dancer, tsax, sky and others can confirm this too... Amanda was sooooo ready to share her plans for the future at Shore Leave in early July when SG was on a filming hiatus, but she didn't. (Couldn't. ) Wonder when she'll start to release word of those plans now...
                I too am axiously waiting for the news. I can take the cancellation better, knowing that Amanda has something in the works...I just can't wait to find out

                my fanfic


                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANDY!!
                  My View From The Peanut Gallery


                    Fic rec

                    Left Wing by Melbell

                    Summary: For Sam Carter, it felt good to be something other then an air force
                    officer or a scientist. Sam Fic, Gen. SamVala friendship. SamTeam friendship.


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      LOL, and what a birthday surprise it was

                      Thanks for the birthday wish Poz
                      at least I'll always get the trivia question right on what date SG1 was cancelled
                      Aw, poor Mandy! What a day for this to happen! I'm sorry. Happy birthday anyway!


                        Wow even though i could see the writting on the wall it still hurt to see the news I will miss the SG1 of season 1-8 but not i'm afraid 9-10, imho tptb just seemed to forget what made this a truely special show. I will how ever miss Amanda and her playing of a really great character, one that is really, really unforgetable! I hope tptb will not forget what brought this show to 10 seasons and we will get to see Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c again in the Stargate world.
                        To Amanda i would like to say a simple THANKYOU for giving us a wonderfull character in Sam and wish you all the very best in what ever you do in the future! (((((((Amanda)))))))


                          Originally posted by tara3583
                          Wow even though i could see the writting on the wall it still hurt to see the news I will miss the SG1 of season 1-8 but not i'm afraid 9-10, imho tptb just seemed to forget what made this a truely special show. I will how ever miss Amanda and her playing of a really great character, one that is really, really unforgetable! I hope tptb will not forget what brought this show to 10 seasons and we will get to see Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c again in the Stargate world.
                          To Amanda i would like to say a simple THANKYOU for giving us a wonderfull character in Sam and wish you all the very best in what ever you do in the future! (((((((Amanda)))))))
                          Wonderful post, Tara!


                            Don't forget to vote in the Best Of The Best Poll for AT Acting Scenes
                            (which will time out on Friday)

                            and don't forget the Whingenuts thread, for those of us who'd like to discuss some of the less than positive aspects of recent years


                              Originally posted by scarimor
                              ... Hoooooooo-RAY!
                              Ditto from me too!!!

                              Hey Samandans...what a bummer...I've been on this blasted computer all day so i'm taking a break and gonna try and cheer myself up...

                              (((To all the Samandans)))

                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                                I too am axiously waiting for the news. I can take the cancellation better, knowing that Amanda has something in the works...I just can't wait to find out
                                Here's a thought...maybe she's gonna extend her family...another baby perhaps??? Just thinking!!

                                Thank you Amanda for 10 wonderful years!
                                Wishing you all the best in your future endeavours!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

