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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Myrth
    who says it's a fantasy & not an embellished memory? When Amanda said both sides would be happy... sorta, who's to say that isn't the anti-shippers she's sorta-ing about
    Oh, I like the way you think!


      Originally posted by Mandysg1
      What I found more shocking (or not) were the ratings for Insiders
      SG-1 led off the night with "Insiders" at 9 p.m. Eastern/Pacific. The show earned a 1.3 average household rating, down two-tenths of a point from the previous week.

      things that make you go hmmm?
      i'll say this.

      does everyone agree that season 10 is better than season 9? now, are the advertisements letting the viewers know that the show is better now? are there articles stating that the ptb worked on the mitchell and vala characters, and worked on having sam carter more up front in storylines?

      if there was something unsatisfying about season 9 for some viewers, what would be the incentive to come back for a season 10? to me, the ratings are showing that there are some fans that are just not giving this show a try anymore.




        Originally posted by Melora
        I think TPTB were shocked when there was such an uproar about Pete. They intended him to be a nice, innocuous, regular joe-type character.
        How could they be shocked? Look how they wrote him. Could they really think he'd go over well with fans? We'll just have him be rude to Sam, run a background check on her, stalk her and ruin her stakeout...but the fans will love him!


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
          How could they be shocked? Look how they wrote him. Could they really think he'd go over well with fans? We'll just have him be rude to Sam, run a background check on her, stalk her and ruin her stakeout...but the fans will love him!
          Why wouldn't you like him, he's PDL's brother

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            Well stated, Kat! And I agree - I would love to see more of that happy, excited Carter 'going off on adventurers and discovering new technologies and protecting Earth with the team'.

            Is it just me, or does it seem like... they do go off on 'adventures', but the excitement and fun of it is completely squashed by the overwhelming storyline of impending doom and the continuous battle against superevil? Bad guys have taken over the storylines to the point of pushing out the fun? It's about surviving now?
            Yeah as much as they keep telling us that the show is so much lighter and humorous now, I just find it all rather depressing. Personally if I wanted to watch a dark sci-fi drama, I'd watch BSG.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              I do think, though, she can be happier than she is. Surround her with the people she loves-they can lend support and comfort when things are looking bleak. Everyone needs someone. Show her she is important and needed at the SGC, which she is. She should be given the respect she deserves. That would go a long way in improving her outlook.

              Uh, so yeah. Sam's still got that spark. It's just been struggling to stay lit these past few seasons.

              Well said! It wouldn't let me green you.

              And thanks for the great pics. She does have a great smile.

              I agree with Astro that Sam has seemed happiest when she is exploring or discovering something new. But I think it is everything you mentioned combined - having a job that challenges and excites her, doing that job well and being appreciated for it, and having the love and support of her friends.

              The key term you mentioned was respect. I don't think Sam could be happy unless she is given the respect she deserves.

              I also feel that Sam needs to see progress. She tends to get depressed easily when things are not looking up. She is never happier than when she has achieved something or come up with a solution. SG-1 needs some successes and Sam needs to be integral to achieving those successes. Let's hope TPTB will allow SG-1 (and Sam) to do so sometime in season 10.


                Originally posted by majorsal
                i'll say this.

                does everyone agree that season 10 is better than season 9? now, are the advertisements letting the viewers know that the show is better now? are there articles stating that the ptb worked on the mitchell and vala characters, and worked on having sam carter more up front in storylines?

                if there was something unsatisfying about season 9 for some viewers, what would be the incentive to come back for a season 10? to me, the ratings are showing that there are some fans that are just not giving this show a try anymore.

                I think its more difficult than that Sal, I think once you've turned a viewer off its hard to get them back, and I believe they were still pimping Cam as the leader of SG1 and Vala as the new Star. So if they left b/c they didn't like the new characters or the new direction of the show that sure as Ne'tu they aren't coming back

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                  Zero Hour, when shes talking about the mission with Jack near the end. Fishing in Threads and Moebius (NOT COS IT WAS 'SHIPPY'! ).
                  Breifing room scenes where she's definitely perky, Prototype and Ripple Effect for two. Movie night in The Scourge. Crusade when she finds out that Vala managed to make contact.

