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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    A curiosity question here - Does anyone what Once Upon A Time - its on Sunday nights in the states!

    I'm curious what you think about it!
    I watched the first few eps, thought it was clever but predictable and I lost interest.

    Originally posted by llp View Post
    No one is very chatty tonight are you?
    Was out at cousin's fabulous bat mitzvah party in the afternoon then the boy and I went to a friend's amazing one woman show about how she learned to love her body through becoming a belly dancer. Tomorrow night I fly to Vancouver for a week of adventure. Plans so far include snowshoeing, skiing, kayaking and drinking wine and eating sushi. Yay!

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Headache, nap, dinner and several hours later (and halfway into tonight's Castle -- there's Nana Visitor guest starring!), I'm finally done with catching up on the thread. I haven't been on here for even longer than I thought. How I've missed you Woohoos! *hugs all around*

      Beware the massive MQ.

      I have to agree with Josi. Lots of TV talk going on!

      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      A little news on a former SGA PTB:

      Martin Gero (Stargate Atlantis, Bored to Death) is hard at work on his brand new series The L.A. Complex (formerly Highland Gardens), which is set to make its Canadian premiere tonight at 9 p.m. (E/P). The show has filmed a six-episode first season for MuchMusic and CTV and could be picked up for a U.S. run on The CW, according to Deadline. [UPDATE: The CW made it official today, and will air the show in the spring.]

      This is from the home page on GW. Martin Gero was also on a national morning show in Canada this morning discussing the show. BTW, one of the stars is Jewel Staite.
      I saw commercials for that show... It seems to be the type of show I usually despise, but I'm happy to know one of our folks is working on it! Good for him!

      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      Hey ladies!

      I am very excited to announce that I've been offered a FANTASTIC job with a practice in Cambridge, MA!! I am over the moon. It's a great practice where I feel like I can really make a home and stay for a long, long time. Great salary, great benefits, great location. I won't be starting until May or June because of the credentialing process, but that's okay. YAY! Very, very thrilled. I am so happy that this came up when things were looking so gloomy. You've all been amazing supports through this whole thing and I am so glad to be able to share my happiness with you!
      *dances around and throws confetti* So happy for you MoB!

      Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
      I know that posting 'bits for the day' is normally Nola's job, but I saw this and thought of you lot
      That was too true for me not to quote it and say I completely agree.

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Mine too! I really don't get why anyone needs internet access on their phone But then, I work at home so am only out of the house for a few hours each day, so it woodn't make sense to me wood it?
      Cell phone is calling and texting for me too. I have an iPod Touch for my music and I sometimes use it when I have wifi access -- like when I'm at school and don't feel like taking out the whole laptop only to check something on the internet.

      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      Oh did I tell you guys, I'm getting a Wii with a Wii Fit board? yes, I've succumbed. Not sure if it's a good move or not.
      So, how are the Wii and Wii Fit working out so far? I tried it once or twice at a friend's house. If you really do the exercises, I think it could be pretty challenging!

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Coffee : hot, black, no sugar
      Tea: Herbal only, with honey
      Ditto that! All of it.

      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      Oooh, I've been dying to make a Castle vid to that song for aaages!! The problem being it wood probably take a couple of weekends to make all the clips and I'm not entirely sure Dave wood forgive me Men! They just don't understand fandom...
      You know, I find clipping is the worst part of vidding. I have so many ideas for Sanctuary vids, but I fail at making clips and I tire before even getting to vidding. *sighs* I've made two vids in my life and thank god they were only 20-30 seconds long, lol.

      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      Speaking of Proud Mummy Moments. Benjabubs (gah, can't call him that much longer) was lolling with me on the sofa today and he said "mummy, what's four plus four plus four?"
      Me. "well, work it out."
      Ben: one two three four... five six seven eight... nine ten eleven twelve.... mummy it's twelve."
      Me: "Very good so it is. Well worked out"
      Ben: "What's four plus four plus four plus four plus four"
      Me: "Well work that out too."
      Ben "Well I know three lots of four are twelve so... thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen.... seventeen eighteen ninteeen twenty... mummy it's twenty!"

