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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Ah such fun - talk of weather... ok I can join in. But remember I live in the PNW which is suppose to be mild temps. We get a few days in the 80's not weeks of it. So today we are jumping up to 87°f/30.5°C. Way to warm for me. But tomorrow it is suppose to rain and we are having thunder storms. My cats will love that (not!). So it should drop all the way down to about 81°F/27°C. But the humidity will be terrible. Usually around 20 to 30% this time of year, it's suppose to be about 70%, which is going to be miserable. Then temps are suppose to be going up for at least the next 5 or so days. I moved away from LA in hopes of getting away from this misery.... only compensation - it's worse in So. California. We still have some of the more milder temps and weather then most of the country.

    My question is this - is this what we will be expecting for now on..... hotter and worse summers and colder and worse winters! If so YUK!

    So now I have to go figure out my sprinkler system - ended up costing me about $350 to fix two broken pipes - both caused by the former owner and her shovel! It works now but something I did has caused it to come on twice today so far. Need to recheck the programming on that damn computer. Once every other day is quite sufficient!

    But here's the kicker. I could sue the former owner because she lied. She signed papers saying there wasn't any sprinkler system. Sorry - not only was there one but it has a computer attached. So she knew it existed but was broken (she watered using a hose with an attached sprinkler according to the neighbors).... but she was the one that broke it with her shovel going through the pipes in 2 places! But to sue her - she lives in Arizona - would be more costly because I need an attorney to do it. I could get the attorney fees back if I win, but she is about 10 or so years older then me and probably doesn't have much money..... so I guess I'm stuck. But I intend to contact her real estate agent and send him a scathing email saying I don't like being lied to, etc. Probably not worth the effort but it might make me feel better!

    "Waves" and virtual ((hugs)) to Jumble - only one around!


      at least it wasn't an arm and a leg Laurie! Yes, I would write a letter at least. $350 probably isn't enough to sue out of state over, but it may alert the real estate agent to be aware of lying clients.


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        at least it wasn't an arm and a leg Laurie! Yes, I would write a letter at least. $350 probably isn't enough to sue out of state over, but it may alert the real estate agent to be aware of lying clients.
        Yep - not worth the lawsuit! And glad it wasn't more. But I have lived in condos for the last 30+ years and relied on the so called experts for there assistance. That should teach me a lesson the hard way - they are all a bunch of jerks.

        Unfortunately, I have another place in New Mexico - my investment home - the one that was suppose to give me an income after I retire.... the one that is now valued at about $50,000 less then when I purchased it. The one that I just got an email saying it needs about a thousand dollars worth of repairs on it before I can rent it again. So far this wonderful investment has cost me money - lots of money - each year. I have never made a penny (lost every year) and now I can't sell it without taking an even bigger loss. And I put so much down so the mortgage would always be safe - ha - now the house and mortgage sit about at the same dollar. It would cost me money I don't have to sell it. Why did I ever do that. I knew better! So I didn't even listen to my own advise!


          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          We're just forecast more and more hotter days

          (I know that's not the generally popular reaction, but I'm loving it. Keep it up, Mother Nature!)

          You know, considering all we've talked about for the last two days has been the weather, you'd think we were all English
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            How does that saying go? You can't choose your family, thank God you can choose your friends? Too bloody right


              having saltine crackers and lemon soda - trying to get over the nausea. Damn migraine!


                as for the heat wave:



                  Hope you feel better Nola...

                  Jumble, love the new sig!

                  Hmmm, skies are turning cloudy and gray.... but thunder storm isn't due until tomorrow night (I think)! But still very very muggy and about 82°.


                    Thanks Laurie - it's not actually new, just brought it out for an airing



                        Apparently some new parents are waiting to name their babies until we know what the new Prince or Princess is going to be called


                          See I don't get that. Why not call your child what you want to call them.
                          FWIW I'm predicting girl and it'll be called Elizabeth or Victoria, with Diana somewhere in the name (yeah I know you don't like that Jumble; neither do I but it'll be there for sure. )

                          Nice picspam.

                          Thanks Nola, needed a giggle today. Yeah, hotter than hell is about right. I have an air con unit down the shed. I haven't felt the need to drag it out yet (not that hot in my front room) but it's getting there. Apparently we've been upgraded to a level 3 heatwave today in London. Although we may have thunderstorm this afternoon.


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            See I don't get that. Why not call your child what you want to call them.
                            Mad isn't it?

                            FWIW I'm predicting girl and it'll be called Elizabeth or Victoria, with Diana somewhere in the name (yeah I know you don't like that Jumble; neither do I but it'll be there for sure. )
                            Oh, I know it'll be in there - she was his mother after all. As long as it's not the first name......... and I think we might have Elizabeth and Victoria

                            Nice picspam.
                            I had a sudden urge

                            Thanks Nola, needed a giggle today. Yeah, hotter than hell is about right. I have an air con unit down the shed. I haven't felt the need to drag it out yet (not that hot in my front room) but it's getting there. Apparently we've been upgraded to a level 3 heatwave today in London. Although we may have thunderstorm this afternoon.
                            I got my aircon unit out last night and put it in my bedroom - what a difference it made! I'd welcome a thunderstorm


                              To Elizabeths at one time - hope it's Victoria Diana then..... unless it's a boy - don't think those names would be quite right. If a boy, I have no idea.

                              Now off to bed. Hit the side of my forehead a while back and it is hurting.... really dumb. Bent down to pick something up and I was to close to a door jam! OUCH!!! Clutchy as always!

                              BTW - if you have some form of cooling device - what took you guys so long to bring it out?


                                The Queen Mother was also Elizabeth - it's pretty much the family name for girls

                                If it's a boy, I suspect Charles and George will be in there somewhere.

                                Basically, it took me so long to get my aircon unit out because we don't usually get more than a couple of days' of heat, so it's not worth the effort

