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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Nope. I bid on an AT one previously which will go to a S4K auction in the future. I knew Jumble was bidding on the MW one previously but it seems like they have a lot of MW ones. There are 2 in the latest round of stuff.

    Are you bidding on one or both?

    Who is the PDL lover? There's a PDL one as well.
    APA is bidding on the MW/PDL group, is why I was asking. She wanted to be sure she wasn't bidding against someone she knew. I can't afford stuff like that, lol.

    *hugs woohoos*

    *runz off*


      Darned MQ is STILL not working

      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
      This place is a spoiler mine field!

      Just came in to say, Jumble, thinking of you as you worry about flights. So far though, I don't think you have anything to worry over. *hugs*
      Thanks It's apparently moved down to northern Europe, but is expected to come back here on Friday

      *squishy huggles Bekki and crosses fingers for an Awesome opening night*

      Good luck to APA for the chairbacks. Still waiting to hear where mine has got to

      And I'm going to add to the spoilers, sorry ..........

      Ok, what I thought of Normandy…..

      LOVED IT!!!

      Damian and Martin did an Awesome job on the writing and directing – definitely the most epic ep they’ve ever done

      It was full of fun and drama – Druitt’s entrance was absolute genius! And I loved all the one-liners and little references – eg Druitt: “It’s the attire, I couldn’t resist!” and (on Watson’s suggestion that he kill Hitler) “I did, but it doesn’t seem to have made much difference”, Captain Jack: “Take Dunne with you”, Tesla: “I did, didn’t I?” (on having cracked the ENIGMA code) and lots of others

      I thought Robin did a great job with ‘Captain Jack’, a much more compelling character than Will. So was that his father, uncle or grandfather?

      I didn’t like Amanda’s wig. I know why she did it, but I felt it just looked odd *shrugs*

      I did think they should have made up their minds which way to turn Watson’s dial to help him

      One huge disappointment – I thought with all those guns and uniforms Martin woodn’t be able to resist a cameo, but I’ve watched it three times and if he’s there he was much too subtle for me Or was he out of sight, driving the tank?

      Helen/Watson? Seriously??

      Nad, I think part of why you weren't happy was the lack of Awesome hair Amanda's covered with a wig and The Hedgehog's all slicked down


        Where is everybody? Outside sunning themselves? Hiding under the bus in case the ash cloud gets them? I hear it's hovering around Nad's head atm

        Down at the SureStart Centre this morning, I was approached by the Centre Manager. She is trying to put together a panel to represent the various factions that use the Centre (ie. A Mum, a Childcare Practitioner (yes, that’s my new title, apparently ), a Nanny and a member of staff) to negotiate with TPTB with regard to what we think they need to do in order to improve and/or enhance the facility.

        Me: “Why me?”
        CM: “Because of who you are.”
        Me: “Er… what do you mean?”
        CM: “People listen to you. Everybody knows when you’re in the building – you have such a presence.

        And that hair!”

        I didn’t know whether to or


          Aw, that's such a huge compliment Jumble

          As for me, I'm here. Ish. I'm doing my final assignment for the first uni year/module
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            Aw, that's such a huge compliment Jumble
            It is, but I do find myself wondering who this person is that she's talking about. Isn't it odd how other people see us?

            As for me, I'm here. Ish. I'm doing my final assignment for the first uni year/module
            The final one? That's great! *sends huggle and good vibes to get it done*

            *sends a bottle of wine to celebrate when it's done*


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              It is, but I do find myself wondering who this person is that she's talking about. Isn't it odd how other people see us?
              It is. Sometimes people see us in ways we don't see ourselves.

              The final one? That's great! *sends huggle and good vibes to get it done*

              *sends a bottle of wine to celebrate when it's done*
              Thank you *huggles*

              *looks forward to the wine* The treat will be watching the new Sanctuary episode when it's done... with wine
              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                It is. Sometimes people see us in ways we don't see ourselves.
                You're telling me! I'm such a shy, quiet little thing!

                Thank you *huggles*

                *looks forward to the wine* The treat will be watching the new Sanctuary episode when it's done... with wine

                You can't drink wine whilst watching Normandy!

