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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

    You're in for something awesome Yeah... you guys can watch that and I'll just continue doing something way more fun. Writing a paper on waiting in queues...
    And I love Martin as a fanboy.
    OMG! Awesome indeed The edge of my seat is getting seriously worn out

    Veritas (not really plot spoilery)
    They just keep doing it don't they? Edge of my seat, going Nononono! This can't be happening! How the heck are they gonna fix this??????????

    Brilliant job

    This bit IS plot spoilery
    I have to say though, I suspected her from the start. I mean, that blue dress? Criminal wardrobe choice

    Probably, yes, but thanks

    Ah... I can imagine. You must take your time. You must! Look closely and revel in the moments. Be one with the project...
    Yes, that's why I'm struggling with it, I can't get it to flow when I'm going off into a Martin-induced trance every ten seconds


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      I've been a bad WooHoo. But then again, I have been a good student... Priorities are confusing.

      Anyway, congrats on all the Big '69es! WooHood!

      And *hugs*

      Random story:

      I had methodology today and we were reading a casestudy. It was an interview by a guy named Martin. At one point in the discussion, the teacher asked me '' this case, what could Martin have done better?'' To which my reply was ''There were some little things, but the general outlines were good''.

      We discussed another inteview, done by a woman and we needed to compare the two when someone suddenly said: ''That Amanda made better choices, I think hers was better than Martin's''

      That was where I wanted to comment that Martin wood say exactly the same, adding that she did it all under buget and under time and realised that no one wood get it... *shrugs*

      Fandom in RL. It's hard. Hard, I tell you!

      Aww... you know you're a true fan when those little things like that make you smile.

      Originally posted by yessika View Post

      Where did all the Woohoos go?

      Well, in my case, off to watch Ordinary Heroes (starring a fairly young, extremely handsome and utterly thunkable pre-mullet RDA... in UNIFORM and out of it quite a bit too... Phew is it hot in here?

      Then Sanctuary, which I've come here to fangurl all over.


      You know when you watch these main-character-is-dead type episodes you're normally very blase about it all... yeah yeah, you know all will be well in the end but.... sheesh they didn't half cut that fine. I seriously thought the big guy really was a goner there for a moment.

      I love AT's directing. It's so very.... Martinesque. There was one scene, in particular, Will was leaning over Bigfoot's coffin and the light was streaming round him and I made a sort of happy sound which illicted an odd look from hubby. He's not used to hearing me make those sorts of sounds unless a delectable specemin of manhood is on screen.

      I secretly think AT like acting a bit crazy. It's fun to see her play those roles.

      And...oh I fell in love with Helen just a tiny bit more tonight when Will revealed she's a spelling Nazi... oh Helen how I love thee.

      Ahem *cough*

      / shameless fangurling.

      Last edited by Cagranosalis; 30 November 2009, 02:14 PM. Reason: Because I too am a spelling nazi!


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        Aww... you know you're a true fan when those little things like that make you smile.

        Well, in my case, off to watch Ordinary Heroes (starring a fairly young, extremely handsome and utterly thunkable pre-mullet RDA... in UNIFORM and out of it quite a bit too... Phew is it hot in here?

        Then Sanctuary, which I've come here to fangurl all over.


        You know when you watch these main-character-is-dead type episodes you're normally very blase about it all... yeah yeah, you know all will be well in the end but.... sheesh they didn't half cut that fine. I seriously thought the big guy really was a goner there for a moment.

        I love AT's directing. It's so very.... Martinesque. There was one scene, in particular, Will was leaning over Bigfoot's coffin and the light was streaming round him and I made a sort of happy sound which illicted an odd look from hubby. He's not used to hearing me make those sorts of sounds unless a delectable specemin of manhood is on screen.

        I secretly think AT like acting a bit crazy. It's fun to see her play those roles.

        And...oh I fell in love with Helen just a tiny bit more tonight when Will revealed she's a spelling Nazi... oh Helen how I love thee.

        Ahem *cough*

        / shameless fangurling.

        Well those are good reasons, I have to watch that RDA movie and I do love Veritas *sigh*
        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Aww... you know you're a true fan when those little things like that make you smile.

          Well, in my case, off to watch Ordinary Heroes (starring a fairly young, extremely handsome and utterly thunkable pre-mullet RDA... in UNIFORM and out of it quite a bit too... Phew is it hot in here?
          Quite liked that one did you?

          Then Sanctuary, which I've come here to fangurl all over.


          You know when you watch these main-character-is-dead type episodes you're normally very blase about it all... yeah yeah, you know all will be well in the end but.... sheesh they didn't half cut that fine. I seriously thought the big guy really was a goner there for a moment.

          I love AT's directing. It's so very.... Martinesque. There was one scene, in particular, Will was leaning over Bigfoot's coffin and the light was streaming round him and I made a sort of happy sound which illicted an odd look from hubby. He's not used to hearing me make those sorts of sounds unless a delectable specemin of manhood is on screen.

          I secretly think AT like acting a bit crazy. It's fun to see her play those roles.

          And...oh I fell in love with Helen just a tiny bit more tonight when Will revealed she's a spelling Nazi... oh Helen how I love thee.

          Ahem *cough*

          / shameless fangurling.