                  Pegasus Project, anything with McKay. She may not admit it, but he does liven things up for her Insiders, more joking around with Mitchell
                  I guess I just don't see those scenes the same way because I didn't see happy Sam in those scenes.

                  Zero Hour - I saw a very worried Sam, though Jack did manage to lighten the mood up a bit.

                  Threads - fishing - Hmm content and relaxed maybe, but I'm no sure if it's really happy or excited.

                  Moebius - Not sure what scene you are talking about here.

                  Pegasus Project - sarcastic responses does not mean she's happy.

                  Scourge - Definitely don't see the movie night scene the same way as you.

                  Sadly I can't remember the Ripple Effect or the Prototype scene you are referring to. Guess I may ahve to actually break down and watch them a second time.

                  I'll give you Crusade. I think Sam looked really excited in that scene.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                    How could they be shocked? Look how they wrote him. Could they really think he'd go over well with fans? We'll just have him be rude to Sam, run a background check on her, stalk her and ruin her stakeout...but the fans will love him!

                    Well, one thing I've learned from being in this fandom: TPTB are often quite oblivious.

                    They just don't think things through. I mean... look at what they did with season 9? It was supposed to be this great reinvention of the show. It had these wonderful, exciting new characters. And I think they were completely shocked when a large segment of the fandom absolutely hated their new formula and new characters. They should have known better considering what they went through with the Pete storyline - and they should have contemplated the ramifications of their decisions before making huge, sweeping changes.


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      i'll say this.

                      does everyone agree that season 10 is better than season 9? now, are the advertisements letting the viewers know that the show is better now? are there articles stating that the ptb worked on the mitchell and vala characters, and worked on having sam carter more up front in storylines?

                      if there was something unsatisfying about season 9 for some viewers, what would be the incentive to come back for a season 10? to me, the ratings are showing that there are some fans that are just not giving this show a try anymore.


                      I think folks did give it a try at the beginning of Season 9, but then more and more folks have been dropping off (in terms of the % of the viewing audience that Scifi is getting with SG-1, the actual #'s of viewers are different than the simple rating numbers). In terms of the % of viewers watching TV on Friday nights, a larger percentage of them are tuning in to watch shows other than Stargate.

                      What does that mean for the show and Season 11? That all depends on what TPTB used to create their budget. They would have figured that X-number of viewers, with a range of Y-Z in the ratings, were what they were expecting, and they would plan their budget outlay for the show accordingly. What are those numbers? Only they know. If they planned for an average ratings range of the 1's to low 2's, with an average of 1.5... for a total viewership of so-many-million per rating share... then they might be OK with letting the show go on. However, if they planned their budget figuing that they'd only make a realistic profit if the show averaged high 1.8's to 2.0's, then they might not make enough (if anything) with the viewership-per-rating-point that has actually happened.

                      Erm, back to your original question, Sally... SG-1's total viewership is down compared to Season 8. I think that folks gave the 'new show' a chance, but it's just not 'flying' with folks.

                      If you look at the ratings over the years, though, they have bounced around quite a bit...
                      so who knows what the ratings will be for upcoming episodes or later in the season?
                      Last edited by astrogeologist; 08 August 2006, 08:54 PM.


                        Originally posted by Melora

                        I agree with Astro that Sam has seemed happiest when she is exploring or discovering something new. But I think it is everything you mentioned combined - having a job that challenges and excites her, doing that job well and being appreciated for it, and having the love and support of her friends.

                        The key term you mentioned was respect. I don't think Sam could be happy unless she is given the respect she deserves.

