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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Congratulations on '69, yessika!
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      *yawns and walks in*

      Easter dinner was okay yesterday, had a good time. Ohh and I have the best brother in the world! He just got a new phone, and my phone was stepped on a few months ago so I have a big black spot in the middle, so my brother let me have his old cell phone! ( it's the same brand but mine was pink, his black).

      *wanders out to watch Opening day of Baseball*

      Oh and I'm not too worried about SGU/Sanctuary break. I can't see either one lasting longer than 5 seasons anyway. (Mostly because SGA, Farscape and BSG didn't have more than 5 on scifi, so... :/) If any could last longer I think it would be Sanctuary. Lost over here had something like a 7-8 month break and I think the ratings were about the same. (But it was really popular....)

      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


        Yay for the new phone Amanda ! And glad to hear you had a good time over Easter after all that

        Shipmeet Woohoos that will be here for dinner - how about Beef Stroganoff? Is anyone allergic to beef, or mushrooms or onions?!


          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          Yay for the new phone Amanda ! And glad to hear you had a good time over Easter after all that

          Shipmeet Woohoos that will be here for dinner - how about Beef Stroganoff? Is anyone allergic to beef, or mushrooms or onions?!
          If we're having that, I'm gonna be ONE extremely happy WOOHOO. I love that. Om nom nom.
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            Yay for the new phone Amanda ! And glad to hear you had a good time over Easter after all that

            Shipmeet Woohoos that will be here for dinner - how about Beef Stroganoff? Is anyone allergic to beef, or mushrooms or onions?!
            Not me! Yum!
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              *hugs all*

              *sigh* I hate working on holidays...

              And beef...I like beef...but I don't know what day/dinner you mean...if I'm there; I'm happy with it!

              *falls down on couch*


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Yay for the new phone Amanda ! And glad to hear you had a good time over Easter after all that

                Shipmeet Woohoos that will be here for dinner - how about Beef Stroganoff? Is anyone allergic to beef, or mushrooms or onions?!
                I'm fine with that

                Josiane, will you have eaten by the time you get here on Thursday?

                I need to ask Oma about that too.


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  I'm fine with that

                  Josiane, will you have eaten by the time you get here on Thursday?

                  I need to ask Oma about that too.
                  Probably, as I doubt I'll be getting to you until about 9pm as I'll have to give you time to get back from picking up Oma. So I'll grab something before I leave
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                    Yay for the new phone Amanda ! And glad to hear you had a good time over Easter after all that

                    Shipmeet Woohoos that will be here for dinner - how about Beef Stroganoff? Is anyone allergic to beef, or mushrooms or onions?!

                    If you're talking about Friday night I'm slightly jealous because I love that.

                    Never mind Jann, we'll have something nice here too... and they'll save us some of Anderson's desserts... you will won't you?

                    *iz excited*



                      You gals are confusing...just saying

                      Cags I'm sure we'll eat something good

                      *bounces* Friday *faints*


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        Probably, as I doubt I'll be getting to you until about 9pm as I'll have to give you time to get back from picking up Oma. So I'll grab something before I leave
                        Cool, I thought you wood

                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        If you're talking about Friday night I'm slightly jealous because I love that.

                        Never mind Jann, we'll have something nice here too... and they'll save us some of Anderson's desserts... you will won't you?

                        *iz excited*

                        I never make promises unless I'm absolutely certain I can keep them


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Cool, I thought you wood

                          I never make promises unless I'm absolutely certain I can keep them
                          There better be The Best Creme Brule In The Whole World left for me or I shall... I shall... pout and sulk... yeah. *nods* And you won't like me ruining your weekend sulking...

                          ...well, ruining all of thirty seconds of it because I'm useless at sulking/holding grudges and that's about my limit.

                          Jann we'll have something pasta before we set out I expect, since I know Benjabubs will eat that all up (although Charles will hate it because he hates pasta ) and then he'll have a fully tummy and get a decent night's sleep and so will Charles and I won't feel so gut wrenchingly bad for going of on a jolly and leaving them to it.

                          Sarai, I got your PM, thanks. Can't reply because your inbox is full but I should find that easy enough and I have Jumble's number if I get lost.

                          Amanda, I will PM you my Skype id when I remember what it is.
                          If any other woohoos are hoping to drop by on skype, do shout now and we can get that all set up.

                          *iz still excited*




                            I should find that easy enough and I have Jumble's number if I get lost.
                            And that wood help you, how?

                            Ok it wood, because I'd just pass the phone to someone else, anyone else

                            I just found a load of Martin pics that I haven't seen before


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              And that wood help you, how?

                              Ok it wood, because I'd just pass the phone to someone else, anyone else

                              Well that's what I meant of course. I hope Dave will be there by then because I fear he'll be the only one still capable (one way or another) of directing me.

                              I just found a load of Martin pics that I haven't seen before
                              And you're holding off posting them because?...

                              Although, actually I need to go to bed now. I have yet more concreting to do tomorrow morning (will I ever have a patio? ) and then work, work in the afternoon and then clean up all the concrety mess that will be eveerywhere so need to get up at a decent time so I can knacker myself out.

                              It's something for me to look forward to tomorrow.

                              Woodnight Woohoos.



                                Morning, sweet Woodiehoos!

                                Love the shipmeet talk, it's all getting so exciting! Yay!!!!

