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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
    Whenever I use the word 'experiment'...
    It *really* means ...experiment.
    So yeah. Too nice to be buried in PB, not nice enough to be saved for Martinmas. :

    What's wrong with it? I think it's great - always love your experimentations

    Make that 28,600


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      *waves to Sammie* Welcome back

      *readies supply of kleenex*
      No, you're alright - I think I've had enough soul-cleansing to last me for a while


        Firstly, Jumble! There's no such thing as took much Martin talk. How many times do we have to tell you. I mean, you hardly ever mention him as it is...

        And secondly and more importantly, huge congratulations of the ridiculously impressive post count. How many times have you posted the word Martin I wonder?

        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
        Hello WooHoos.

        I really found all your points on children and the way they are raised to be so interesting. I don't really have that much to add - we didn't have much money, so - but I will add to the Christmas talk, I was only allowed to give Christmas cards to those that gave me one (which always confused me, how did the other person know to go first?). So, I spent all of December taking one card to school at a time. And, Cags, I always got a satsuma in my stocking! Always. Still do, actually, because between the three of us (sisters) we each do one stocking, and always put fruit at the bottom of it.

        Yep, the satsuma goes right down in the toe, that's the way.

        Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
        Hello, everyone.
        I haven't been here for a long time and I don't know if I should feel ashamed. My RL kept me busy. My life changed, A LOT! I finished school and I started working in pharmacy. I go to work every day, I have to (and I want to, yeah, surprise ) spend some time with my family and my dog. I am always happy that I can be on FB or Twitter for a little moment at least. I didn't forget about you, don't worry.
        Yesterday, Jumble wrote on my FB wall that she didn't see me here for a long time and I promised her I would come among you today. So here I am. Can I join you in celebrating MartinMas? If you are able to stand me here, I can bring some Martin artwork with me and I am also going to bake sweets and cookies. No, no .. it's not a bribe, I swear :

        How have you been, all of you?
        And one important thing at the end of my message.

        HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND MARTINMAS !! Enjoy the Christmas atmosphere.

        Oooh hello stranger. *huggles* for the busy life. Glad it's busy in a good way. Merry Chirstmas and Martinmas to you too.

        Poor geezer!

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Whenever I use the word 'experiment'...
        It *really* means ...experiment.
        So yeah. Too nice to be buried in PB, not nice enough to be saved for Martinmas. :

        You're kidding right? That's awesome!

        Originally posted by llp View Post
        I always admire all the lovely artwork you people do. I was barely able to put anything together - mainly because I don't have the damndest idea what I'm doing! But I try! I am much more comfortable writing something! There I feel I have some control....all though my mind does take me to some very strange places sometimes!
        Ah but you dig in and try and that's what counts.

        Benjabubs was in his school Chirstmas play today. Very, er, different. Short and sweet too, which suits me actually. He performed really well and did all the actions to the song with enthusiams and much better than all the other children....well I think he was better than the others of course! I didn't blub. I nearly did but I managed not to. I'll pop a picture up tomorrow if I get time.
        I put my tree up today too. Ben has been nagging me and I caved in. Cue three days of rearranging the lights to suit my perfectionism. Now, the question is, do I just throw all the multi-colour baubles and tinsel at it and make it a real mess of sparkly goodness... or do I go with my sophisticated blue/silver/white crystals, stars and snowflakes theme? Or shall I just get another tree and do both!
        Oh and I bought a couple of bargain advent calenders for 10p each for me and Ben today too. He actually has a proper wooden one with little drawers that you can put little things in (not just chocolate) but I forgot to get it out the loft in time. Still, 2 weeks of chocolate in one sitting wasn't too bad.


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Firstly, Jumble! There's no such thing as took much Martin talk. How many times do we have to tell you. I mean, you hardly ever mention him as it is...

          And secondly and more importantly, huge congratulations of the ridiculously impressive post count. How many times have you posted the word Martin I wonder?
          Well, not very often obviously, because there are always so many other conversations going on here and I don't like to interrupt the flow

          Poor Martin - he's probably given up lurking because he had to search so hard to find any mention of himself or even one single picture

          I shall make myself a New Year's Resolution to mention his name or post a pic at least once a week *nods*

          Yep, the satsuma goes right down in the toe, that's the way.
          So brainwashed was I that I still only ever eat satsumas at Christmas

          Benjabubs was in his school Chirstmas play today. Very, er, different. Short and sweet too, which suits me actually. He performed really well and did all the actions to the song with enthusiams and much better than all the other children....well I think he was better than the others of course! I didn't blub. I nearly did but I managed not to. I'll pop a picture up tomorrow if I get time.
          You didn't blub at your son's very first school Nativity play? Shame on you, you awful mother!

