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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    It was similar for me, there just isn't time or energy left when you're on your own with children. But mine have been gone long enough now for me to have time for myself
    True...and certainly if you have, like in her case, 5 boys and two girls(with the girls being the oldest and after that all boys)
    But even with less, I can imagine that you aren't thinking about dating on such moments!

    Poor Dad, is nothing safe from your 'snurching'?
    Not really... Mom is already complaining about it by dad...since I snurched her boots, glasses(old ones), sunglasses(found them in a drawer when I was looking for mine...) , photocamera and her car(she only has it for going to work, the rest of the time I use it)
    I love snurching

    EDIT: I forgot...I'm also snurching dad's (second) phone when I go to the USA but that's coz he offered and I didn't want to take my phone with me(money wise )

    Next ...snurching Martin from you


      *bounces through* Dentist says I only have one tiny cavity! Wuhoo!


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        *bounces through* Dentist says I only have one tiny cavity! Wuhoo!
        Woohooo!!!! That's good! Joe wood be proud of you...


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          Woohooo!!!! That's good! Joe wood be proud of you...
          Dear Joe, I only had one cavity at the dentist today. Can you dedicate today's blog to me? Love, LJ



            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            True...and certainly if you have, like in her case, 5 boys and two girls(with the girls being the oldest and after that all boys)
            But even with less, I can imagine that you aren't thinking about dating on such moments!
            There's also the question of the lack of privacy

            Not really... Mom is already complaining about it by dad...since I snurched her boots, glasses(old ones), sunglasses(found them in a drawer when I was looking for mine...) , photocamera and her car(she only has it for going to work, the rest of the time I use it)
            I love snurching

            EDIT: I forgot...I'm also snurching dad's (second) phone when I go to the USA but that's coz he offered and I didn't want to take my phone with me(money wise )

            Next ...snurching Martin from you
            Really? I didn't realise you were going to the Sanctuary con

            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            *bounces through* Dentist says I only have one tiny cavity! Wuhoo!
            Good for you

            One wonders about Joe's teeth......... I mean, all that chocolate


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              There's also the question of the lack of privacy

              Really? I didn't realise you were going to the Sanctuary con

              Good for you

              One wonders about Joe's teeth......... I mean, all that chocolate
              Joe's teeth look very nice to me. He is a very meticulous man, after all. I'm sure if he had a cavity, he would stark brushing four times a day and flossing three times a day. He tends to go the extra mile to compensate for his bad habits. Ate too much last week? 2-a-day workouts for two weeks. Too many chocolates? Brush and floss all day long.


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                There's also the question of the lack of privacy
                Privacy? What's that?


                one of the reasons I want to move out... it's only so expensive

                Really? I didn't realise you were going to the Sanctuary con
                *sticks tongue out*

                Really, if I wood have had the money, I wood be going...I think...but I have no clue about next year so I want to keep my options open... Certainly since I will go abroad my whole third year of uni(mandatory) so I have no idea what the next summer will look like!


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Joe's teeth look very nice to me. He is a very meticulous man, after all. I'm sure if he had a cavity, he would stark brushing four times a day and flossing three times a day. He tends to go the extra mile to compensate for his bad habits. Ate too much last week? 2-a-day workouts for two weeks. Too many chocolates? Brush and floss all day long.
                  Ooooh, do I spy a Freudian slip? As in stark nekkid????

                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Privacy? What's that?


                  one of the reasons I want to move out... it's only so expensive

                  *sticks tongue out*

                  Really, if I wood have had the money, I wood be going...I think...but I have no clue about next year so I want to keep my options open... Certainly since I will go abroad my whole third year of uni(mandatory) so I have no idea what the next summer will look like!
                  Then you'll be too late....... I'll have tucked him into my suitcase and run back home quick


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Ooooh, do I spy a Freudian slip? As in stark nekkid????

                    Then you'll be too late....... I'll have tucked him into my suitcase and run back home quick
                    Er....No comment.

                    Dear Joe, we all know you're Awesome at keeping your body fit and trim, even while indulging in your somewhat less-than-healthy diet. However, we were wondering, how do your teeth fair? Any oral care hints for us poor slobs who come home with cavities? (Your smile is delightful, btw, please show it off more often!) Love, LJ


                      I will just visit you Jumbly and snurch himfrom you at that moment!

                      Btw...may I freak out for a moment... only 9 days left before I week Saturday I'm going to the USA...alone...*is nervous*

                      On a happier note, my final mark(for the project) showed up on my I officially passed the whole year with my 60 points*does happy dance*


                        *happy dance for Jann*


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          Er....No comment.

                          Dear Joe, we all know you're Awesome at keeping your body fit and trim, even while indulging in your somewhat less-than-healthy diet. However, we were wondering, how do your teeth fair? Any oral care hints for us poor slobs who come home with cavities? (Your smile is delightful, btw, please show it off more often!) Love, LJ
                          Oh go on, I dare you

                          Of course, there is always the quote button...............

                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          I will just visit you Jumbly and snurch himfrom you at that moment!
                          Yeah, if you have the keys to the handcuffs attaching him to my bed me

                          Btw...may I freak out for a moment... only 9 days left before I week Saturday I'm going to the USA...alone...*is nervous*

                          On a happier note, my final mark(for the project) showed up on my I officially passed the whole year with my 60 points*does happy dance*
                          Oh yes, feel free to freak And congratulations, really well done *hugs*

                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          *happy dance for Jann*
                          Stark nekkid?


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Yeah, if you have the keys to the handcuffs attaching him to my bed me
                            I've got a universal key!

                            Oh yes, feel free to freak And congratulations, really well done *hugs*
                            thanks...tomorrow I have to do the hard work of buying the last pressies etc...
                            I hope I'm not forgetting anything...


                              You dared me to...
                              Dear Joe, we all know you're Awesome at keeping your body fit and trim, even while indulging in your somewhat less-than-healthy diet. However, some of us were wondering, how do your teeth fair? How are your teeth not riddled with cavities after all that chocolate? Any oral health care hints for us poor slobs who come home from the dentist with cavities? (Your smile is delightful, btw, please show it off more often!)

                              -- LJ (who learned she has a cavity at the dentist today)


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                I've got a universal key!
                                Oh nonononono! These are special FBI handcuffs, double locked and with their own very unique key I've laid my plans carefully You haven't got a hope

                                thanks...tomorrow I have to do the hard work of buying the last pressies etc...
                                I hope I'm not forgetting anything...
                                Don't forget my liquorice

                                Edit: LJ, you really did? *runz off to check*

                                He'll have to answer that one

