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    I have a friend who is a Mayan scholar and she gets SO annoyed by the whole 2012 thing, it's kind of funny, but I understand where she's coming from.

    As for Sanctuary: I thought the first 1/2 of season 3 was the strongest season. As for season 4, I loved 4 maybe 5 of the episodes, the rest were very high on the meh factor for me, unfortunately. I think Sanctuary has the potential to be right up there with Deadwood, BSG, and Breaking Bad, but just doesn't quite hit the mark, largely because I think the writers can't quite bring themselves to make Magnus as dark as she could be. And that may have something to do with how much they love Amanda, and the family feeling on the set, but it frustrates me as a fan.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Nola. That best friends one; so me!

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      How can he fail?

      Oh yes, books, books and more books, and read to them as often as you can Only one of my..... er.. *counts on fingers*.... 68 children struggled with reading when starting school.......

      Yes, my very own daughter, Jo!
      Oh dear. Poor Jo! You know though, I don't think being a bookish person is necessarily a mark of intelligence. My bro (one of the many) was never into books; just couldn't get into reading, struggled like crazy with it, yet he's pretty smart; knows his way around electrics, computers, home constructions, hydroponics... you name it. Smart, just not a big reader. And, blimey, I've met some well read people before who've been complete idiots!

      I saw that thing in Durham; I think it's confined incident; not that it's much comfort to the family who have lost more than one loved one. You have to wonder how these people slip through the net.

      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      I have a friend who is a Mayan scholar and she gets SO annoyed by the whole 2012 thing, it's kind of funny, but I understand where she's coming from.
      I'll bet. I had "the lecture" when we went to Chicken Pizza Chichen Itza. Apart from the tour guide kept apologising for the human sacrifice (which, apparently, wasn't originally a Mayan invention at all but those nasty Western tribes introducing the idea.... bear with me, it was 8 years ago and I was in awe of the surroundings at the time ) he was very keen to stress how the Mayan calender worked and how the whole 2012/end of the world thing was a load of old bunk.

      As for Sanctuary: I thought the first 1/2 of season 3 was the strongest season. As for season 4, I loved 4 maybe 5 of the episodes, the rest were very high on the meh factor for me, unfortunately. I think Sanctuary has the potential to be right up there with Deadwood, BSG, and Breaking Bad, but just doesn't quite hit the mark, largely because I think the writers can't quite bring themselves to make Magnus as dark as she could be. And that may have something to do with how much they love Amanda, and the family feeling on the set, but it frustrates me as a fan.
      Re: the bolded, fair point I think, but actually there's a part of me that likes that they didn't go there with the darkness. I mean, SGU did that and look how that turned out. I loved SGU - loved the character, writing etc. but I did spend half the time watching and wishing they'd drop the mythology/arc and concentrate on the plot-of-the-week, and the other half the time wishing there was a bit more humour in it. With the format they took, they seriously limited their ability to do that (and IMO, it's one of the reasons why SG1 and SGA worked so well - because despite the gravitas of any given situation, there was always that character who would pop out a wisecrack and give us a smile). For me, Sanctuary gets that balance a bit more right; it's dark when it needs to be, dramatic when it needs to be, downright hammy at times but, oh how it works and suits the format! For me it does anyway. I mean, take the science in it; I could nitpick and complain about how bodged together it is, but since they've clearly made a choice not to try and get it right, I have to assume it's just not important in this universe and therefore not point worrying about it and just enjoy the play.

      I like the fact that I find humour in most of the episodes; I like the fact it doesn't take itself too seriously because so many TV series do now. It's almost like TV has forgotten that it's just entertainment and there's very few quality programmes about that manage to keep the tension/suspense of the story but the lightness that you can walk away afterwards NOT totally confused by what happened. It's just a TV show and for entertainment, after all. For me, that's what I want; I don't want to be baffled, caught up in a mythology I can't hope to decipher, or screaming at them to turn on a bloody light for crying out loud! I did my years in that world as an X Files fan and... nah, I don't want that from my TV anymore. Sanctuary fit the bill for me because it entertains without frustrating me. I like to see it/them push the format a bit from time to time but mostly I'm happy with what they do.

      I guess it does just highlight how we all have different needs/wants from what we watch.


        I have to agree with you, Cags, on SGU - it bogged itself down in the utter seriousness of everything. There was no relief at all. It got to the point that I couldn't watch it. Even the worst situations always have moments of lightness.


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Nola. That best friends one; so me!