          I put my tree up today too. Ben has been nagging me and I caved in. Cue three days of rearranging the lights to suit my perfectionism. Now, the question is, do I just throw all the multi-colour baubles and tinsel at it and make it a real mess of sparkly goodness... or do I go with my sophisticated blue/silver/white crystals, stars and snowflakes theme? Or shall I just get another tree and do both!
          I vote for the messy look - once Ben has pulled it to bits searching for the elusive chocolate bells it'll be in a right jumble anyway

          And no, that's not how I got my name

          Oh and I bought a couple of bargain advent calenders for 10p each for me and Ben today too. He actually has a proper wooden one with little drawers that you can put little things in (not just chocolate) but I forgot to get it out the loft in time. Still, 2 weeks of chocolate in one sitting wasn't too bad.
          Ok, confession time..... I promised myself that this year I wood NOT buy a tin of Roses in November and eat them all before Christmas, and I almost made it. Almost. Tesco had them at half price last week so I couldn't resist

          *looks forlornly at empty tin*

          But this time I am determined not to buy another one.......


            I spent £300+ in Sainsbury's today. I have a fridge full of cheese. I better damn well get some cheese loving visitors over Christmas or I'm gonna get fat.... fatter then. I didn't get tins of chocolate though. No, I know what I am like and they'd be goe before Chirstmas as well. I don't do tree chocolates because my cats like them too much. I do candy canes though. Gotta have candy cane on the tree!

            Ben did have a school singalong/play last year at pre-school so technically this wasn't his first. That one I could barely pluck up the strength to go watch, much less hold the tears at bay. This was a lot easier. And he was the best, so there.


              I miss Sainsbury's! (How silly to miss a grocery) You guys are terrible mentioning things that remind me of lovely times past... Now I need a big tin of biscuits!

              Some bits for today:



                A bit late, but jumping in. I think the empty vessel thing for children is only partially true. Children can be raised around hate and abuse and still become compassionate, loving human beings. It's harder, but not in any way impossible. Just sayin. No child should be raised in that environment, but many are and still manage to turn out okay, even if many do not.


                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Day 15, made by Jakie .....


                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                    I spent £300+ in Sainsbury's today. I have a fridge full of cheese. I better damn well get some cheese loving visitors over Christmas or I'm gonna get fat.... fatter then. I didn't get tins of chocolate though. No, I know what I am like and they'd be goe before Chirstmas as well. I don't do tree chocolates because my cats like them too much. I do candy canes though. Gotta have candy cane on the tree!
                    I'll do my best to come and help you out with that

                    Ben did have a school singalong/play last year at pre-school so technically this wasn't his first. That one I could barely pluck up the strength to go watch, much less hold the tears at bay. This was a lot easier. And he was the best, so there.

                    And of course he was the best!

                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                    A bit late, but jumping in. I think the empty vessel thing for children is only partially true. Children can be raised around hate and abuse and still become compassionate, loving human beings. It's harder, but not in any way impossible. Just sayin. No child should be raised in that environment, but many are and still manage to turn out okay, even if many do not.

                    True In fact, I believe some turn out that way because of that. I learned very early on exactly how I wood not treat my children when I grew up



                      Lovely advent LGJ!!! <3

                      *scratches head* Day 15?! Already!!!

                      *huggles all around*
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

                        Lovely advent LGJ!!! <3

                        *scratches head* Day 15?! Already!!!

                        *huggles all around*
                        Yes, time is flying by And I have soooo much to do over the next few weeks

                        Where have you been lately? *huggles Dee*


                          *Waves* to Jumble and Dee - how you guys doing? Off to bed now, so good night!


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Yes, time is flying by And I have soooo much to do over the next few weeks

                            Where have you been lately? *huggles Dee*
                            I've been trying to limit my time on the internet... lol. Worked too, but I missed you guyssss! Apparently there's not enough insanity in my life. Go figure

                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            *Waves* to Jumble and Dee - how you guys doing? Off to bed now, so good night!
                            Me is good. *nods* Nighty night!
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                              I've been trying to limit my time on the internet... lol. Worked too, but I missed you guyssss! Apparently there's not enough insanity in my life. Go figure
                              Why? You surely must know that missing out your daily dose of WooHoo insanity is very bad for your health???

                              I hope you'll be able to be around for Martinmas - starts on Monday

                              *waves to Laurie*

                              I'm fine, despite having to get up and work on my day off


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                Why? You surely must know that missing out your daily dose of WooHoo insanity is very bad for your health???

                                I hope you'll be able to be around for Martinmas - starts on Monday

                                *waves to Laurie*

                                I'm fine, despite having to get up and work on my day off
                                I have been feeling a bit sick lately

                                I've made some things for Martinmas already! Weeeee! *is trying to exercise self-control by not posting something now...*

                                Edit: Oh! How was the Woohoomeet??! I mean, I'm sure it was great, but are there any compromising pictures? Any at all?

                                lol, I almost wrote how was the shipmeet! *giggles*
                                Last edited by Devilish Me; 15 December 2011, 01:29 AM.
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

