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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Yo ho ho!
    A pirate I will be?!?!

    from Pirates of the I have that song in my head


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      A pirate I will be?!?!

      from Pirates of the I have that song in my head
      No, DW

      Can't wait to see the new PotC


        *hi fives Sarai for getting Jumble into Doctor Who at last*

        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        *huggles Josi*

        Can I at least get some broccoli while I'm tied down?
        *passes broccoli*
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          *hi fives Sarai for getting Jumble into Doctor Who at last*

          *passes broccoli*
          If they're all like this ep I'm going to be glued to my tv every Saturday

          Now watching Dr Who Confidential and

          I'm pretty sure the ship they used is one of the ones we saw when we went to Oma's last year! Didn't she say something a while back about the film crew being there?


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            If they're all like this ep I'm going to be glued to my tv every Saturday
            Didn't we always tell you Doctor Who was awesome?

            Now watching Dr Who Confidential and

            I'm pretty sure the ship they used is one of the ones we saw when we went to Oma's last year! Didn't she say something a while back about the film crew being there?
            Oh yes, she did! Well remembered!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              Didn't we always tell you Doctor Who was awesome?

              I've always known Dr Who was awesome, just couldn't stand David Tennant's version

              Oh yes, she did! Well remembered!
              To be fair, it was the visual that jolted my memory

              Hm. A day in the life of a DW Producer.........

              There you go Martin, an idea for you! A day in the life of a the Sanctuary Director (woodn't want anyone to be confused about which Director )
              Last edited by Jumble; 07 May 2011, 01:31 PM.


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                If they're all like this ep I'm going to be glued to my tv every Saturday

                Now watching Dr Who Confidential and

                I'm pretty sure the ship they used is one of the ones we saw when we went to Oma's last year! Didn't she say something a while back about the film crew being there?
                Seems to me I've seen that way early versions of Dr. Who (from the 60's? or 70's) has been playing on PBS recently. I'd tune in, but for some strange reason, local PBS stations are having trouble with their transmitter, so we're getting nothing from PBS. Hope they fix it soon.


                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  Andi is like that too. She thinks it's nuts that I like to pop in some earbuds and just run. But I'm a terrible spaz at sports for the most part.

                  ETA: And I'm glad you enjoy the blog!
                  LOL. I'm too old and played too much hockey and baseball in my youth to run (knees). Walking or biking is more my speed.

                  Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                  Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't stopped by in so long.

                  Congrats on all the 69's I've missed!

                  *hugs all the Woohoos*

                  *tosses out a picture and passes out on the couch*

                  Hey. Nice photo drop.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Dee is crazy...

                    *huggles WooHoos*

                    I did have lots to say but it got lost in my catch-up and all my quotes disappeared...

                    So... squishes for you all (especially Cags, Bree and Char, and Sarai, Laurie and antoa for the leg! *

                    I went to the doctors a couple of days because since I got back home I've been coughing and since we moved I have noticed I get breathless. He gave me hayfever tablets to try, but honestly, they just made it worse. You know that sore throat feeling? It's like that, but in my wind pipe (if that's the word), I'm not taking the tablets from tomorrow now!
                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      LOL. I'm too old and played too much hockey and baseball in my youth to run (knees). Walking or biking is more my speed.

                      Hey. Nice photo drop.
                      I'm into yoga too. I actually just started doing Bikram which I'm really enjoying. Hoping it keeps me strong and limber enough to prevent injury from running. But you get out and play hockey with the kids which I'm VERY impressed by. Once upon a time I could (figure) skate, but now I'd probably spend most of the session on my butt.

                      *hugs all woohoos who need it*

                      Trying to write a mother's day blog entry, but man I'm exhausted! Didn't get a good nap after work this morning.

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        *evil plans for Wendy when she sleeps, plans that involve bugs*

                        *hugs everyone for the icky past few days*

                        *trows rays of sunshine around*

                        Have you guys read this? Lots of stuff about Martin and Amanda and Damian and basically Sanctuary. Totally loved reading it.
                        Last edited by Devilish Me; 07 May 2011, 02:53 PM.
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

                          *evil plans for Wendy when she sleeps, plans that involve bugs*

                          I'll be asleep... I won't know
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                            I'll be asleep... I won't know
                            You'll know when you wake up! *resisting the urge to say: mwuahahahahahhahahaahah - that's always a give away*
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                              You'll know when you wake up! *resisting the urge to say: mwuahahahahahhahahaahah - that's always a give away*
                              Don't worry about giving it away, I'm now onto you, missy
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Darn it! Why is everyone on to me!!!!

                                Forgot to say earlier, WELCOME BACK TO THE FOLD JASMINA


                                Oh. Wait.

                                I meant to say *huggles*
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