          Oh dear. Poor Jo! You know though, I don't think being a bookish person is necessarily a mark of intelligence. My bro (one of the many) was never into books; just couldn't get into reading, struggled like crazy with it, yet he's pretty smart; knows his way around electrics, computers, home constructions, hydroponics... you name it. Smart, just not a big reader. And, blimey, I've met some well read people before who've been complete idiots!
          Oh no, reading doesn't signify intelligence - what it does do for a child is open up the world and give it the tools to learn about every other subject. If you can't read well and understand what you're reading, it makes it very difficult to grasp other subjects or to be able to take written exams It's no good having an amazing talent for mathematics if you don't understand the exam question

          I saw that thing in Durham; I think it's confined incident; not that it's much comfort to the family who have lost more than one loved one. You have to wonder how these people slip through the net.
          Easily. Gun licenses only have to be renewed every five years, and it's usually just a case of reapplying and getting no negatives on your CRB My brother held his family hostage with a shotgun a few years ago. He'd held a license for about 20 years prior to that and the Licensing Authority had no way of knowing that his marriage wood break up, causing him to suffer from severe depression and become desperate enough to do what he did. Luckily, nobody was physically hurt, but it could have been a different story if I hadn't been able to talk him down He no longer has a license of course, but that didn't stop him attempting suicide in other ways. I think people applying for renewal should be required to produce evidence from their doctor that they are not prone to depression or violence (as far as is known), but I doubt it will ever happen.

          Re: the bolded, fair point I think, but actually there's a part of me that likes that they didn't go there with the darkness. I mean, SGU did that and look how that turned out. I loved SGU - loved the character, writing etc. but I did spend half the time watching and wishing they'd drop the mythology/arc and concentrate on the plot-of-the-week, and the other half the time wishing there was a bit more humour in it. With the format they took, they seriously limited their ability to do that (and IMO, it's one of the reasons why SG1 and SGA worked so well - because despite the gravitas of any given situation, there was always that character who would pop out a wisecrack and give us a smile). For me, Sanctuary gets that balance a bit more right; it's dark when it needs to be, dramatic when it needs to be, downright hammy at times but, oh how it works and suits the format! For me it does anyway. I mean, take the science in it; I could nitpick and complain about how bodged together it is, but since they've clearly made a choice not to try and get it right, I have to assume it's just not important in this universe and therefore not point worrying about it and just enjoy the play.

          I like the fact that I find humour in most of the episodes; I like the fact it doesn't take itself too seriously because so many TV series do now. It's almost like TV has forgotten that it's just entertainment and there's very few quality programmes about that manage to keep the tension/suspense of the story but the lightness that you can walk away afterwards NOT totally confused by what happened. It's just a TV show and for entertainment, after all. For me, that's what I want; I don't want to be baffled, caught up in a mythology I can't hope to decipher, or screaming at them to turn on a bloody light for crying out loud! I did my years in that world as an X Files fan and... nah, I don't want that from my TV anymore. Sanctuary fit the bill for me because it entertains without frustrating me. I like to see it/them push the format a bit from time to time but mostly I'm happy with what they do.

          I guess it does just highlight how we all have different needs/wants from what we watch.
          Totally agree with everything you said SGU lost me during the second half of S1 - I just found nothing about that I liked, and a lot that I didn't

          But you know the old saying: You can please most of the people most of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time


            WOW! WOW! WOW! Had so much wonderful catching up to do with this thread. I love the openness of our thread and the conversations and different view points. I didn't notice any one getting offended by others view. It shows the relative maturity of our little WhoHoo group over here.

            I loved reading all the different view points and perspective, that i had not thought about.

            All in all i loved S4 i thought it was the best yet. Season 3 was good, but it had to many low points in the season. Loved the 20 episode season but i don't think it did any favors for sanctuary. It works better with 13 episodes.

            With that said, i think the story was pushed forward by every episode, and loved that fact that they didn't reveal to much to fast. It kept it interesting. Although there were times i felt that they underused some of the characters most noteably in SFN1 with tesla.

            Either way i am hoping for a season 5. I love this show, the only one i actually watch and want to watch.

            Hugs to all the WhoHoo and wow can't believe its 2012!!!
            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              I have to agree with you, Cags, on SGU - it bogged itself down in the utter seriousness of everything. There was no relief at all. It got to the point that I couldn't watch it. Even the worst situations always have moments of lightness.
              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Totally agree with everything you said SGU lost me during the second half of S1 - I just found nothing about that I liked, and a lot that I didn't

              But you know the old saying: You can please most of the people most of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time

              See I actually really liked SGU as a show and the story/acting/writing/direction was brilliant enough to keep me watching. The first half of the first season was...well... took a while getting there but there were some real jaw dropper episodes after that and, I do think, they were starting to get there with the little touches of humour - perhaps not in a McKay or O'Neill way but in their own little way. I think, had they done it 10 years ago, it would have had a chance to come into its own and make a success of itself. But these days, I think if it's not an instant hit, some TV networks just aren't interested. Fox are notorious for doing it from what I've seen, and I don't think SyFy are a lot better. It's a shame because, actually series like X Files and even early SG-1 would never ever had made a second or third season if they had been first aired now with the ratings they had... and that's not accounting for the digital revolution and the fact that... oh god, channeling Joe Malozzi here ... people chose other mediums and their own times to watch things.

              Anyhoo... point is, I think it's a crying shame so many decent shows end up canned because they're not profitable enough, rather than because they're not good enough. Somewhere down the line TV execs are going to have to rethink the whole thing or go out of business. Then all we'll be left with is crappy reality TV.

              Oh no, reading doesn't signify intelligence - what it does do for a child is open up the world and give it the tools to learn about every other subject. If you can't read well and understand what you're reading, it makes it very difficult to grasp other subjects or to be able to take written exams It's no good having an amazing talent for mathematics if you don't understand the exam question
              Good point. It definitely helps to be able to at least fundamentally understand words on a page.

