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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Lizlove
    Isn't that a pic from Off The Grid S9?
    Yep. Off the Grid and the necklace is actually a restraining rope.

    EDIT:Ah, scarimor beat me to it!
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      Originally posted by scarimor
      Yep, Lizlove is right - Off the Grid. And it's not a necklace - see below:
      it's bondage... bahahahaaaaa!
      The way you put it is rather.... kinky


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        The way you put it is rather.... kinky
        Off the Grid is kinky!


          Originally posted by scarimor
          Off the Grid is kinky!
          Oh! Okay... but that's your view off the ep right?


            Originally posted by Lizlove
            Oh! Okay... but that's your view off the ep right?
            Dress 'em in tight leather, tie 'em up, put collars on 'em... yeah, imo


              Originally posted by scarimor
              Dress 'em in tight leather, tie 'em up, put collars on 'em... yeah, imo
              Yea in mine too

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by tsaxlady
                Okay I took off this afternoon as soon as I made my last post in this thread for a concert and I just got home a little while ago. I checked Ascension and I don't see any evening shots in it with the car Sam drove in S5 in the position that the car (same one) was in front of Jeanine's house from SGA last night. But it was raining a lot durring the filming of Ascension and the asphalt was wet in many scenes from that episode and looking at the scene from M&MM it sure looks like the ground in wet. But Kat is correct in that the floor plan inside the house does not fit Sam's house and the porce is different when she is on it talking to Jeanine.

                I think this is just another example of some uality control issues with the show. Which we have been having since SGA started. 40 episodes a season to have to produce with much of the same crew has lead to some quality problems.
                was it janets house from rite of passage? thats what came to mind when i watched it.


                  Originally posted by scarimor
                  Dress 'em in tight leather, tie 'em up, put collars on 'em... yeah, imo
                  I'll say what I think of it when I see it
                  But knowing my thoughts sometimes... I'm pretty positive I'll come up with something like that


                    Originally posted by scarimor
                    Dress 'em in tight leather, tie 'em up, put collars on 'em... yeah, imo
                    and don't forget some beating(sp?) up...if that isn't kinky lol

                    ok on another note I just watched Memento mori and I found it not a bad ep actually
                    ok there wasn't a lot of Sam in it...or let alone be a lot of the old team in it but I thought we did get to see some good Vala moments, and I know most of the times I don't like Vala, because of the fact that she is still portrayed as a sexkitten...but not in MM. I thought the character now became more than that. It became more realistic. and I know such an ep are done over and over again...that was a bit what bugged me that it wasn't original but still I liked it.
                    Vala is growing on me in some way...I think now she can be a great asset to the team...As long as she stops seducing everyone...Cause this is getting bored. and that is why I liked the ep cause it wasn't in there except for a few times with Daniel, what I thought was actually kind of cute. the whole date thing
                    As for Sam I found it a bit sad that it wasn't her on the moto but than again...If it would be her on the moto, we wouldn't have the handcuffed Cam on the bed thing. And we wouldn't have the pants line, Who was IMO actually funny.
                    I also loved the ending where Vala is really a member of the team. And the way Sam reacts on can see she really likes the I only hope that they will write some good Sam/Vala interactions...
                    Also the going out togheter was fun, when Vala said to Daniel he had to wait for their date...and the way Sam looked at Daniel...was really nice

                    On another note I loved Sam outfit in this ep...the causual look with the is something else than the BDU's and it really fits her... I hope we also get to see that some more...

                    Oh something else in the fight at the end... who zatted the first villian...yes SAM and who zatted another villian yes SAM. So she actually is a good fighter, better than the others...but we already knew that eh...

                    ok I didn't know I was going to talk that much about the ep...Sorry...


                      Originally posted by DEM
                      All right, I don't feel like reading the entirety of the McKay & Mrs Miller thread (sue me), so I'll ask here.
                      Wasn't Jeannie's house Carter's house?! When Sam showed up -- o irony!
                      Yes it was. That was very disconcerting.

