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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Back at work today. So wish I hadn't been. 1587 emails and two members of staff have resigned. Joy.

    Originally posted by llp View Post
    I did indeed until I got the mail and saw how much I owe to the IRS this year! There should be a law! But are US Congress can't even decide it they should use the congressional bathroom or just keep crapping on their constituents!

    Welcome home Josi - need to come over here! It's lovely today. Oh and Seattle has a great library!

    Cags - remind me to have you nurse me back to health even if it is 100 proof health!
    I'd love to! One day...

    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    Hi all!

    Welcome home Josi!

    The weather is doin such odd things! Melbourne is back in heat-ville today after a week of regular autumn weather. Its 32c today! The constant changes wpuld be refreshing if they didn't aggravate my fibro!!!
    That's it. I definitely want to come back to Melbourne right now
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      *hugs WooHoos*

      Welcome back Josi!

      *runs nekkid*
      I love the cold.

      I'll complain later, when it's hot and icky outside.

      Oh and LJ, I love the flow of Joe Art!
      Last edited by DutchIndeed; 26 March 2013, 12:04 PM.
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        *iz sulking*

        PNW S1 dvd was supposed to come out tomorrow, but it's been put back until 2nd April

        Maybe they had to hold it back in order to put lots of extra special features on it *crosses fingers*

        Something about silver linings and clouds


          I wonder if they realised the series hasn't ended in the UK yet and that's why? I think there's another episode to go isn't there?


            *curlz up on couch and refuses to move*



              My husband has been sick for several days. I may have to kill him now. I'm getting it!!!


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post

                My husband has been sick for several days. I may have to kill him now. I'm getting it!!!
                *glares at hubby on your behalf*


                  Thanks LJ. I just took some medicine. I hope I can sleep. I hate getting sick!


                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    Thanks LJ. I just took some medicine. I hope I can sleep. I hate getting sick!
                    I've been sick for a week. No fun! Hope you are feeling better soon!


                      *backs slowly away from LJ and Nola* I really don't want to catch whatever you've got - as of tomorrow I'm on vacation for 10 days

                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I wonder if they realised the series hasn't ended in the UK yet and that's why? I think there's another episode to go isn't there?
                      Yes, that's probably it

                      Yes, one more ep to go - as if they didn't leave us on enough of a cliffhanger last night I hear the next ep is even more of one


                        Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
                        *curlz up on couch and refuses to move*
                        *nudges LJ up a bit and joins in the sit in protest against life*

                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post

                        My husband has been sick for several days. I may have to kill him now. I'm getting it!!!
                        Men are the worst when they're sick. *glares at poorly child who has been taking lessons from... someone*

                        Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
                        I've been sick for a week. No fun! Hope you are feeling better soon!

                        *healing huggles*

                        I think we need a "House Of The Sick" banner over the top of this thread right now.

                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Yes, one more ep to go - as if they didn't leave us on enough of a cliffhanger last night I hear the next ep is even more of one
                        Gah I know! I think I might have a clue where it's going next week (totally spoiler free here, by the way) which, if I am right, will just go to show how clever the primeval concept is and why they should be allowed to make more series.


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                          I think we need a "House Of The Sick" banner over the top of this thread right now.
                          If I'm the only one not sick, does that mean I have to run around the house delivering hot drinks and sympathy?

                          Gah I know! I think I might have a clue where it's going next week (totally spoiler free here, by the way) which, if I am right, will just go to show how clever the primeval concept is and why they should be allowed to make more series.
                          I must admit, I'd been eagerly waiting for them to go through an anomaly, and when they finally did it was an awesome surprise to see what they found (trying not to be spoilery ) Cannot wait to see what happens next

                          It really is a clever concept, that's what got me hooked into Primeval UK, and our Canadian bunch have made a brilliant job of it It'll be criminal if we don't get to see anymore

                          The postman just delivered what was obviously a dvd, so, knowing it wasn't going to be PNW, I cheered up because I thought it wood be GFJ:Queen of Hearts and that I wood be getting some Martin SF's at least ........... and when I opened it I found it wasn't that either But, on the upside, it's a movie called Frequency starring Dennis Quaid, which is awesome

                          Aaaaaand I had an interview this morning - child number 71 will be starting with me a week Monday Nice little boost to my income for the next few months


                            That's awesome Jumble

                            Welcome home Josi!
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              *waves to Dee*


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                If I'm the only one not sick, does that mean I have to run around the house delivering hot drinks and sympathy?
                                Yes. Mine's a lemsip with honey please.

                                I must admit, I'd been eagerly waiting for them to go through an anomaly, and when they finally did it was an awesome surprise to see what they found (trying not to be spoilery ) Cannot wait to see what happens next

                                It really is a clever concept, that's what got me hooked into Primeval UK, and our Canadian bunch have made a brilliant job of it It'll be criminal if we don't get to see anymore
                                Indeed and, not to be spoilery, but when I saw the... oh heck...

                                Spaghetti Junction I immediately recognised the call back to the UK Primeval and did a little inner cheer. I also liked the reference to the ARC and the fact that a lone conspiracy theorist in the UK was the source for the information. My prediction is that somehow time has already been changed and the conspiracy theorist will turn out to be Connor. The clue was at the beginning when the anomoly detector thingy wasn't the thing Evan thought it would be.
                                I also think that Dylan is going to end up having to go back in time somehow to "save everyone" or it's going to work out that way - because I can't see how anyone can get out of danger without pressing a "lets try that again but without the everyone dying" button. And I think they'll go back and find everything is different. Might even pulls a Jenny/Claudia on us - which, by the way, was the most inspired, bold and clever concept of the Uk Primeval.

                                If it's not that it'll be something even cooler!

                                Please let there be another season.

                                Aaaaaand I had an interview this morning - child number 71 will be starting with me a week Monday Nice little boost to my income for the next few months

                                Yay! Congratulations on #71! That'll help pay for Chevron 8.0, LFCC etc.

