Bree, good luck with the paperwork! You'll be proud of you when it's done!
Indeed it does! I work at my dance school! Teaching something you love to kids is a wonderful job! I wouldn't trade it for the world!
I also work at the reception sometimes. Taking calls, making new inscriptions, that kind of stuff. I love the ambiance, but it's not the same. I guess I'm not one for a desk job. ;P Still, I like working there and it's really practical because I don't have to worry about my work schedule not fitting with my dance classes. I have all in one place, so it makes it easier.
Thanks for the hugs. I can't stop coughing either. I'm glad to know you're feeling better though.
Tsk tsk.
Originally posted by Jumble
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I also work at the reception sometimes. Taking calls, making new inscriptions, that kind of stuff. I love the ambiance, but it's not the same. I guess I'm not one for a desk job. ;P Still, I like working there and it's really practical because I don't have to worry about my work schedule not fitting with my dance classes. I have all in one place, so it makes it easier.
*huggles* I was like that last week-end Still got the cough but at least I've stopped croaking
*huggles Bree for the paperwork* I've got a pile of it looking at me, but I'm ignoring it until I get back from Seattle