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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    The Royal Aviary's been quite noisy today. I think the Royal Emu wants to get out to stomp Mitchell.

    To lighten the mood a bit--another great Sam moment. She basically *invents* and *builds* a particle generator (with help) to unbury the gate on Eudora (?) to save Jack in only 3 months. Brains & dedication--that's our Sam. I believe she would have done it for Daniel or Teal'c also.
    Last edited by jckfan55; 04 June 2006, 01:27 PM.


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      I don't know mitchell that good, but of what I saw of him the first 11 episodes... I have to say that I don't like him. He is so full of himself. and well I got the feeling he doesn't respect what other people think or do...
      I really think he is not a good thing for the show... It has just changed to much.
      I think quite a bit of the change is because of Mitchell. TPTB couldn't fit their idea for the new character into the show or SG-1 so rather than adapting Mitchell so that he would fit with the show, the show was changed to work around Mitchell.

      Square peg, round hole.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by ReganX
        They were also all well aware of the fact that it wasn't a game. Mitchell doesn't seem to get that.

        I sometimes wonder if he thinks that there's some kind of magical protection associated with SG-1, that everything will always work out in the end.
        The problem is he doesn't think about the others. It's his game, his fun.
        The others went through some rough times and came out of it 'intact' without him before. He may think the others don't really need him to save them, they can get through it without his help. So why care?
        He's not mature enough for the responsability of leading SG1. I wonder if he had to go throught a psycological exam beforehand? If that is the case I don't understand why he was dimmed fit to have that role.

        That's why Sam is the perfect choice. She knows what's out there, has the sense of responsability, has the experience, has the the will, is serious, know what needs to be done, has respect for the others, would do anything to save her companions,...


          Originally posted by ReganX
          I think quite a bit of the change is because of Mitchell. TPTB couldn't fit their idea for the new character into the show or SG-1 so rather than adapting Mitchell so that he would fit with the show, the show was changed to work around Mitchell.

          Square peg, round hole.
          yeah probably they did... pitty cos I liked it till season 8, now with season 9 I don't know... I watched it cause well... It is a habit to rent the dvd when they are out here. But it isn't what I hoped it would be. The ori I like and well Carter is really nice (but you don't see her much ), But about the rest... I don't know it is to different of the rest.


            Originally posted by Lizlove
            He's not mature enough for the responsability of leading SG1. I wonder if he had to go throught a psycological exam beforehand? If that is the case I don't understand why he was dimmed fit to have that role.
            Which is why I think that somebody was pulling strings on his behalf and that Landry - who, in fairness, had just started a new job in a rather unusual base - gave him the benefit of the doubt because he needed a new leader for SG-1 and based the decision on Mitchell's record, which had been carefully whitewashed at the "suggestion" of General Magwitch.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by jckfan55
              Some really good episodes (IMHO) were written by RCC. Maybe he should have stuck to writing.
              Yeah, see, that was the impression I had of Rob until recently. Correct me if I'm wrong but he always seemed to be a big supporter of the ship which, in my book, was a great thing!

              slightly OT: Does Rob have a twin brother who works for the BBC here in the UK? I swear I've seen a guy who looks just like him receiving awards for various BBC TV shows at the British Soap Awards, BAFTAs etc.
              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

              My fanfic


                Ok, too much time on my hands today. I'm playing around with making a signature & don't really know what I'm doing. I don't have photoshop. What do you think?


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  If all the others try to make him look like the greatest leader ever, I will probably be sick. Someone should really market those buckets mentioned a few pages back.
                  You asked so here they are

                  Brought to you by your RFA

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by jckfan55
                    Ok, too much time on my hands today. I'm playing around with making a signature & don't really know what I'm doing. I don't have photoshop. What do you think?
                    I think you got yourself a great sig here! Sigh, will the real SG1 please stand up and take a bow?

                    Good job!


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      I'm definitely a Sam/Jack fan. Is Mitchell in it?
                      No, none of the new characters except Landry.

                      And Jckfan, I hope you give it a try with an open mind. It's really a look at (my version) of what happens to Jack and Sam when they go through the Gate on their one final "diplomatic" mission. Post S8 - pre S9 shenanigans.


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        No, none of the new characters except Landry.
                        Sounds good.

                        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          You asked so here they are

                          Brought to you by your RFA
                          Excuse me RFA, is green the right color for what's in the bucket?!


                            Originally posted by ChopinGal
                            Excuse me RFA, is green the right color for what's in the bucket?!
                            They've been loaned out for the puking that has been going on all season, I can always wait to get them back for their true purpose

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1
                              They've been loaned out for the puking that has been going on all season, I can always wait to get them back for their true purpose
                              Just wondering, Mandy, have you been donating the bucket's original contents to TPTB? Because if I didn't know better, there's a distinct whiff surrounding the spoilers recently!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                You know, if TPTB stayed true to Jack's character, he would be ranting at Mitchell like he did the officers he was training in Proving Groud. There's no doubt in my mind.
                                totally agree here. but i could see a scene very similar to proving ground between jack and sam here, with jack looking over records and reports and talking about how he's not ready and he's not cut out for it, but sam saying 'just give him some time to settle in' and things like that.

                                i think that sam (if written true to character) would recognise that he's just not ready for sg1 yet, nevermind leading them, but i also think that she would want to give him as much of a chance as possible, and would rather not have him taken off the team, just told to listen to those who know better and to spend time in a probationary position in which he is being trained for the position.

                                sam isn't really the type to say, 'yeah this isn't working out, you aren't ready for this and you shouldn't be here'. she tends to see the best in people, and to see their potential rather than seeing what they're doing wrong. think, hailey, elliot, grogan and felger, for example.

                                she's just too nice! hopefully daniel would just go up to landry and go, 'hey, boss! this guy keeps screwing up cos he's lookin' for an adventure. either get rid of him or make him listen to us. and why the hell isn't sam in charge!?!'

                                sam really should be in charge. she just fits the role better. and then maybe mitchell would seem like the fun character they want him to be, rather than the egotistical jerk who can't listen to people who are more worthy of his job.

                                i really wish that TPTB had looked at it from a more logical perspective. i'd really love to know what the hell they were thinking when they came up with this... whatever the hell it is.

                                i miss well written characters. i miss the team show that we used to have. and i'm so sad that i'm trying to get into an industry that is so beyond pathetically sexist for the most part. and i'm not just basing this on my perceptions of whats been happening with SG in the last year or so. i've got personal experience to go on too, so i think i can say that i'm not too far off the mark with what i'm saying relative to SG and some mens attitudes towards women working in the media.

                                right, i'm off to find something funny on the net to make me stop ranting like a crazy witch with a b about the injustices of the world.