      ... he then went on to do the same with threes and worked out that three times four is the same as four times three... FCOL, they're only just starting to introduce them to the concept of counting to 10 at school and he's on multiplication already!
      Clever boy!

      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      Castle next episode
      How cute is that first sneak peek?! I think I just about died of the cute And talking of which, I've just spent the afternoon making this:

      Can't wait!
      The sneak peek was awesome indeed! And the episode is turning out quite good too for now!

      Originally posted by llp View Post
      A curiosity question here - Does anyone what Once Upon A Time - its on Sunday nights in the states!

      I'm curious what you think about it!
      OUAT -- I love that show! At first, I thought it would be too cheesy, and I was doubtful when my friend got me to watching it, but I was surprised to see it wasn't overly so -- for my taste anyway. My Sunday nights are all spent in front of the TV since then. I love how they twist and re-invent old fairy tales.

      EDIT cause I forgot to tell -- There was Jack's cabin in last night's episode! I had to laugh when the main couple/non-couple of the show went inside to shelter from a storm.

      Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
      Work is NOT going to be fun today. I finally went to bed at 1:40 this morning, watched the whole of the first season of TBBT Why did I not watch it before!!
      I asked myself the same question when I finally got around to watch it! I've been through the first two seasons in about six days. I'm waiting for my friend to finish season 3 so I can borrow it from her.

      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      I actually watch a TV show where it went to far for me and soon after that, that show was for me also ruined. (House MD)
      House -- I think that's my biggest disappointment TV Show-wise. The S6 finale was so perfect. How could they get S7 so wrong? Have you watched S8? I haven't even bothered to finish the 7th.

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      Nice card Jakie, what a shame it came too late to send to him with the others

      It was Josi that made the AT5 card
      Yes! Well, at least it's up here for you all to enjoy.

      And yes, I saw that while catching up!

      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      Was out at cousin's fabulous bat mitzvah party in the afternoon then the boy and I went to a friend's amazing one woman show about how she learned to love her body through becoming a belly dancer. Tomorrow night I fly to Vancouver for a week of adventure. Plans so far include snowshoeing, skiing, kayaking and drinking wine and eating sushi. Yay!

      Phew! All done!
      Sleep it is right after Castle. Going back to school tomorrow.
      Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 23 January 2012, 06:50 PM.
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Hello....I know no one is home right now, but today I felt really good and I didn't cough that much so I got back to working on my book. Don't have a lot of energy yet, but it's coming back.

        Oh, I have a doctor's appt on Feb 1st for a complete checkup....funny, but that is the first day of my Social Security insurance as well!

        Well, getting late, time to get ready for bed. Have to wake up early tomorrow so I can Skype to Costa Rica and talk with an old college friend.

        Everyone have a great day!


          Morning peeps.

          Wow loads of TV talk here, and some fab new artwork! Yay.

          I did lurk a bit here yesterday but had the most horrendous headache. Still feeling fuzzy headed today (don't think the weather is helping) and a bit tickly throated, so frantically dosing myself up in case those pesky woohoo germs have gone trans-Atlantic.

          Can't go back and MQ everyone... brain hurts too much for that.... but...

          Yay MOB Have a fab time in Vangroovy.

          Yay Laurie for being (and sounding by your posts) way better. Good luck on the check up. I hope they find everything in order.

          Ickybah in TV/films? Nope, not for me. I agree with the consensus that it's much better when it fades to the fireplace. Although I'm not averse to a bit of ickybah in writing/fanfiction if done tastefully and, actually, not even averse to a bit of PWP if it's clearly marked and that's what I'm in the mood to read. I rarely am though; I'd rather plough through some decent fiction...

