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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Considering the only shirtless male I've seen lately is the ugly half-nekkid guy next door, I'm willing to risk it
    I knew I should have asked Dan Payne to take his shirt off!


      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      I knew I should have asked Dan Payne to take his shirt off!
      Yes you should! I wood have, but you said you wood and I was waiting for you to ask....... but you didn't

      The thing about Dan? Every time I hear the word 'Zombie' I see him do that and fall about laughing In fact, every time I hear the name 'Dan' I see him do that and fall about laughing...


        Oh the humping zombie walk. I know. How I wish there was video footage of that!


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Oh the humping zombie walk. I know. How I wish there was video footage of that!
          There soooo should be!

          I should go to bed, have to be up at ridiculous o'clock tomorrow

          Woodnight WooHoos *huggles*


            Woodnight Jumble. I fear sleep is a long way off for me.


              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              Woodnight Jumble. I fear sleep is a long way off for me.
              It was for me too - only got a couple of hours

              Today's temp for London will be around 32C - overnight temp is expected to be 15-16C
              Last edited by Jumble; 15 July 2013, 11:37 PM.



                Although heat isn't much the issue as hay fever right now. I don't normally suffer much but it's really bad this year. The moment I hit the footpath on the school walk my eyes start streaming and my nose clogs up. I think I have narrowed the problem down to the privet hedge around the school ground because its flowering again.


                  Unfortunately, high temperatures are often accompanied by a high pollen count

                  I have a beautiful yellow azalea beside my driveway which blooms for about three weeks each year - three weeks of sore eyes and sneezing for me Cut grass also sets me off

                  But it's the heat that really gets me. Fortunately I have the rest of the day off, so I'll take myself off upstairs, turn on the fan, lie on my bed and do some knitting while I watch the rest of Magnum P.I.


                    Very pleased with out for a proper long walk around my local park this morning....since I came back from Canada in early March I've been suffering with Plantar Faciitis and walking has been agony....the only remedy is rest with feet up...over the past month it has shown improvement and today I took my first long walk again...I used to walk miles a week (am Diabetic so it's vital to walk & exercise) and this year has been so frustrating....I am hoping this recovery is permanent and I can get back to my average 15-20 miles a week very soon....

                    Sweating like a pig now though...temps and humidity is climbing!!

                    Deeds xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      Well done Deeds I hope you continue to improve.

                      For me, walking far is a definite nono at the moment Seeing a Rheumatology specialist on Thursday - hopefully she'll have some answers, and some solutions


                        It's pouring rain at the moment - hurrah! We need it so badly.


                          Lucky you Nola

                          *pictures Nola dancing nekkid in the rain whilst the rest of us swelter*

                          I have many times had to find ways of keeping my tropical aquarium warm enough (power cuts etc), but before today I haven't had to keep them cool enough Happy temp is around 25C - current temp is 31C I've poured a couple of litres of cold water in and covered it with a white sheet to reflect the sunlight. Definitely need to find a way to move it out of the conservatory


                            The first line of rain has passed, but hopefully there will be more this afternoon. At least, that's what they're forecasting.



                              We're just forecast more and more hotter days

                              You know, considering all we've talked about for the last two days has been the weather, you'd think we were all English


                                at least with the rain and clouds, it's cooled off a little - only 90 or so.