          To the bolded part

          Exactly! EXACTLY!!!! That's the second ep that's had me seriously doubting that it could all be put right in the end I kept looking at the clock and thinking 'C'mon, c'mon! Show me he's still alive FCOL!

          And yes, brilliant acting and directing on AT's part. Martin has every right to be proud of her


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Quite liked that one did you?

            *cough* umm, why yes. Yes I so very did!

            Sanctuary Rocks! Sanctuary Rocks! Sanctuary Rocks!

            Ahem, sorry, just needed to get that out my system.


              *runz through thread nekkid, towing Christmas tree behind me*


                *pops out of lurkdom/RL frenzy to huggle Woohoos and wish Wendy a belated but very happy birthday!*

                *kisses Martin*


                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  *pops out of lurkdom/RL frenzy to huggle Woohoos and wish Wendy a belated but very happy birthday!*

                  *kisses Martin*
                  Thank you!

                  Thank you all of you for the awesome birthday wishes!

                  I didn't get to do the dancing part, everywhere was closed for some reason. Or should I say, the good places were closed But I went out for dinner, it was yummy! People got me a lot of chocolate... if I weren't underweight, I'd be worried about getting fat! Om nom nom. Mmmmm.

                  Hope you're all well. <3
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    How rude of me, I forgot to say Happy Birthday Wendy

                    Happy Birthday Wendy !!!!

                    Glad you had fun!

                    *feels like pics fairy today*
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      *runz through thread nekkid, towing Christmas tree behind me*
                      *smirks* And that's how you know it's Christmas ^

                      *goes back to writing report*

                      *curls up with Martin because it's cold*

                      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                        WooHood for awesome food on your birhday, Wendy!

                        *hugs WooHoos*
                        *hugs and grabs PTB*

                        I'm a little bit sad. Ramses Shaffy, one of the most awesome Dutch singer/songwriters ever has passed away today. He made absolutely amazing poetic lyrics and music that makes you melancholic and happy at the same time. *nods*
                        Link and another link, if you like music with lyrics in a funny language.

                        ...Yeah, just sharing. You know how I am about my music and ''poetry''.

                        *back to writing paper on queues*
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          WooHood for awesome food on your birhday, Wendy!

                          *hugs WooHoos*
                          *hugs and grabs PTB*

                          I'm a little bit sad. Ramses Shaffy, one of the most awesome Dutch singer/songwriters ever has passed away today. He made absolutely amazing poetic lyrics and music that makes you melancholic and happy at the same time. *nods*
                          Link and another link, if you like music with lyrics in a funny language.

                          ...Yeah, just sharing. You know how I am about my music and ''poetry''.

                          *back to writing paper on queues*
                          Sorry to hear that Nad *sends hugs*

                          Have some Coopie to cheer you up....

                          Edit: The sneak peak for Sanctuary: Next Tuesday is up at (thanks kes for the link)

                          This is the one I've been waiting for *bounces*

                          Although every time I see that title I find myself wondering why it's not on Monday as usual.............

                          Last edited by Jumble; 01 December 2009, 07:26 AM.


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            WooHood for awesome food on your birhday, Wendy!

                            *hugs WooHoos*
                            *hugs and grabs PTB*

                            I'm a little bit sad. Ramses Shaffy, one of the most awesome Dutch singer/songwriters ever has passed away today. He made absolutely amazing poetic lyrics and music that makes you melancholic and happy at the same time. *nods*
                            Link and another link, if you like music with lyrics in a funny language.

                            ...Yeah, just sharing. You know how I am about my music and ''poetry''.

                            *back to writing paper on queues*
                            Oh no, I just heard that...that's bad His music was really good

                            *huggles Nad*


                              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                              *huggles Sarai* That's twice in a week we've been online at the same time! What is the world coming to?
                              *huggles Oma* ships that pass in the night

                              God only knows how we're ever going to arrange the awards !

                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              *runz through thread nekkid, towing Christmas tree behind me*
                              Is that a nekkid tree?

                              *iz in a strange mood*

                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              I'm a little bit sad. Ramses Shaffy, one of the most awesome Dutch singer/songwriters ever has passed away today. He made absolutely amazing poetic lyrics and music that makes you melancholic and happy at the same time. *nods*
                              Link and another link, if you like music with lyrics in a funny language.

                              ...Yeah, just sharing. You know how I am about my music and ''poetry''.

                              *back to writing paper on queues*
                              Sorry to hear that Nad, *hugs to all the Dutchies*

                              On a completely unrelated note...

                              I'm going to put up the Christmas decorations tonight !!!


                              What? Don't look at me like that Jumble, it's the 1st of December I'm allowed!



                                Hey, whatever floats your boat or rings your bell is fine with me

                                Just because I don't do Christmas doesn't mean I frown upon those that do *wipes frown off face and slaps on indulgent smile*

                                Actually, I'm starting to dread Christmas. For the last several years I've enjoyed being alone and just doing any darn thing I pleased over the holidays, eating what and when I liked, watching whatever I liked and leaving the rest of the world to carry on without me. But this year was supposed to be different, and now that it's not I'm a bit perplexed as to how I'm actually going to feel on the day.

                                Oh well, que sera sera I guess