          ...speaking of decent fiction. Benjabubs and me are half way through the second Famous Five book right now. Now I know everyone hails Enid Blyton as one of our greatest authors and all that but she could have done with a decent editor. I don't think she every heard of the existence of the humble comma, much less a colon or semicolon. Frangemented Sentences R Us! But the stories are still good and I can almost forgive her for the "boys don't cry" and "an only child is an odd and difficult child" stereotypes. Apparently in later books I have Julian's snobbishness and latent racism to look forward to too. Joy! Gotta remember when they were written and all that.

          Umm, Umm... the Wii fit Jakie? Still in the box. It's a sort of surprise for the wee man's birthday so I've not set it up yet and it'll go up on the 1st. Expect reports of aching limbs and possibly broken furniture after that date.

          I'm supposed to be over the allotment today preparing it for planting next month...

          ...*glances and persistent heavy drizzle*...

          ... yeah, not happening today!

          *waves to 17 Spencers*

          Who are you people and what are you doing mincing about on GW at this time of day!


            *tiptoes in* I'll be very, very quiet...don't want to disturb anyone napping *tiptoes out*


              *hugs WooHoos*

              *hugs Cags for the headache*

              *hugs WooHoos again for being very PG*

              *does a little shimmy 'cause I can*
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *hugs WooHoos*

                *hugs Cags for the headache*

                *hugs WooHoos again for being very PG*

                *does a little shimmy 'cause I can*
                Now there's a phrase I never thought we'd see on this thread

                *hugs Nad*


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Now there's a phrase I never thought we'd see on this thread

                  *hugs Nad*
                  I always had faith and now that the day has come, I feel so proud!
                  My little WooHoos... all PG. *wipes tear*

                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    I always had faith and now that the day has come, I feel so proud!
                    My little WooHoos... all PG. *wipes tear*

                    I feel I've totally destroyed my reputation


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                      I feel I've totally destroyed my reputation
                      But that's a good thing!
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        *huggles Woohoos with headaches*

                        Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                        House -- I think that's my biggest disappointment TV Show-wise. The S6 finale was so perfect. How could they get S7 so wrong? Have you watched S8? I haven't even bothered to finish the 7th.
                        Yeah I know. I was so excited and then it fast went ridiculous! I can totally understand that the actress who played Lisa Cuddy left the show! It was getting really weird. I'm still watching it sort of but not really following it anymore!

                        And we're only PG on TV...other than that still guttery
                        As for fanfiction I like smut every now and then but a good story is better


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          But that's a good thing!
                          I'm not so sure - I've gone to great lengths to uphold my reputation, and now I've spoiled it with one little sentence

                          Well, today is a Red-Letter Day......... it's the day my 23-year-old daughter found out that, actually, there are some things that Mummy can't fix

                          I think I just fell off my pedestal


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            I'm not so sure - I've gone to great lengths to uphold my reputation, and now I've spoiled it with one little sentence

                            Well, today is a Red-Letter Day......... it's the day my 23-year-old daughter found out that, actually, there are some things that Mummy can't fix

                            I think I just fell off my pedestal
                            *hugs* But do tell what you can't fix. I'm curious!


                              New oncoming movie with Amanda. she is Dianne.
                              My vids Sig made by me


                                It's a long story, but basically I've been telling her for months that she needed to get her new address on everything - bank account, driving license, phone bill etc, because at some point she may need to prove her address (plus, I'm really fed up with having all her post sent here and having to get it to her ), but she didn't do anything about it. Today, she needs to see a doctor fairly urgently, but her local surgery won't register her and give her an appointment until she can show some ID with her present address on it, which she doesn't have. She's already had her one unregistered appointment, so they won't let her have another one. There's absolutely nothing I can do, except tell her how to sort it out for herself, which I have now done (and without saying 'I told you so' ). So yes, time to grow up and accept that Mummy's magic wand doesn't always work

