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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    but it's a BRITISH pencil. it's special.

    *makes note for GABIT2*

    Keep Sky away from the pencils, so she doesn't find out they're all actually made in China...


      Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
      Instead of that silly cafe scene we could have been treated to a grease-smeared Sam&Pete on the garage floor under her Volvo a la Sam&Daniel under the mine in Serpent's Venom. In place of the insipid park scene we could have seen them in leather bike gear, leaning on their Harleys whilst looking out over the mountains where Pete could have popped the question. (I would have definitely still kept in the classy Sam goes dancing scene, though. )
      oooh Tok'ra Goddess he sounds quite attractive. Is he someone for Sam or really for you Now I liked Pete and I really enjoyed that cafe scene, but I have to say that I can see the appeal of your scenario in terms of Sam. It would be great to see her like that because I think she'd more likely be doing things like that - she never struck me as a 'girly' girl. Amanda has said before that she didn't think that the house they used for Sam was the sort of house Sam would actually have and I agree there.


        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
        IMO, making Pete a cop was a pitiful plot-prop having nothing to do with Sam.
        unfortunately yes. in some ways it was rather cliche of them, especially since, IIRC, in his first inception pete was to have been a reporter, but there was a real reporter in denver by that name so they made him a cop

        in some ways, as much as pete was good for sam, they did rather use the character. the boyfriend is a plot complication. just like in affinity teal'c's chick of the week was a plot complication.

        it would have been nice to have seen Pete NOT dig into things. NOT be a threat. NOT be an 'embarrassment'.

        would have been original
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by 1speed4Sam

          *makes note for GABIT2*

          Keep Sky away from the pencils, so she doesn't find out they're all actually made in China...
          be afraid, be very afraid!!!!!!
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by 1speed4Sam

            *makes note for GABIT2*

            Keep Sky away from the pencils, so she doesn't find out they're all actually made in China...
            1speed: I think we've found this year's Christmas present for Sky!
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by Skydiver

              it would have been nice to have seen Pete NOT dig into things. NOT be a threat. NOT be an 'embarrassment'.

              would have been original
              LOL, yeah, he was a bit gun-ho considering he initially didn't have a clue about what the major part of her life was all about! So I'll add "slobbering" to my big untrained puppy analogy....

              Still thinking about AP (who isn't ) they would have had to make the character SO DIFFERENT. I mean, to just slap AP into that role as it was written just isn't believable IMHO.
              If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
              proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
              Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

              Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                Originally posted by GateGipsy
                oooh Tok'ra Goddess he sounds quite attractive. Is he someone for Sam or really for you Now I liked Pete and I really enjoyed that cafe scene, but I have to say that I can see the appeal of your scenario in terms of Sam. It would be great to see her like that because I think she'd more likely be doing things like that - she never struck me as a 'girly' girl. Amanda has said before that she didn't think that the house they used for Sam was the sort of house Sam would actually have and I agree there.
                I'm seein' AP - and fic from Gracie!
                If you immediately know the ep stinks, the writers were cooked a long time ago

                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild
                proud Shore Leave 28 Attendee
                Naughty Shore Leave 29 Attendee (sorry all but thanks for the rescue. many many thanks)

                Carmen Argenziano Appreciation


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  1speed: I think we've found this year's Christmas present for Sky!
                  Better ask the other mods whether Sky's allowed sharp objects first...


                    Originally posted by 1speed4Sam
                    Better ask the other mods whether Sky's allowed sharp objects first...
                    Yeah, you got a pint there. Mods with sharp objects sound dangerous.

                    Whilst I'm here... do you know how to do a rotating sig?
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      I'm a self-professed Sam/Jack shipper (but only because the powers that be made me one - I usually tend to follow whatever the 'prevailing ship' is when I get into a good series, if it's well portrayed).

                      However, I didn't mind the idea of a "Pete" (type character) either. Having said that, I like(d) David D, but I didn't care for Pete himself. It wasn't David's fault, I just felt (like a lot of you) that Pete was too wishy-washy. He was written as a fall-guy. And maybe that was the point.

                      I think (it's pretty obvious that) Pete was thrown into the mix as much to 'fail' as Sam's love interest as he was to broaden Sam's horizons and give her character a little bit of a tryst to fall back on. He was never meant to endure, and I think the writers copped out on him as a result (character-wise).

                      For me, Pete was almost too much of a fall-guy. I could've seen Agent Barret being a far better match for Sam and more (competition) for O'Neill in the long run. And we all know there were others who would have been better suited (dramatically speaking), too.

                      So ..... I'm in agreement with (I think the majority of) you all that Pete just didn't float my boat; he wasn't nearly complicated or interesting enough as a character to become a true romantic interest for Sam.

                      In the end, my prediction is that they'll carry Carter pretty "love-interest-free" for the forseeable future.

                      Once they decide to wrap the series, I think we'll get an improptu (oh yeah, and by the way, she ended up with Jack) kind of scenario happening. But I'm fairly certain at this point we're not going to see the truly romantic side of Sam re-emerge for the forseeable future - and the writers are going to spin that as an entirely positive thing. Because they have to. And truth be told, it COULD be a good thing for her character now, if the writers would ALSO allow her to shine as an officer and a scientisit, giving her stories that flesh out the professional aspects of her personality with more emotional detail (and dare we hope to *ever* see her again as an AF pilot?)

