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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Achaja! Don't sneak around dropping pics like that! They need drum rolls and introductions!

    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    From Joe's blog:

    Am I a bad fan for not signing up? The spoilers no one has caught yet make my mouth water (even though I'm looking forward to SG:Movie 3 more than Atlantis: Extinction--does THAT make me a bad fan?? )

    Oh, the indecision!
    But... the dogs are the best way to find out intimate details about Joe without him knowing about it. Bad dogs.
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      *waves to Nad and Achaja*

      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      Wow....that's a lot!!! In here the relative distances are a bit different.

      I know that Lies(Samjackshiplover) lives something like 30 min away from me... and to Nad it's probably around 2 hours...(A bit more)
      You live only 2 hours from Nad and you haven't met

      I've been checking, and UK to Asterdam wood take me 4 hours by plane, 5.5 hours by train (via the Channel Tunnel) or overnight by train and ferry.

      I went from Harwich to The Hook once. Going overnight was fine, but coming back during the day was awful! I got really really seasick and vowed never to get on a ferry again

      Can't say I'd be happy about the tunnel, so I guess I'd have to fly


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        Lol...I wish I wood have known earlier and just stayed for the whole day in there

        I don't know why you two are so nutty enough that you want to meet little me and drive 1 hour for that! (I'm Dutch an hour is a lot)

        It's real. It certainly is.

        That's cool. germany is cool... in school they call me the german coz I live so close to it

        Yup it's true and I love it. I couldn't handle a long time school without my occassional breaks...I need 'em.

        A boat lol...flying isn't that scary. Driving is more dangerous than flying. The only thing I have to think about is my pills...coz I get sick

        Woodnight Jumble! and vacations/touring the world is fun, certainly now it's possible these days.

        I also agree with you that it's hot today... laptop agrees as well but I love it!
        Yup Germany's cool

        I couldn't live without my long summer breaks though over in California in some schools they go to school all year round (for high school) and have like 2-3 weeks off every 9-10 weeks if I remember correctly.

        Driving may be more dangerous but at least you're on the ground! I'd need sleeping pills and nerve pills if I'd ever fly

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Ah, well that's understandable then.

        But like Jann says, flying is actually safer than driving. It's just that plane crashes tend to get more publicity because they are rare by comparison to the thousands of car crashes that happen every day

        You're not a bad fan! I signed up, but tbh I find Twitter difficult to follow so I don't bother with it much I have friends that are on there constantly, but I just don't get it

        I'm looking forward to both movies, having enjoyed SG-1 and SGA equally

        Jann an hour's drive is nothing, and why woodn't we want to meet you? Sarai and Oma have a lot further to travel for our shipmeet And you're going all the way to the US to see B
        Driving is on the ground and if you get into a car crash at least you have a good chance of walking away Also with a plane you have to trust the pilot...I don't do trusting very at least with driving your in control of it

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          Wow, you Europeans really have a different view of long drives than I do! Here, one hour is NOT a big deal AT ALL! We're about to drive an hour to go see a movie and go to dinner for our anniversary! Our families live 3 hours away, which we drive almost every month. I guess the U.S. is so much bigger, we're all used to traveling further(?).


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Wow, you Europeans really have a different view of long drives than I do! Here, one hour is NOT a big deal AT ALL! We're about to drive an hour to go see a movie and go to dinner for our anniversary! Our families live 3 hours away, which we drive almost every month. I guess the U.S. is so much bigger, we're all used to traveling further(?).
            Yup I'm agreeing with you LJ, most everything is at least 15 minutes away from any sort of food/groshery store we make that trip a lot and then we have to drive 30 minutes to an hour to get to a mall/nice stores/food places. And my Mom who loves this one area called Lancaster in Pennsylvania, we go there at least once a month. (which is about 2 and a half hours away) I guess it also has to do with where I live (and I can imagine in Montana as well ) that there's a lot of country and things are spread out so we're just used to driving places, there's no way I could walk to any places where I live

            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Wow, you Europeans really have a different view of long drives than I do! Here, one hour is NOT a big deal AT ALL! We're about to drive an hour to go see a movie and go to dinner for our anniversary! Our families live 3 hours away, which we drive almost every month. I guess the U.S. is so much bigger, we're all used to traveling further(?).
              I'm pretty sure the Australians woodn't think anything of a one-hour drive either, since I gather they consider drivetime in days rather than hours It's all relative to how big is the country you live in. You could drive from one end of the UK to the other in a couple of days and Holland is even smaller I think

              I go to see Rob's family once a year. It's either a 7 hour drive (which I won't do) or a one-hour flight (plus an hour to the airport from here, and an hour's drive the other end). For me that's always been quite a big deal

              And it's a 2 to 3 hour drive between mine and Michael's homes, which is why we only see each other every couple of weeks

              Also, I think the difference is in what kind of driving is involved. In the UK unless you're using the main motorways you're doing 'round-town' type of driving which is very tiring after a couple of hours. In Oz and the US, I get the impression that you can cruise along most of the way on big fast roads without having to drive through a town or village every 20 minutes

              True or not?


