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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Any good?


      Oh my heck! This one is perfect!!


        Can you see them? I can't

        Edit: Ok now I do Yep, that one is perfect! It has to be, it's Martin


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Can you see them? I can't
          Yep. Snurched several...Thanks!


            You're welcome


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Hey Woohoos! I was our effort to love all of out PTB...Carl Binder is writing Movie #3...anyone feel generous enough to be in his fan club??

              He's in my ''other PTB bowl'', for they're awesome.
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Hi LiliJ *waves*

                Actually I was just having a little giggle to myself at how many of our Shippers are referring to Martin as 'WooHood'

                Take a look at APA's post here And it's not like it was a 'funny' post or anything

                Yay for WooHood!!
                It made me smile too...soon everyone will be a Woohood

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Wonder if Jann will be 'too shy' to ask him a question?

                How about

                "Hi Coopie, I really love your work, absolutely adore your humour. Do you by any chance happen to have a list of all TPTB's birthdays? I'd really appreciate this information, and I promise to send you the biggest present "

                Edit: Luvnjack Nope!
                I am too shy, so no.

                I would send Joe a BIG! pack of belgium chocolate if he has the answer to the question!


                  jumble, if you want to see your pics at work....they're here.


                    Great story luvnjack You're good at it too!

                    Edit: there is one icon missing to my Martin's icons taks and I don't have time to make it (I'm writting something important for Uni) but I so want to post them now!!! Hmmm...maybe for few hours p.s. you didn't see me here ...
                    sig thanks to Luci


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      jumble, if you want to see your pics at work....they're here.
                      Oh I've seen them, brilliant

                      Uh, did anyone see Achaja just then? No? *shrugs* must have been my imagination


                        I see how it is...Every time I'm back after an absense, no one even says a passing "hello"...They're all too busy talking about how Jumble yelled at dream Martin...Maybe I'll just go then...

                        Oh, who am I kidding!!!!! I could never leave you guys!!!!!!
                        Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                          Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                          I see how it is...Every time I'm back after an absense, no one even says a passing "hello"...They're all too busy talking about how Jumble yelled at dream Martin...Maybe I'll just go then...

                          Oh, who am I kidding!!!!! I could never leave you guys!!!!!!
                          TR!!! You know we love and missed you!!! (((((TR)))))


                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            I see how it is...Every time I'm back after an absense, no one even says a passing "hello"...They're all too busy talking about how Jumble yelled at dream Martin...Maybe I'll just go then...
                            Oh, who am I kidding!!!!! I could never leave you guys!!!!!!
                            Hey TR Sorry, I didn't hear you there, whispering like that Welcome back

                            Did you have a good Christmas?


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              jumble, if you want to see your pics at work....they're here.
                              Like I said on the S/J thread...but also here...
                              Where's Brad?

                              Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                              I see how it is...Every time I'm back after an absense, no one even says a passing "hello"...They're all too busy talking about how Jumble yelled at dream Martin...Maybe I'll just go then...

                              Oh, who am I kidding!!!!! I could never leave you guys!!!!!!
                              *waves* Welcome back, but know we love you and are happy to see you back again

                              I'm not here, I'm working on my essay...discovered that I still have to finish*counts* 3 before friday and one before midnight tomorrow...Oye.


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                Like I said on the S/J thread...but also here...
                                Where's Brad?

                                Maybe he joins the quest later...