                      When we saw "Sam's" house, I expected to next see Sam getting a phone call, or reading through her mail, finding the equations that had been sent to her from wherever Jeannie sent them. I sure didn't expect to see Jeannie and Caleb in bed.

                      I suppose they think we're too stupid to notice something like that.


                        Originally posted by SunKrux
                        I don't feel like I've been picked on personally, but that fans like me are thought of as less important (this is just my opinion on the matter, I'm not stating it as a fact, please don't think that) because we like Sam and Vala or Cam or whatever other character folks like me like.
                        Thanks for those who have tried to back me up.

                        I'll shut up now and go back to lurking. I'm not leaving persay...just don't know if I belong or am wanted around here anymore (that's not a whinge it's just an observation).

                        and i feel the exact same way in any other thread but this one, the anti s9 and 10 threads and a couple of others. I feel and have been told that since i'm not a new fan, since i don't love the changes, since i don't adore the writers, since i don't squee with joy at every single aspect of the show i'm supposed to literally bugger off and die.

                        I'm not welcome in the episode threads, cause you know, the only discusison folks want is all pro all the time and the only thing people wnat to hear is how great and super and special the show is.

                        so yeah, when i start to hear that me and my opinion isn't welcome in one of the last handful of threads i can play in, i get a bit defensive as well.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver

                          i really wish MM had been better. I wish it had been more enjoyable. I wish we'd gotten more of a glimpse into vala. seen what makes her tick. see what she went through iwth qetesh. here was yet another opportunity to explore 'ex host syndrome' and it gets ignored.
                          Me too. I really thought
                          when they put that memory device on her that we were going to see some backstory on Vala & I thought, "oh, this could be good. We'll finally find out more about why Vala is the way she is. Trauma of being an ex-host etc."
                          But we didn't. I understand that Sam isn't going to be front and center in every episode and if the rest of the story is good, ok. The story was ok, IMHO, but missed many opportunities .
                          If we're going to get Vala officially on the team, I felt like we should have more previously in the way of showing the *team* getting to know and accept her. Or even conversations among themselves about Vala.
                          As I recall with Jonas, we at least got an actual conversation between Jonas and each of the principal characters before he got the ok.

                          Edit: One thing I like about this thread is that we do critique the episodes, rather than just saying "it rocked" or "it sucked." And given that this is a Sam/AT appreciation thread, it makes sense that our episode comments will include opinions about the use of Sam in a particular episode.
                          Last edited by jckfan55; 10 September 2006, 08:15 AM.


                            Blue Jelly Lament

                            I had some blue jelly,
                            It came in a little brown packet,
                            Inside a little blue and white box.
                            It was powdery and... well, powder-blue...

                            [interlude: Powder? It''s a powder? Woo!]

                            I boiled up some water,
                            And reconstituted the jelly,
                            It was blue and shiny and wobbly.
                            I got me a spoon... partook of the blue...

                            [interlude: one-and-a-half spoonsful, because then...]

                            The kiddies came and saw
                            My precious blue jelly, wobbling free,
                            And then it was a case of:

                            "Ooh it's blue, it's blue jelly, it's blue blue blue, we didn't know you could get blue jelly, Mummy, can we have some please some blue jelly please please it's so exciting and bluuuuuuuue!"

                            and from the youngest (3):
                            "Sam blue jelly for me Sam blue jelly for me Sam blue Sam blue Sam Sam Sam for me Sam blue jelly for meeeeeeeeeeeee!"


                            For much like the giant spider in Harry Potter can not deny its offspring fresh meat when it walks willingly into its lair, I can not refuse mine the new and novel blueness they crave; and so...

                            I have no blue jelly,
                            The kiddie-winkies have scoffed the lot,
                            So I savour the little taste I got,
                            And *sniffle* lament the loss of precious blue.



                              1. LOL!

                              2. But I have no sympathy for you and your lack of blue.


                                Originally posted by DEM
                                Okay, one? LOL!

                                2. But I have no sympathy for you and your lack of blue.
                                *sob sob sob sob sob*

