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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Okay Jumble, I used one of your Martin piccies...



      Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
      OMG. Someone please tell me you saw the Sanctuary sneak peek. I'm dying here.
      *puts up hand* Ok, I'll admit it, I caved and watched it I'm told that Tempus is the best Sanctuary they've ever done

      In my defense, I wasn't in class when I was on. In school, yes, but on break.

      *adjusts halo*

      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      Okay Jumble, I used one of your Martin piccies...
      Niiiiiice! Love that pic! Not sure if he's deep in thought or just bored

      Just heard a snippet of the news '..... firefighters are battling to get control of several tons of burning wood.........' *looks at sig* Oooops!

      Slept seven hours! Yay!


        Thanks for the huggles everyone! Glad when this year is over!

        I haven't seen anything of Sanctuary this season yet...and I'm spoiler free too! Only a few more days to go! Woot Woot!



          5 am! Home stretch!

          Haven't yet watched the Tempus teaser, though I am totally psyched for the show. I will have to watch it when I wake up this afternoon.

          Uneventful night at work. Like those a lot.

          Getting used to knitting again. I think I'm going to start making baby caps. I have a ton of really gorgeous red, organic cotton yarn. Maybe that will be my signature cap for all the babies I catch? Speaking of which...

          Today is my 4th anniversary as a midwife! To date, I've caught 232 babies! I've also labored with countless other mothers and assisted in c-sections and operative deliveries of a number of others as well. Hard to believe.

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            +1 - apparently if you mix Apple Sourz with lemonade it's called a Big Apple

            So if you add wine as well does that mean you have a Big Drunken Apple?

            So Sourz is a liqueur? Eeeeew!! How can you mix that with wine?????

            I was a big drunken apple by the time I was done?

            Aaand I had no idea it was a liqueur. I usually just have it as a shot. Blame my friend, she started it!

            Just been looking up Aftershock (apparently another liqueur, no I don't put that in wine!) and apparently there's one called a Martin.

            The Martin (One shot Blue after shock, one shot Sambuca and Finch's orange with a wedge of lime, drank through a straw) A popular drink in Dublin, Ireland.

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            Thanks for the huggles everyone! Glad when this year is over!

            I haven't seen anything of Sanctuary this season yet...and I'm spoiler free too! Only a few more days to go! Woot Woot!
            Spoiler free too! I've had people ALMOST telling me things but I've shushed them SO QUICK before they got anywhere. (To the point where my shushing was almost rude but... do not want to know anything)

            Now to go out and try and brave this cold so I can sign up for seminars (and try not to die in my introductory lectures.) I am armed with tissues and vitamin c!


              Happy midwife-y anniversary MoB!

              I don't even try to stay spoiler-free where Sanctuary is concerned. I would never be able to. I LIVE on spoilers. *sighs*


              3 days to the premiere. (For American viewers anyway. *crossing my fingers for news for the UK soon*)
              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
              My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
              Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                Congrats on your Anniversary MoB

                Originally posted by boxeddreams View Post
                I was a big drunken apple by the time I was done?

                Aaand I had no idea it was a liqueur. I usually just have it as a shot. Blame my friend, she started it!

                Just been looking up Aftershock (apparently another liqueur, no I don't put that in wine!) and apparently there's one called a Martin.

                The Martin (One shot Blue after shock, one shot Sambuca and Finch's orange with a wedge of lime, drank through a straw) A popular drink in Dublin, Ireland.
                I could say something about how much I'd like to taste Martin, but that wood be ickybah and Nad wood jump on me again

                But I wood

                Spoiler free too! I've had people ALMOST telling me things but I've shushed them SO QUICK before they got anywhere. (To the point where my shushing was almost rude but... do not want to know anything)
                Sometimes you have to be rude when others try to make you hear spoilers

                Now to go out and try and brave this cold so I can sign up for seminars (and try not to die in my introductory lectures.) I am armed with tissues and vitamin c!
                *sends hugs*

                What? I don't want a cold

                I just saw Scott Bakula on Loose Women - OMG He's looking really goooooood!!! Hard to believe that Quantum Leap finished eighteen years ago


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  Congrats on your Anniversary MoB

                  I could say something about how much I'd like to taste Martin, but that wood be ickybah and Nad wood jump on me again

                  But I wood

                  Sometimes you have to be rude when others try to make you hear spoilers

                  *sends hugs*

                  What? I don't want a cold

                  I just saw Scott Bakula on Loose Women - OMG He's looking really goooooood!!! Hard to believe that Quantum Leap finished eighteen years ago
                  Yes congrats MoB! I missed that posty & thank you for the green too, Jumble, I just noticed!

                  Yup. As much as you'd love to that... sounds like a horrific drink. (It's the Sambuca, refuse to touch it!)

                  I stopped talking current Sanctuary to them as they get rather excited and in excitement things can just accidentally be said and I refuse that.

                  :O 18 years? It makes me feel so little I think he's like Patrick Stewart, will age spectacularly. (Because apparently PS is 70? What?)

                  *wears a mask and hugs back*


                    Originally posted by boxeddreams View Post
                    Yes congrats MoB! I missed that posty & thank you for the green too, Jumble, I just noticed!

                    Yup. As much as you'd love to that... sounds like a horrific drink. (It's the Sambuca, refuse to touch it!)
                    Er.... yes, the drink does sound pretty disgusting......

                    I stopped talking current Sanctuary to them as they get rather excited and in excitement things can just accidentally be said and I refuse that.
                    Excitement over Sanctuary is totally understandable - lucky for me nobody here in RL knows anything spoilery about S4 so I don't have that problem

                    :O 18 years? It makes me feel so little I think he's like Patrick Stewart, will age spectacularly. (Because apparently PS is 70? What?)
                    Scott looked as if he'd just stepped off the QL set - hardly changed at all

                    Mind you, our Martin doesn't look anywhere near his age either


                      Thanks for the advise on the car thing *huggles*

                      *hugs Jann*

                      I'd totally try The Martin drink but some of it sounds not-so-nice. We should make our own cocktail...
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                        Thanks for the advise on the car thing *huggles*

                        *hugs Jann*

                        I'd totally try The Martin drink but some of it sounds not-so-nice. We should make our own cocktail...
                        Didn't Cags say there was a WooHoo cocktail? I thought she did.......

                        Edit: Here it is

                        If you google WooHoo Cocktail, the vid of the pre-AT5 party comes up


                          I know of a WooWoo cocktail (it's kinda nice) so every time I have it I pretend it's a WooHoo


                            Originally posted by boxeddreams View Post
                            I know of a WooWoo cocktail (it's kinda nice) so every time I have it I pretend it's a WooHoo
                            You pretend you're drinking one of us??

                            Another sig for the AfA challenge........


                              Read a great quote:

                              "Remember, an amateur built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.”
                              Last edited by llp; 04 October 2011, 01:28 PM.


                                Booze talk again?
                                *shakes head*

                                *hugs WooHoos*

                                Haven't got very much to say, but I'll add to the MartinArt to make up for it...

                                I'd lost my MartinArtMojo for a while. I noticed when I looked in my PB sigs album.
                                It's one Martin sig against 40 others.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