                      I'm trying very hard to remain positive about everything. But it's not easy sometimes. Especially given I've asked (and seen other ask) about those strong!Sam aspects (pilot!Sam, leader!Sam, etc) a few times already and been told "not likely" or "not as yet", by Joe M.

                      It seems to me that Sam Carter is in no small danger of being relegated the dubious honor of becomming the technical 'dea-ex-machina' for solving the unsolvable problem of the week (without explanation or tribulation to that effect). For example, she'll miraculously "have the answer" when it's needed, but I'm afraid we won't get to see as much of the angst/drama she goes through (as a human being) in order to solve the so-called "unsolvable". I'm worried she'll just suddenly turn up with "the (so-called) answer" for the sole purpose that the writer(s) can get on with their agenda/plot devices (whatever those may be).

                      That's my worst-case scenario for Sam. I'm certainly hoping it doesn't end up that way, but it's a prediction I'm afraid I have to make, given current (and future) storylines.

                      Also, given they'll want to flesh out Cameron (and likely Vala), as new characters with shiny-clean-slates in terms of backstory, Sam's personal tribulations will almost certainly take a back burner to those new elements. I I know the writing team has already said they feel she's been the most developed of all the characters and that 'the others' need their time to shine now.

                      I don't agree that you have to give up entirely (let go of, release, backburner) any character's inner-story or development in order to create and explore a new character. I think good writing would dictate the new characters are explored and come to be understood vis-a-vis their relationship(s) with the older, more established characters who MUST continue to grow as well (or what's the frickin' point, right?). One does not (and should not) subjugate the other.

                      Sam Carter is a gold mind for future character development. But... SG-1 has been on the air for a lot of years now, I can see a particular pattern forming with respect to the way the characters are being arc-ed out. I'm less than inspired with what I'm seeing.

                      I have hope, of course. I always have hope. But at the end of the day, I'm a realist as well, and the reality is that the current writing team has been lacking the inspiration I feel they once had. I'm not sure why that is, but I can definitely see it in the current stories so far, and character developments. New blood on the writing team would be tremendous at this point, I think. Female blood even more-so if you were to ask me.

                      mini(forever a)geek

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        ah MiniGeek I tried to write a rebuttal to your post but found I couldn't. It has been hard to be positive about what they'll be doing with the character of Sam after the AT interview, and I'm afraid you're right. I think we are in danger of seeing her character relegated. And it shouldn't be that way. Now should be the time when she gets to step out front!


                          Originally posted by GateGipsy
                          ah MiniGeek I tried to write a rebuttal to your post but found I couldn't. It has been hard to be positive about what they'll be doing with the character of Sam after the AT interview, and I'm afraid you're right. I think we are in danger of seeing her character relegated. And it shouldn't be that way. Now should be the time when she gets to step out front!
                          It's so important to see Sam now, as newer fans will only see her as Pete and Jack's love toy. She's not just the Stargate Barbie. New fans need to know this and quick.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by GateGipsy
                            ah MiniGeek I tried to write a rebuttal to your post but found I couldn't. It has been hard to be positive about what they'll be doing with the character of Sam after the AT interview, and I'm afraid you're right. I think we are in danger of seeing her character relegated. And it shouldn't be that way. Now should be the time when she gets to step out front!
                            Gategipsy, yeah. Normally I'm a voice of positive thinking, too. And I always hold out hope. I do, even now. But I think we (and even Amanda, given her recent interview) can see that there's a pretty disconcerting fork in the road approaching for Sam. As an SG-1 fan and a Carter fan, I hope the writing team takes the fork less travelled. But as a realist, I anticipate status-quo.

                            Speaking of (really poor writing *cringe*) - did any of you watch this week's Atlantis episode??

                            Decent (if extremely predictable) interplay between Weir and Sheppard (Mr. & Mrs Smith, anyone?). But owie .. those scenes between McKay and Caldwell ... did anyone else cringe want to throw a stick at the TV screen? Yikes. Very very poorly directed.
                            And I'm pretty sure those scenes were written by:

                            mini(the ducking and running)geek
                            (i do that a lot, don't i? teehee)

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                              Whilst I'm here... do you know how to do a rotating sig?
                              Go to and sign up for an account

                              When you log in create a new system - for the purposes of this tutorial I will call it 'sigs'

                              Now click on 'Your Home' and click on 'Sigs' not on 'public gallery'

                              Click on images and upload the pics you want to use

                              Once done click on 'Rotations'

                              Then click on 'Sigs (Edit)'

                              Click the checkboxes beside the images you wish to enable for this rotation, (the more checks, the more often the banner will appear; no checks means it wont show at all). Click the submit button at the bottom when you have finished.

                              Copy/paste the link shown which will be something like ''

                              Then use IMG tags to show it in your signature

                              and whilst mini has us talking about atlantis it seems I have become some type of hardcore Shep/Weir shipper
                              gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                              so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                              love Torri


                                Originally posted by Skydiver

                                almondroca has the honor of post 24000!!!!!!!!
                                Congrats to AlmondRoca and to Samanda for reaching 24,000 posts!

