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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    typical joe, the king of evasion
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Hi guys! It's good to talk to you again!

      JM is quite tricky, I agree. The more I think about it, though, the more I think that Sam and Cam are gonna be joint leaders of SG-1, where both of their areas of expertise are utilized to the fullest.

      Since SG-1 has slowly been evolving over these past years into something that's quite a step ABOVE the other teams, it would make sense for the SGC to team their most-tenured officer with a really well-decorated officer.

      And the fact that TV Guide has both AT and BB together (besides their desire to have a female and a male on each cover, of course ) gives me hope that the two will be considered equals!

      In a way, it's their way of compromising, right? Those who think that Sam shouldn't be the CO win, and those who think that Sam SHOULD be the CO win. Maybe there won't be such criticism of her character, because the stakes won't be the way they were in Seasons Seven and Eight.


      A girl can dream, can't she?


        Originally Posted by Skydiver
        my friend and i were talking, and i think since we're all big kids here, we can actually broach this topic here without it descending into WWIII

        Without opening a theological debate, how do you think sam feels about religion? What religion or type of religion is she?

        My opinion, i think that, when her mother was alive, sam went to church every sunday. I'm thinking a christian religion, largely because she doesn't strike me as Jewish and some version of christianity is rather common in the US.

        I do think, however, that after her mom died, they didn't go to church anymore. Part of it could be that jacob maybe wasn't quite a church goer. another part is the typical 'taking your grief out on your religion' issues

        I don't think that sam is very religious now. religious in worshipping a diety. I think that her 'religion' is science.
        science can be proved and understood and proved whereas something faith based is harder for her to grasp.

        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
        Yep definately. Also I think the 8 years travelling around the galaxy battling enemies who impersonate Gods would kinda destroy any faith she might of had.
        or, because she knows for 'sure' that there's life after death, it's made her more religious than ever. daniel's ascension(s) would be the proof more than anything.

        i really don't know what sam's religion would be, but i'm thinking it's prob what skydiver said, christian.




          Originally posted by Skydiver
          my friend and i were talking, and i think since we're all big kids here, we can actually broach this topic here without it descending into WWIII

          Without opening a theological debate, how do you think sam feels about religion? What religion or type of religion is she?

          My opinion, i think that, when her mother was alive, sam went to church every sunday. I'm thinking a christian religion, largely because she doesn't strike me as Jewish and some version of christianity is rather common in the US.

          I do think, however, that after her mom died, they didn't go to church anymore. Part of it could be that jacob maybe wasn't quite a church goer. another part is the typical 'taking your grief out on your religion' issues

          I don't think that sam is very religious now. religious in worshipping a diety. I think that her 'religion' is science.
          science can be proved and understood and proved whereas something faith based is harder for her to grasp.
          Hmmmm.....interesting question. Weighing in from the Bible Belt, here's one opinion. I agree with most of what you say, and how it probably transpired. I would suspect that the Carters were either Presbyterian, Episcopal, Anglican or Catholic; in other words, Protestant, but not evangelical. And I agree that Sam probably stopped going to church after her mother died.

          But I think Sam still probably believes in a Supreme Being. Why? It's hard to pinpoint, but I guess it's because many studies have shown that most Americans believe in God, whether they actively practice a religion or not. And Samantha Carter is an all-American girl. Being a scientist doesn't preclude having faith in God, but I don't think Sam is an active member of a specific denomination anymore. Also, it's hard not to believe in a Supreme Being when you've gotten out of as many tight scraps as she and her team have.

          That's one opinion. i'm interested in seeing what others think.


            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
            Yep definately. Also I think the 8 years travelling around the galaxy battling enemies who impersonate Gods would kinda destroy any faith she might of had.
            maybe not. i think her faith is private-just like many other things in her life. it could be alittle bit rattled by what has happened in her life-but i think like other things it gives her balance. i think that the challenges that she faced and faces in her life are balanced by her faith.
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              Sorry, had to take a break to see and hear the fireworks. What a show Philly put on tonight and thru-out the weekend. I never saw better fireworks and with the Art Museum lit by lasers, it was amazing!! BTW, guess who was hosting the show tonight? One of our favorite Jaffas and personal friend of RDA. (wink wink)

              OK, back to the topic at hand. I think Sky and Sal are correct. I too always felt that Sam, as a child, attended church, prob. a Protestant church (don't ask me which one, I couldn't even hazard a guess), but after her Mom's death, I think she grew away, not only from her father, but also from the church, and the Air Force became her "home" and science, her "religion". However, as she matured, and became a part of the SGC, I think the combination of all she lived through, all the suffering and the joy.....the "resurrection" of her dad, the death's of so many that were dear to her, and finally, Daniel's ascension, did make her realize that there is more to life, than that we know on earth.

              Whoa, where did that come from?

              Anyway, very interesting topic, and one that can be discussed here, without open warfare. I love this thread and everyone who posts here. Do I say that too often? Sorry, but you are all so intelligent, talented and so open to new ideas. It's wonderful. I'm not afraid to post an opinion or a stupid joke. I know I'm not going to be flammed. If someone disagrees, they just say so and point out why. And if I'm in a silly mood, and post silly pictures, everyone accepts that, without question. If AT ever wanted to get an idea of her true fan base, she only needs to come here and read a bit.

              I'll shut up now. Hubby is asleep on the sofa, with our pup lying on top of him. He has an early call and a long day, so I better hustle him to bed. That should only take about 40 minutes.

              I have to try and start getting the house together tomorrow, so if I'm posting, please remind me to get back to work. I have a lot to do before the 18th, the first being to try and hook up my new DVD player. I HAVE to record the marathons this week and I need to be able to program it to record the shows I'll miss when I'm not home. Good thing I have a few days, as DVD players and I have a long history of problems.

