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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Right Woohoos, I'm off out for New Year. So have fun celebrations everyone, when midnight rolls around (those of you who haven't already passed it of course ) and I'll see you all in 2011!!!

    *squishy huggles*
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Originally posted by Treknik View Post

      Why does my mind automatically go into the gutter when I read this? And when you become a 'right and proper' Woohoo you will then run through the thread nekkid.
      I ran nekkid thru the thread in one of my first posts but for some reason that post was not posted(I was still on probie status).*shrugs* It's actually better cause now I can save my first official nekkid run for my first 69!


        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        Cause I'm in Serbia I have no idea why it costs so much, could be cause we're not in the EU, or because of some political stuff, I really have no idea other then that I'm here and all the good stuff is somewhere else.
        Sometimes there's not even an option on shipping this far away And when there is it's usually the same cost as something you buy, so you end up paying double for it. There's no stores who would sell sci fi and lots of other stuff so basically you have no choice.
        Any chance it's cheaper for someone to send it to you instead? :/ I don't know how it all works either, but it's certainly not fair for you to have to pay more *squish*

        (((huggles back))) and feel better NOW! That's an order! Mwauahahaha I can actually order someone. Let's hope your immune system obeys!
        Oh, if my immune system obeys you, I will be happy!

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        Right Woohoos, I'm off out for New Year. So have fun celebrations everyone, when midnight rolls around (those of you who haven't already passed it of course ) and I'll see you all in 2011!!!

        *squishy huggles*
        Happy New Year, Josi!

        I don't know if I'll make it to midnight though!
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Still afternoon here in NY. I'm so ready for a nap. *yawn* It's the only way I'm making it to midnight...

          ETA: 69 post!

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            Right Woohoos, I'm off out for New Year. So have fun celebrations everyone, when midnight rolls around (those of you who haven't already passed it of course ) and I'll see you all in 2011!!!

            *squishy huggles*
            Happy New Year,Josi! Jumble,could u check if u got my pm's cause when I looked in my 'Sent Items' it said I had none.


              Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
              Happy New Year,Josi! Jumble,could u check if u got my pm's cause when I looked in my 'Sent Items' it said I had none.
              I got them 4 more posts...........

              Wendy, I wondered if it might be cheaper for one of us to get them and post them to Dee Someone want to check what the postage rates are to Serbia? Not trusting myself to concentrate atm

              Josiane have a LOVELY evening and don't forget to come and give us one of those rare but precious drunken posts that you do so well


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post


                2. Josiane have a LOVELY evening and don't forget to come and give us one of those rare but precious drunken posts that you do so well

                2. Oh yes. Please do.

                At least Kate has given up her quest to spend NYE in Times Square. She actually wants to eat dinner at Outback Steakhouse (she's australian and thinks it would be hilarious) so we may do that for her before heading back to our house for a celebration.

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Congrats on post '69 MOB!!!!

                  Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                  Any chance it's cheaper for someone to send it to you instead? :/ I don't know how it all works either, but it's certainly not fair for you to have to pay more *squish*

                  Oh, if my immune system obeys you, I will be happy!

                  Happy New Year, Josi!

                  I don't know if I'll make it to midnight though!
                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  I got them 4 more posts...........

                  Wendy, I wondered if it might be cheaper for one of us to get them and post them to Dee Someone want to check what the postage rates are to Serbia? Not trusting myself to concentrate atm

                  Josiane have a LOVELY evening and don't forget to come and give us one of those rare but precious drunken posts that you do so well
                  I have no idea I didn't even think of that... I love you right now more then you'll even know!!! *giggles*
                  I know that here, they measure a package and they determine the cost based on that if it's going abroad.
                  And I could leave the money with one of you when I get there in Februaryyyy!!! *bounces*

                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Right Woohoos, I'm off out for New Year. So have fun celebrations everyone, when midnight rolls around (those of you who haven't already passed it of course ) and I'll see you all in 2011!!!