                        I also feel that Sam needs to see progress. She tends to get depressed easily when things are not looking up. She is never happier than when she has achieved something or come up with a solution. SG-1 needs some successes and Sam needs to be integral to achieving those successes. Let's hope TPTB will allow SG-1 (and Sam) to do so sometime in season 10.
                        I agree.

                        She needs progress and she isn't seeing that this season or last. They are up against a seemingly unbeatable enemy...even more so than the Goa'uld. They've had a few wins, but more than enough losses. Her job is still challenging...but like someone said, it's more like survival now than exploring and discovering new things, which is something Sam thrives on. So she's doing her job like she always has, but things are not looking up. Figure in that she's lost the command she worked so long and hard wonder she seems down. (((Sam)))


                          Originally posted by Melora
                          Well said! It wouldn't let me green you.

                          And thanks for the great pics. She does have a great smile.

                          I agree with Astro that Sam has seemed happiest when she is exploring or discovering something new. But I think it is everything you mentioned combined - having a job that challenges and excites her, doing that job well and being appreciated for it, and having the love and support of her friends.

                          The key term you mentioned was respect. I don't think Sam could be happy unless she is given the respect she deserves.

                          I also feel that Sam needs to see progress. She tends to get depressed easily when things are not looking up. She is never happier than when she has achieved something or come up with a solution. SG-1 needs some successes and Sam needs to be integral to achieving those successes. Let's hope TPTB will allow SG-1 (and Sam) to do so sometime in season 10.
                          I like how you put that, Melora!


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            I guess I just don't see those scenes the same way because I didn't see happy Sam in those scenes.

                            Zero Hour - I saw a very worried Sam, though Jack did manage to lighten the mood up a bit.
                            She was joking around with Jack about the mission. Sounded fairly happy and relaxed to me.

                            Threads - fishing - Hmm content and relaxed maybe, but I'm no sure if it's really happy or excited.
                            Happy to be relaxed and content?

                            Moebius - Not sure what scene you are talking about here.
                            Eh, well its basically the same scene as threads.

                            Pegasus Project - sarcastic responses does not mean she's happy.
                            She seemed to be genuinely amused by Rodney. I thought she was struggling not laugh after McKay thanked her for helping him out while she was a hallucination. Granted, that may have been Amanda but Amanda is Sam


                            Scourge - Definitely don't see the movie night scene the same way as you.
                            She was enthusiastic about it. That leads to happy

                            Sadly I can't remember the Ripple Effect or the Prototype scene you are referring to. Guess I may ahve to actually break down and watch them a second time.
                            When she was joking around with Cam in those breifings. 'Finally found someone who can keep up with you?' 'Yep!' etc


                            I'll give you Crusade. I think Sam looked really excited in that scene.


                              Originally posted by astrogeologist

                              Erm, back to your original question, Sally... SG-1's total viewership is down compared to Season 8. I think that folks gave the 'new show' a chance, but it's just not 'flying' with folks.

                              If you look at the ratings over the years, though, they have bounced around quite a bit...
                              so who knows what the ratings will be for upcoming episodes or later in the season?
                              first off, i love the word 'erm'.


                              i can't remember the ratings before season 6, but starting in that season, that's when the show moved to the scifi channel. and each season, the ratings increased *culminating in THE best ratings in season 8.* with season 9, they leveled off. with season 10, they've went down. season 9 was the first season that the show didn't 'increase' its ratings. season 10 is the first season where they've went down.

                              i think the ptb messed with its highly successful recipe. i think what they're serving now is too bitter for most fans' tastes.




                                Originally posted by astrogeologist
                                Erm, back to your original question, Sally... SG-1's total viewership is down compared to Season 8. I think that folks gave the 'new show' a chance, but it's just not 'flying' with folks.
                                Well gosh, how could that be?! Wasn't S8 the one with that wacky, crazy, implausible, completely unworkable and unwriteable set-up of Carter leading SG-1? I trust you implicitly, astrogeo, but surely your numbers are in error here!