                You'll get seasick on the ship



                  I'm kinda here. Working a long night tonight 6:30pm - 8am, so trying to chill out as much as possible.

                  That's very cool for you Jumble! Wendy is right. A lovely compliment.

                  Still need to rewach Normandy, but Jumble:
                  You are really surprised about Helen/James? I LOVE them as a couple. Though I was even more psyched for that John/James scene. It was unbelievably sexy.

                  And re: Normandy Hair
                  Too modern IMO. The side braid on the french girl is very today (or 1990) but decidedly NOT 1944. Poor Amanda, has she ever been given a decent wig on screen?

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

                    I'm kinda here. Working a long night tonight 6:30pm - 8am, so trying to chill out as much as possible.
                    Ouch! I don't know how you do it

                    That's very cool for you Jumble! Wendy is right. A lovely compliment.
                    Hm. I'm leaning towards her meaning that I'm loud and outspoken

                    You're right, I'm no good at taking compliments

                    Still need to rewach Normandy, but Jumble:
                    You are really surprised about Helen/James? I LOVE them as a couple. Though I was even more psyched for that John/James scene. It was unbelievably sexy.

                    I wasn't so much surprised as just not liking it. I've never really shipped Helen with anybody, but my reaction was "No! She belongs to TESLA!!", which also surprised me

                    And re: Normandy Hair
                    Too modern IMO. The side braid on the french girl is very today (or 1990) but decidedly NOT 1944. Poor Amanda, has she ever been given a decent wig on screen?
                    Normandy Hair

                    I'm not so sure, I've seen pics of my grandmother with a pre-war side braid

                    I think Amanda wood have done better to have a temporary red tint than the wig. Just a minor nit-pick though, considering how Awesome the whole ep was

                    Have to go and pick Suz up again and take her and her space boot home from work


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      You're telling me! I'm such a shy, quiet little thing!
                      ...Are you sure you're not confusing yourself with me?

                      You can't drink wine whilst watching Normandy!

                      You'll get seasick on the ship

                      ...hmmm. We'll see.
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                        ...Are you sure you're not confusing yourself with me?
                        You?? You're one of the noisiest WooHoos I know!

                        ...hmmm. We'll see.


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          You?? You're one of the noisiest WooHoos I know!


                          I'll try to quieten it down...
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            I'm here as well. No school assignements or exams or nothing. It feels so good to have the day off! And the next three months as well. (Well, I will be working, but I love my job, so I don't mind! )

                            I also have the biggest sore throat. o.o It just grew in intensity all day yesterday, and since last night, I can't talk. My voice cracks and it hurts so much in the back of my throat. I hate that.

                            Wendy, you're almost done! *sending you encouraging vibes* You can do it!

                            Jumble, the others are right. That's a really sweet compliment. And you deserve it.

                            MoB, good luck on the long night! Take a nap this afternoon if you can.
                            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                              lots and lots and lots of paperwork today



                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post


                                I'll try to quieten it down...
                                Yes, you should! If you try really really hard you too can be a sweet little mouse like me


                                Darn! Still can't get rid of that cough, it let's me down every time

                                Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                                I'm here as well. No school assignements or exams or nothing. It feels so good to have the day off! And the next three months as well. (Well, I will be working, but I love my job, so I don't mind! )
                                Having a job you love makes the world a much rosier place doesn't it? What do you do?

                                I also have the biggest sore throat. o.o It just grew in intensity all day yesterday, and since last night, I can't talk. My voice cracks and it hurts so much in the back of my throat. I hate that.
                                *huggles* I was like that last week-end Still got the cough but at least I've stopped croaking

                                Wendy, you're almost done! *sending you encouraging vibes* You can do it!

                                Jumble, the others are right. That's a really sweet compliment. And you deserve it.

                                MoB, good luck on the long night! Take a nap this afternoon if you can.
                                It was Thank you

                                *huggles Bree for the paperwork* I've got a pile of it looking at me, but I'm ignoring it until I get back from Seattle