                You can drive through Macedonia from one side to the other in like 3 hours. In 7th grade they took us on a field trip around the country. It took us 3 days, including stopping and sight seeing.

                The Leo site has the gallery up, you can find some PTB there.



                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  I'm pretty sure the Australians woodn't think anything of a one-hour drive either, since I gather they consider drivetime in days rather than hours It's all relative to how big is the country you live in. You could drive from one end of the UK to the other in a couple of days and Holland is even smaller I think

                  I go to see Rob's family once a year. It's either a 7 hour drive (which I won't do) or a one-hour flight (plus an hour to the airport from here, and an hour's drive the other end). For me that's always been quite a big deal

                  And it's a 2 to 3 hour drive between mine and Michael's homes, which is why we only see each other every couple of weeks

                  Also, I think the difference is in what kind of driving is involved. In the UK unless you're using the main motorways you're doing 'round-town' type of driving which is very tiring after a couple of hours. In Oz and the US, I get the impression that you can cruise along most of the way on big fast roads without having to drive through a town or village every 20 minutes

                  True or not?
                  Wait it takes days to get from one side of the UK to the other? It takes 4-5 days to go from Pennsylvania (one side of the US) to California (My parents did that when I was a baby, they were stationed in the middle of the Mojave desert ) They had to drive with a baby (me!!! ), an 8 year old and a dog and most of there stuff all crammed into a very small car!!

                  And in the US Jumble, yes if you take the highway then you can drive for a long time, but where I'm at there are a bunch of small towns...bunches and bunches of them

                  *huggles TPTB because I've been ignoring them*

                  My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                  Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    You live only 2 hours from Nad and you haven't met
                    Nope... I know weird...

                    I've been checking, and UK to Asterdam wood take me 4 hours by plane, 5.5 hours by train (via the Channel Tunnel) or overnight by train and ferry.

                    I went from Harwich to The Hook once. Going overnight was fine, but coming back during the day was awful! I got really really seasick and vowed never to get on a ferry again

                    Can't say I'd be happy about the tunnel, so I guess I'd have to fly

                    That's not a lot...if I go to the UK it only takes me 3 hours(that is coz of time difference) he he

                    And y'all are insane with those travel times...I think it takes me approximately 4 hours to cross the country(up to down) and 2 to the side(I know that one for sure since I did that to vacation last week)

                    to the airport it's 1,5 hour...

                    Yup...compared to y'all our country is very tiny!! but I love it anyway!

                    Wood be easy to meet people that live far Martin
                    Last edited by starlover; 03 June 2009, 08:40 AM. Reason: my keyboard isn't getting all the keys;)


                      Amanda I said from one end to the other, not side to side From Land's End in Cornwall (England) to John 'O' Groats in Scotland is 874 miles (1,407 km)

                      Edit: Good grief Jann,I didn't realise your country was that small

                      And Jasmina's is even smaller

                      Gosh, I thought the UK was tiny
                      Last edited by Jumble; 03 June 2009, 08:35 AM.


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Amanda I said from one end to the other, not side to side From Land's End in Cornwall (England) to John 'O' Groats in Scotland is 874 miles (1,407 km)

                        Edit: Good grief Jann,I didn't realise your country was that small
                        Oh I see I wasn't even thinking long ways!

                        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                          Oh I see I wasn't even thinking long ways!

                          When you think about it, Canada could probably fit us all in it's back pocket


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post

                            When you think about it, Canada could probably fit us all in it's back pocket
                            Oh it so could!! and most of TPTB are there!

                            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Amanda I said from one end to the other, not side to side From Land's End in Cornwall (England) to John 'O' Groats in Scotland is 874 miles (1,407 km)

                              Edit: Good grief Jann,I didn't realise your country was that small

                              And Jasmina's is even smaller

                              Gosh, I thought the UK was tiny
                              There was a time my country stretched all the way to India.... but it's been about 2500 years since then!

                              Ummm.... *looks around* On topic



                                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                                Oh it so could!! and most of TPTB are there!
                                *imagines being tucked into Martin's back pocket*

