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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    You know it's way more fun to leasurely surf the web when you're procrastinating then when you are bored!

    Got the assignment to write some articles again and all of a sudden the web got fun again


    Welcome back DM

    EH-T...that is one interesting thief...only stealing your Sanctuary DVDs. Just for the wasn't me.

    I think.

    Yahoo Bekki for unsuspected surprises

    Laurie *hugs*I kinda know how you feel! Being stuck in an apartment drives you wacko! I hope the appointment on Wednesday goes well and you can go out again! Coincidentally I also have my doctors appointment on Wednesday Got a whole list of questions for him *grins evilly*


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      When we turn the clocks forward/back it always takes me a few days to adjust. The end result being that I couldn't drag my butt out of bed this morning for a run. I'm kinda kicking myself now. I WILL go tomorrow!
      Aha! Maybe that's why I'm feeling so crummy this morning. Since I can't run, maybe I'll go for a speedy walk instead. Or better still, a casual stroll.


        *breezes in*
        *swuggles everybody madly*

        How I've missed my Woohoos freinds!!! How is everyone?

        MoB Your Extraordinary Woman blog is a great idea! Looking forward to reading it, I'd love to write something for it too, I'll see how my time goes this week.

        *licks lips* Mmmmmmm dinner at Andersons........if only Cornwall wasn't so far away

        Hope all goes well at the Drs tomorrow *huggles Jann & Laurie*


          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
          Thank you

          Uhm... well, you see... I... hmshass... no, of course not.

          I can't believe that someone stole your Sanctuary DVDs!!!! That's just too funny! SciFi teafs!!!

          Ok, since you're not giving it away and there's not a chance I'd steal it, cause I can't run very fast any more, are there any comments on it?
          *looks hopeful*
          It was signed by MW, DK, AT and RD. The script is interesting because it includes things that didn't make it to film.

          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          You know it's way more fun to leasurely surf the web when you're procrastinating then when you are bored!

          Got the assignment to write some articles again and all of a sudden the web got fun again


          Welcome back DM

          [B]EH-T...that is one interesting thief...only stealing your Sanctuary DVDs. Just for the wasn't me.

          I think.

          [/B]Yahoo Bekki for unsuspected surprises

          Laurie *hugs*I kinda know how you feel! Being stuck in an apartment drives you wacko! I hope the appointment on Wednesday goes well and you can go out again! Coincidentally I also have my doctors appointment on Wednesday Got a whole list of questions for him *grins evilly*

          Actually, it is kind of a funny story. I had gone to AT4 and was to get something signed for a fellow fan who lived in Australia. AT had to cancel a visit there so the fan was pretty bummed out. To make her feel better another fan and I had conspired to get her a set of Sanctuary season 1 DVDs and get it signed by AT. I left the DVDs at home, ironically because I didn't want anything to happen to them on my trip, and just took the cover with me for AT to sign. While I was in London the break in happened. They stole some jewelry (sad because it was mostly gifts from family and friends) and my season 1 Sanctuary DVDs. I had been watching disc 1 before I left so that was still in the DVD player which was not stolen. I initially thought "serves the buggers right, they will not have a complete set and won't understand what's going on because they didn't see the pilot"! Then I realised that they had also stolen the set intended for the other fan. Morally bankrupt but with good taste in TV shows! My nieces and nephews were relieved that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang had not be stolen. Apparently the thieves were fans of sci-fi but not musicals!

          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
          *breezes in*
          *swuggles everybody madly*

          How I've missed my Woohoos freinds!!! How is everyone?

          MoB Your Extraordinary Woman blog is a great idea! Looking forward to reading it, I'd love to write something for it too, I'll see how my time goes this week.

          *licks lips* Mmmmmmm dinner at Andersons........if only Cornwall wasn't so far away

          Hope all goes well at the Drs tomorrow *huggles Jann & Laurie*
          We missed you too.

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Thanks and aw! on the picture.
            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Morning Woohoos

            Wow, Jumble, that's SERIOUSLY gorgeous!!! Wow!