                  *squishy huggles*
                  See you in 2011!!!!!!! And have a great evening!!!

                  I remember once that I told Jumble that I can't believe that someone would willingly be alone on New Years or Christmas, not that it's not possible just that that here it's unheard of. And now I found myself in the situation that I wish for exactly that! So I'm staying home alone (which took some major work for me not to offend my friends) but me is gonna spend this night alone with the possibility of alcoholic chocolate!!!!! Heheh. And maybe some wine. And some other stuff. *giggles*

                  And some friends said they'll come after midnight which is alright just as long as I don't have to leave the house. Life is good.
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    Since Woohoos area subset of the s/j shipping crowd, I thought I'd post my little thank you drabble here too. xoxoxoxo

                    Happy New Year!

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                      Congrats on post '69 MOB!!!!

                      I have no idea I didn't even think of that... I love you right now more then you'll even know!!! *giggles*
                      I know that here, they measure a package and they determine the cost based on that if it's going abroad.
                      And I could leave the money with one of you when I get there in Februaryyyy!!! *bounces*
                      We'll figure something out

                      See you in 2011!!!!!!! And have a great evening!!!

                      I remember once that I told Jumble that I can't believe that someone would willingly be alone on New Years or Christmas, not that it's not possible just that that here it's unheard of. And now I found myself in the situation that I wish for exactly that! So I'm staying home alone (which took some major work for me not to offend my friends) but me is gonna spend this night alone with the possibility of alcoholic chocolate!!!!! Heheh. And maybe some wine. And some other stuff. *giggles*

                      And some friends said they'll come after midnight which is alright just as long as I don't have to leave the house. Life is good.
                      Good for you!

                      What you have to remember though, is that I'm never really 'alone', because I have all of you WooHoos dropping in for a chat I'm also about to Skype with Laurie, who assures me that she'll be well and truly wasted by now, so that should be fun

                      I'm answering Martin's email - any special message anyone wants to send?


                        Whoa, this took a verrrrry loooooong time to catch up. Someone has been very busy out there. A big CONGRATS to Jumble or as her friends remember her as "jumble" - aw the humble days!

                        A most HAPPY NEW YEARS to all the woohoos.....may we have good health, lots of that, good forturne and the PTB forever!

                        For some reason I see 2011 and even 2012 as being very special years for the Woohoos!May we enjoy them all!


                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          Whoa, this took a verrrrry loooooong time to catch up. Someone has been very busy out there. A big CONGRATS to Jumble or as her friends remember her as "jumble" - aw the humble days!
                          Yeah, see, I only got it changed to give you all something new to tease me about

                          A most HAPPY NEW YEARS to all the woohoos.....may we have good health, lots of that, good forturne and the PTB forever!

                          For some reason I see 2011 and even 2012 as being very special years for the Woohoos!May we enjoy them all!
                          I'm seeing that too!


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                            I'm answering Martin's email - any special message anyone wants to send?
                            Happy New Year from a NooHoo.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                              Happy New Year from a NooHoo.
                              I don't think you can be called a NooHoo anymore MoB

                              I'm sending him love, hugs and Happy New Year wishes from us all - will that do?


                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                Since Woohoos area subset of the s/j shipping crowd, I thought I'd post my little thank you drabble here too. xoxoxoxo

                                Happy New Year!

                                *bounces* That was lovely!!! Thanks for sharing

                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                We'll figure something out

                                Good for you!

                                What you have to remember though, is that I'm never really 'alone, because I have all of you WooHoos dropping in for a chat ' I'm also about to Skype with Laurie, who assures me that she'll be well and truly wasted by now, so that should be fun

                                I'm answering Martin's email - any special message anyone wants to send?
                                Of course And have fun the two of you!!!

                                Tell Martin, Dee says: *lick* Kidding. Or am I? *runz away mostly from Jumble*
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

