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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *runs after LJ and waves *
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      and the nekkidness continues...

      Today's bits:



        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        *huggles Amy* Good to see you back

        He's about to wrap production on Primeval: New World, is still wearing shorts despite the rain, and is just as awesomely gorgeous talented as ever

        We all are, but looking forward to seeing what he and the gang have done with P:NW and optimistically hoping for a Sanctuary movie or miniseries =)
        *takes huggles appreciatively*

        He's doing well then! Will look forwards to watching Primeval NW - need something new to watch / sink my teeth into. I've found myself watching a lot of Big Bang Theory recently (I realise not quite the same genre as Sanctuary or Primeval lol!).

        Is a Sanctuary movie / miniseries a possibility? Or just wishful thinking?

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        Crazy week, missing the Woohoos =( *squishy huggles you all*

        And another pic from Gillian Horvath on twitter (if Jumble isn't already posting it as I type), an action shot this time

        *huggles you*
        *huggles everyone else*
        Nice action shot

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        *runs in with WooHoo hugs*

        I disappeared again!
        I'm glad this thread is a bit slow
        I was thinking it was moving quite fast! But then I also thought I only popped in here yesterday when in actual fact it's been a few days

        Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
        *runz through with ice packs for Joe's face*

        Wood afternood, Woohoos!
        What's wrong with Joe's face?

        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
        It's raining again today () and I'm really starting to wish I hadn't left my wellies at my parents house.
        I might be the only one but I rather like a bit of rain Although I didn't enjoy the flood alerts / warnings the other week. Thankfully I was safe where I am.

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        If all else fails, toss it on the campfire and breathe deeply

        Here's Suz on her own horse, Wrex............

        He may not be as posh as Toby, but she loves him anyway
        That's a lovely horse.

        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Howdy - just popping in to let you know I'm still (sort of) alive. Very busy - haven't found a place yet. Some real crap out there for a lot of money! But ever hopeful. One place attached me and made me have a sore right knee as well! But not giving up. Big (((HUGS))) for all..... off and limping!
        Sorry to hear you've not had much look with your viewings yet / and sustained an injury (must be a sign to steer clear of that place). Hope you find somewhere soon.

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        We had a "picnic" yesterday for dinner before going to the Prom (by which I mean concert at the Royal Albert Hall, not school dance, for our American Woohoos). It was raining, but we stiffened our upper lips, laughed a lot and carried on regardless We found a bit of shelter, put brollies up for the rest, and it was actually fun. Observe:
        Glad you had a nice picnic in the rain

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        It's been gradually getting less painful over the last two weeks - scale of 1-10, it had gone down from 12 (before the steroid jab) to around 7. Since the crushing hug, it's back up to 9 And it's constant instead of ebbing and flowing with the meds.

        I've had some painful things in my life - breaks, black eyes, dislocations, kids etc - and I've always coped pretty well, but this has just about got me beat
        Sorry to hear you're in pain. Can you get another jab?
        ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


          Evening Woohoos! Back from 2 days at the family cottage. All refreshed for another long week. Since I survived last week (which ended up being 62 hours in all), I think I can survive next week -- only 55 hours.

          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          *pokes in *
          *huggles Woohoos*

          so sorry for not being here a lot lately! Just really busy!! There are just not enough hours in a day! Now at work

          *huggles again*

          *pops out*
          *huggles Jann*
          I can relate to that. I really wish days were longer too!

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          I thought I'd give somebody else a chance

          Besides, I woodn't want Gillian to think I was stalking her or anything
          I bet she knows it's not her you're stalking.

          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          I know that feeling, spell check is convinced I can't even spell my name right. Ever. Yet futzing gets past no problems
          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Oh well, 'futzing', that's a proper word

          My name is acceptable, because that's a proper word too
          Apparently, the only way to spell my name is with a C. Spell check doesn't like it when I remove it.

          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          only the Brits could have a picnic in the rain *shakes head*

          Well, I'd gladly take some of that rain right now. It's 32°C in my house! And the next few days aren't better.
          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
          My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


            Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
            *takes huggles appreciatively*

            He's doing well then! Will look forwards to watching Primeval NW - need something new to watch / sink my teeth into. I've found myself watching a lot of Big Bang Theory recently (I realise not quite the same genre as Sanctuary or Primeval lol!).
            Yep, and I can't wait to see PNW

            BBT is Awesome! Nothing wrong with genre hopping

            That's genre, not gender (which it almost was )

            Is a Sanctuary movie / miniseries a possibility? Or just wishful thinking?
            Anything is possible, and wishful thinking can't hurt

            What's wrong with Joe's face?
            He smacked himself with a dumbell and gave himself a black eye - just in time for his appearance at the San Diego Comic Con

            That's a lovely horse.

            Sorry to hear you're in pain. Can you get another jab?
            Got to wait another week or two to speak to the doc. I'll definitely need something if it hasn't settled by then

            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post

            I bet she knows it's not her you're stalking.
            I hope she does

            Apparently, the only way to spell my name is with a C. Spell check doesn't like it when I remove it.

            Well, I'd gladly take some of that rain right now. It's 32°C in my house! And the next few days aren't better.
            I'd gladly send it to you - bucketing down again today, and the kids arrived with no coats


              Have an awesomely awesome woohooly day everyone!