              Easily. Gun licenses only have to be renewed every five years, and it's usually just a case of reapplying and getting no negatives on your CRB My brother held his family hostage with a shotgun a few years ago. He'd held a license for about 20 years prior to that and the Licensing Authority had no way of knowing that his marriage wood break up, causing him to suffer from severe depression and become desperate enough to do what he did. Luckily, nobody was physically hurt, but it could have been a different story if I hadn't been able to talk him down He no longer has a license of course, but that didn't stop him attempting suicide in other ways. I think people applying for renewal should be required to produce evidence from their doctor that they are not prone to depression or violence (as far as is known), but I doubt it will ever happen.
              Is it really 5 years? I quite agree with your sentiment there. I can't imagine it was pleasant having to talk down your bro like that. *hugs*

              Originally posted by max_omega View Post
              WOW! WOW! WOW! Had so much wonderful catching up to do with this thread. I love the openness of our thread and the conversations and different view points. I didn't notice any one getting offended by others view. It shows the relative maturity of our little WhoHoo group over here.
              Indeed. I love that we can have a debate, agree to disagree but still get along. I do hate that element of fandom where liking X automatically categorises you into hating Y. I remember the X Files fans... they were dreadful. We called the GA Nuts and DD Rabids. Those of us who couldn't understand why everyone couldn't just get along and agree to disagree used to get it from both sides.

              All in all i loved S4 i thought it was the best yet. Season 3 was good, but it had to many low points in the season. Loved the 20 episode season but i don't think it did any favors for sanctuary. It works better with 13 episodes.
              Yes, agreed, I like the 13 episodes better. I think it did take its toll on the writing etc with doing 20. I'd rather have 10-15 quality episodes of anything than a whole bunch of fillers that do nothing and aren't very good.

              Hugs to all the WhoHoo and wow can't believe its 2012!!!
              *hugs* backatcha. I can't say I'm brimming with enthusiam for 2012 myself. Just another year... hmm..

              Dammit, now I have this in my head:

              Oh crap. (although he's aged quite well. ) Shuttup Mrs DoomNGloom. Quick someone post something fun before I break GW!
              Last edited by Cagranosalis; 03 January 2012, 07:25 AM. Reason: Typo faires ate an E


                well it seems that SyFy feels the pressure of Sanctuary fans

                Syfy Craig Engler
                Back from my holiday break. Let's start the New Year with a Q&A. What's on your mind? (And no #Sanctuary fans, I have no news for you.)
                My vids Sig made by me


                  LOL that is great. Actually they know we are out here and waiting to know, what is going to happen. Hopes its a good sign. For a season 5.
                  Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                  August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                    *sigh* The Masked Post Stealer strikes again. If this goes on much longer we're gonna need to give it a name.

                    Anyway... what I actually said was...

                    Hmm, I like your glass half full attitude Max!

                    I do think it's a bit dodgy that there's no news after S4 has wrapped. I mean if they're not careful they won't have actor availability to do S5, let alone anything else. Sorry to be Debbie Downer here but SyFy need to kick themselves up the backside and sort it out!


                      uhm, an Italian girl that I didn't know is going to Chevron. She booked my same flight cuz she doesn't speak English...
                      I don't know what kind of ticket she bought but I know that her friend got the VIP ticket! I mean, I love AT but that's an insane amount of money!!! Especially cuz from her tweets it seems that her English isn't so good! But hey lucky them if they can afford those tickets!
                      My vids Sig made by me


                        Cags...well i try to be an optimist when i can but mostly i consider myself a pessimistic optimist...i see the glass as half full cuz i figure someone else drank the first half.
                        You do bring out a great point...but keeps fingers crossed.
                        Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                        August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                          Originally posted by max_omega View Post
                          Cags...well i try to be an optimist when i can but mostly i consider myself a pessimistic optimist...i see the glass as half full cuz i figure someone else drank the first half.
                          You do bring out a great point...but keeps fingers crossed.
                          So long as they leave me the half with the tequila in...

                          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                          uhm, an Italian girl that I didn't know is going to Chevron. She booked my same flight cuz she doesn't speak English...
                          I don't know what kind of ticket she bought but I know that her friend got the VIP ticket! I mean, I love AT but that's an insane amount of money!!! Especially cuz from her tweets it seems that her English isn't so good! But hey lucky them if they can afford those tickets!
                          How much was the VIP ticket? And, er, I should know this, when is Chevron again?


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            So long as they leave me the half with the tequila in...

                            Cags....i guess we could make the saying of the glass is half emptied when speaking of alcohol and half full of everything else.
                            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                              £1,295!!! and they both bought it!!!!! (she's sending me so many emails with info requests right now! )

                              24-24 feb
                              My vids Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                                well it seems that SyFy feels the pressure of Sanctuary fans

                                Syfy Craig Engler
                                Back from my holiday break. Let's start the New Year with a Q&A. What's on your mind? (And no #Sanctuary fans, I have no news for you.)
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