            *huggles Bree* Me too, it's horrifying and devastating Almost too much so to wrap your head around.
            Thanks and it's just so sad. I was at a Deacons meeting last night and one of my fellow deacons has family in Japan. She has had no contact with them since this has happened and no way of knowing if they are okay or not. I can't even begin to imagine the stress she is feeling and it seems that every time we turn on the news it is more bad news. She asked us to pray for them and for her, and of course we did, but it seems like such little help.
            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Normally, Wrex is very good when it comes to getting into the horsebox, but today he just didn't want to. Do you know how hard it is to persuade a ton of stubborn 2 year old tantrum-ing horseflesh to do what you want?

            And I don't think it helps when there's somebody there giggling behind the camera filming the whole thing :-D


            Seven and a half minutes and half a packet of mints was what it took
            So even horses experience the "terrible two's"!
            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            Not being a downer, just expressing your concern for your fellow human beings. We all feel the same way.

            I love Requiem, one of my fav episodes as well. I consider myself very lucky to have a script from Requiem.
            Thanks Eh-T
            I love Requiem too! Still one of my all time favorite episodes.
            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
            *breezes in*
            *swuggles everybody madly*

            How I've missed my Woohoos freinds!!! How is everyone?

            MoB Your Extraordinary Woman blog is a great idea! Looking forward to reading it, I'd love to write something for it too, I'll see how my time goes this week.

            *licks lips* Mmmmmmm dinner at Andersons........if only Cornwall wasn't so far away

            Hope all goes well at the Drs tomorrow *huggles Jann & Laurie*
            Hey! I thought I saw Oma!
            I did! I did see Oma!
            *huggles Oma*

            So how is every one?


              EH-T *hugs* But that's the strangest robbery I've heard in a while...I mean I understand that they would steal the jewelry(which sucks ) but why just those DVDs...certainly since they got both sets(incomplete)...
              To think that thieves would come in here and steal my Sanctuary/SG DVDs ....I do think I would laugh a bit though since they're all Region 2 and thus won't play on American DVD players! Still the thought only *faints* *huggles EH-T again*

              *huggles Oma* Welcome back Good to see you again


                *twirls in*

                *extra squishy huggles eeeeeeveryone*

                *twirls out*




                    Evening Woohoos all

                    Oma! *squishy huggles* And that sig is GORGEOUS!

                    Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                    Thanks and it's just so sad. I was at a Deacons meeting last night and one of my fellow deacons has family in Japan. She has had no contact with them since this has happened and no way of knowing if they are okay or not. I can't even begin to imagine the stress she is feeling and it seems that every time we turn on the news it is more bad news. She asked us to pray for them and for her, and of course we did, but it seems like such little help.
                    How awful for her Really hope she can get some news soon. Sending good thoughts her way.

                    *huggles everyone*
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                      *twirls in*

                      *extra squishy huggles eeeeeeveryone*


                      *twirls out*
                      Twirling are we? This wood imply that someone is happy about something. Are you going to spill it or do we have to take drastic measures to get it out of you?
                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      Love it! Wish I had time for PS. I miss my PS *sniffles*

                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      Evening Woohoos all
                      Oma! *squishy huggles* And that sig is GORGEOUS!

                      How awful for her Really hope she can get some news soon. Sending good thoughts her way.

                      *huggles everyone*
                      Me too and thanks


                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        Twirling are we? This wood imply that someone is happy about something. Are you going to spill it or do we have to take drastic measures to get it out of you?

                        Actually, nothing specific, just had a really good day and a super weekend! Which makes a change

                        Sending thoughts and good wishes to your friend and her family, Bree. What a horrible ordeal


                          Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                          Actually, nothing specific, just had a really good day and a super weekend! Which makes a change

                          Sending thoughts and good wishes to your friend and her family, Bree. What a horrible ordeal
                          Just wandering through to wish everyone a really good day and a super week in whatever way makes you very happy and content.

                          ... wandering back out now ...


                            *pokes Sarai* Did you remember to 'borrow' a dvd for my photos?


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              *pokes Sarai* Did you remember to 'borrow' a dvd for my photos?
                              Nope . I was out all day today which didn't help. I will tomorrow I promise!! Setting a reminder on my phone right now...


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                Nope . I was out all day today which didn't help. I will tomorrow I promise!! Setting a reminder on my phone right now...
                                No worries