              *huggles all around*
              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
              My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
              Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                Have an awesomely awesome woohooly day everyone!

                *huggles all around*
                Thank you, I will! *huggles back at'cha*

                Today is my daughter's birthday. She told me last week that she and her husband have an appointment with the adoption agency today to get started on the way to getting a sibling for Maeryn. They've tried for years to have another child and no luck. So, fingers crossed!


                  *huggles everyone!

                  Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well.
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    *waves and hugs everyone back*
                    *hugs the others*

                    Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                    I was thinking it was moving quite fast! But then I also thought I only popped in here yesterday when in actual fact it's been a few days
                    Yeah that shows I usually spend too much time on line/ lurking.
                    It's not slowslow per se, just not as fast as it often is, I guess.

                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    Thank you, I will! *huggles back at'cha*

                    Today is my daughter's birthday. She told me last week that she and her husband have an appointment with the adoption agency today to get started on the way to getting a sibling for Maeryn. They've tried for years to have another child and no luck. So, fingers crossed!
                    *crosses fingers*
                    Your grandchildren have awesome names.
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      I have a happy story to share for once!

                      I met my oldest brother for the first time in my life. He's from the Philippines and for all kinds of reasons, my Dutch brother and I never got to meet him. Then earlier today we got a message that he was in Amsterdam for a couple of hours (He works on a cruise ship) and since it's close by to where we're living, we rushed over to spend a little time with him.
                      I got there an hour before he had to board again, so we were pressed for time, but it was awesome to see him. Unfortunately Dad was too ill to go (it's his son) and Mom had to stay home with him. My family is scattered all over the place and I haven't got a lot here, so that short hour was very special and precious. I dislike the word 'blessing', but finally having the siblings together came darn close to being just that. In fact, it seemed a little like one of those corny movie scenes. Two people rushing trough the pouring rain just to reach their long lost brother just in time to say goodbye again. Seriously, I even watched the ship sail off with my brother from the dock and it was still raining and we had the whole 'life's a female dog' -talk and everything. We're wonderfully dramatic like that.

                      So yeah just sharing. Enjoy the time you get with the ones you love. *nods*
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        *huggles the woohoos*

                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                        Thank you, I will! *huggles back at'cha*

                        Today is my daughter's birthday. She told me last week that she and her husband have an appointment with the adoption agency today to get started on the way to getting a sibling for Maeryn. They've tried for years to have another child and no luck. So, fingers crossed!
                        *fingers firmly crossed*

                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        I have a happy story to share for once!

                        I met my oldest brother for the first time in my life. He's from the Philippines and for all kinds of reasons, my Dutch brother and I never got to meet him. Then earlier today we got a message that he was in Amsterdam for a couple of hours (He works on a cruise ship) and since it's close by to where we're living, we rushed over to spend a little time with him.
                        I got there an hour before he had to board again, so we were pressed for time, but it was awesome to see him. Unfortunately Dad was too ill to go (it's his son) and Mom had to stay home with him. My family is scattered all over the place and I haven't got a lot here, so that short hour was very special and precious. I dislike the word 'blessing', but finally having the siblings together came darn close to being just that. In fact, it seemed a little like one of those corny movie scenes. Two people rushing trough the pouring rain just to reach their long lost brother just in time to say goodbye again. Seriously, I even watched the ship sail off with my brother from the dock and it was still raining and we had the whole 'life's a female dog' -talk and everything. We're wonderfully dramatic like that.

                        So yeah just sharing. Enjoy the time you get with the ones you love. *nods*
                        A happy story indeed! So happy for you Nad!!! *huggles*
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Hi all! *huggles*
                          I survived camp! We went kayacking.

                          What a movie moment, Nad! Glad you got to see him, though!


                            Can really envision that scene of the rain and the ship sailing away...*hugs*

                            today's bits:



                              Evening all

                              Nad, what an awesome story! So glad you got to meet him even if only for a short time

                              Nola, happy birthday to your daughter and fingers crossed for the adoption

                              *distributes huggles and broccoli cupcakes to all*
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                I have a happy story to share for once!

                                I met my oldest brother for the first time in my life. He's from the Philippines and for all kinds of reasons, my Dutch brother and I never got to meet him. Then earlier today we got a message that he was in Amsterdam for a couple of hours (He works on a cruise ship) and since it's close by to where we're living, we rushed over to spend a little time with him.
                                I got there an hour before he had to board again, so we were pressed for time, but it was awesome to see him. Unfortunately Dad was too ill to go (it's his son) and Mom had to stay home with him. My family is scattered all over the place and I haven't got a lot here, so that short hour was very special and precious. I dislike the word 'blessing', but finally having the siblings together came darn close to being just that. In fact, it seemed a little like one of those corny movie scenes. Two people rushing trough the pouring rain just to reach their long lost brother just in time to say goodbye again. Seriously, I even watched the ship sail off with my brother from the dock and it was still raining and we had the whole 'life's a female dog' -talk and everything. We're wonderfully dramatic like that.

                                So yeah just sharing. Enjoy the time you get with the ones you love. *nods*
                                Congrats, Nad.
                                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic


