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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *runs in*

    Hi everyone ! Just got back from the morning session with Q&A's with Martin, Amanda and Damian and took just over 100 pictures . Both had an auto session with Martin and a photo with Amanda (squee!) as well so we'll tell you all about those when we can. Just wanted to reply to a few posts before we run out to the next event...

    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    He really is! Really wonderful He had it anyway, but I think he's really earned himself the undying love of the Woohoos now

    I tweeted AT to ask her to thank him Hope she sees it!
    He's amazing!!! I literally have no words to describe how incredible last night was, it's definitely going to take me a while to do the write up thats for sure!

    That's a great idea, don't know how much she is checking Twitter. But even if not I thanked him when I was having my auto session as did EH-T.

    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    *still bouncing - although I did put my clothes back on*

    Most definitely

    *huggles Martin*
    *huggles Jumble*
    *really really hopes Sarai had her camera handy*
    *hopes AT checks her Twitter *
    *hugs AT*
    Sarai certainly did! As did everyone else in the room apparently - people keep coming up to us to show us photos they took!

    Originally posted by Estrela View Post
    *delurks to share in Jumble's joy*

    How absolutely mind blowingly wonderful! Despite our insanity Martin has seen her for what she really is - his biggest fan - AND he made it a point of finding her to say thank you. How truly awesome is that? We all knew he was wonderful but isn't this the best proof of all?

    I can't wait to see those pictures. It must have been the squee that was heard around the world and it couldn't happen to a better person. Oh Jumble you lucky, lucky girl! I'm so happy for you!
    *hugs Estrela* I wanted to thank you for that photoshopping you did on the pic of Martin from the MGM website, that's the one I got signed and he had never seen it before. He said "where has that come from?" "I look good!"

    Will post some pictures in a sec...gotta get them uploaded to PB


      *bounces impatiently for pics*
      *is stupidly excited*
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Ok, some links to pics so far...

        And the best so far....

        So many people took pics of that bit so better quality ones will pop up in the near future - I know Laurie has a great one! I was much too close...but he did touch me on the back twice so I'm not complaining


          *huggles Sarai & Jumble*
          *iz stupidly excited too*

          This is just getting better and better


            OMG I can't tell you how delighted I am seeing those pics!!! I have the BIGGEST grin on my face right now and I'm actually crying for her I'm that happy No-one deserves it more.

            Thanks so much for getting some uploaded so quickly, I was dying to see! *huggles Sarai and also Jumble and Martin too*
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              *giggles uncontrollably at the wonderful pics*
              *feels rather silly since I'm not actually there....which is probably a good job since I'm having rather severe inappropriate response issues right now....*


                I'm so happy right now for the Woohoos meeting Martin that I might actually run nekkid through the thread for the first time. Maybe.

                Happy Happy Joy Joy!

                Sarai thank for those pictures!!

                I'm grinning and giggling so much the kids are wondering why I'm so nuts right now.

                You're VERY welcome for the pic. No thanks necessary. I'm glad you were able to use it. It makes me giddy just to think I kinda sorta participated in a teeny tiny way help bring you some Martin joy.


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  OMG I can't tell you how delighted I am seeing those pics!!! I have the BIGGEST grin on my face right now and I'm actually crying for her I'm that happy No-one deserves it more.

                  Thanks so much for getting some uploaded so quickly, I was dying to see! *huggles Sarai and also Jumble and Martin too*

                  yep, I'm doing the same. thank you Sarai for taking time to upload them.

                  Awesome.... never was the word so appropriate.

                  Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                  I'm so happy right now for the Woohoos meeting Martin that I might actually run nekkid through the thread for the first time. Maybe.


                  *strips off with abandon and sprints through thread*



                    You know, I just love that we're all so happy I love that Jumble's having the time of her life, I love that Sarai is right there with her, and I love that the rest of us who aren't there are sharing in the joy anyway Woohoos are awesome

                    *squishy huggles everyone*
                    *strips off too and joins in the nekkid running*
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      You know what?
                      All I shall do is squee again and happy dance nekkid.

                      Oh and hug the WooHoos for being so awesomely joyous.

                      EDIT: Poo. I was so impressed that I forgot to say: THOSE PICS ARE AWWWWSUUUMMMM!!!

                      Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post

                      *Huggles Jumble*
                      I'm so happy for you! And I cannot wait to see those pictures.

                      *Huggles Woohoos*

                      I feel guilty, I got back from camp over 24 HOURS ago, and I'm only posting now... *Shakes head*

                      I had the BEST time ever!!!! My group had over 20 girls. (28 to be exact) and they're all so fun, awesome, and caring.

                      Now to convince mom and dad not to move again. I wanna stay here!!

                      I'll have more details and pics later.
                      *Sneaks out*
                      Welcome back!
                      Glad you had so much fun
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        *joins Josi in group hug*

                        ...oh hang on... are we still nekkid?

                        Mind my wobbly bits willya.

                        *carefully kicks clothes into the corner so nobody trips on them*


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          *joins Josi in group hug*

                          ...oh hang on... are we still nekkid?

                          Mind my wobbly bits willya.

                          *carefully kicks clothes into the corner so nobody trips on them*
                          *jumps up from her place in the corner and trips over and on Cags' clothes*

                          I missed that there was a nekkid group hug?!

                          *crushes into hugging WooHoos*
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            *joins Josi in group hug*

                            ...oh hang on... are we still nekkid?

                            Mind my wobbly bits willya.

                            *carefully kicks clothes into the corner so nobody trips on them*
                            Hey, I did the hugging before I took my clothes off! I thought ahead
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              * joins in the group squishy huggles...semi nekkid *


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Well Ladies and Gentle people - Jumble's life is now complete. She not only met up with Martin Wood, but he told her he knew all about her and gave her a fantastically long hug and kiss on the cheek. Jumble is floating up so high she can see heaven. Pictures to follow in a few days. And we haven't even gone to the set yet.

                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                *runs back in, bouncing so high she just hit her head on the ceiling*
                                Just got this from Jumble:

                                I am so happy for her I can't speak!!!!!!!!

                                Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                                *pokes head in room*

                                Am I in the right place?

                                Jumble and Sarai are at the meet & greet. I'm 5 blocks away at the hostel it seems like half the convention is staying at. And no, I can't hear Jumble from here.

                                (Fantastic hostel, btw. I highly recommend it if you're in Vancouver and not willing to spend CND $200 a night for the hotel. Oh, and it includes breakfast and free wifi. All of the Stargate-related conventions I've heard of have been at the Sheraton Wall Centre, and the Vancouver Downtown hostel is easy walking distance. The hostel on Granville street looks closer on a map, but stay away! It's right on the main clubbing street, so it's loud at all hours. Even if you like clubbing, I'd point out that the Downtown location is easy walking distance from the clubs but you can sleep when you want to.)
                                Welcome Trin! Thanks for the post!
                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                Ok, some links to pics so far...




                                And the best so far....


                                So many people took pics of that bit so better quality ones will pop up in the near future - I know Laurie has a great one! I was much too close...but he did touch me on the back twice so I'm not complaining
                                So I looked at the last picture and started crying. I am such a sensitive mush-ball.
                                I can't even begin to imagine how happy Jumble must be right now.

                                Martin Wood Rocks!!!!!!!!!

                                *joins in the nekkid craziness*
                                Just this once.