              Good night to those in N. America and to those in the UK, shouldn't you be asleep???? Or are you REALLY early risers? Maybe I better set up a coffee and cappacino (?sp) bar in here.
              Last edited by Atteria; 04 July 2005, 08:06 PM.


                The question of who should lead Sam or Cameron? If the writers go with the military correctness(having myself been in the military), they would have which ever one made LtCol first become team leader. For the religion question, I agree that as a girl before her mother died I believe she probably was fairly religious. Upon becoming a scientist, I think she may have started to question her faith, partly because of her experience with the Gaould, and partly because as a scientist she deals in proof. There's that whole science vs religion thing.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  my friend and i were talking, and i think since we're all big kids here, we can actually broach this topic here without it descending into WWIII

                  Without opening a theological debate, how do you think sam feels about religion? What religion or type of religion is she?

                  My opinion, i think that, when her mother was alive, sam went to church every sunday. I'm thinking a christian religion, largely because she doesn't strike me as Jewish and some version of christianity is rather common in the US.

                  I do think, however, that after her mom died, they didn't go to church anymore. Part of it could be that jacob maybe wasn't quite a church goer. another part is the typical 'taking your grief out on your religion' issues

                  I don't think that sam is very religious now. religious in worshipping a diety. I think that her 'religion' is science.
                  science can be proved and understood and proved whereas something faith based is harder for her to grasp.
                  If Sam ever went to church, it would have been with her Mom, and maybe services at the Air Force Academy Chapel. Jacob doesn't strike me as being particularly religious.

                  Theoretical physicists seem to have varied but interesting views of God... I don't think Sam would think of God in terms of a bearded man sitting on a throne, but maybe more of a guiding force of creation, the power behind the Big Bang, perhaps. Maybe even a currently active force in the universe, but I think she'd be a little skeptical about the traditional views of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, having seen how the Goa'uld perpetuated such views to support their own power over humanity.

                  By the same token, I think Sam has seen too much (like Daniel's ascention) to be an atheist. She knows that there's much more to the universe than she'll ever understand, and I think it probably gives her a little comfort to believe in a force for goodness that is greater than herself.

                  My LJ


                    Welcome, starellen1!


                      Oh, I could also see Sam and Daniel getting into some interesting discussions about the Tao of physics...

                      My LJ


                        Ok, here's something that I've been mulling around in my head for the past hour... pathetic I know.

                        If you were given time alone with Amanda to ask her three questions, personal or professional, what would they be??

                        Here's mine...

                        1. If you could work with anyone alive today, be it on stage, film or on television, whom would you choose?

                        2. If you could leave just one gift to the world, what would you wish it to be???

                        3. Besides your husband, who do you think is the sexiest man alive? (answer need not involve a member of Stargate). I know it's not really a meaningful question, but inquiring minds want to know.
                        Last edited by ForeverSg1; 04 July 2005, 09:00 PM.


                          I've given this issue some thought over the years because I've seen characters of various scifi shows themselves start to ask questions about origin, life, faith, God, etc...

                          And I came to the conclusion that the question of faith on these shows me at least...kind of silly just because by definition these shows are science FICTION and deal with unreal parameters.

                          How can these characters judge real truth in realities (and by that I mean the realities of the different shows...the system of truth set up by the writers) that are in fact false or non-existent?

                          So it intrigues me when for instance the Bible is mentioned on science fiction shows...because the Bible exists in REAL reality and deals with existential truths in REAL reality but may or may not conflict with the reality of the fictional show. Does that make sense?

                          So I guess what I mean by that is that I imagine that Sam may be intrigued by faiths (kind of like the Ancient who visited Atlantis) and then see what is and is not contradicted by her universe...but her universe is based on realities and truths that only exist in the reality created by the Stargate PTB...the Goa'uld, the Ancients...etc.

                          Boy it's late...I hope that made sense to someone other than myself...

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            (sigh) I can't sleep and no one's here.........


                              I'm here! But I don't have much to talk about

                              Ummm, so I hear Sam's gonna kick butt in Season9?

                              [/conversation starter]


                                Originally Posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                How can these characters judge real truth in realities (and by that I mean the realities of the different shows...the system of truth set up by the writers) that are in fact false or non-existent?

                                So it intrigues me when for instance the Bible is mentioned on science fiction shows...because the Bible exists in REAL reality and deals with existential truths in REAL reality but may or may not conflict with the reality of the fictional show. Does that make sense?
                                OK, I'll take a bit of a stab at this one. While the characters and the worlds and the realtities in scifi shows (and all other stories and literature for that matter) are non-existent in a way, that's exactly what gives them the ability to explore issues of faith, origin, life, etc. Such characters are avatars for our own questions and feelings regarding "meaning of life stuff", and sci-fi as a genre is particularly freeing for whatever ideas authors want to explore (or want us to explore). As for the Bible, I can't agree that simply because it exists in my own reality that it can't also exist in another. And being full of moral tales itself, I for one certainly won't accept the idea that it has no place in someone else's moral tale. Even one as entertaining as SG-1.

                                As for Carter, any speculation in regards to whatever religious upbringing she may or may not have had is exactly that, speculation. TPTB have never explored nor given any hints as to that side of her character. They themselves have probably never thought much about it. At best, from the few instances where Sam has encountered anything resembling spiritual or religious questions, she has met them with skepticism (Maternal Instinct) or deflected the question (Threshold). That being said, my own projection of Carter's views place her as agnostic. She's seen so much more than the normal person ever could, yet still hasn't found proof that there is a higher power, disinterested or otherwise. If anything, I'd like to think that Sam has learned that the idea of God or of a "higher power" is merely a matter of perspective. And, as we've all seen in Stargate, such perspectives are easily manipulated, played upon, and used to oppress.

