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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
    I've heard I need a bottle of wine for the OOTB commentary.
    I reckon they'd had a few

    But despite all the fooling around they still manage to tell us a lot about the ep, especially about the location


      Jumble, have you gone to bed yet? Or are you up early? Good grief girl, you never seem to sleep!


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        I reckon they'd had a few

        But despite all the fooling around they still manage to tell us a lot about the ep, especially about the location
        It'll be a while before I get to it, I'd imagine, but I will be sure to buy a nice red for the occasion.

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          Jumble, have you gone to bed yet? Or are you up early? Good grief girl, you never seem to sleep!
          Tell me about it I did go to bed, couldn't sleep *checks clock* Nearly 4am I guess I should go and try again - up for work in three hours!!!!

          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          It'll be a while before I get to it, I'd imagine, but I will be sure to buy a nice red for the occasion.
          Good idea

          WoodNight *huggles*


            ...reading through The Adventures of Bekkidoll while tidying the house and laughing myself silly! Is it possible to miss people you've never met? The day I meet you all will be a dream come true

            ...end random nostalgia moment


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Tell me about it I did go to bed, couldn't sleep *checks clock* Nearly 4am I guess I should go and try again - up for work in three hours!!!!

              Good idea

              WoodNight *huggles*
              Sleep well!

              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              ...reading through The Adventures of Bekkidoll while tidying the house and laughing myself silly! Is it possible to miss people you've never met? The day I meet you all will be a dream come true

              ...end random nostalgia moment
              Aw! *hugs*

              Okay, 5 minute writing break over. The more I write, the bigger I think my budget is going to have to be. *sigh*

              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                *bounces around*

                Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Such great memories from AT5 and such great plans already in the making. Loving it!
                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  ...reading through The Adventures of Bekkidoll while tidying the house and laughing myself silly! Is it possible to miss people you've never met? The day I meet you all will be a dream come true

                  ...end random nostalgia moment
                  *huggles Bekki* It'll happen one day Is Bekkidoll getting excited about meeting Amanda again soon? You are going, right?

                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  Sleep well!
                  I didn't Dropped off about half an hour before the alarm went off

                  Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                  *bounces around*

                  Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Such great memories from AT5 and such great plans already in the making. Loving it!
                  I know it's still a loooooong way off, but all overseas AT6 WooHoos need to allow an extra day before the con if you're going to do an Anderson's visit - don't want you falling asleep on the table again do we?
                  Last edited by Jumble; 02 October 2011, 11:25 PM. Reason: Lack of sleep= can't spell


                    I most definitely am still going! provided last minute rehearsals don't get called...which is highly likely. Still, crossing my fingers!!!

                    Oh! Agam will be there too! Agam and Amanda and Robin!!! Yipee yee haaaaa!!! (although Agam's panel and Amanda's panel are on different days which is a bit sad...though hopefully I will get the whole weekend off so I can go to both! V. exciting!!!)

                    Bekkidoll is very excited about the trip. I took her out today to make sure she was all still sewn properly I think I might make her a woohoo badge so that she fits in properly is it ok if I make her one, Wendy?

                    *passes some caffeine to Jumble*


                      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                      I most definitely am still going! provided last minute rehearsals don't get called...which is highly likely. Still, crossing my fingers!!!

                      Oh! Agam will be there too! Agam and Amanda and Robin!!! Yipee yee haaaaa!!! (although Agam's panel and Amanda's panel are on different days which is a bit sad...though hopefully I will get the whole weekend off so I can go to both! V. exciting!!!)

                      Bekkidoll is very excited about the trip. I took her out today to make sure she was all still sewn properly I think I might make her a woohoo badge so that she fits in properly is it ok if I make her one, Wendy?

                      *passes some caffeine to Jumble*
                      *accepts caffeine with thanks* I need as much as I can get today

                      Agam is lovely, I hope you get to see her as well as AT and RD

                      Yes, do smarten Bekkidoll up - she was looking a little frazzled after her AT5 adventures


                        More sigs from that same tut - slightly more Jumblified this time

                        Not sure which one I prefer


                          Morning all

                          Feeling much more human after a night's sleep, and have had a treat of a visit from my lovely nephew (accompanied by his grandparents, of course - he's not quite at the stage where he can drive himself up to Oxford, though at this rate that will come faster than I think we'd all like!). Back to work tomorrow - decided an extra day off would make that less painful

                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          I feel like some Martinpicspam..........

                          <lazy snip>

                          Niiiiiice! I really have to get my hands on the DVDs - I trekked all over Boston on Saturday looking for them and couldn't find S3 anywhere Was hoping to be able to pick them up and fetch them back with me, but clearly the people of Boston have good taste and have bought them all already So now I'll have to wait on Amazon to deliver them instead

                          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                          A fair warning to Jumble, Josi & Sarai- this is likely to happen again. I am starting my 'AT6 auction savings' now. I'm totally getting that naked nubbin that Antoa is making...
                          This is absolutely fine by me We were sitting by Laurie and EH-T last time and it's definitely awesome to be near people who are seriously bidding - lots of up-close Amanda

                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          ...reading through The Adventures of Bekkidoll while tidying the house and laughing myself silly! Is it possible to miss people you've never met? The day I meet you all will be a dream come true

                          ...end random nostalgia moment
                          *squishy huggles you* You have to get over this way sometime! We have to have Bekki at a woohoomeet some day!

                          And just as I typed that my picture of myself holding a koala, which was of course taken on the very trip to Australia where I met you, fell over. It's like it was bouncing in agreement and saying 'hey look, Australia is full of awesome' and not at all because I had disturbed its equilibrium earlier by taking it down to show my nephew who was pointing at it

                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          *accepts caffeine with thanks* I need as much as I can get today
                          *passes more coffee*

                          Yes, do smarten Bekkidoll up - she was looking a little frazzled after her AT5 adventures
                          *points* It was that Dee - you should have seen some of the things she made poor Bekkidoll do
                          *shakes head*
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            Morning all

                            Feeling much more human after a night's sleep, and have had a treat of a visit from my lovely nephew (accompanied by his grandparents, of course - he's not quite at the stage where he can drive himself up to Oxford, though at this rate that will come faster than I think we'd all like!). Back to work tomorrow - decided an extra day off would make that less painful
                            Ah, so you didn't need my sympathy then? Glad to hear you're taking it easy today - I went back to work the day after I flew back from Seattle - nevernevernevernever again

                            Niiiiiice! I really have to get my hands on the DVDs - I trekked all over Boston on Saturday looking for them and couldn't find S3 anywhere Was hoping to be able to pick them up and fetch them back with me, but clearly the people of Boston have good taste and have bought them all already So now I'll have to wait on Amazon to deliver them instead
                            Hm. The optimist in my hopes they had loads and have sold out, but the pessimist is wondering if maybe the stores just didn't get many copies

                            This is absolutely fine by me We were sitting by Laurie and EH-T last time and it's definitely awesome to be near people who are seriously bidding - lots of up-close Amanda
                            Oh yes, totally agree

                            *squishy huggles you* You have to get over this way sometime! We have to have Bekki at a woohoomeet some day!

                            And just as I typed that my picture of myself holding a koala, which was of course taken on the very trip to Australia where I met you, fell over. It's like it was bouncing in agreement and saying 'hey look, Australia is full of awesome' and not at all because I had disturbed its equilibrium earlier by taking it down to show my nephew who was pointing at it
                            We do tend to see what we want to see

                            And I've figured out a totally obvious and logical explanation for that telepathy thing I was talking to you about But I prefer to believe my version

                            *passes more coffee*
                            Thanks, I'm feeling more human now but still very tired. I thought about taking a nap whilst the babes are asleep, but then I think I'd not be able to sleep again tonight - vicious circle

                            *points* It was that Dee - you should have seen some of the things she made poor Bekkidoll do
                            *shakes head*
                            Yes yes! It was all Dee's fault

                            Can't blame Amy - she wasn't there


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Ah, so you didn't need my sympathy then? Glad to hear you're taking it easy today - I went back to work the day after I flew back from Seattle - nevernevernevernever again
                              Nope, but shows how generally out of it I was yesterday that I even missed you sent any my way I was originally due to go back today, but booked the extra day off after I got back from New Orleans/New York in July - remembered how vile you feel that first 24 hours after getting back and thought best not push it, especially considering I knew that this trip would be pretty full-on and exhausting Tomorrow will still be painful, but only in the usual going-back-to-work way and not in the 'ugh-my-body-is-still-totally-out-of-whack' way

                              Hm. The optimist in my hopes they had loads and have sold out, but the pessimist is wondering if maybe the stores just didn't get many copies
                              Who knows? But there didn't look to be big gaping gaps where lots of copies should have been, just one or two which had obviously already been bought.

                              We do tend to see what we want to see

                              And I've figured out a totally obvious and logical explanation for that telepathy thing I was talking to you about But I prefer to believe my version
                              Pshaw. Who wants logic anyway??

                              Thanks, I'm feeling more human now but still very tired. I thought about taking a nap whilst the babes are asleep, but then I think I'd not be able to sleep again tonight - vicious circle
                              *hugs* I know the feeling and especially sympathise after yesterday. I had a mini-nap in the afternoon and felt worse when I woke up from that so then pushed on through to bedtime and slept like a baby all night Hope you do too!

                              Yes yes! It was all Dee's fault

                              Can't blame Amy - she wasn't there
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                Nope, but shows how generally out of it I was yesterday that I even missed you sent any my way I was originally due to go back today, but booked the extra day off after I got back from New Orleans/New York in July - remembered how vile you feel that first 24 hours after getting back and thought best not push it, especially considering I knew that this trip would be pretty full-on and exhausting Tomorrow will still be painful, but only in the usual going-back-to-work way and not in the 'ugh-my-body-is-still-totally-out-of-whack' way
                                Very sensible - I'm definitely doing that next time travel to another time zone *crosses fingers for TSE2*

                                Who knows? But there didn't look to be big gaping gaps where lots of copies should have been, just one or two which had obviously already been bought.
                                That's a bit of a worry - if the stores aren't ordering enough and people can't get them it's not good for Sanctuary

                                Pshaw. Who wants logic anyway??
                                Not me, I'm happy in my little illogical dream world

                                *hugs* I know the feeling and especially sympathise after yesterday. I had a mini-nap in the afternoon and felt worse when I woke up from that so then pushed on through to bedtime and slept like a baby all night Hope you do too!
                                Thanks It always seems to be Sunday nights that I don't sleep - worst night of the week for it

                                Have you heard that Damian will soon be writing for a Universal Solider series?

